by Ashteru

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Ashteru2006-04-27 12:34:46
Doublepost of Doooooooom! Time to test some smilies.
toad.gif sailor.gif teach.gif ghost.gif solong.gif doowop.gif celestine.gif dance.gif surrender2.gif

Oi, they decreased smilienumber again!
Xavius2006-04-27 12:38:43
As regards sprinting, you can actually only move two rooms in a second. All of your numbers are skewed.


3044h, 1868m, 1868e, 10p elrx-sw;w;sw
Sloping woodlands.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A mix of pines and other trees form
the canopy over the inclined forest floor. The hillside trail continues up from
west to southeast, sloping in the shadow of the southern mountains. The path
itself - little more than a gulley of water - is bordered bilaterally by purple
and green heathers, growing thickly beneath the firs. A second trail leads
steeply downhill to the northeast. Casting darkness all around, a shadow totem
thrusts up from the ground, chilling the air. A rowan sapling clings tenaciously
to the ground here.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, and west.
3044h, 1868m, 1868e, 10p elrx-
3044h, 1868m, 1868e, 10p elrx-Fir-filled gulley.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. This small, damp area of woodland is
surrounded by hills on almost all sides. Tall pine trees cover the valley walls,
leaving the forest floor in pale shadow. Only to the north does a downward slope
continue, although thick trees and undergrowth prevent further movement in those
directions. To the south, a steep cliff-side prevents any further movement
upwards. Casting darkness all around, a shadow totem thrusts up from the ground,
chilling the air. A rowan sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here.
You see exits leading east and southwest.
3044h, 1868m, 1868e, 10p elrx-
3044h, 1868m, 1868e, 10p elrx-Now now, don't be so hasty!
Rauros2006-04-27 12:44:35
I agree with Sprint, but I do not agree with Gallop. I think the balance on Gallop should depend on your mount. If you're riding a Legendsteed, I think there should be almost no balance for galloping.
Xenthos2006-04-27 12:48:32
QUOTE(Icarus @ Apr 27 2006, 08:30 AM) 282910

With 3000 to 4000 mana, you will surge with 500 to 700 less health than before. At lower levels it's even less significant. That's like half a sip of a Shadowlord. dry.gif

1) The health I lost is about 60-80% of one sip,
2) It reduces *every single sip*, and
3) Who (besides Murphy, maybe, until he tries it once and gets absolved) will use the "new" surge against guardians and wiccans? It can be difficult enough with 3660 max mana.

Anyways, I guess it will be discussed in the envoy summit.
Rauros2006-04-27 12:53:04
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Apr 27 2006, 07:48 AM) 282918

3) Who (besides Murphy, maybe, until he tries it once and gets absolved) will use the "new" surge against guardians and wiccans? It can be difficult enough with 3660 max mana.

I believe Lisaera said that this change was primarily to stop instant toadcurse/other instant-kill when Surge was forced. I don't think it's meant to imply that you should Surge on purpose against these opponents.
Xenthos2006-04-27 12:58:20
QUOTE(Rauros @ Apr 27 2006, 08:53 AM) 282919

I believe Lisaera said that this change was primarily to stop instant toadcurse/other instant-kill when Surge was forced. I don't think it's meant to imply that you should Surge on purpose against these opponents.

Then... why not just simply flag surge as unforceable? unsure.gif

One of the arguments in this thread is that you can "survive better against Guardians/Wiccans with this change." Really, though... that doesn't come into play because you aren't going to fight them surged.
Rhoan2006-04-27 13:06:45
Allow me to bold the part that was apparently missed. So it is not missed again.
(Note I am not saying you should or will, just that you can with far better chances than before)

Can do something does not mean going to do something or should do something.

Murphy gave a perfect example of can be surged and fare better than before. There are alot of cases where you could be surged and suddenly facing a guardian. Prior to the change you would have been turned into a toad pretty fast. Now you stand a far better chance of not being turned into one instantly.
Icarus2006-04-27 13:20:04
The health/mana ratio now is actually better for me (level 84 Taurian) because I had pitiful mana and more health. It's clear that Shadowlords and Aslaran warriors (with the exception of Murphy) do not like the Surge change, while other races welcome it. tongue.gif

On the issue of the Behead change, I think it impacts 2-handers more than blademasters. Looking at the log Drago provided, imagine the haymaker was hitting chest with critical wounds. It would have scored at least two heart pierce, which is quite deadly unless against the tankiest warriors. Diamante once struck (not makehay) a 5000 plus damage heartpierce through my 107 cutting full plate, and instantly killed me. tongue.gif
Ixion2006-04-27 13:27:02
QUOTE(Rauros @ Apr 27 2006, 08:53 AM) 282919

I believe Lisaera said that this change was primarily to stop instant toadcurse/other instant-kill when Surge was forced. I don't think it's meant to imply that you should Surge on purpose against these opponents.

Surge has little to do with instatoad curse. That problem lies with forcing cannibalize.
Unknown2006-04-27 14:38:39
QUOTE(Xavius @ Apr 27 2006, 08:38 AM) 282915

As regards sprinting, you can actually only move two rooms in a second. All of your numbers are skewed.

I didn't say spamming.

Ash: I don't hunt Astral alone, or without cause, because I'd die in like 2-4 hits max. I don't have a sip bonus, and I don't have full plate, and I don't have surge. nonetheless, I'd like to note that humans are not a high-str race, but even though I have a high int race you're killing them faster and have less of a chance of dieing, even with this change.

Computer:Opening page http://lusternia.ire-community.lag/annoying/forum/lag.html I now remember why I've been avoiding the forums.
Ashteru2006-04-27 15:23:57
See....I don't have a fullplate/sipbonus either, and I can't take more than 5 or 6 hits. And I'd love to know how you know that I kill them faster with all the running I have to do. tongue.gif And you can FLY, for example, an ability I lack as a human.
Terenas2006-04-27 15:48:18
I'm an Aslaran but I don't mind the Surge change so much. I'd prefer my original Surge suggestion but no mana drain is great if it was implemented. I'll post my fight against Icarus in a bit that shows me fighting him with the old Surge. The low mana was devestating when you have to clot so often against a 2-hander. I'm just generally more pissed at the change Behead. Thanks a lot Pureblades and Axelords. angry.gif
Ashteru2006-04-27 15:58:50
QUOTE(terenas @ Apr 27 2006, 03:48 PM) 282935

I'm an Aslaran but I don't mind the Surge change so much. I'd prefer my original Surge suggestion but no mana drain is great if it was implemented. I'll post my fight against Icarus in a bit that shows me fighting him with the old Surge. The low mana was devestating when you have to clot so often against a 2-hander. I'm just generally more pissed at the change Behead. Thanks a lot Pureblades and Axelords. angry.gif

do you have a fullplate and trans resilience?
Terenas2006-04-27 16:01:27
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Apr 27 2006, 03:58 PM) 282940

do you have a fullplate and trans resilience?

Doesn't everyone? unsure.gif
Ashteru2006-04-27 16:05:21
QUOTE(terenas @ Apr 27 2006, 04:01 PM) 282942

Doesn't everyone? unsure.gif

Every warrior that agrees with the change does, yeah. tongue.gif
Daganev2006-04-27 16:21:48
I don't get these arguments, your max mana doesn't mean all that much when most mana attacks are percentage based on some level... the issue is that since surge drains mana, you need all your mana regens just to stay at normal, let alone to fend off the mana drain attacks.
Terenas2006-04-27 16:26:05
Actually, it means a lot for a race with low mana since the base on most mana drains are 250-300 with the exception of Succumb. That means for someone with less than 2500 mana it will take 3 Amissio to put the person into Absolve range, but against someone with 5000 mana it will take 4 to do so. Thus having higher mana will protect you more against mana-kills.

Edit- I can count, honest!
Ashteru2006-04-27 16:37:18
QUOTE(terenas @ Apr 27 2006, 04:26 PM) 282953

Actually, it means a lot for a race with low mana since the base on most mana drains are 250-300 with the exception of Succumb. That means for someone with less than 2500 mana it will take 3 Amissio to put the person into Absolve range, but against someone with 5000 mana it will take 3 to do so. Thus having higher mana will protect you more against mana-kills.

Uuuh? O.o
Soll2006-04-27 16:38:02
blink.gif Something muddled his maths, methinks.
Terenas2006-04-27 16:42:14
Oops, I meant 4 in the second example.

2500 base mana-

Mana attack- 10% + 300

550 mana drain.

1250 for Absolve. 1250/550 = 2.27 Ammissio

5000 base mana-

800 mana drain

2500 for Absolve. 2500/800 = 3.125.

It will take 3 mana attacks to put you in the Absolve range with 2500 mana but 4 with a max mana of 5000.