Unknown2006-02-10 03:19:00
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 9 2006, 08:11 PM) 256282
Amazing, when your done you should get that linked to the Lusternia Website and get like 2gajillion credits.
If I ever get done... I'd settle for 1 gajillion.

Shorlen2006-02-10 05:43:35
QUOTE(Estarra @ Feb 9 2006, 11:56 AM) 256232
I still have nightmares....

Your pain is our gain, muahahahaha!
Err, I mean, thank you

Unknown2006-02-10 05:55:14
Ok! Added a huge area to the map (at least, it sure felt like it!), including the Dramube Triangle.... spooky!

Unknown2006-02-10 08:10:08
Ok, final aetherbubble (that I know of currently) added as well! Yay for candy people!

Unknown2006-02-10 08:47:51
By the way, could Someone up there please reset the aethermonsters? Things are getting rather silly with the amount of swarms that are left drifting around. And they're leaving dirty black poo stains all over my map! 

Eyod2006-02-10 15:13:04
You wish there were dragons everywhere, I've only seen them in the slipstream near candyland. And leave the poor monsters alone, Aetherships are high in fibre.
Richter2006-02-10 17:18:26
I'm so printing this off.
tsaephai2006-02-10 21:54:15
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Feb 7 2006, 04:01 PM) 255336
Aetherspace is circular, Lord Elcyrion explained why in character, though most of it went over Shorlen's head

oh, you mean it's a closed system? i can try to explain it oocly if that's what you ment, as they think that our universe is a closed system as well, except for in a shape made up of pentagons that i do not know the name of rather than a circle.
You really don't want to know.....
The aetherways were my creation using a special paint program for Rapture that makes Microsoft Paint look like the next generation of Photoshop.
I still have nightmares....
The aetherways were my creation using a special paint program for Rapture that makes Microsoft Paint look like the next generation of Photoshop.
I still have nightmares....
i know almost exact what you mean, bleh, i've made maps with programs like that, takes horribly long, are horribly inaccurate, and it's easy to make mistakes and correcting them is very time consuming...of course, never quite so big as aetherspace, i think the largest ones i've made were 400*600 and then i got bored and my project kindof collapses at that point each time...
Unknown2006-02-11 01:56:59
Ok, I have a favour to ask Estarra... what are the dimensions of the Aetherways?
I coded my little thingy for 1000x1000, but it looks like that might not be big enough.
Is it 1000x1200?
I coded my little thingy for 1000x1000, but it looks like that might not be big enough.
Is it 1000x1200?
Estarra2006-02-11 02:04:14
It should be 1000x1000.
I think your 0,0 point is off though which may make you think its bigger.
BTW, we checked and there was a small but with the aethermonsters which is why they seemed never to go away.
I think your 0,0 point is off though which may make you think its bigger.
BTW, we checked and there was a small but with the aethermonsters which is why they seemed never to go away.
Unknown2006-02-11 02:17:06
Avaer, come on, map the bottom center quadrant. I want to see it link up!
Unknown2006-02-11 02:20:07
QUOTE(Estarra @ Feb 11 2006, 02:04 AM) 256781
It should be 1000x1000.
I think your 0,0 point is off though which may make you think its bigger.
BTW, we checked and there was a small but with the aethermonsters which is why they seemed never to go away.
Eep, what do you mean my 0,0 point is off? I'm going to have to start again?

Estarra2006-02-11 02:30:10
No I just mean its off center.
Shorlen2006-02-11 08:57:51
And 'center' is a rather relative term. I think what She means is that what we're using as a center isn't what the admins used when they painted the universe
But since space and time are circular, it doesn't matter in the slightest.

Unknown2006-02-11 09:11:23
Ahh, whew! Well, I can adjust it when I've finished... although maybe Estarra's map is the one off-centre.

I also want to add some way of seeing coordinates when you move your mouse over the graphic... but I'll get to that after the actual map is complete.

I also want to add some way of seeing coordinates when you move your mouse over the graphic... but I'll get to that after the actual map is complete.
Shorlen2006-02-11 09:29:48
QUOTE(Avaer @ Feb 11 2006, 04:11 AM) 256904
Ahh, whew! Well, I can adjust it when I've finished... although maybe Estarra's map is the one off-centre.

I also want to add some way of seeing coordinates when you move your mouse over the graphic... but I'll get to that after the actual map is complete.
I love you.
Unknown2006-02-11 09:42:29
Awww, I
you too. (Especially when you're piloting for me!)

Unknown2006-02-11 12:56:59
Ok! I think I've got almost all the main sections of aetherspace aside from the void (and a little section down the bottom right corner).
I've been fiddling with ######, but I don't know enough to do the coordinate thingy. If anyone knows a way to get a little tooltip that follows your mouse over the images, giving the coordinates at that point, let me know.
(My first disastrous attempt was to use an image map with 2x2 rectangles over all the 400x400 images... turned out the HTML file was 76mb.
Anyway, the map is looking good if I don't say so myself... only a few more hours in the Void and it should be relatively complete!!

Edit: And what the? Java-script is a censored word?
I've been fiddling with ######, but I don't know enough to do the coordinate thingy. If anyone knows a way to get a little tooltip that follows your mouse over the images, giving the coordinates at that point, let me know.
(My first disastrous attempt was to use an image map with 2x2 rectangles over all the 400x400 images... turned out the HTML file was 76mb.

Anyway, the map is looking good if I don't say so myself... only a few more hours in the Void and it should be relatively complete!!

Edit: And what the? Java-script is a censored word?
Shorlen2006-02-11 13:10:21
QUOTE(Avaer @ Feb 11 2006, 07:56 AM) 256936
Anyway, the map is looking good if I don't say so myself... only a few more hours in the Void and it should be relatively complete!!
That isn't the void - that's the terrain that's called aether in the help file. Essentially, the 'thinnest' portion of the aetherways, the walls being the 'thickest.' It's 'closest' to the void, in a sense, but it isn't actually the void. From the way I understand it, we'd have to poke a hole in the fabric of the aetherways to enter the Void. And, well, I hope noone's doing that :tsk:
Oh, and the coolest thing about your map right now? The only places still labeled "Here there be dragons!" there actually ARE dragons

Unknown2006-02-11 13:50:30
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Feb 11 2006, 01:10 PM) 256943
Oh, and the coolest thing about your map right now? The only places still labeled "Here there be dragons!" there actually ARE dragons

Interesting sidenote: There now be dragons at the Aetherplex.