Athana2006-02-28 06:42:31 THE HIGHMAGIC SKILL (Common)
High Magic is a branch of magical knowledge surrounding the study of the
cabala, or spheres of energies, also known as sephiroth, that compose the
universe. These spheres are symbolically arranged on a diagram called the
Tree of Life and connected by a network of paths. A variety of useful and
beneficial spellcraft can be learned through mastering this occult
philosophy. This branch of arcane studies is highly ritualized and
intellectualized, and is also a prerequisite for studying cosmic or
elemental magic. THE LOWMAGIC SKILL (Common)
The term 'low' may at first be misunderstood when regarding the branch of
magic known as Low Magic. More properly, Low Magic is 'natural magic'
which involves the study of auras and energies that make up life. It is a
much more intuitive form of magic when considered next to its intellectual
cousin, High Magic. Many useful manipulations of the aura can be gained
through studying this branch of magic, and is a prerequisite to learning
the Nature, Herbs or Poisons skill.
I was just thinking to myself and I came to wonder why lowmagic users are given both herbs and poisons as extra choices in tradeskill while highmagic just gets enchantment for those who have elemetalism and cosmic which I'm assuming is the equivalent to alchemy for those with nature. Any ideas?
High Magic is a branch of magical knowledge surrounding the study of the
cabala, or spheres of energies, also known as sephiroth, that compose the
universe. These spheres are symbolically arranged on a diagram called the
Tree of Life and connected by a network of paths. A variety of useful and
beneficial spellcraft can be learned through mastering this occult
philosophy. This branch of arcane studies is highly ritualized and
intellectualized, and is also a prerequisite for studying cosmic or
elemental magic. THE LOWMAGIC SKILL (Common)
The term 'low' may at first be misunderstood when regarding the branch of
magic known as Low Magic. More properly, Low Magic is 'natural magic'
which involves the study of auras and energies that make up life. It is a
much more intuitive form of magic when considered next to its intellectual
cousin, High Magic. Many useful manipulations of the aura can be gained
through studying this branch of magic, and is a prerequisite to learning
the Nature, Herbs or Poisons skill.
I was just thinking to myself and I came to wonder why lowmagic users are given both herbs and poisons as extra choices in tradeskill while highmagic just gets enchantment for those who have elemetalism and cosmic which I'm assuming is the equivalent to alchemy for those with nature. Any ideas?
Morik2006-02-28 06:46:52
You want to take lowmagic and be a Geomancer, right?
Athana2006-02-28 06:49:49
QUOTE(morik @ Feb 27 2006, 10:46 PM) 263352
You want to take lowmagic and be a Geomancer, right?
That would be sweet ya...

Unknown2006-02-28 06:51:41
High magickers could learn how to prepare and collect various inanimate spell components, and they are harmed by Druid demesnes!
Crystals, salts, powders, dusts, brews, etc. No idea what they could do though. Where's Selthar? Explosions!
Crystals, salts, powders, dusts, brews, etc. No idea what they could do though. Where's Selthar? Explosions!
Unknown2006-02-28 13:16:57
It's just about Lowmagic giving more choices, kinda unfair, I agree.
Daganev2006-02-28 19:18:28
Technically, from a "design document" perspective both High magic and Low magic offer the same number of choices.
High magic allows Cosmic Enchatnments, and Elemental Enchantments.
Low magic allows Herbs and Poisons.
High magic allows Cosmic Enchatnments, and Elemental Enchantments.
Low magic allows Herbs and Poisons.
Xenthos2006-02-28 19:19:51
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 28 2006, 02:18 PM) 263504
Technically, from a "design document" perspective both High magic and Low magic offer the same number of choices.
High magic allows Cosmic Enchatnments, and Elemental Enchantments.
Low magic allows Herbs and Poisons.
And Nature, which allows Alchemy.
Narsrim2006-02-28 19:24:16
So? Knighthood allows Forging.
Xenthos2006-02-28 19:26:27
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Feb 28 2006, 02:24 PM) 263506
So? Knighthood allows Forging.
So? I'm a lowmagic practitioner myself. I was pointing out that he was missing a tradeskill that requires lowmagic.
Unknown2006-02-28 19:27:52
2/3rds of Cities must pick high magic.
2/3rds of Communes must pick low magic.
There are a bunch of City warriors with low magic, and commune warriors with high magic, I think it's a pretty even pairing.
A Geo/Aqua wouldn't make sence with low magic, do you want to take herbs? Wouldn't people freak out, and ignore their main skill-set in favor of their trade skill then?
2/3rds of Communes must pick low magic.
There are a bunch of City warriors with low magic, and commune warriors with high magic, I think it's a pretty even pairing.
A Geo/Aqua wouldn't make sence with low magic, do you want to take herbs? Wouldn't people freak out, and ignore their main skill-set in favor of their trade skill then?
Narsrim2006-02-28 19:28:49
Do we really need *another* tradeskill? There aren't enough freakin enchanters as it is let alone bookbinders, etc.
Daganev2006-02-28 19:37:39
Considering that High magic is highly intelectulized, I wonder if it would make sense to make Bookbinding require Highmagic. (and then remove the requirment to wield books to have thier protection... like you can wear them as a necklace instead of wielding it.)
Narsrim2006-02-28 19:39:10
Good idea, but too late. I was thinking that too, but what would you do with the people who already have it?
Daganev2006-02-28 19:39:44
Give them a full refund on lessons. *shrug*
Xenthos2006-02-28 19:39:58
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Feb 28 2006, 02:39 PM) 263522
Good idea, but too late. I was thinking that too, but what would you do with the people who already have it?
Let them keep it or refund their lessons.
Daganev2006-02-28 19:41:23
Ooh right, let them keep it.. like they did with Priests in Aetolia... Damn it would be awesome to learn to fight in aetolia and have credits and be killing people now with skills they have never seen before and probabbly removed all thier triggers for!
Xenthos2006-02-28 19:44:19
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 28 2006, 02:41 PM) 263525
Ooh right, let them keep it.. like they did with Priests in Aetolia... Damn it would be awesome to learn to fight in aetolia and have credits and be killing people now with skills they have never seen before and probabbly removed all thier triggers for!
Well, all the highmagic bookbinders would still have it, so everyone would still need to know about the skills. It would just mean that the few lowmagic ones (Nejii, and who else?) get to keep making books and scrolls.
Daganev2006-02-28 20:03:26
Oh sorry, I was agreeing with you, and went off on a tangent.. wasn't being sarcastic.. my bad!
Anisu2006-02-28 20:09:02
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Feb 28 2006, 08:28 PM) 263516
Do we really need *another* tradeskill? There aren't enough freakin enchanters as it is let alone bookbinders, etc.
I can say for a fact the lack of enchanters is because powerstones where so insane expensive and nobody wanted to pay more for the enchantments, not to mention the undercutting stores did to enchanters (I needed to concurate with 20gp in a shop while a powerstone cost me 2000gp) and even if you had someone willing to give the 5gp a charge extra, it was hardly worth the time, I made more hunting those 5 minutes. Ofcourse this is not just stores, many enchanters undercut eachother, it's only really profitable if you get contracts with storekeepers and those that own cubes or if you like me just wanted to enchant statues for your organisation.
I know atleast 3 bookbinders that are about a lot that would love to get a job.
edit: oh and we don't need more tradeskills, I have to spend enough gold as it is

Unknown2006-02-28 20:12:41
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 28 2006, 08:18 PM) 263504
High magic allows Cosmic Enchatnments, and Elemental Enchantments.
But there's no choice and that's the point.
I'm not convinced Bookbinding should be a Highmagic skillset, I see little relation between Highmagic's rituals and ability to produce scrolls and books, and learning more languages. Causing so much trouble now with changing it doesn't seem feasible too.
Yes, there's a lot of tradeskills, but also almost everybody either has one or will get it eventually. I think we could handle another one for Highmagic, I have completely no ideas though.