Sidra2006-02-17 05:09:43
Narsrim2006-02-17 05:16:49
Correct me if I'm wrong, but one spike decays per hour, correct? And how many spikes can be made from doing the entire spectre quest?
Athana2006-02-17 05:24:02
If I get all the spectres I can usually get like 20 spikes
Narsrim2006-02-17 05:26:35
And how often do the spectres reset?
It sounds to me like you can gain spikes by just having say 2 people clear spectre isle and do the quest in a 24 hour period...
It sounds to me like you can gain spikes by just having say 2 people clear spectre isle and do the quest in a 24 hour period...
Unknown2006-02-17 05:32:39
Sidra2006-02-17 05:36:20
QUOTE(Avaer @ Feb 16 2006, 09:32 PM) 259242

I was guessing at your character, there was nothing more to it. An attack on your credibility?

No, a legitimate question like that would have been sent through PM, where its just a question and nothing more. When its in public, there's a blatent attack intended, because no matter what the person replies, you start people whispering.
And you said you wouldn't sink to my level; you tricky little man, You.

Unknown2006-02-17 05:51:44
Shorlen2006-02-17 05:52:55
post edited to nothingness.

Sidra2006-02-17 05:59:04
Shiri2006-02-17 06:04:25
QUOTE(Sidra @ Feb 17 2006, 05:59 AM) 259253
And as your post goes on, you just get better. Damn, you're good. I'm taking notes - How To Be Passive Aggressively Destructive (PA121). Thanks for the free lessons, Love 

Well you did jump all over him for no good reason. I wouldn't be so surprised that he's just a little snippy about it. Chill.
Daganev2006-02-17 06:23:43
The necromentate does not attack when it hits 0 spikes, atleast not when I was there, it attacked if it went below 250 spikes. (or some otherl arge number)
And you lose about 1 spike every 30 minutes, not hour. Unless thats been changed.
Its not a problem when people are doing it 20/7.. however if a major event happens, like gorgogs are out too long, or everyone is working about Kirba, or Kethuru, or something is just taking p people's attention, the Necromentate tends to start attacking the city.
Also, you have to make sure the spikes are balanced between the 5 nil lords when your close to the minimum or else it attacks even if you have more than 250 spikes.
And you lose about 1 spike every 30 minutes, not hour. Unless thats been changed.
Its not a problem when people are doing it 20/7.. however if a major event happens, like gorgogs are out too long, or everyone is working about Kirba, or Kethuru, or something is just taking p people's attention, the Necromentate tends to start attacking the city.
Also, you have to make sure the spikes are balanced between the 5 nil lords when your close to the minimum or else it attacks even if you have more than 250 spikes.
Acrune2006-02-17 06:35:11
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Feb 16 2006, 09:28 PM) 259163
I don't think we've ever actually had the Star fall to find out.
Its fallen...

Unknown2006-02-17 07:09:27
Screw it. I've removed everything following from the bloody simple question.
Back on topic, I think Nejii has a very important point. The lack of meaningful activities can be as frustrating as the overabundance of them. Other than doing the regular power quests (spectres/scholars/earth), do lowbies have many opportunities to join in city endeavours? If not, they could always be created.
Back on topic, I think Nejii has a very important point. The lack of meaningful activities can be as frustrating as the overabundance of them. Other than doing the regular power quests (spectres/scholars/earth), do lowbies have many opportunities to join in city endeavours? If not, they could always be created.
Serrin2006-02-17 07:40:30
I've known Rahvin for a little-while and it seems to me that everytime hes ingame he is spending almost every moment reviving ladantine or trying to make sure the sea battle gets one.
It also seems like a new quest for the cities to worry about was added with the 1st of the two new areas. Apparently those kelpies that wander the inner sea/sea of despair can prevent Ladantine from summoning seawolves.
I honestly think that having THIS indepth of anti-org quests is too painful to the game. Especially when it only takes 1-2 people to screw something up for hours on end, and then because of the hush-hush way people are with quests it can be VERY hard to figure out what it is exactly that needs to be done to rectify it.
The gorgogs, it seems to me that the quest is utterly hosed for about 3-5 hours after its been done (the logs don't reset properly for a while) making it so that once you spend your 15 minutes opening the quest it can be several hours before the quest can be fixed. And since you get to choose your optimal 15 minutes to attempt the quest (not available? eh i'll check back in an hour) it really is more harmful. I try to close the rift when it's open simply because it bugs me when i see lowbies within Glomdoring dieing to the gorgogs.
Also, only a mugwump/merian can do the quest alone if they don't have a high level of environment.
It also seems like a new quest for the cities to worry about was added with the 1st of the two new areas. Apparently those kelpies that wander the inner sea/sea of despair can prevent Ladantine from summoning seawolves.
I honestly think that having THIS indepth of anti-org quests is too painful to the game. Especially when it only takes 1-2 people to screw something up for hours on end, and then because of the hush-hush way people are with quests it can be VERY hard to figure out what it is exactly that needs to be done to rectify it.
The gorgogs, it seems to me that the quest is utterly hosed for about 3-5 hours after its been done (the logs don't reset properly for a while) making it so that once you spend your 15 minutes opening the quest it can be several hours before the quest can be fixed. And since you get to choose your optimal 15 minutes to attempt the quest (not available? eh i'll check back in an hour) it really is more harmful. I try to close the rift when it's open simply because it bugs me when i see lowbies within Glomdoring dieing to the gorgogs.
Also, only a mugwump/merian can do the quest alone if they don't have a high level of environment.
Narsrim2006-02-17 07:47:27
Why is it necessary to *always* have Ladantine raised?
Aiakon2006-02-17 07:51:29
QUOTE(nyla @ Feb 16 2006, 11:12 PM) 259103
You may think it is as simple as being noticed in Magnagora to recieve a favour there are many who go without because they arent part of the clique.
I shouldnt portray you as an essay-writing totalitarian when you go off and threaten to kick people out because they wouldnt write essays?
Nyla the Magnagoran favour thing is rubbish. If there's a 'clique', it's the clique of those who actually try, and it's open to anyone who wants to join it. Perhaps if you had less alts, you might see more of a cityrank improvement for them.
With regards your second statement, as has already been made clear in this thread, the important word is 'threaten'. I have -never- kicked -anyone- out of the Geomancers. Not even Niyu. Not even Niyu when, whenever I honours-ed him, he was not just engaged to an Elfen Girl but a member of the Guild of Snuggly Snoogles.
Bark > Bite
Now get your arse on your geomancer and write me some essays.

P.S As has been said many a time within guild.. Suggestions for improvements are great and -wanted-. If you see respects in which the guild seems to be falling down, say so. It's not going to take me long to identify your alt.. we have very few active GR3+s who I don't know extremely well.. come find Aiakon in game and make your suggestions.
With regards the Spectre quest... if you hand in all the Spectres you get I think a maximum of 11 flasks. If you hand in some, wait, hand in more, you can get as much as 18 or 19. Which is weird. Number of flasks does not equal number of spikes.. because you can expect to make at least one mistake trying to force soup down a beggar's throat... and we did in fact lose the Necromentate back at the Kebira event... it's time-consuming to raise again, but the process isn't particularly hard. And its little attacks are kinda cute.
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Feb 17 2006, 07:47 AM) 259317
Why is it necessary to *always* have Ladantine raised?
Well.. ICly HE wants to be raised, and we venerate him enough to have to do it.
To be honest, I don't worry about raising Ladantine if I know that the sea battle isn't for a while. It doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. However.. if I want to know when the sea battle is, he has to be raised so that he can be asked, and when the sea-battle happens.. he needs to be alive.
Narsrim2006-02-17 07:54:07
Well yes, when the time comes he is needed... the same goes with the clam, the seahorse, and lanikai...
I just don't see the need to raise him if it wastes your time if he has no purpose. Magnagora may like Ladantine, but he isn't exactly like a figurehead or anything. He's not related to the city really at all... not like Demon Lords, etc.
I just don't see the need to raise him if it wastes your time if he has no purpose. Magnagora may like Ladantine, but he isn't exactly like a figurehead or anything. He's not related to the city really at all... not like Demon Lords, etc.
Asarnil2006-02-17 07:55:29
Its actually when we fall below a certain threshold in spikes, not when we reach 0.
Murphy2006-02-17 11:31:33
I totally agree Aiakon, there is no clique.
I favour people all the time I see putting in effort, even if i catch some younger guys sparring in the arena i'll occaisinonally GF them, and i always make a point to lend out my arties when i leave too.
I favour people all the time I see putting in effort, even if i catch some younger guys sparring in the arena i'll occaisinonally GF them, and i always make a point to lend out my arties when i leave too.
Devris2006-02-17 14:53:24
I'm not going to post 50 clips from postings, but I want to respond to a couple things.
First and foremost is this idea that you must be part of the "clique" to get anywhere in the city, or get cityfavours. I received CR5 on my own through various participation, and just recently got CR6 to better run my duties as Minister of Power. I have spoken to absolutely no one beyond the realm of Lusternia in any facet, and know almost no one in other IRE realms that plays here. Heck, the only person I do talk to beyond this game is a Serenwilder whom I met when I started out there. You do not need to be in a clique, simply you need to get off your duff and participate in things the city is doing. If there is a village open, help influence in some manner and you are pretty much guaranteed a cityfavour. Plan events, get with a minister, as all these things eventually lead to you getting CF'd for something. You can see lately there are a lot more CF's for things beyond simply influencing, so I think that aspect of Magnagora is turning around nicely.
Cultural-wise, there is really nothing there for us to bank on. I'm not saying the history isn't there or we don't have people who are magnificent RP'ers, but we are just inundated with rejects from other IRE realms. Unfortunately with the meteoric rise of Magnagora at the beginning of this realm, you had all the idiots from the "evil" cities in other realms who ran over here. As per their idiotic behaviour, you are now seeing the major players pack their bags and move on, while the idiots remain to nag the rest of us. What little attempt at cultural activities there is, they are usually ruined by the lower half of the citizenry.
Most crippling to Magnagora and it can be said for Mhaldor (or whatever) as well, is the simply choice of being a city that is not a democracy. People don't like to come into a game and being ordered to do something or simply not have a chance to ascend to ultra-high positions in the city. While some do enjoy the fascinating RP opportunity that is presented, you leave the others slighted until they take off for higher grounds. Personally, ICly, I hate the Great Houses of Magnagora and would like to see nothing more than their ramparts to be toppled and burned to the ground. I raised no finger when they wandered off, and personally hoped they would never come back. OOCly, I think the Great House setup far hinders the city more than it helps as it creates an aristocracy that makes a great many people feel slighted or left behind. Is the RP good...yes. I've been a member of this city for decades now, and even I can say I'm getting a little tired of the benefits given the Great Houses simply because they were chosen by the people running them. I get tired of watching Joe Nobody purchase 3 times the credits I can simply because they have the family name tacked on to their first portion. With the aristocracy in total control, you can't expect a massive influx of novices and the city will eventually dwindle down to a manageable size of people whom will either
A. Be the hardcore Rp'ers who are either great playing in a dominant society or part of the Aristocracy who doesn't want to quit and lose cityrank.
B. Be part of the group who seeks political change
I personally don't want to leave the city due to the fact that it will take 50 years to get to CR6 anywhere else again, and I do enjoy the city history as a whole. I don't fault Mag for being the way it is, but I knew it would dwindle down to a pseudo-Mhaldor eventually with major change.
First and foremost is this idea that you must be part of the "clique" to get anywhere in the city, or get cityfavours. I received CR5 on my own through various participation, and just recently got CR6 to better run my duties as Minister of Power. I have spoken to absolutely no one beyond the realm of Lusternia in any facet, and know almost no one in other IRE realms that plays here. Heck, the only person I do talk to beyond this game is a Serenwilder whom I met when I started out there. You do not need to be in a clique, simply you need to get off your duff and participate in things the city is doing. If there is a village open, help influence in some manner and you are pretty much guaranteed a cityfavour. Plan events, get with a minister, as all these things eventually lead to you getting CF'd for something. You can see lately there are a lot more CF's for things beyond simply influencing, so I think that aspect of Magnagora is turning around nicely.
Cultural-wise, there is really nothing there for us to bank on. I'm not saying the history isn't there or we don't have people who are magnificent RP'ers, but we are just inundated with rejects from other IRE realms. Unfortunately with the meteoric rise of Magnagora at the beginning of this realm, you had all the idiots from the "evil" cities in other realms who ran over here. As per their idiotic behaviour, you are now seeing the major players pack their bags and move on, while the idiots remain to nag the rest of us. What little attempt at cultural activities there is, they are usually ruined by the lower half of the citizenry.
Most crippling to Magnagora and it can be said for Mhaldor (or whatever) as well, is the simply choice of being a city that is not a democracy. People don't like to come into a game and being ordered to do something or simply not have a chance to ascend to ultra-high positions in the city. While some do enjoy the fascinating RP opportunity that is presented, you leave the others slighted until they take off for higher grounds. Personally, ICly, I hate the Great Houses of Magnagora and would like to see nothing more than their ramparts to be toppled and burned to the ground. I raised no finger when they wandered off, and personally hoped they would never come back. OOCly, I think the Great House setup far hinders the city more than it helps as it creates an aristocracy that makes a great many people feel slighted or left behind. Is the RP good...yes. I've been a member of this city for decades now, and even I can say I'm getting a little tired of the benefits given the Great Houses simply because they were chosen by the people running them. I get tired of watching Joe Nobody purchase 3 times the credits I can simply because they have the family name tacked on to their first portion. With the aristocracy in total control, you can't expect a massive influx of novices and the city will eventually dwindle down to a manageable size of people whom will either
A. Be the hardcore Rp'ers who are either great playing in a dominant society or part of the Aristocracy who doesn't want to quit and lose cityrank.
B. Be part of the group who seeks political change
I personally don't want to leave the city due to the fact that it will take 50 years to get to CR6 anywhere else again, and I do enjoy the city history as a whole. I don't fault Mag for being the way it is, but I knew it would dwindle down to a pseudo-Mhaldor eventually with major change.