Unknown2006-03-03 03:14:33
Fairly self-explanatory, I personally think it is stupid from both an IC and OOC perspective. Particularly for Druids of both communes.
Unknown2006-03-03 03:15:55
One is tainted, one isn't, hop-diddly-do I-love-you. So no I don't think so. It just doesn't add up.
Narsrim2006-03-03 03:22:33
I bitched and screamed for this to be changed back. It failed 

Unknown2006-03-03 03:24:18
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Mar 3 2006, 03:22 AM) 264673
I bitched and screamed for this to be changed back. It failed

It usually does. Or else we'd have a happier , safer Lusternia, today.
Unknown2006-03-03 03:28:30
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Mar 3 2006, 03:22 AM) 264673
I bitched and screamed for this to be changed back. It failed

Which is why I want to be able to say... look! Most people agree with us!
I hope, anyway.
Unknown2006-03-03 04:39:33
Are the people who are answering yes in a commune?
Murphy2006-03-03 06:59:57
herll i think wyrd wisps should only be able to pull in wyrd, and likewise of the untainted wisps in their own forest.
Unknown2006-03-03 07:04:19
I've always kind of wondered, why would a Serenwilde defile themselves by flowing through tainted/wyrden forest, and why would they push their fae to go through it as well, since it's the very thing they have been trying to protect them from, and the same with, why would any one from Glomdoring go through Serenwilde forest, or chance having their fae purified by going through, granted the fae cant actually be tainted or purified by the environment they are in, but it could happen.
Tsuki2006-03-03 08:53:31
Before the change, I think I remember that Glomdoring novices couldn't flow in their forest? That was a Bad Thing. It might be more tricky than it's worth to sort out coding-wise who can flow where if you limit it. Glomdoring in wyrdren (natural and Blacktaloned), Serenwilde in natural or ethereal (Hartstoned) ... no-one if it's plain sylvan Faethorn same as trees? Both if it's plain sylvan Faethorn? What about those who leave the commune but retain the skills?
Unknown2006-03-03 09:04:30
If they're from Glomdoring, Wyrden, Natural and Faethorn, if Serenwilde, Ethereal, Normal and Faethorn, if neither, natural and Faethorn, as they wouldn't hold any affliation to either types of forest.
Tsuki2006-03-03 09:37:03
I think I'm a bit confused as to what you mean in the terminology. For me, "normal" and "natural" are the same thing ... the default environment for Serenwilde.
Someone correct me if these are wrong:
forest - naturally forest, Serenwilde is an example of this (also the EtherWilde?)
wyrdren forest - naturally wyrdren forest, Glomdoring is an example (also the EtherGlom?)
ethereal - Hartstone forested
wyrded - Blacktalon forested
sylvan - natural state of Faethorn
And I seem to recall hearing that one of those island places is forest? And something about everywhere in Glomdoring being forest and whatever else (or was I misinterpretting another thread about wyrdren swamp being swamp and forest)?
But if a non-affiliated person could flow in forest, why should they be able to? They could've been a member of Glomdoring and flowing through wyrdren forest for a decade, why should they suddenly not be able to but be able to flow through forest?
It would only make sense if losing commune affiliation would also make someone unable to flow through any forest but sylan or all forest. And if non-affiliated could flow through all, that'd be better than the affiliated get, and we tend to frown on rogues and make things more difficult, not easier.
Someone correct me if these are wrong:
forest - naturally forest, Serenwilde is an example of this (also the EtherWilde?)
wyrdren forest - naturally wyrdren forest, Glomdoring is an example (also the EtherGlom?)
ethereal - Hartstone forested
wyrded - Blacktalon forested
sylvan - natural state of Faethorn
And I seem to recall hearing that one of those island places is forest? And something about everywhere in Glomdoring being forest and whatever else (or was I misinterpretting another thread about wyrdren swamp being swamp and forest)?
But if a non-affiliated person could flow in forest, why should they be able to? They could've been a member of Glomdoring and flowing through wyrdren forest for a decade, why should they suddenly not be able to but be able to flow through forest?

Unknown2006-03-03 12:27:34
QUOTE(Tsuki @ Mar 3 2006, 08:53 AM) 264749
Before the change, I think I remember that Glomdoring novices couldn't flow in their forest? That was a Bad Thing. It might be more tricky than it's worth to sort out coding-wise who can flow where if you limit it. Glomdoring in wyrdren (natural and Blacktaloned), Serenwilde in natural or ethereal (Hartstoned) ... no-one if it's plain sylvan Faethorn same as trees? Both if it's plain sylvan Faethorn? What about those who leave the commune but retain the skills?
Why not just make two versions of flow? There are skills that only those in certain communes have access to - for instance Spider effect in Glomdoring, Maiden fae in Serenwilde.
Of course Glomdoring novices should be able to flow in their own forest, and both Serenwilde and Glomdoring in Sylvan forest. But the 'worth' is definitely there.
Shiri2006-03-03 13:17:14
QUOTE(Avaer @ Mar 3 2006, 12:27 PM) 264791
Why not just make two versions of flow? There are skills that only those in certain communes have access to - for instance Spider effect in Glomdoring, Maiden fae in Serenwilde.
Of course Glomdoring novices should be able to flow in their own forest, and both Serenwilde and Glomdoring in Sylvan forest. But the 'worth' is definitely there.
Eh? What are you talking about spider effect in Glomdoring and Maiden Fae in Serenwilde? Neither are novice skills...so it's not relevant, is it?

Unknown2006-03-03 13:20:36
QUOTE(Shiri @ Mar 3 2006, 01:17 PM) 264803
Eh? What are you talking about spider effect in Glomdoring and Maiden Fae in Serenwilde? Neither are novice skills...so it's not relevant, is it?

Hrm, does that really matter though? I don't know, maybe it does for the code.
I just don't want my enemies to have the same mobility I do in my demesne.

Shiri2006-03-03 13:25:28
Well...I don't know why you brought them up at all. The thing is that there's only one flow skill. It's in nature. There's not one in Druidry and one in Wicca, or anything of the sort...so there can't really be two skills the way you're suggesting.
Unknown2006-03-03 13:27:31
QUOTE(Shiri @ Mar 3 2006, 01:25 PM) 264805
Well...I don't know why you brought them up at all. The thing is that there's only one flow skill. It's in nature. There's not one in Druidry and one in Wicca, or anything of the sort...so there can't really be two skills the way you're suggesting.
Erm, I was suggesting it be -made- into two skills.

Like both Shadowdancers and Moondancers have Wicca. But there are some skills that only Moondancers have access to, and likewise Shadowdancers.
Tsuki2006-03-03 13:32:09
So those not in a commune wouldn't be able to Flow?
Speaking of Wicca, I do wonder if the learning messages are different. Or are Shadowdancers reminded that the fae are our friends/allies, not our servants?
Speaking of Wicca, I do wonder if the learning messages are different. Or are Shadowdancers reminded that the fae are our friends/allies, not our servants?

Unknown2006-03-03 13:34:38
Couldn't there be the generic flow which is for un-aligned, which gives you access to natural and Sylvan, then the Serenwilde one which is Natural, Ethereal and Sylvan, and then the Glomdoring one which is Wyrden, natural and Sylvan? And just have it change according to their organization?
Unknown2006-03-03 13:36:08
Well, the Glomdoring one would not be natural, otherwise we'd be back where we started.
Tsuki2006-03-03 14:08:21
QUOTE(tenqual @ Mar 3 2006, 08:34 AM) 264810
Couldn't there be the generic flow which is for un-aligned, which gives you access to natural and Sylvan, then the Serenwilde one which is Natural, Ethereal and Sylvan, and then the Glomdoring one which is Wyrden, natural and Sylvan? And just have it change according to their organization?
Still having some confusion of terminology there.
QUOTE(Tsuki @ Mar 3 2006, 04:37 AM) 264764
forest - naturally forest, Serenwilde is an example of this (also the EtherWilde?)
wyrdren forest - naturally wyrdren forest, Glomdoring is an example (also the EtherGlom?)
ethereal - Hartstone forested
wyrded - Blacktalon forested
sylvan - natural state of Faethorn
You discern:
You are standing in Northern Serenwilde Forest.
Your environment conforms to that of forest.
You are in the Prime Material Plane.
That's "natural" forest, no qualifiers like the other environment types have.
Maybe I should amend the types? Forest, Wyrdren Forest, Ethereal, Twisted, Sylvan? Druid things, giving them their name from part of what it looks like, in case anyone's confused there. So then we have:
Forest - natural environment for Serenwilde
Wyrdren Forest - natural environment for Glomdoring
Ethereal - Hartstone created overlapping environment, Serenwilde affiliated
Twisted - Blacktalon created overlapping environment, Glomdoring affiliated
Sylvan - Faethorn natural environment, non affiliated
... and I still don't know what that one island is. I suspect it's Forest?
So Glomdoring should Flow in Wyrdren Forest, Twisted, and Sylvan. Serenwilders should Flow in Forest, Ethereal, and Sylvan. Non affiliated should only Flow in Sylvan.
Except then we've also got the forest place on that island, which would give an advantage to Seren there. Unless Seren natural environment gets changed to be a different type of forest, and leave the island "forest" ...
Still not sure it'd be worth it to figure something out to separate everything out.