Unknown2006-02-08 20:21:41
Daganev2006-02-08 20:37:45
However, Krokani Bonecrusher beats them all.
Unknown2006-02-08 20:44:10
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 8 2006, 02:37 PM) 255769
However, Krokani Bonecrusher beats them all.
Krokani are made for melee fighting, a merian/elfen/faeling are not unless specialized

Daganev2006-02-08 20:55:37
Krokani bonecrushers are better than any specialized warrior race... Which your poll was refering to... *boggle*
tsaephai2006-02-08 21:57:24
igasho blademaster, of course.
Jack2006-02-08 22:05:42
Of the choices -
Best: Shadowlord, due to excellent balance and sip bonus.
Second: Elfen Lord, due to high dex and lack of disadvantages.
Third: Merian Lord, due to the lightning/fire weakness, still excellent in terms of stats.
Fourth: Brood Viscanti, due to okay stats but a sip penalty and poor intelligence.
Best: Shadowlord, due to excellent balance and sip bonus.
Second: Elfen Lord, due to high dex and lack of disadvantages.
Third: Merian Lord, due to the lightning/fire weakness, still excellent in terms of stats.
Fourth: Brood Viscanti, due to okay stats but a sip penalty and poor intelligence.
Unknown2006-02-08 23:44:36
yep Jack has it right
Daganev2006-02-08 23:55:02
I think the ability to be part of a resurgem with high Con and +10 stats to weapons dwarfs all speed ablitiies of a faeling.
Simimi2006-02-08 23:59:03
Yet that being true or not Daganev... it does seem the faeing ebonguard does indeed smackdown much arse of the basin, SEE: LYCO.
:Just throwin that out there...
:Just throwin that out there...
Sidra2006-02-09 00:06:17
QUOTE(Simimi @ Feb 8 2006, 03:59 PM) 255863
Yet that being true or not Daganev... it does seem the faeing ebonguard does indeed smackdown much arse of the basin, SEE: LYCO.
:Just throwin that out there...
Then again, we have Daevos 'smacking down much MORE arse of the basin' than Lyco, and he's a Brood Viscanti, which is the worst of the quartet by far.
One or two people don't change the fact that they're on the low-end of the 4.
Simimi2006-02-09 00:08:16
So true... Daevos, so many props for that last fight, wonderful, Well played huns.
Unknown2006-02-09 00:44:37
Try fighting a shadowlord bonecrusher with decent hammers, if you have alot of trouble with someone like Murphy's speed then you wont really be ready for a shadowlord faeling. As been said before speed kills and since shadowlords are tanky for a faeling race with a small size that helps get out of web quick and tumble extremely fast its a great race.
Daganev2006-02-09 01:06:56
Not with modern hammers they don't... I don't know of any faeling bonecrushers... I think there is a reason for that...
Murphy2006-02-09 05:28:10
A faeling bonecrusher is a damn good race. I'm sorry Daganev but i really don't see why krokani make that good bonecrushers, sure accuracy dex are good, but that size and int just makes me puke.
Shadowlord bonecrusher in the hands of a skilled assailant, is certainly something to behold. They are fast, tanky and hit good wounds afflictions with all that dex.
That being said, EVERY warrior with post nerf weapons sucks, because the stat caps are too low.
Shadowlord bonecrusher in the hands of a skilled assailant, is certainly something to behold. They are fast, tanky and hit good wounds afflictions with all that dex.
That being said, EVERY warrior with post nerf weapons sucks, because the stat caps are too low.
Shryke2006-02-09 05:29:07
Amend that murphy.. Every warrior with post cap 1 handers.. 2 handers aren't taht bad..
Xenthos2006-02-09 05:32:20
QUOTE(Shryke @ Feb 9 2006, 12:29 AM) 256026
Amend that murphy.. Every warrior with post cap 1 handers.. 2 handers aren't taht bad..
*ONLY* because of assault, behead, and slitlocks, for the most part.
Asarnil2006-02-09 05:58:47
I dunno - I would prefer to go up against a good shadowlord faeling than I would a good high elfen warrior. Faelings have more weaknesses to exploit than the elfen have - if they aren't surged then damage is going to hurt them, if they are surged then bleeding them is good, either way draining the hell out of their endurance with chest attacks is a lot easier than it is than against an Elfen.
Jack2006-02-09 15:17:43
QUOTE(Sidra @ Feb 9 2006, 12:06 AM) 255867
Then again, we have Daevos 'smacking down much MORE arse of the basin' than Lyco, and he's a Brood Viscanti, which is the worst of the quartet by far.
One or two people don't change the fact that they're on the low-end of the 4.
That's more due to the fact Daevos is an excellent fighter and curer than stats, though.
... And the fact he has +2 to all stats anyway, since he's a Titan.
... And the fact he has crazy-awesome weapons.
Daganev2006-02-09 19:49:05
Murphy, get a cameo and try out being a krokani, you might understand.
Sidra2006-02-09 19:53:57
QUOTE(Jack @ Feb 9 2006, 07:17 AM) 256208
That's more due to the fact Daevos is an excellent fighter and curer than stats, though.
... And the fact he has +2 to all stats anyway, since he's a Titan.
... And the fact he has crazy-awesome weapons.
That was my point...

Though, Titan has nothing to do with it, as Daevos wasn't always a Titan, obviously.