Sidra2006-02-15 23:55:30
I think it would be interesting to see Magnagora take a 'buisness' approach.
They're the Engine of Transformation, after all, and HELP MAGNAGORA says the house leaders learned that there was more ways than force to solve a problem (which was shown when they bailed on Magnagora in protest).
It would be interesting to see Magnagora as sort of a giant corporation whose goals are to transform everything for the better. And it wouldn't really take too much of a shift. I don't know how many people were fans of Firefly, or saw the movie Serenity, but I'd love to see Magnagora as something like the Alliance - they are pretty damned evil in terms of what they'll do to achieve their goals - but they believe their goals are pure, and so are willing to be evil for the 'better good'.
This would also allow you to treat your own citymates and guildmates nicely (since, after all, happy employees are productive employees), and you could still retain your elitist 'Taint pwns you' attitude.
Even if that route is unfeasible, I think the problem with Magnagora is that they are constructed in the image of the warriors of the early days rather than the Viscanti Nobles that were put there for a reason. And I'm not blaming the players - an event like the most recent Viscanti rebellion done early on could have done a lot to change things earlier.
Basically, I think Magnagora needs to be run by politicians rather than fighters. Which at the moment isn't the case.
They're the Engine of Transformation, after all, and HELP MAGNAGORA says the house leaders learned that there was more ways than force to solve a problem (which was shown when they bailed on Magnagora in protest).
It would be interesting to see Magnagora as sort of a giant corporation whose goals are to transform everything for the better. And it wouldn't really take too much of a shift. I don't know how many people were fans of Firefly, or saw the movie Serenity, but I'd love to see Magnagora as something like the Alliance - they are pretty damned evil in terms of what they'll do to achieve their goals - but they believe their goals are pure, and so are willing to be evil for the 'better good'.
This would also allow you to treat your own citymates and guildmates nicely (since, after all, happy employees are productive employees), and you could still retain your elitist 'Taint pwns you' attitude.
Even if that route is unfeasible, I think the problem with Magnagora is that they are constructed in the image of the warriors of the early days rather than the Viscanti Nobles that were put there for a reason. And I'm not blaming the players - an event like the most recent Viscanti rebellion done early on could have done a lot to change things earlier.
Basically, I think Magnagora needs to be run by politicians rather than fighters. Which at the moment isn't the case.
Unknown2006-02-15 23:56:10
Hmm, I still thought Magnagora was dominating...
It seems Celest is having some new life going into it, with a bunch of the Serenguard leaving. Serenwilde has had a few long-timers leave.
Joli, CT has always been somewhat quiet. I assumed Magnagorans had private clans to conduct combat, etc.
One thing to remember is the nature of a MUD is for things to change. High School players who enter College or College players that graduate find their free time lessening. Which is why 25+ in-game-years = 1 real world year. You have to expect this to happen from time to time. (As a 36 year old, the "responsibility" of leading a MUD org is something I can't afford to do).
It'll be a cycle. Celest might gain power, Magnagora might be the losers for a while. Serenwilde might lose if a power shift occurs. Glomdoring can end up being "all that matters" in politics.
I would encourage people to stick to their character ideals even if things seem bad or dull in their current org/community. I think when people do too much shifiting, it ends up making for inconsistant RP. Remember, "things change". It's like the weather in New England. "Just wait a while".
It seems Celest is having some new life going into it, with a bunch of the Serenguard leaving. Serenwilde has had a few long-timers leave.
Joli, CT has always been somewhat quiet. I assumed Magnagorans had private clans to conduct combat, etc.
One thing to remember is the nature of a MUD is for things to change. High School players who enter College or College players that graduate find their free time lessening. Which is why 25+ in-game-years = 1 real world year. You have to expect this to happen from time to time. (As a 36 year old, the "responsibility" of leading a MUD org is something I can't afford to do).
It'll be a cycle. Celest might gain power, Magnagora might be the losers for a while. Serenwilde might lose if a power shift occurs. Glomdoring can end up being "all that matters" in politics.
I would encourage people to stick to their character ideals even if things seem bad or dull in their current org/community. I think when people do too much shifiting, it ends up making for inconsistant RP. Remember, "things change". It's like the weather in New England. "Just wait a while".
Daganev2006-02-16 00:23:18
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Feb 15 2006, 02:40 PM) 258595
Magnagora, I think, is starting to suffer the same problem as other 'evil' orgs; not many people play them, and everyone else hates them. They either dominate or get stomped, not much in between. You seem to be sliding from the former to the latter.
I always assumed that would be the case... its why I always thought that Magnagora would be given a bone(in villages), because its too common for people to want to be good guys and destroy the bad guys.
I have found that the more active the leaders of a group are with the group, the more population the group will have.
Veonira2006-02-16 00:25:23
I think possibly mistreating Novices may be one cause of Magnagora's decline. In the beginning, we were still building up, and thus novices were more important. However as Magnagora became more powerful, I can think of some people who started aiming their roleplay at extreme respect of elders/superiors, and having a zero tolerance for people who act silly or disrespectful at all, even if it's unintentional. Personally, I think that there are different ways to go about shaping up novices, and that you can't expect all novices to know how to act from the get-go.
I think that's at least one problem, because I know at least my own guild is having a huge problem with keeping active members who are actually capable of holding positions and taking initiative to do things. Lately I've been trying to focus on novices (not just because I'm Head of novices) when I do get a chance to log in.
I think what Acrune said may hold true as well. I recall having to raise Ladantine and kill Marilynth one day about a month ago, and very few people helped, and it was only older people or leaders who were helping for the most part. It was rather irritating, and I'm not sure if people are worried they can't be helpful or what, or if the general interest just isn't shared in the newer generations.
On another note, I definitely think something that would make Magnagora more interesting is more cultural things. Not even really serious stuff, just little fun things that aren't focused on combat, so that Magnagora will attract people who aren't there entirely for combat or to be on the "winning team's" side and find out they don't like it.
I think that's at least one problem, because I know at least my own guild is having a huge problem with keeping active members who are actually capable of holding positions and taking initiative to do things. Lately I've been trying to focus on novices (not just because I'm Head of novices) when I do get a chance to log in.
I think what Acrune said may hold true as well. I recall having to raise Ladantine and kill Marilynth one day about a month ago, and very few people helped, and it was only older people or leaders who were helping for the most part. It was rather irritating, and I'm not sure if people are worried they can't be helpful or what, or if the general interest just isn't shared in the newer generations.
On another note, I definitely think something that would make Magnagora more interesting is more cultural things. Not even really serious stuff, just little fun things that aren't focused on combat, so that Magnagora will attract people who aren't there entirely for combat or to be on the "winning team's" side and find out they don't like it.
Aiakon2006-02-16 00:32:37
Well.. part of the problem is this: this is during university and school term, and we -all- have other things to do. Myself included. Tzara, I'm -really- sorry to see you not around as much.. because you were damn good at geomancing, and Aiakon values you. The trouble is.. you -do- log on at the worst times.. at the most depopulated times. To be perfectly honest, you have to shrug your shoulders at the Nil raids. If there's nothing you can do, there's nothing you can do. And Nil raids cost absolutely sod all in power anyway. ICwise.. it's a pain in the bottom. OOC.. it makes no difference. The Gorgogs are the same... OOC I quite enjoy them being out for the bashing.. IC.. it's a nightmare.. but I'm not going to exhaust myself sorting it out when I don't have the time to do it. With regards people leaving in droves.. Athana, you're misrepresenting us a bit. We're not losing serious players.. we're losing the usual gadflies who never entirely make up their minds. We haven't lost anyone I'm actually worried about for a long time. I don't think Magnagora's in that bad a way.. I just think that most of us are semi-dormant for the moment.
Daganev2006-02-16 00:35:14
Damn... still no fain festivals?
Someone really needs to work on that...
*sings* Masquarade, disguised faces on parade.. masquarade.... lala la la la lal ala lala */sing*
Someone really needs to work on that...
*sings* Masquarade, disguised faces on parade.. masquarade.... lala la la la lal ala lala */sing*
Simimi2006-02-16 00:46:32
I have had several novices in Mag, as everyone knows, when I get bored I make like 40 novices and test the novice reqs for each guild, and if anyone asks I always tell them "This is mimi, just testing your novice program!".
I always was treated really well in Mag, especially with Hallen in the Geomancers, he sat and talked with my novice for nearly an hour, sorting out the differences between Taint and Light, etc. Sure there was the occasional "You will adress me as you pitiful excuse for existance!!" but once I got passed that it was interesting how -nice- everyone was... but it was just too quiet for my liking, and i was always afraid to ask questions that seemed 'dumb' though valid.
I totally agree with Aiakon, I have less time for Lusternia due to just starting Uni, but I still try to put good ammounts of time into it.
I always was treated really well in Mag, especially with Hallen in the Geomancers, he sat and talked with my novice for nearly an hour, sorting out the differences between Taint and Light, etc. Sure there was the occasional "You will adress me as
I totally agree with Aiakon, I have less time for Lusternia due to just starting Uni, but I still try to put good ammounts of time into it.
Unknown2006-02-16 00:48:15
Is not attracting novices, or not keeping them, that's the problem?
Aiakon2006-02-16 01:00:40
QUOTE(Avaer @ Feb 16 2006, 12:48 AM) 258644
Is not attracting novices, or not keeping them, that's the problem?
The first is a big problem. The Nihilists have a good draw.. but the Geomancers don't get as many.. and the Ur'Guard seem to do even worse. The second.. isn't such a problem. Most -new- players stick with what they've started.. the problem comes much more with alts.
And I might add, that I'm having to MORE on GWHO currently.. I'm not normally here now, but I've just been lead to believe that this is fairly routine at this time.
Nokraenom2006-02-16 01:09:19
I'm working on addressing a number of these issues in-game, and in an in-character way, but I can't help but feel that we've dug our own grave, and now we have to lay in it. Our priorities have been wrong as a city for quite some time. Communication is beyond awful at this point, and the more prominent folks carrying things along has led to a sense of apathy among the newer and less-prominent citizens. Involvement is going to have to be a key issue.
Xenthos2006-02-16 01:21:33
QUOTE(Veonira @ Feb 15 2006, 07:25 PM) 258633
I think what Acrune said may hold true as well. I recall having to raise Ladantine and kill Marilynth one day about a month ago, and very few people helped, and it was only older people or leaders who were helping for the most part. It was rather irritating, and I'm not sure if people are worried they can't be helpful or what, or if the general interest just isn't shared in the newer generations.
I introduced someone to the game (he joined Magnagora) who has recently gotten worn out / burned out by various things... some examples of them being that spectres are always killed by Marilynth or blasted by the gorgogs, when he spends time trying to raise Ladantine he feels like nobody else notices or cares, etc. I'm not sure if that's just a common city thing... expecting the little serfs to do as they're told without thinking about them, or if he's just somehow been overlooked.
I don't know, is it possible to encourage the serfs to get more involved, praise them for their efforts? It's not too far out of RP for the High Lords to throw a few bones to the peons who particularly please them.
Unknown2006-02-16 01:35:31
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Feb 16 2006, 10:30 AM) 258648
And I might add, that I'm having to MORE on GWHO currently.. I'm not normally here now, but I've just been lead to believe that this is fairly routine at this time.
Thats insane.

I play on the Lusternian dark-side. So for me having more than two other guild members on is really busy, having more that 10 people on in the city is almost unheard of.
But yes, there's been quite a dramatic drop recently, last few nights has been down to as low as two people visible on cwho (counting myself).
On the subject of quests:
As a player, I despise IRE quests (though this is not the best place to discuss why).
I was once shown how to raise Ladantine, and I must say, that was the most miserable and frustrating few hours that I have ever spent on Lusternia. To then have him (and me) immediately killed by Munsia was actually a welcome relief.
So if I get a CT to help raise Ladantine its a hard call... as a player I'm not going to enjoy it, but its against the characters role-play to refuse a call to aid the city.
The gorgog rift is regularly opened at the times I play. But I do not know either how to prevent it, or how to close it. Maybe Magnagora needs to get better at passing on its knowledge to the next generation.
But really, if I was forced, or forcing myself to do the quests all the time, I think I would have stopped playing or moved to an alt too.
Vix2006-02-16 01:36:45
If it makes you feel better, seems like I've been seeing less GWHO though CWHO's been about the same.
To me, Serenwilde got smaller what with the mass exodus to Celest...
To me, Serenwilde got smaller what with the mass exodus to Celest...
Tzara2006-02-16 01:40:56
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Feb 16 2006, 01:21 AM) 258654
I introduced someone to the game (he joined Magnagora) who has recently gotten worn out / burned out by various things... some examples of them being that spectres are always killed by Marilynth or blasted by the gorgogs, when he spends time trying to raise Ladantine he feels like nobody else notices or cares, etc. I'm not sure if that's just a common city thing... expecting the little serfs to do as they're told without thinking about them, or if he's just somehow been overlooked.
I don't know, is it possible to encourage the serfs to get more involved, praise them for their efforts? It's not too far out of RP for the High Lords to throw a few bones to the peons who particularly please them.
It isn't recognition of what the Serfs do that is the problem, I would say. It's... involving them. Just about everything Tzara's done, even when she was a teeny-tiny level 35 person or so, has been given a city favour. In fact, I recall hearing just how easy it was to get city favours in Mag.
But I tend towards the stubborn side of things.
The average newbie, I think, will have absolutely no idea -how- to help or involve themselves. And really, there isn't much they can do. Raid on Nil? Well, if they're around, they tend to be overlooked, and if they're lucky, (And ask) they can follow an Elder Guildmate. Gorgogs out? Well, they're out, as the entire quest can only really be feasibly done by someone that can kill 25 gorgogs at a timely rate. Marilynth singing? That quest is a -extreme- bore, -especially- when Celest/Serenwilde doesn't notice. And if they do notice? More often than not, it's 3-6 Mags versus a larger group of higher level, higher might Celest/Serenwilde force. Which more often than not, destroys Ladantine, and several hours work. I won't get into village revolts, other than to say that is likely the most feasible option for a new person to 'get noticed'.
So more often than not, the average novice sits on their hands, confused as to how they even can help. And even if they do help, they usually don't have much to look forward to, other than a hours-long dull ordeal.
Which I'm sure is the same with just about every faction, particularly Celest, but I'm not here to compare. Just make more or less educated guesses at what's going on, at least during the times I'm up and about.

But in any case, the inability for novices to get involved is a difficutly I've been thinking long and hard on. The stubbornness to get things done that Tzara displayed, as well as the thick skin when dealing with certain superiors mocking her ignorance when she was young is something we cannot, and should not expect from new persons in Magnagora. The Lyceum was a good step in that direction, but the Lyceum currently sits, without doing much.
My, I'm wordy today, without likely being very clear. My apologies, dear forum-readers.
(EDIT: P.S. Oh, I know, Aiakon, I just was outlining what I perceive to be the source of my various frustrations with Geomancers/Magnagora. My playing times likely have a ton to do with that, but I digress. It's still frustrating/a chore, where it should be a game.)
Unknown2006-02-16 01:41:10
One thing to keep in mind is Aetherships are out of range of cwho and gwho. Could there be a lot of extra sailors right now?
Unknown2006-02-16 02:00:53
When you guys do have novices join how many stay and how many quit to other orgs?
Mirk2006-02-16 02:03:22
QUOTE(Phred @ Feb 15 2006, 07:41 PM) 258662
One thing to keep in mind is Aetherships are out of range of cwho and gwho. Could there be a lot of extra sailors right now?
If that's true, then Magnagora has to get people back on prime...
Cwin2006-02-16 03:13:28
Novice issue in Magnagora? Yup, we have a big issue. In fact, it became the first issue to come to me when I became GA. It also became the first matter I tried to address.
I think ALOT of it comes from a lack of working with the novices. The Ur'Guard itself was a rather poor case, though now that's being solved. If what I'm seeing can keep up, there should be a new batch of warriors to step in (as it is, I'm in love with the current batch of officers we have
As for the problems with the quests, I'll note that a big reason the gorgog rift is open is due to a bug in the design: I know I would've had that blasted thing closed many times otherwise. With the rift always open, the sea quest is almost always a moot point.
Still, there's a TON of things that someone past novicehood can do to help, no matter the current situation with the quests. Ladantine alone makes a WONDERFUL way to bring someone in (and OOCly, it's realy one of the better things to do for a gain: Stopping Maryl's song alone is, to me, the Astral of karma gain, for example).
What the city probably needs is more people willing to work with novices. You don't have to be huggysnuggly, just active. Even the old "Respect my authoritii!" mentality can be held if you only evoke it when needed (ask any of the newer Ur'Guard who knows me how I feel about being called "Ma'am") and be calm the rest of the time.
On the other hand, I'm wondering: how is Celest and Glomdoring doing? I always assumed that only Serenwilde was truly growing and the rest were..well.. blah.
I think ALOT of it comes from a lack of working with the novices. The Ur'Guard itself was a rather poor case, though now that's being solved. If what I'm seeing can keep up, there should be a new batch of warriors to step in (as it is, I'm in love with the current batch of officers we have

As for the problems with the quests, I'll note that a big reason the gorgog rift is open is due to a bug in the design: I know I would've had that blasted thing closed many times otherwise. With the rift always open, the sea quest is almost always a moot point.
Still, there's a TON of things that someone past novicehood can do to help, no matter the current situation with the quests. Ladantine alone makes a WONDERFUL way to bring someone in (and OOCly, it's realy one of the better things to do for a gain: Stopping Maryl's song alone is, to me, the Astral of karma gain, for example).
What the city probably needs is more people willing to work with novices. You don't have to be huggysnuggly, just active. Even the old "Respect my authoritii!" mentality can be held if you only evoke it when needed (ask any of the newer Ur'Guard who knows me how I feel about being called "Ma'am") and be calm the rest of the time.
On the other hand, I'm wondering: how is Celest and Glomdoring doing? I always assumed that only Serenwilde was truly growing and the rest were..well.. blah.
Kiarlea2006-02-16 04:05:43
QUOTE(Vix @ Feb 16 2006, 12:36 PM) 258658
If it makes you feel better, seems like I've been seeing less GWHO though CWHO's been about the same.
To me, Serenwilde got smaller what with the mass exodus to Celest...
Stop saying that, it was a Serenguard exodus, not Serenwilde.
Tired of my Magnagoran, have been for a long time. Nothing to do, even with the work she has. Being GA is just as bad as far as entertainment goes. Masochism, that's what it is.
Joli2006-02-16 05:13:44
QUOTE(Kiarlea @ Feb 16 2006, 12:05 AM) 258708
Being GA is just as bad as far as entertainment goes. Masochism, that's what it is.
yeah, you just won bonus points with the rabbit.

What I hate is being constantly reminded that I need to write essays for the guild reqs. Hey, this is a game.. I really don't want to juggle doing econ homework, scholarship essays, college forms, the FAFSA (which is the DEVIL), and midterms... then have to come home and write essays for a game that is SUPPOSED to relax me.
I have known people that have left just because of the constant tells saying "Why haven't you done such and such?" or "When are you going to get your next guild advancement?". I really miss some of those people too...