Richter2006-02-08 17:29:07
Well... yeah.
I'm not very good at the whole MUD fighting thing I suppose. I tend to walk into rooms of them anyway, and things always chase me around.

Unknown2006-02-08 20:51:02
QUOTE(Ekard @ Feb 8 2006, 05:57 AM) 255598
Then we need few more bashing spots for level 70+, like grey moors and arysian islands, not all level 70+ can bash astral.
or even get to astral, though that mainly applys to communes i geuss.
Stangmar2006-02-09 00:11:01
I've been stuck at level 60 for quite a while now. All the level 70+ people keep bashing out the Moors, and i can't quite take on the Gorgogs. Astral and the Catas PWN me. Shallach is bashed out constantly by newbs.
Maybe give us more bashing, but weakeng Demigods/Titans a bit so that we don't have a big problem from overpopulation of them. Maybe make thunderclap targetted for one person and divine fire only protect you until you perform an aggressive action.
Maybe give us more bashing, but weakeng Demigods/Titans a bit so that we don't have a big problem from overpopulation of them. Maybe make thunderclap targetted for one person and divine fire only protect you until you perform an aggressive action.
Unknown2006-02-09 02:10:21
Thanks for your help, this is all interesting.
Does anything or everything aggro on astral? What does if any? Also, what monsters link?
What skill is surge in and what does it do? How far do I have to get in the skill to be able to use it.
I don't like bashing gorgogs because I'm orclach w/ a major weakness to fire and with the healing potions I go through compared to the experience I get makes me feel like its not even worth it.
When I asked about going farther in planar I was talking about it in comparison to other skills. Would planar be more useful to me than my guild skills?
Does anything or everything aggro on astral? What does if any? Also, what monsters link?
What skill is surge in and what does it do? How far do I have to get in the skill to be able to use it.
I don't like bashing gorgogs because I'm orclach w/ a major weakness to fire and with the healing potions I go through compared to the experience I get makes me feel like its not even worth it.
When I asked about going farther in planar I was talking about it in comparison to other skills. Would planar be more useful to me than my guild skills?
Vix2006-02-09 02:20:59
Everything is aggro on astral (except Manifestations). Different monsters link depending on which sphere you're on. It's a rather long list so you might want to check your local in-game library. 
Surge is in Athletics, second to last skill I think. It halves your mana and adds that number to your health.
In regards to credits, warriors need lots and lots to be viable, and when they do have that many, they're way scary. I'll leave the last question to be answered by a warrior since I don't really know.

Surge is in Athletics, second to last skill I think. It halves your mana and adds that number to your health.
In regards to credits, warriors need lots and lots to be viable, and when they do have that many, they're way scary. I'll leave the last question to be answered by a warrior since I don't really know.
Rakor2006-02-09 11:48:12
QUOTE(Ekard @ Feb 8 2006, 12:22 PM) 255708
You know, you need a bit of strattegy too.
Dont go in room with more then one creature. Squint a lot to be sure that you dont go in trap. Always have way to run and heal.
Its not just simple pushing macro key.
If you're up to at least teleport in Planar I would recommend learning more guild skills, but your surge won't be too good, since you have such low mana. Sometimes even when bashing Orclach are better off unsurged, I think. You could ask Murphy about that, he was Orclach for a while. Surge is the skill right before trans but I would stop there since puissance really isn't too great right now, as far as trans skills go. Conglutination (the trans Planar skill, if you die off plane your body returns to your nexus with experience loss about the same as vitae) is really nice too though, so it's up to you.
Things in the catacombs do both fire and cold damage. And Richter, Ekard is exactly right. You can't wander around aimlessly, you'll die. It's not hard to clear if you take them one at a time, which isn't hard since they move around so much. Garghasts are the only ones that chase, which you can use to your advantage. I do fine in there with 4k health so I know you would be fine with 7k as long as you're careful.
Asarnil2006-02-09 13:20:23
QUOTE(stangmar @ Feb 9 2006, 10:41 AM) 255870
I've been stuck at level 60 for quite a while now. All the level 70+ people keep bashing out the Moors, and i can't quite take on the Gorgogs. Astral and the Catas PWN me. Shallach is bashed out constantly by newbs.
Maybe give us more bashing, but weakeng Demigods/Titans a bit so that we don't have a big problem from overpopulation of them. Maybe make thunderclap targetted for one person and divine fire only protect you until you perform an aggressive action.
Aren't you still in Magnagora? Ever heard of these little things called SPECTRES? Just doing that power quest for the city will rake you in xp thats worth it well up into the L70's.
Xenthos2006-02-09 13:53:59
QUOTE(Asarnil @ Feb 9 2006, 08:20 AM) 256184
Aren't you still in Magnagora? Ever heard of these little things called SPECTRES? Just doing that power quest for the city will rake you in xp thats worth it well up into the L70's.
I got 77, 78, 79, and 80 from them.

Murphy2006-02-09 14:56:23
QUOTE(Rakor @ Feb 9 2006, 09:48 PM) 256167
If you're up to at least teleport in Planar I would recommend learning more guild skills, but your surge won't be too good, since you have such low mana. Sometimes even when bashing Orclach are better off unsurged, I think. You could ask Murphy about that, he was Orclach for a while. Surge is the skill right before trans but I would stop there since puissance really isn't too great right now, as far as trans skills go. Conglutination (the trans Planar skill, if you die off plane your body returns to your nexus with experience loss about the same as vitae) is really nice too though, so it's up to you.
Things in the catacombs do both fire and cold damage. And Richter, Ekard is exactly right. You can't wander around aimlessly, you'll die. It's not hard to clear if you take them one at a time, which isn't hard since they move around so much. Garghasts are the only ones that chase, which you can use to your advantage. I do fine in there with 4k health so I know you would be fine with 7k as long as you're careful.
Orclach bash better unsurged, but thats -only- if you have putrefaction.
Acrune2006-02-09 15:01:44
QUOTE(stangmar @ Feb 8 2006, 07:11 PM) 255870
I've been stuck at level 60 for quite a while now. All the level 70+ people keep bashing out the Moors, and i can't quite take on the Gorgogs. Astral and the Catas PWN me. Shallach is bashed out constantly by newbs.
I can take on gorgogs with 3k health, and if I remember right, thats about where you are. I obviously prefer doing it with forcefield, but its possible to do without it.
Stangmar2006-02-10 03:36:24
Just tried Gorgies today. I did ok, though the experience wasn't quite worth the effort and resources. I had to do alot of run out of the room healing, and then i'd run back in to find that somebody else killed it.
Acrune2006-02-10 06:09:20
Dude... reflections are your friend 

Unknown2006-02-11 03:29:35
Catacombs are a lot easier than I thought. If if you just glance around, and watch for big groups you will be fine. I personally like it better than Astral because i get tons of gold for just a little less xp. If you can't get there just stake out the moors wait for a repop time it, and just keep going back like 5mins before the repop time so you can get the jump on them.
ferlas2006-02-14 17:48:32
The ghasts seem fine in the catacombes. the wrights though seem to just waste me.
Aiakon2006-02-15 11:08:21
QUOTE(Acrune @ Feb 10 2006, 06:09 AM) 256551
Dude... reflections are your friend

Absolutely. Best thing about being a mage. Personally, when I'm in a bashing frame of mind, I hit astral for a while. I tend to kill round about 20-25 goats before I get too neurotic to continue, then I go hit the gorgogs. If there are no gorgogs, I kill hammerhead sharks. Failing that, I sometimes go to kill Orcs in Shallach, or I do the spectre quest.. or simply hunt grubs and gargoyles. Essence in the Megalith is always a good thing.. and the experience adds up. Slowly. But it still adds up.
Narsrim2006-02-15 12:30:32
QUOTE(ferlas @ Feb 14 2006, 12:48 PM) 258185
The ghasts seem fine in the catacombes. the wrights though seem to just waste me.
Why? I would think the garshades are the waste.
ferlas2006-02-15 15:15:54
O no no I didnt mean they were a waste to kill, I ment they wasted me, they killed me far to easily at the moment.
Acrune2006-02-15 20:16:54
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Feb 15 2006, 06:08 AM) 258389
Absolutely. Best thing about being a mage.
Its funny when people ask for tips on how to kill bigger things, I tell them to use reflections, they don't believe me about how great they are, then they go get their face torn off by something and I have to go gather up the pieces for a rez.