Yrael2006-03-10 02:07:00
Plenty of people want to convert, but it's a bastard to do so. Perhaps relaxing those restrictions.
Shamarah2006-03-10 02:44:54
Actually, we make it very easy, Ixion just hasn't actually tried to join after getting unenemied.
Yrael2006-03-10 02:52:59
You wouldn't let me in.
Murphy2006-03-10 03:40:34
as much as you say "ixion all he does is damage" and all that jazz, end of the day he's a long time combatant, generally knows his stuff and knows it well enough to fight against, and he does take out most people rather quickly because......most people can't tank him
Personally i think celest should try to keep him unenemied and neutral, because he's a bitch of an enemy to have especially on a supernal run seeing he is incredibly tanky.
Personally i think celest should try to keep him unenemied and neutral, because he's a bitch of an enemy to have especially on a supernal run seeing he is incredibly tanky.
Shamarah2006-03-10 12:09:51
That's because you're... you.
Nymerya2006-03-10 12:12:45
The man has a point, dear.
Unknown2006-03-10 12:33:23
Guys, I don't think thats gunna happen. Its somewhat like saying "Oh, we (the US) should be friends with Iraq, because they might have nukes - we wouldnt want them using those against us." It would just open up more avenues of using those weapons against us.
If Ixion is unenemied, that would make raiding Celestia or raiding a village easier to do. They don't want to make anything easy for someone whos gunna raid.
And the upstanding citizen part is *crap.* - Erm, I mean, they wouldn't know, so its a crap argument, nothing against Ixion who probably is an upstand citizen - If you are in Celest, you have NO IDEA of how upstanding Ixion is - just that hes tainted.
Catarin handled it well.
If Ixion is unenemied, that would make raiding Celestia or raiding a village easier to do. They don't want to make anything easy for someone whos gunna raid.
And the upstanding citizen part is *crap.* - Erm, I mean, they wouldn't know, so its a crap argument, nothing against Ixion who probably is an upstand citizen - If you are in Celest, you have NO IDEA of how upstanding Ixion is - just that hes tainted.
Catarin handled it well.
Yrael2006-03-10 12:35:31
Shamarah: So? I've stolen a few hundred kay in goodies, raided Celestia on occasion, perhaps killed one ore two people inside of city limits. Nothing they haven't done. Why not?
Ixion2006-03-10 12:45:49
QUOTE(Oraki @ Mar 10 2006, 07:33 AM) 268395
Guys, I don't think thats gunna happen. Its somewhat like saying "Oh, we (the US) should be friends with Iraq, because they might have nukes - we wouldnt want them using those against us." It would just open up more avenues of using those weapons against us.
If Ixion is unenemied, that would make raiding Celestia or raiding a village easier to do. They don't want to make anything easy for someone whos gunna raid.
And the upstanding citizen part is *crap.* - Erm, I mean, they wouldn't know, so its a crap argument, nothing against Ixion who probably is an upstand citizen - If you are in Celest, you have NO IDEA of how upstanding Ixion is - just that hes tainted.
Catarin handled it well.

First off, I hadn't raided for many ooc months. Secondly, kill one angel or one denizen in a village and you get automatically get enemied, not to mention one hostile action in either place would no doubt get me enemied by Celest's citizenry. Most importantly, don't replace your own ignorance with an entire city's: people such as Ekard, Shamarah, and several others know Ixion well enough to judge what kind of person he is.
Shamarah2006-03-10 13:04:48
While Shamarah has spoken to Ixion, he would trust Thoros' word any day over Ixion's.
Ixion2006-03-10 13:22:09
I would hope so, being he is a fellow citizen. That does not mean, however, that the person residing in Magnagora (in this case Ixion) is not understood to be an upstanding citizen.
Essentially, trusting a citizen over a person of your enemy org in no way defines whether or not the person is an 'upstanding citizen' to use your terminology.
Essentially, trusting a citizen over a person of your enemy org in no way defines whether or not the person is an 'upstanding citizen' to use your terminology.
silimaur2006-03-11 18:30:29
well ixion i dont think you can complain as if you really wanted to join celest you would have kept on and likely got unenemied again quickly when they realised you meant it, in fac ti heard it said aquite a few times but then you raided celestia killed citizens and expect people to believe you ever meant to convert? to be honest that was stupid
Ixion2006-03-11 20:00:52
They won't unenemy me so I'm going to earn the status with hundreds of angel deaths. That's what they get for pulling me out of retirement.
Until a day ago I was pretty much removed entirely from combat. Imagine that.
Until a day ago I was pretty much removed entirely from combat. Imagine that.
Navaryn2006-03-11 20:05:32
Meh. I always thought that kind of reasoning to be somewhat iffy. Acting like that basically tell them they were right to enemy you... not that I'm complaining that you're staying in the Ur'Guard 

Rakor2006-03-11 21:15:33
QUOTE(Kharvik @ Mar 8 2006, 09:06 PM) 267817
So pay your fine and join Celest!
Quiet you!
There is a difference between roleplaying something and just being stupid about it, by the way.
Jack2006-03-13 17:37:30
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Mar 10 2006, 01:04 PM) 268400
While Shamarah has spoken to Ixion, he would trust Thoros' word any day over Ixion's.
You must be an awesome RPer or just off, because Thoros is a total

Aiakon2006-03-15 09:46:40
QUOTE(Jack @ Mar 13 2006, 05:37 PM) 269326
You must be an awesome RPer or just off, because Thoros is a total

Quoted for truth.