
by Narsrim

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Richter2006-04-06 22:19:14
Wait, you bought gems, she cuts, you get the powerstones, and she keeps the gems? I wish -I- could con people into doing that. 90-95% of the cuts are probably going to be gems. With a value of 50gp per gem, you're most likely getting the very short end of the stick.
Unknown2006-04-06 23:16:19
True, but gems are kinda hard to sell.
Unknown2006-04-08 01:05:22
Quality over quantity, my friend. I was somewhat short on gold at the time, and could only afford some twenty gems without digging int my emergency stash. With those twenty gems, costing me about 2100 gold, I received two power stones, which would cost 3000 to 4000 gold if bought directly from a jeweler. True, the jeweler makes an obscene profit compared to the enchanter in this scenario; but it makes it easy to obtain powerstones in this manner, as well as avoiding insane prices. One consequence I could see of widely using this system, though, is that only Fabled or higher jewelers would get any business from enchanters because we would want those who can Mastercut and thus get higher rates of powerstones.

Until then, jewelers could probably live off vials jewelery, I suppose.
Unknown2006-04-30 02:55:41
I do cut stones for people, the price is depending on the person. Often its free lately, now that Sheia and Tzekelkan got their Manse. And yes a person can make a great profit off Jewelry without powerstones! Its a skill I highly recommend and enjoy greatly!
Unknown2006-04-30 05:11:18
What's with all the necroed threads lately?
Unknown2006-04-30 06:20:55
This one mentioned me and I felt like answering. Nice signature by the way.