Daganev2006-03-09 22:56:35
Is there anything more to get other than Alistair cambel has made that uote before and Richard and Judy are a famous show that have always made the comment that was refrenced in the article bfore?
Laysus2006-03-09 23:47:55
I'd answer that, but it's completely incoherent.
Daganev2006-03-10 01:21:59
Ok, I assume Allistair Cambell has said that certain people should stay out of politics before, and that Richard and Judy is a pop culture type of show thats either not taken seriously, or just isn't very popular.
ferlas2006-03-10 17:31:22
Allistair Cambell is like one of the most disturbing people in british politics at the moment I think.