Cwin2006-02-17 15:11:32
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Feb 17 2006, 02:54 AM) 259321
Well yes, when the time comes he is needed... the same goes with the clam, the seahorse, and lanikai...
I just don't see the need to raise him if it wastes your time if he has no purpose. Magnagora may like Ladantine, but he isn't exactly like a figurehead or anything. He's not related to the city really at all... not like Demon Lords, etc.
There's few people as is that raise Ladantine when he IS needed. A mess of times, I've raised him (with only 2 out of the 10+ people around to help, and usually either the 'elite' or the younger non-sheep) and found out that the battle was close and we have no seawolves. Besides, unless we do have a full set, raising him IS useful most of the time.
Honestly, I shake my head a little at comments like "We ALWAYS have to do it" and "It's so hard to do!". Ladantine raising is NOT that difficult to do, even alone if you plan it properly (though the latter IS tricky). What TRULY is annoying is when you cry out for the city to help and NO ONE answers.
Nyla2006-02-17 15:48:55
QUOTE(Sidra @ Feb 16 2006, 05:21 PM) 259105
Maybe you do have to be in the "clique" in Magnagora... but its actually not hard to get there. The circle is actually quite open from my experience, if you're intelligent and have a spine.
As for the essays - a paragraph is not going to kill you, especially when the guild is supposed to be scholarly.
Mages/Druids should expect to write an essay here and there.
Guardians should expect to write a ritual here and there.
Warriors should expect to be pushed onto the battlefield here and there.
There are certain things you take onto yourself when you join a particular archetype - that's just how things are, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Achaea requires TONS of things. The Geomancers require a very simple paragraph. And as far as i'm concerned, anyone who thinks writing a paragraph is too much responsibility should not under any circumstances be allowed to vote or hold any position within a guild.
This is Lusternia not Achaea.
I was the first GA of the Blacktalon and I dont think writing a paragraph is too much responsibility. I think its stupid to force people to do it. Lusternia is a game and that is how I look at it. Writing essays was a choice for guildfavors but it was never mandatory. As far as I am concerened anyone who thinks writing anything should be required should not under any circumstances be allowed to hold any position within a guild.
Shiri2006-02-17 15:53:11
I think Achaean essays were kind of like a last resort because there wasn't really that much to do in the way of getting involved and helping out there. Here there's less NEED for them.
Ialie2006-02-17 15:56:12
QUOTE(nyla @ Feb 17 2006, 10:48 AM) 259421
This is Lusternia not Achaea.
I was the first GA of the Blacktalon and I dont think writing a paragraph is too much responsibility. I think its stupid to force people to do it. Lusternia is a game and that is how I look at it. Writing essays was a choice for guildfavors but it was never mandatory. As far as I am concerened anyone who thinks writing anything should be required should not under any circumstances be allowed to hold any position within a guild.
I think if someone can't be buggered to write a one paragraph essay that they shouldn't hold any position.
A guild leader needs to be well versed and so on needs to show a little intelligence. Reading a short essay of an applicant might assist in judging that. Also it is customary that when someone contests a guild leader they write a post explaining why, what they will do for the guild, and any future plans.
Guild leaders may have to do a lot of writing a lot of posting. There is nothing wrong with having novices write short little essays in order to prepare them for the future.
Nyla2006-02-17 16:02:16
QUOTE(Ialie @ Feb 17 2006, 09:56 AM) 259424
I think if someone can't be buggered to write a one paragraph essay that they shouldn't hold any position.
A guild leader needs to be well versed and so on needs to show a little intelligence. Reading a short essay of an applicant might assist in judging that. Also it is customary that when someone contests a guild leader they write a post explaining why, what they will do for the guild, and any future plans.
Guild leaders may have to do a lot of writing a lot of posting. There is nothing wrong with having novices write short little essays in order to prepare them for the future.
The difference here is want and required. It should never be required of someone but it should always be an option for those who want to. Just like it shouldnt be required to spar people, but it should be an option.
Narsrim2006-02-17 17:11:25
Ok, I'm not following the use of the word "essay" very well. An essay isn't a paragraph.
ferlas2006-02-17 17:16:53
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Feb 17 2006, 05:11 PM) 259432
Ok, I'm not following the use of the word "essay" very well. An essay isn't a paragraph.
Yea but it just sounds stupid in game saying I want you to write about three lines about a tree compare to write a essay on your ideas about a tree.
Narsrim2006-02-17 17:17:56
Well I always ask for people to write a paragraph. It is win-win 

Cwin2006-02-17 17:21:07
Personally, I can see the point of requiring the novice prove they've done some studies when in a guild dedicated to knowledge. Writings, however, are just one way of handling it.
Perhaps offer more than one way of displaying this knowledge: A one on one talk about the topic for example. In fact, a discussion has the advantage of interaction between the two members, which helps bolster unity. A writing, meanwhile, is more convienent for some (and easier on the shy folks). I bet there are other methods as well that someone may want to do.
So make a requirement for the novice to know the subject and prove their knowledge. However, be open with HOW that knowledge is shown.
Edit: Also, a 'Writing' might do for a name, rather than 'essay' (which can give college students nightmares). Wording in a text game is extremely important, after all.
Perhaps offer more than one way of displaying this knowledge: A one on one talk about the topic for example. In fact, a discussion has the advantage of interaction between the two members, which helps bolster unity. A writing, meanwhile, is more convienent for some (and easier on the shy folks). I bet there are other methods as well that someone may want to do.
So make a requirement for the novice to know the subject and prove their knowledge. However, be open with HOW that knowledge is shown.
Edit: Also, a 'Writing' might do for a name, rather than 'essay' (which can give college students nightmares). Wording in a text game is extremely important, after all.
Unknown2006-02-17 17:34:02
In the Shadowdancers we require novices to research Glomdoring and other areas of the Basin, and they can then choose to share that knoweldge either by writing an essay, or thorugh an interview.
No essay required, but it is an option. And the knowledge is learned either way
No essay required, but it is an option. And the knowledge is learned either way
ferlas2006-02-17 17:55:06
QUOTE(Cwin @ Feb 17 2006, 05:21 PM) 259437
Personally, I can see the point of requiring the novice prove they've done some studies when in a guild dedicated to knowledge. Writings, however, are just one way of handling it.
A ritual for the rock lovers! No writing and all around fun.
Sylphas2006-02-17 18:29:37
Personally, if you can't come up with one freaking paragraph, you shouldn't be playing a text based game. It's not like people are asking for a 20 page research paper with citations and crap like that. When I was a novice aide in Achaea, I didn't even bother reading the paragraphs half the time, as long as it didn't look like you randomly picked words with a d20 or something.
Unknown2006-02-17 20:08:14
I'm of a simple opinion that it shouldn't be required (optional is perfectly fine of course) for a novice. Obviously, for a scholar path, it might be necessary but nobody has to choose such a path.
Ialie2006-02-17 20:09:30
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Feb 17 2006, 01:29 PM) 259457
Personally, if you can't come up with one freaking paragraph, you shouldn't be playing a text based game. It's not like people are asking for a 20 page research paper with citations and crap like that. When I was a novice aide in Achaea, I didn't even bother reading the paragraphs half the time, as long as it didn't look like you randomly picked words with a d20 or something.
Preach it brother.
Asarnil2006-02-17 20:12:03
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Feb 18 2006, 04:59 AM) 259457
Personally, if you can't come up with one freaking paragraph, you shouldn't be playing a text based game. It's not like people are asking for a 20 page research paper with citations and crap like that. When I was a novice aide in Achaea, I didn't even bother reading the paragraphs half the time, as long as it didn't look like you randomly picked words with a d20 or something.
You would hate me then. I haven't produced one "required" essay for any single character on any IRE game in six years. It was

EDIT: Watch your language. ~Shiri~
Aiakon2006-02-17 20:15:03
QUOTE(Asarnil @ Feb 17 2006, 08:12 PM) 259500
You would hate me then. I haven't produced one "required" essay for any single character on any IRE game in six years. It was

.... it's RP for god's sake...
Vix2006-02-17 20:16:16
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Feb 17 2006, 12:29 PM) 259457
Personally, if you can't come up with one freaking paragraph, you shouldn't be playing a text based game. It's not like people are asking for a 20 page research paper with citations and crap like that. When I was a novice aide in Achaea, I didn't even bother reading the paragraphs half the time, as long as it didn't look like you randomly picked words with a d20 or something.
You mean I wrote that long, thought out essay for nothing?

Nyla2006-02-17 20:16:51
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Feb 17 2006, 02:15 PM) 259502
.... it's RP for god's sake...
Its a game... not school
Aiakon2006-02-17 20:19:52
QUOTE(nyla @ Feb 17 2006, 08:16 PM) 259504
Its a game... not school
Your point? Just because it's not school you shouldn't have to do anything in it that remotely reminds you of school?
Nyla2006-02-17 20:28:33
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Feb 17 2006, 02:19 PM) 259505
Your point? Just because it's not school you shouldn't have to do anything in it that remotely reminds you of school?
You shouldnt be required to.. no.