Riv2006-10-27 15:28:34
See, I thought everyone in Magnagora sucked because no one responded to me, but then I realized I was deaf from the spectre boys and girls. Let this be a lesson... if you think everyone hates you and is silent, eat a faeleaf just in case.
Other than that, I think a lot of Magnagora's concern with novices is addressed in the Lyceum. I think there could be a better novice directional guide too though. Something that addresses power, adding power, places to bash, influencing, basically a how-to guide for Lusternia life that starts with, "Ask for admittance to the Lyceum." Really the only problems I had as a novice were where to go after Newton, how I can help with influence, and how can I help add power to the nexus (chelp power addresses how to get power and how much, not how to add it to the Megalith).
Other than that, I think a lot of Magnagora's concern with novices is addressed in the Lyceum. I think there could be a better novice directional guide too though. Something that addresses power, adding power, places to bash, influencing, basically a how-to guide for Lusternia life that starts with, "Ask for admittance to the Lyceum." Really the only problems I had as a novice were where to go after Newton, how I can help with influence, and how can I help add power to the nexus (chelp power addresses how to get power and how much, not how to add it to the Megalith).
Murphy2006-10-27 16:22:13
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Oct 27 2006, 02:37 PM) 347196
Magnagora is turning into a bunch of pussies. If it's not acceptable to kill a GR1 that is mouthy, loud and obnoxious, it's not Magnagora.
After reading a lot of posts on this thread, I like this one the most.
Where's the uncitizen/enemy/darkchant crucify aliases from the days of old. There is nothing at all wrong with beating on your own citymates (crucify was my favourite, really classy imo) if they are CR1 and being retardesly disrespectful. Often the best way to resolve a matter with a smartass is to beat them 90% to death, and leave them locked, afflicted and let em bleed the rest.
Never thought i see the day Verithrax would say something as impressive as this though. Bring back oldschool mag I say (i'm still not coming back though)
Unknown2006-10-27 16:24:49
QUOTE(Murphy @ Oct 27 2006, 11:22 AM) 347439
After reading a lot of posts on this thread, I like this one the most.
Where's the uncitizen/enemy/darkchant crucify aliases from the days of old. There is nothing at all wrong with beating on your own citymates (crucify was my favourite, really classy imo) if they are CR1 and being retardesly disrespectful. Often the best way to resolve a matter with a smartass is to beat them 90% to death, and leave them locked, afflicted and let em bleed the rest.
Never thought i see the day Verithrax would say something as impressive as this though. Bring back oldschool mag I say (i'm still not coming back though)
I believe the reason Verithrax left in the first place was because of someone following through with your views, Murphy. Nothing at all impressive here when he initially whined about it.
Forren2006-10-27 16:33:27
QUOTE(Murphy @ Oct 27 2006, 04:22 PM) 347439
(i'm still not coming back though)

Unknown2006-10-27 16:34:46
QUOTE(Forren @ Oct 27 2006, 11:33 AM) 347445

He will one day.

Nepthysia2006-10-27 16:58:33
QUOTE(Byakugan @ Oct 27 2006, 12:34 PM) 347446
He will one day.

Somehow doubt it.
And personally... I dont give a

Tiran2006-10-27 19:03:46
Stagar had it coming. He's a s***-disturber, and the only thing I have seen him contribute is his fighting skills. Well, that and he seems to have a penchant for spreading rumours as well, but that's not as good as fighting.
The biggest problem I have with Mag at the moment is like Veo said, most of the old people haven't been around as much any more, and the people who are coming up to replace them tend to know how to fight and little else. There's far too much politicking going on, and people think nothing of stepping on or using city mates to get where they want or what they want. And because Mag is generally viewed as evil, it has a tendancy to attract people who enjoy "unstable RP" (read their characters act rather chaotically) for some reason I've not figured out yet.
It also seems like most of the geomancers are gone these days.
Not that I blame them, everytime there's a raid or defence, I'm always hearing requests and threats to try and get mages there and it gets tiring after a while.
The biggest problem I have with Mag at the moment is like Veo said, most of the old people haven't been around as much any more, and the people who are coming up to replace them tend to know how to fight and little else. There's far too much politicking going on, and people think nothing of stepping on or using city mates to get where they want or what they want. And because Mag is generally viewed as evil, it has a tendancy to attract people who enjoy "unstable RP" (read their characters act rather chaotically) for some reason I've not figured out yet.
It also seems like most of the geomancers are gone these days.

Unknown2006-10-27 19:09:13
QUOTE(Tiran @ Oct 27 2006, 02:03 PM) 347510
Stagar had it coming. He's a s***-disturber, and the only thing I have seen him contribute is his fighting skills. Well, that and he seems to have a penchant for spreading rumours as well, but that's not as good as fighting.
The biggest problem I have with Mag at the moment is like Veo said, most of the old people haven't been around as much any more, and the people who are coming up to replace them tend to know how to fight and little else. There's far too much politicking going on, and people think nothing of stepping on or using city mates to get where they want or what they want. And because Mag is generally viewed as evil, it has a tendancy to attract people who enjoy "unstable RP" (read their characters act rather chaotically) for some reason I've not figured out yet.
It also seems like most of the geomancers are gone these days.

There's nothing wrong with unstable chaotic rp, have you read Lord Morgfyre's description lately? If not, read it, and suck it up. You're still way off base for the majority of it and agreeing with Veo seems to be your only truth with the words she spoke.
Tiran2006-10-27 20:07:53
QUOTE(Byakugan @ Oct 27 2006, 01:09 PM) 347515
There's nothing wrong with unstable chaotic rp, have you read Lord Morgfyre's description lately? If not, read it, and suck it up. You're still way off base for the majority of it and agreeing with Veo seems to be your only truth with the words she spoke.
I didn't say there was a problem with the RP, and there certainly isn't if it's done well, which is hard for most people to do. The problem happens when you have a number of people doing it poorly, and descriptions aside, I hardly consider Morgfyre very chaotic in his behaviour. The interaction I've had with him would make it seem more like he's got a whole council in there than him going off and doing anything random.
As for being off base, I've been in a position to watch things for a good while now. Almost all favours are given out for combat-related things, raids and village revolts mostly, defending less often. So the people at the top most often tend to be the fighters. Frankly, people like Felandi when she was around more doing her influencing and some litterary work for the city as I recall, and Kuse who was always out doing village quests to bring in Furrikin and the like are probably far more deserving of being Marquis than many of the current ones. Not to say all the CR6 group aren't deserving, but there's a number in there that I see that and think wtf? So people who were doing things that helped the city like Felandi and Kuse disappear over time, feelnig unappreciated, while the ones who know not much beyond fighting stick around.
I'm not going to go into detail about the politicking, but there's been plenty of that as well in some of the guilds, some pretty bad, some not so bad. Never mind the family situation going on, where you can't even look cross-eyed at certain characters without people threatening retribution on behalf of whole families.
If you'd like to offer something constructive and more on-base, you're welcome to make an arugment for it, because I wouldn't say that Magnagora's in great shape by any stretch of the imagination. Doing better now, but plenty of room to improve yet.
Ashteru2006-10-27 20:24:18
QUOTE(Tiran @ Oct 27 2006, 08:07 PM) 347542
I didn't say there was a problem with the RP, and there certainly isn't if it's done well, which is hard for most people to do. The problem happens when you have a number of people doing it poorly, and descriptions aside, I hardly consider Morgfyre very chaotic in his behaviour. The interaction I've had with him would make it seem more like he's got a whole council in there than him going off and doing anything random.
As for being off base, I've been in a position to watch things for a good while now. Almost all favours are given out for combat-related things, raids and village revolts mostly, defending less often. So the people at the top most often tend to be the fighters. Frankly, people like Felandi when she was around more doing her influencing and some litterary work for the city as I recall, and Kuse who was always out doing village quests to bring in Furrikin and the like are probably far more deserving of being Marquis than many of the current ones. Not to say all the CR6 group aren't deserving, but there's a number in there that I see that and think wtf? So people who were doing things that helped the city like Felandi and Kuse disappear over time, feelnig unappreciated, while the ones who know not much beyond fighting stick around.
I'm not going to go into detail about the politicking, but there's been plenty of that as well in some of the guilds, some pretty bad, some not so bad. Never mind the family situation going on, where you can't even look cross-eyed at certain characters without people threatening retribution on behalf of whole families.
If you'd like to offer something constructive and more on-base, you're welcome to make an arugment for it, because I wouldn't say that Magnagora's in great shape by any stretch of the imagination. Doing better now, but plenty of room to improve yet.
I actually feel like you there, even if you probably included me into the group that don't deserve it. I don't mind that, really, I might really not deserve it because I only fight etc., but eh. I try to favour people for things like working on raising Ladantine and all, at least when I hear about it. And yeah, Felandi is a nice person, wish she'd be around more, she should grab Librarian or something.
Unknown2006-10-27 20:38:13
*from reading the first few pages*
We're nothing like that anymore, we've got newbies running around like mad. I think Gorky's been going around offering them his home made dwarven cookies, with miniature gold nuggets and marshmallow rainbows inside!
We're nothing like that anymore, we've got newbies running around like mad. I think Gorky's been going around offering them his home made dwarven cookies, with miniature gold nuggets and marshmallow rainbows inside!
Unknown2006-10-27 20:53:32
QUOTE(Tiran @ Oct 27 2006, 03:07 PM) 347542
I didn't say there was a problem with the RP, and there certainly isn't if it's done well, which is hard for most people to do. The problem happens when you have a number of people doing it poorly, and descriptions aside, I hardly consider Morgfyre very chaotic in his behaviour. The interaction I've had with him would make it seem more like he's got a whole council in there than him going off and doing anything random.
As for being off base, I've been in a position to watch things for a good while now. Almost all favours are given out for combat-related things, raids and village revolts mostly, defending less often. So the people at the top most often tend to be the fighters. Frankly, people like Felandi when she was around more doing her influencing and some litterary work for the city as I recall, and Kuse who was always out doing village quests to bring in Furrikin and the like are probably far more deserving of being Marquis than many of the current ones. Not to say all the CR6 group aren't deserving, but there's a number in there that I see that and think wtf? So people who were doing things that helped the city like Felandi and Kuse disappear over time, feelnig unappreciated, while the ones who know not much beyond fighting stick around.
I'm not going to go into detail about the politicking, but there's been plenty of that as well in some of the guilds, some pretty bad, some not so bad. Never mind the family situation going on, where you can't even look cross-eyed at certain characters without people threatening retribution on behalf of whole families.
If you'd like to offer something constructive and more on-base, you're welcome to make an arugment for it, because I wouldn't say that Magnagora's in great shape by any stretch of the imagination. Doing better now, but plenty of room to improve yet.
I withdraw my argument with you, you prove a point now.
There's been no favours for:
Helping dozens upon dozens of novices to expand the playerbase and remove favoritism.
Donating hundreds upon hundreds of power every day.
Influencing, aside from the worthless claim of wanting to influence just to get a quick CR4 for power hungry fools.
Defending (Exception is, if a big group goes after them only the ones that said CR6's like get favoured.)
"I see what you are doing there."
Dvyrus2006-10-27 21:15:25
Everybody is more than welcome to recommend another for favours, if you see somebody doing work but not getting credit for it.
Tiran2006-10-27 21:20:47
Heh, I know, I rewrote the scroll after deleting it by accident. I'm guilty of not favouring people who do those things enough myself. Some of them it's really hard to catch them doing it. I'd love to be able to favour people for doing commodity quests. Maybe the coucil/circle members and the trade minister should be allowed to read org logs for the villages looking to their city/commune and the village logs would indicate when people brought things in as parts of commodity quests. Something like that would be a huge boon for me right now.
Verithrax2006-11-02 23:19:30
QUOTE(Byakugan @ Oct 27 2006, 01:24 PM) 347441
I believe the reason Verithrax left in the first place was because of someone following through with your views, Murphy. Nothing at all impressive here when he initially whined about it.
Thank you for putting words in my mouth! You are wrong. I left precisely (And I stated this ICly on several occasions) because 1) Magnagora is becoming weak, 2) I did not wish to be in the guild and not the city, and was pissed off (Verithrax is very impulsive when pissed off) and 3) Magnagora has been terribly ungrateful towards Verithrax lately.
Veonira2006-11-03 03:11:10
I was basically going to say what Dvyrus said.
The reason people are mainly favoured for combat related things is because those are the things that are easiest to see. It's great if someone is writing stories, helping all of the novices, whatever, but if no one is there to see it and no one mentions it, then nothing will be done. If you mention someone's named, they'll be considered and probably observed more to see if they deserve a favour. This is a problem that happens in cities and guilds, and all it takes is a little (polite) communication.
The reason people are mainly favoured for combat related things is because those are the things that are easiest to see. It's great if someone is writing stories, helping all of the novices, whatever, but if no one is there to see it and no one mentions it, then nothing will be done. If you mention someone's named, they'll be considered and probably observed more to see if they deserve a favour. This is a problem that happens in cities and guilds, and all it takes is a little (polite) communication.
Reiha2006-11-03 03:54:13
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Nov 2 2006, 03:19 PM) 349798
Thank you for putting words in my mouth! You are wrong. I left precisely (And I stated this ICly on several occasions) because 1) Magnagora is becoming weak, 2) I did not wish to be in the guild and not the city, and was pissed off (Verithrax is very impulsive when pissed off) and 3) Magnagora has been terribly ungrateful towards Verithrax lately.
It didn't help when Verithrax called everyone at the Megalith weak and all of Magnagora stupid :/
I WAS TRYING TO GET YOU BACK IN, DAMMIT. What did Reiha say about "diplomacy"?!

Diamondais2006-11-03 03:58:23
QUOTE(Reiha @ Nov 2 2006, 10:54 PM) 349945
It didn't help when Verithrax called everyone at the Megalith weak and all of Magnagora stupid :/
I WAS TRYING TO GET YOU BACK IN, DAMMIT. What did Reiha say about "diplomacy"?!

Reiha, dont you know? People arent content to bide their time until they're strong/capable enough to move back on top or actually make that grab. And then they call those that are either weak or ignoring RP.

Volgrant2006-11-03 04:28:52
I like your avatar Veo. Is that a Koala?
Unknown2006-11-03 05:22:38
Yes it is a koala. Effing noisy animals, they growl like lions in mating season.