Shayle2006-02-05 17:08:42
Just kind of curious as to what defines a "raid."
Walking around on Faethorn seems to fall into that category if you are from Glomdoring, even if you're walking to the earth plane.
Obviously attacking denizens of import to any organization.
Killing spiders in Glomdoring?
Harvesting Serenwilde's galingale?
Killing all the spectres and offering them to Lisaera?
Scooping up the firefly squid and taking them to Magnagora to wander the city?
It seems rather open-ended. Any opinions?
Walking around on Faethorn seems to fall into that category if you are from Glomdoring, even if you're walking to the earth plane.
Obviously attacking denizens of import to any organization.
Killing spiders in Glomdoring?
Harvesting Serenwilde's galingale?
Killing all the spectres and offering them to Lisaera?
Scooping up the firefly squid and taking them to Magnagora to wander the city?
It seems rather open-ended. Any opinions?
Anisu2006-02-05 17:53:20
1.A surprise attack by a small armed force.
2.A sudden forcible entry into a place by police: a raid on a gambling den.
3.An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables.
Killing spiders in Glomdoring
Harvesting Serenwilde's galingale
Scooping up the firefly squid and taking them to Magnagora to wander the city
4.A predatory operation mounted against a competitor, especially an attempt to lure away the personnel or membership of a competing organization.
5.An attempt to seize control of a company, as by acquiring a majority of its stock.
6.An attempt by speculators to drive stock prices down by coordinated selling.
Walking around on Faethorn seems to fall into that category if you are from Glomdoring, even if you're walking to the earth plane.
is not a raid but considering Serenwilde's claim on Faethorn it is TRESPASSING
2.A sudden forcible entry into a place by police: a raid on a gambling den.
3.An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables.
Killing spiders in Glomdoring
Harvesting Serenwilde's galingale
Scooping up the firefly squid and taking them to Magnagora to wander the city
4.A predatory operation mounted against a competitor, especially an attempt to lure away the personnel or membership of a competing organization.
5.An attempt to seize control of a company, as by acquiring a majority of its stock.
6.An attempt by speculators to drive stock prices down by coordinated selling.
Walking around on Faethorn seems to fall into that category if you are from Glomdoring, even if you're walking to the earth plane.
is not a raid but considering Serenwilde's claim on Faethorn it is TRESPASSING
Xenthos2006-02-05 19:36:40
QUOTE(Anisu @ Feb 5 2006, 12:53 PM) 254323
is not a raid but considering Serenwilde's claim on Faethorn it is TRESPASSING
Uh... just a brief note, Faethorn is no more claimed by Serenwilde than the Gray Moors are claimed by Glomdoring at the moment. Right next to the Commune, but not actually a part of it or bound by its rules and laws.
Of course, this definition of raid would work:
3.An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables.
--With the valuables being Fae, but of course, it means that both sides "raid" Faethorn.
Anisu2006-02-05 19:38:40
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Feb 5 2006, 08:36 PM) 254348
Uh... just a brief note, Faethorn is no more claimed by Serenwilde than the Gray Moors are claimed by Glomdoring at the moment. Right next to the Commune, but not actually a part of it or bound by its rules and laws.
Of course, this definition of raid would work:
3.An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables.
--With the valuables being Fae, but of course, it means that both sides "raid" Faethorn.
In game mechanics you are right, nobody can really claim Faethorn. But in RP Serenwilde considers it their territory it's even covered in their leaves.
ferlas2006-02-05 19:40:01
Its the same for most organisations though, the isle of light, spectre isle catacombes, lots of rp defended places.
Xenthos2006-02-05 19:42:32
QUOTE(Anisu @ Feb 5 2006, 02:38 PM) 254351
In game mechanics you are right, nobody can really claim Serenwilde. But in RP Serenwilde considers it their territory it's even covered in their leaves.
So, I guess a real question is... do I have the right to make a law saying that it is illegal to enter the Gray Moors, and anyone who does gets enemied and killed? I really don't think so. The Moors are not bound by Glomdoring's laws, the residents there are their own societies. The same goes for Faethorn-- while it's neutral, it's Maeve's territory, and the "leaves" don't really apply to it. While it's sworn to Moon, perhaps. But Maeve rules her own lands right now.
Unknown2006-02-05 19:46:26
In theory yes, but you wouldn't be able to hide behind the off plane pk that covers faethorn therefore making it much more feasible to enforce it as an RP device.
Daganev2006-02-05 19:49:47
Actually, I think Glomdoring should claim the grey moors.... but my opinion doesn't matter anymore.
Anisu2006-02-05 19:50:50
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Feb 5 2006, 08:42 PM) 254355
So, I guess a real question is... do I have the right to make a law saying that it is illegal to enter the Gray Moors, and anyone who does gets enemied and killed? I really don't think so. The Moors are not bound by Glomdoring's laws, the residents there are their own societies. The same goes for Faethorn-- while it's neutral, it's Maeve's territory, and the "leaves" don't really apply to it. While it's sworn to Moon, perhaps. But Maeve rules her own lands right now.
You see you can try this, the only risk you have is people getting annoyed at you, assembling a team and coming to kill you and possible any glom in the moors, even raid glom itself.
Celest protects the inner sea, Magnagora protects the Sea of despair.
Xenthos2006-02-05 20:27:17
QUOTE(Anisu @ Feb 5 2006, 02:50 PM) 254363
Celest protects the inner sea, Magnagora protects the Sea of despair.
The inner sea is tied to Celest. Lanikai exists to patrol / defend against Ladantine and Magnagora. Those who do Magnagora's quests there get enemied and become freely killable. The same goes for the Sea of Despair and Ladantine. Neither of these places are neutral territory.
The Gray Moors are neutral.
Faethorn is either neutral, influenced by Serenwilde, or influenced by Glomdoring. Depending on what Queen Maeve decides, of course.
Anisu2006-02-05 20:39:29
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Feb 5 2006, 09:27 PM) 254388
The inner sea is tied to Celest. Lanikai exists to patrol / defend against Ladantine and Magnagora. Those who do Magnagora's quests there get enemied and become freely killable. The same goes for the Sea of Despair and Ladantine. Neither of these places are neutral territory.
The Gray Moors are neutral.
Faethorn is either neutral, influenced by Serenwilde, or influenced by Glomdoring. Depending on what Queen Maeve decides, of course.
You just made a point pro keeping faethorn policed... faethorn is contested territory, while neutral they keep out glom (to prevent them from slaving!), when under serenwilde they keep out glom (their territory), when it's gloms they raid it (free those poor enslaved fae). Similar reasons to keep seren out ofcourse.
And really faethorn isn't neutral as you can get enemied to it.
Inner sea: shayle and pentu aren't enemied to the inner sea, celest still attacks them there
But they enemies and we consider them trespassers and kill them under the covenant and serenwilde does the same under the leaves.
Shayle2006-02-05 23:30:58
QUOTE(Anisu @ Feb 5 2006, 03:39 PM) 254397
Inner sea: shayle and pentu aren't enemied to the inner sea, celest still attacks them there
But they enemies and we consider them trespassers and kill them under the covenant and serenwilde does the same under the leaves.
Do you consider it a raid when I'm there? I usually expect to get jumped there, and I always assumed it was because I was an enemy to Celest. Has Shayle's presence in the Inner Sea ever been considered a "raid"?
The subject interests me mostly because "raids" usually involve "retaliation." Would a jaunt to the Inner Sea to kill mutant kelpies or gorgogs result in retaliation? Should it? Would a walk to the Earth plane?
Obviously, it's subjective, completely so, at least IC. The more I think about it, the more Lusternia seems like "gang wars" rather than nations warring. It's actually kind of amusing.

Shorlen2006-02-05 23:50:44
As I and Ethelon and many others have said over and over - Faethorn is never neutral. Even if it is not Serenwilde or Glomdoring influenced at the moment (which is impossible anyway now with how the quest is structured, but I won't get into that rant again), it is not neutral.
Don't whine to us that the gateways to Water and Earth are there. If you think running through contested territory is a risk you don't want to take to bash for essence, make a deal with Magnagora to have a gate from the Etherglom to Earth. I've been killed on my way to Water before - sure it doesn't happen as often as to Glomdorians, but it does happen. I've also seen Serenwilders enemied to Glomdoring for just being on Ethereal. Zenji, I believe, was one of them.
Don't whine to us that the gateways to Water and Earth are there. If you think running through contested territory is a risk you don't want to take to bash for essence, make a deal with Magnagora to have a gate from the Etherglom to Earth. I've been killed on my way to Water before - sure it doesn't happen as often as to Glomdorians, but it does happen. I've also seen Serenwilders enemied to Glomdoring for just being on Ethereal. Zenji, I believe, was one of them.
Vix2006-02-05 23:58:22
Isn't there a gate to Earth from the Etherglom? Or did it get removed?
Xenthos2006-02-06 00:04:44
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Feb 5 2006, 06:50 PM) 254531
As I and Ethelon and many others have said over and over - Faethorn is never neutral. Even if it is not Serenwilde or Glomdoring influenced at the moment (which is impossible anyway now with how the quest is structured, but I won't get into that rant again), it is not neutral.
I've also seen Serenwilders enemied to Glomdoring for just being on Ethereal. Zenji, I believe, was one of them.
You mean, you've seen Serenwilders enemied for guarding Glomdoring's archway, camping one room outside the forest in order to block / kill Glomdoring members.
I've seen those standing at the Ethereal Ravenwood enemied because they were obviously participating in a Faethorn "raid", myself, which is a little closer to what you were saying.
Also, Faethorn is (by game mechanics) neutral right now. Maeve follows NEITHER side, so she rules, and she has specifically stated that when it's neutral she doesn't prefer one side over the other. Faethorn is ruled by Maeve, not Glomdoring's or Serenwilde's laws. The only thing that makes it different is that there is no Avenger there, which means anyone can kill to their heart's content without having to worry about it, especially if they have conglutinate.
Shayle2006-02-06 00:16:42
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Feb 5 2006, 06:50 PM) 254531
Don't whine to us that the gateways to Water and Earth are there. If you think running through contested territory is a risk you don't want to take to bash for essence, make a deal with Magnagora to have a gate from the Etherglom to Earth. I've been killed on my way to Water before - sure it doesn't happen as often as to Glomdorians, but it does happen. I've also seen Serenwilders enemied to Glomdoring for just being on Ethereal. Zenji, I believe, was one of them.
Slow down, cowboy. No one is whining.

Game would be boring if everywhere was safe--it's why I left Achaea. My question, and this topic, is about the definition of a "raid." Any thoughts on that?
Shorlen2006-02-06 00:20:46
Sorry, let me rephrase that.
Faethorn is not a demiliterized zone. It is not a place where pacifism is encouraged and the norm. Faethorn uninfluenced is supposed to be a warzone, and it is.
I've seen Serens enemied for being in the Etherwilde, I mean. Not faethorn.
Slow down, cowboy. No one is whining.
Game would be boring if everywhere was safe--it's why I left Achaea. My question, and this topic, is about the definition of a "raid." Any thoughts on that?
Sorry, I was just sick of so many people whining about that
A raid is, in my opinion, when you enter someone else's territory to act in a way detrimental to them. To me, killing spiders in Glomdoring for completely neutral quests (Tosha) is not raiding, but killing Shadows of Crow is. Going to Faethorn to gather honeycombs could be seen as raiding to someone on either side, as it is detrimental to them, and both sides can lay valid RP claim to the area, even at the same time.
Faethorn is not a demiliterized zone. It is not a place where pacifism is encouraged and the norm. Faethorn uninfluenced is supposed to be a warzone, and it is.
I've seen Serens enemied for being in the Etherwilde, I mean. Not faethorn.
QUOTE(Shayle @ Feb 5 2006, 07:16 PM) 254540
Slow down, cowboy. No one is whining.

Game would be boring if everywhere was safe--it's why I left Achaea. My question, and this topic, is about the definition of a "raid." Any thoughts on that?
Sorry, I was just sick of so many people whining about that

A raid is, in my opinion, when you enter someone else's territory to act in a way detrimental to them. To me, killing spiders in Glomdoring for completely neutral quests (Tosha) is not raiding, but killing Shadows of Crow is. Going to Faethorn to gather honeycombs could be seen as raiding to someone on either side, as it is detrimental to them, and both sides can lay valid RP claim to the area, even at the same time.
Anisu2006-02-06 00:29:12
QUOTE(Shayle @ Feb 6 2006, 12:30 AM) 254522
Do you consider it a raid when I'm there? I usually expect to get jumped there, and I always assumed it was because I was an enemy to Celest. Has Shayle's presence in the Inner Sea ever been considered a "raid"?
The subject interests me mostly because "raids" usually involve "retaliation." Would a jaunt to the Inner Sea to kill mutant kelpies or gorgogs result in retaliation? Should it? Would a walk to the Earth plane?
Obviously, it's subjective, completely so, at least IC. The more I think about it, the more Lusternia seems like "gang wars" rather than nations warring. It's actually kind of amusing.

not raiding really, like I said trespassing, we don't like trespassers you naughty girl!

The same when Laxi and I first went to Glomdoring, we were infact doing totally nothing except walking on the river, we weren't attacking anything but Glom came to shoo us for trespassing

Xenthos what game mechanics say considering neutrality means nothing, at all. Faethorn is in control of whoever has the best force. At this time that is Serenwilde, and thus you either follow their rules or be attacked. Look at the catacombs if you really must have a truelly neutral area. Magnagora polices it all the time.
Xenthos2006-02-06 00:34:09
QUOTE(Anisu @ Feb 5 2006, 07:29 PM) 254549
Xenthos what game mechanics say considering neutrality means nothing, at all. Faethorn is in control of whoever has the best force. At this time that is Serenwilde, and thus you either follow their rules or be attacked. Look at the catacombs if you really must have a truelly neutral area. Magnagora polices it all the time.
So, basically, Serenwilde is saying that they don't care what Maeve says or wants, they're going to control her lands by force no matter what? Interesting.
Anyways, back on topic. I consider a raid to be when you specifically go to a place for violence (be it death of PCs or NPCs), or the stealing of important objects.
Shorlen2006-02-06 00:43:27
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Feb 5 2006, 07:34 PM) 254553
So, basically, Serenwilde is saying that they don't care what Maeve says or wants, they're going to control her lands by force no matter what? Interesting.
Anyways, back on topic. I consider a raid to be when you specifically go to a place for violence (be it death of PCs or NPCs), or the stealing of important objects.
Yep, and we have perfectly good IC reasons for doing so. It was awesome, back when we were speaking with Maeve about it all, when she prophesized that a specific promient Serenwilder would slay her one day over all this