Tiny Fugue...

by Simimi

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Simimi2006-03-08 00:06:11
Short and Sweet.
I am finding making my system on Tiny Fugue (Unix/Linux MUD client) far far too difficult. I am having ot bug Morik and Verithrax constantly for help, and why these things are not working, using 3 or 4 different webforums for answers... this is insane. If anyone wonders why I have not been on so muich recently, it is because I have to sit with a notebook open to take notes, while reading pages of print out and such, trying to get simple triggers from the Skartch Desert to work properly... sleep.gif;

After spending the last 3 hours or so looking for linux mud clients, I do not see any alternative. All the clients would either A) Not be good enough/ have the thingies needed for Lusternia PvP or 2) May have the thingies needed (not sure what said thingies ARE...) but require some kind of programming skill like VBS, Python or PERL.

So...guess I'm stuck using TF? Or is there another way? Any Idea or Suggestions?
I am actually ---STUDYING--- TF. I have the /help files printed out in a binder, with pages for notes, and I just camp around in lusty as a random novice who never talks or does anything, so I can try to make these things work, which it is not working, it is incredibly frusttrating and I feel stupider everytime I log onto Lusternia for not being able to figure this crap out.
Part of that is I do not understand what I am reading in /help most of the time... such as...=
- /trig is equivalent to: /def -tpattern = body. (So when do you use witch? I was told to always always always use /def , which keeps not working on me, I have 14 triggers which will not work, oddly enough, when people are telling me they are right.,..)
I can not even get into detail about these things cause I am not at my comp right now, but I feel bad about having to run to Morik every 30 seconds cause I am having so much trouble, and clearly it starts to get to him after a while, cause he has some trouble explaining things to me so I get them.
Meh, just ranting...blarg..
Trakis2006-03-08 00:20:52
I've had almost the exact same problems - you can ask Morik how often I bother him if you don't believe me. Plus, nothing makes you feel dumber than asking a question like "Why can't I get TF to scroll back past the text on the screen?" and having Morik say "hold control, shift, and use the up and down arrows".

I'm slowly but surely getting the hang of it, and once I start to understand the way to make TF do what I want, I have some pretty neat algorithmic ideas for a combat system that should be really good. Honestly it isn't a very user-friendly client, but I decided to use it because I wanted raw processing speed on both of my computers (pc and mac). Also, I hate those fancy schmancy user interfaces. Pure functionality, baby.

If you want to try something else, though, you could try TinTin++, which I found to be excellent, but not as powerful.
Unknown2006-03-08 01:08:20
If you're considering changing clients, you might consider running MUSHClient under wine.
Works well enough for me (on Ubuntu).

I stayed with MUSHClient because I already had a lot of script for it. But it might be something a little more mainstream when you're looking for help.
Verithrax2006-03-08 01:34:08

1) Don't mind helping at all, Mimi. smile.gif

2) Am not good with TF at all, though. sad.gif

3) Already told you about mmucl which is much better. smile.gif
Tias2006-03-08 03:27:34
QUOTE(Razorvine @ Mar 7 2006, 07:08 PM) 267122

If you're considering changing clients, you might consider running MUSHClient under wine.
Works well enough for me (on Ubuntu).

I stayed with MUSHClient because I already had a lot of script for it. But it might be something a little more mainstream when you're looking for help.

As Razorvine said you could try MUSH under wine then you'll just need to learn Lua or try out Lyntin if you're looking to change.


Its a client done in python and pretty simple to use but for complex stuff you'll need to learn python. I found python easy to learn than TF code though. Heh.
Unknown2006-03-08 14:10:31
I would recommend Lyntin as well. The basics just use tintin style scripting, so you can find loads of help and its really simple (tintin is what zMUDs scripting is based off) for the more complex stuff you would need to learn Python, but Python is very easy to pick up the basics of.

some examples of basic lyntin script

#action {^You are hungry} {get bread bag;eat bread}
#alias {a} {say hi}
#variable {hps} {100}
#gag {has missed you.}
#highlight {green} {Sven arrives.}
#if {$myhpvar < 100} {#showme PANIC!}

soooo 9 times out of 10 you can steal zMUD code and tweak it slightly.
Simimi2006-03-08 20:19:24
Well, I am playing with mmucl which is rather enjoyable, problem is I do not know what a client needs to be able to do to be 'powerful' enough for Lusternia combat.
I suppose I should learn a language just so it might help me out.
Also, the help files in mmucl help with TF alot too, odd enough, and tcl does not seem so hard , though my uni has no books on it...and alot on python.

*If python is easier to use than TF, I might look into it and try out lintin or tintin++ id mmucl does not go so well...
**My -BIGGEST- thing is, clearly TF has some insanly good advantage or these other vlients have some insanely huge sick failure, or else TF would not be so prevalanet and like "The -ONLY- worthy linux mud client" as it is described as all over the internet...
*** I am not giving up on TF, but am looking at alternatives at the moment, Thanks for all your suggestions!
Unknown2006-03-08 22:35:54
If you want to learn an extremely easy programming language, I suggest Lua with MUSHclient. Downside is, you have to run it under /wine but, Lua is hardcoded into MUSH. Basically, it helps run MUSH under /wine if you're using MUSHclient.

That being said, MUSH is not an easy client to learn with. Since it does not use Tintin however, you can't just plug in #alias {bleh} {bah}.
Though, you could easily make a function for that..... that gives me a brilliant idea.
Also, MUSH is definitely powerful enough for Lusternia PvP.

For ease of use, Lintin sounds very good for Linux. My vote will always go to MUSH however, just because it is like a god, imo.
Tiran2006-03-08 22:39:43
Yeah, it takes a bit of work to get things working with TF. Although congratulations if you're still trying at it. At the moment, while I still use the client, I haven't started serious coding because I'm still working on a way to do nice multiline triggers with it. The nice thing about it is that once you have that moment where it all clicks in (which I haven't yet dry.gif), then everything becomes simpler to do.

QUOTE(AlyssandraAbSidhe @ Mar 8 2006, 07:10 AM) 267374

some examples of basic lyntin script

#action {^You are hungry} {get bread bag;eat bread}
#alias {a} {say hi}
#variable {hps} {100}
#gag {has missed you.}
#highlight {green} {Sven arrives.}
#if {$myhpvar < 100} {#showme PANIC!}

In tf:
/def -t"You are hungry*" = get bread bag%;eat bread
/def -h"send a" = say hi
/set hps=100
/def -ag -t"*has missed you.*"
/def -PCgreen -t"Sven arrives."
/if (myhpvar<100) /echo PANIC%; /endif

This reminds me that I find the hook thing a little inconsistant as far as triggers are concerned. It would make more sense to have a trigger hook than a special -t option. I guess with how much triggers are used compared to the rest of everything else it makes sense, but just a little thing that irks me from a design perspective.
Anisu2006-03-09 13:46:25
Both mushclient and zmud can be emulated or 'wined' in linux (cmud on the other hand will not be able to be emulated in linux) though zmud takes some serious tweaking.

(yes I know emulating and using wine are not the same thing)
Asarnil2006-03-09 15:21:23
zmud 5.55 runs perfectly under Linux using Wine (or at least Crossover Office - which runs all sorts of things better than Wine does - and I wouldn't be surprised if cmud will be able to too). And Anisu, you really need to learn the difference between emulation and API implementations - Wine is NOT emulation, they are completely different horses.
Anisu2006-03-09 16:26:24
QUOTE(Asarnil @ Mar 9 2006, 04:21 PM) 268047

zmud 5.55 runs perfectly under Linux using Wine (or at least Crossover Office - which runs all sorts of things better than Wine does - and I wouldn't be surprised if cmud will be able to too). And Anisu, you really need to learn the difference between emulation and API implementations - Wine is NOT emulation, they are completely different horses.

Now read my post again, especially the part stating I know emulating and using wine is not the same.
Athbrax2006-03-13 06:06:42
I've got way too hard of a problem learning *any* kind of programming languages (severe ADD), I also can't type for crap (bad carpal tunnel in the wrists...yeah, got all kinds of things wrong with me, lol) so I have to stick with a graphical client. Kmuddy is a great client and from what I think I understand about it from trying to read the help files and trying to understand it all, you can use almost any language to make scripting in it. Unfortunately until I figure out a way to learn some kind of scripting, I'll never make a good fighter, but I'm too darn stubborn to play anything *but* a fighter.

Here's the URL if anyone's interested in giving it a try or looking at it. It has a forum for the users too.

Simimi2006-03-13 18:01:22
So far, with MMUCL, I have found that -everything- is easier thn TF, and I m amazed at how the mmucl /help index helps with TF, so if your having trouble with tf...
~$sudo apt-get install mmucl
~$ mmucl
(in mmucl)
- and behold the wealth of help you can find!

Still unsure what contitues a client "powerful enough" for Lusternia, but the triggers (called actions in mmucl) have all the same optional options that TF does, and sofar as I have seen, it automatically recognises multi-line anything because if you have a "
tarik2006-03-16 14:46:26
I haven't used TF for years, but I found these guides useful when I was starting out with it:



Trivia fans will appreciate how old these are by the references to a character called Shaitan!
Athbrax2006-03-23 07:50:48
A good (damn good for me at least) client for Linux is Kmuddy. Scripting can be done in almost any language...I just don't know any languages or how to script at all, too hard to learn just reading a book sad.gif .
Get it here