New Lusternian

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-02-03 01:27:38
I'm new to Lusternia, but I've played Achaea for about a year and a half. I am playing as an ur'Guard here, and was wondering about making a script for automatically picking up corpses and gold after having killed something. I can do this easily in Achaea; however, with my balances in Lusternia, it seems much more first I had it like this:

#trigger {^You have slain} {#temp {You have recovered balance on your {left|right} arm} {get @target;get gold;put gold in pack}}

The problem with this is that if I had killed something in two hits (or had hit twice and had killed the creature in the second hit), the temp trigger would fire as soon as I got my first balance back. I tried just doing it for "You have recovered balance on your left arm," but I realized that I'm not guaranteed to kill something and regain balance on my left arm (left arm might have balance).

I know very little about using variables and the like, so if anyone could help me out with this, I would be extremely grateful. Thanks in advance!
Daganev2006-02-03 01:28:29
heh, just learn some rituals and get acquistio... no need for the script.
Unknown2006-02-03 01:32:33
grrr.gif I was told I need to wait until I graduate to learn anything else. That's why I'm asking about the script. Besides...I just want it anyway. tongue.gif
Daganev2006-02-03 01:35:38
you should have the skill allready.. howver, as a knight you can set your attack alias to either attack with the left or right hand to ensure that you know which arm you will get balance with.
Acrune2006-02-03 02:47:09
Hmm. I'd make a variable for each arm to keep track of if you have balance or not, and when you get back one arm balance, check if both arm balances are on. If so, grab the corpse. If not, echo something that would trigger you to pick up the corpse upon gaining the next arm balance. I'm fairly confident there is a better way to do it, but I think that'd work.
Morik2006-02-03 03:05:43
The best way to do it is to trigger on the PROMPT saying you get balance back - the 'lr' in the prompt. If you get balance back on one arm then you'll only have one of the /l+r/.

So if you have exlr in your prompt you've got equilibrium, balance and balance on left/right arm.

Hope that helps. Yes, I know I didn't give you the full answer - that'd be too easy. smile.gif
Unknown2006-02-03 05:30:05
QUOTE(morik @ Feb 2 2006, 10:05 PM)
The best way to do it is to trigger on the PROMPT saying you get balance back - the 'lr' in the prompt. If you get balance back on one arm then you'll only have one of the /l+r/.

So if you have exlr in your prompt you've got equilibrium, balance and balance on left/right arm.

Hope that helps. Yes, I know I didn't give you the full answer - that'd be too easy. smile.gif

mad.gif that's not fair, I'm not that good at scripting...I'd prefer you assume I suck at stuff first rather than assuming I know what you're talking about. sleep.gif
Acrune2006-02-03 05:34:30
Mines easy! Morik's actually a knight though... hmm... wink.gif
Unknown2006-02-03 05:38:38
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 2 2006, 08:35 PM)
you should have the skill allready.. howver, as a knight you can set your attack alias to either attack with the left or right hand to ensure that you know which arm you will get balance with.

They only had me learn 15 lessons in Rituals, and like I said, I'm not allowed to learn more until after I graduate. sleep.gif
Unknown2006-02-03 10:02:52
Dang, just give the guy a prompt trigger that'll work, you sadistic bunch.
Ekard2006-02-03 10:54:30
Its prompt trigger for full prompt.
Use CONFIG PROMPT ALL in game to be sure that you haev full prompt and also add armbalances, CONFIG PROMPT ARMBALANCE ON.

#CLASS {Autopicking}
#VAR eq {0}
#VAR balance {0}
#VAR left {0}
#VAR right {0}
#VAR picksomething {0} {0}
#TRIGGER {^You have slain} {#var picksomething 1}
#TRIGGER {^(*)h, (*)m, (*)e, (*)p, (*)en, (*)w (*)-} {
#if (%pos( e, %7)) {#var eq 1} {#var eq 0}
#if (%pos( l, %7)) {#var left 1} {#var left 0}
#if (%pos( r, %7)) {#var right 1} {#var right 0}
#if (%pos( x, %7)) {#var balance 1} {#var balance 0}
#if @eq=1&@balance=1&@right=1&@left=1 {take @target;take gold;put gold in pack;#var picksomething 0}
} "" {nocr|prompt}
Unknown2006-02-03 13:55:06
QUOTE(Avator @ Feb 3 2006, 05:02 AM)
Dang, just give the guy a prompt trigger that'll work, you sadistic bunch.


Thanks Ekard. That'll help out a lot. I really appreciate the help that you guys have given, even the ones who have just given advice. Sorry I'm such a dunce though. happy.gif
Morik2006-02-03 14:06:16
I'm not slack; I just don't use Zmud. smile.gif
Unknown2006-02-03 14:26:13
QUOTE(morik @ Feb 3 2006, 09:06 AM)
I'm not slack; I just don't use Zmud. smile.gif

Pff, you coulda said that in the first place. tongue.gif
Unknown2006-02-03 14:35:33
ok...the script doesn't like tries to pick up stuff whenever I'm on balance. sleep.gif I probably messed it up somehow just by copying and pasting though.

EDIT: WEE! I figured out what was wrong! You need to have &@picksomething=1 in there too. happy.gif I feel so smart!
Xenthos2006-02-03 15:39:20
QUOTE(Chidos @ Feb 3 2006, 01:38 AM)
They only had me learn 15 lessons in Rituals, and like I said, I'm not allowed to learn more until after I graduate. sleep.gif

Why aren't you allowed you? You aren't able to get past adept in rituals until you graduate, but you can learn up until that..?
Unknown2006-02-03 15:54:13
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Feb 3 2006, 10:39 AM)
Why aren't you allowed you?  You aren't able to get past adept in rituals until you graduate, but you can learn up until that..?

guild rules, though I may have misinterpreted what Jacquin said. I thought she had told me that I'm forbidden by the guild from learning any more than the lessons given in the intro...but I could have been mistaken.
Aiakon2006-02-03 19:22:27
she's forum active enough to tell you here herself, I'd guess...

most guilds have a scheme of lessons that Novices have to follow... in most guilds this won't use all 150 of them.. but maybe in the Ur'Guard it does, or you simply misinterpreted her telling you where it was most important to put lessons. *shrug*
Athana2006-02-03 22:24:06
If you can't learn anymore rituals at the moment you can always find a cosmic enchanter to enchant acquisitio on something for you smile.gif

EDIT: and Welcome! whee.gif
Ekard2006-02-04 10:31:14
QUOTE(Chidos @ Feb 3 2006, 04:35 PM)
EDIT: WEE! I figured out what was wrong! You need to have &@picksomething=1 in there too. happy.gif I feel so smart!

Ouch my bad. doh.gif
I forgot about this little variable, but good you figured it out.