by Ashteru

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Unknown2006-06-17 07:46:04
QUOTE(silimaur @ Jun 17 2006, 07:43 AM) 299178

well thanks for making igasho even more useless then any other race possible, maximum i can get is 18 strength now as a paladin...what is even the point?

I'm packing 19, 20 if I felt like liching, but it's worthless because of the loss during the day.

Strength     : 19   Dexterity :  9  Constitution : 20
  Intelligence :  9   Size      : 15  Charisma     : 14

Cuber, he was making fun of you because you play a female character and are a male ooc. Your ego should be hurt, otherwise there is something wrong.
Unknown2006-06-17 07:56:29
QUOTE(Stagar Feyranti @ Jun 17 2006, 09:46 AM) 299180

Cuber, he was making fun of you because you play a female character and are a male ooc. Your ego should be hurt, otherwise there is something wrong.

Right. And you have stinky feet. See, I said your feet are stinky while they are not (I hope!). Your ego should be hurt, otherwise there is something wrong.
Murphy2006-06-17 07:57:49
yeh cuber i was having a stab at you, iron you tell people to take a nerf stick beating like a man, yet you play a girl character you big pansy nancy-boy sissy.
Unknown2006-06-17 07:59:18
QUOTE(Murphy @ Jun 17 2006, 09:57 AM) 299183

yeh cuber i was having a stab at you, iron you tell people to take a nerf stick beating like a man, yet you play a girl character you big pansy nancy-boy sissy.


Damn, forgot female characters curtsey instead.

EDIT: And do you think why I told y'all to take a beating like a MAN? The irony struck me as soon as I thought I could post that.
Murphy2006-06-17 08:03:05
right well let me correct myself

You're a big ironic pansy nancy-boy sissy.
Unknown2006-06-17 08:04:34
Amusing. No, really.

Only arrogant people cannot make fun of themselves.
Shiri2006-06-17 08:41:05
Cuber, he was making fun of you because you play a female character and are a male ooc. Your ego should be hurt, otherwise there is something wrong.

...huh.gif With you, yeah.
Unknown2006-06-17 09:40:06
What, the kiddy "omg you play a grl chariktor!!one!thirteen" fight is over? Boooring... or even better, let's heat this up even more.

Yes, I do play a woman character. She is even engaged. But I am secure enough in my manhood that I can do that, and do not care what others say about that. But if Someone feels in such a different way that not only playing a woman, but having other guys play them provokes a reaction...

Ba-boom shakala! *apply regeneration to ego, drink bromide and allheale, heartstop and run away crying*
Unknown2006-06-17 09:56:24
QUOTE(Cuber @ Jun 17 2006, 09:40 AM) 299204

What, the kiddy "omg you play a grl chariktor!!one!thirteen" fight is over? Boooring... or even better, let's heat this up even more.

Yes, I do play a woman character. She is even engaged. But I am secure enough in my manhood that I can do that, and do not care what others say about that. But if Someone feels in such a different way that not only playing a woman, but having other guys play them provokes a reaction...

Ba-boom shakala! *apply regeneration to ego, drink bromide and allheale, heartstop and run away crying*

Chill out man, people are over it. We all know you play a chick and enjoy teh female arpee. tongue.gif

Kthx mellow.gif
Unknown2006-06-17 09:59:23
But I like petty squabbles!

Wait, I think I don't.
Ashteru2006-06-17 10:04:04
And I always thought you'd only RP to be bitchy...
Unknown2006-06-17 10:28:37
I think we derailed this long enough with your censor.gif. Like any change, give it time and shut the hell up. Honestly, every time something is tweaked it's the "OMFG IM QUITTING LUSTERNIA."

You guys have damn good admin who've done a hell of a lot in a short period of time and I'm sure if they see something wrong they'll be quick to fix the situation.
Murphy2006-06-17 14:07:40
psh you all take things too seriously, i was only half joking when taking a stab at cuber, but i like messing with people
Sylphas2006-06-17 14:24:07
QUOTE(KidHendrix @ Jun 17 2006, 06:28 AM) 299211
I think we derailed this long enough with your censor.gif . Like any change, give it time and shut the hell up. Honestly, every time something is tweaked it's the "OMFG IM QUITTING LUSTERNIA."

That must be what happened with Lisaera. She was all "I can't have my 3k strength now? OMFG IM QUITTING LUSTERNIA. Screw you guys, Aetolia likes me better!" -nod me-

And I apparently played Achaea for far too long, because someone complaining that they can't break 20 in a stat just strikes me as someone who whines too much.
Unknown2006-06-17 14:32:16
Stagar's signature wins this thread.
Vix2006-06-17 15:19:22
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Jun 17 2006, 09:24 AM) 299244
And I apparently played Achaea for far too long, because someone complaining that they can't break 20 in a stat just strikes me as someone who whines too much.

Same here. All of you people are way too spoiled. The world isn't going to end because you lost ONE (1) point of strength.
Ashteru2006-06-17 15:37:30
I think at least Titans and Demigods statpoints should count as racial like human statpoints do. After all, their race basically changes to a Titan of their race/a demigod.
Unknown2006-06-17 16:10:20
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Jun 17 2006, 05:37 PM) 299260

I think at least Titans and Demigods statpoints should count as racial like human statpoints do. After all, their race basically changes to a Titan of their race/a demigod.

Noo! What I liked best from these changes is that demis and titans got shafted. Just because someone bashed for 1000 hours on Astral like you had no life, it doesn't mean they should now be suddenly overpowered as compared to other people. nonono.gif noway.gif
Ashteru2006-06-17 16:15:28
QUOTE(Cuber @ Jun 17 2006, 04:10 PM) 299263

Noo! What I liked best from these changes is that demis and titans got shafted. Just because someone bashed for 1000 hours on Astral like you had no life, it doesn't mean they should now be suddenly overpowered as compared to other people. nonono.gif noway.gif

Just because someone spent 400 dollar shouldn't mean that they should be better than other people. Just because someone won a Champion election doesn't mean they should be better than other people. Just because someone has a system shouldn't mean they should be better than other people.
That argument sucks. People SHOULD get nice boni for reaching high levels, it takes long enough, and it is mostly the only reason they bash so much. Being a demigod has NO censor.gif benefits now, it's WORSE than titan.
People being censor.gif towards people who bash a lot piss me off, sorry. Just because they don't have the will/time/anything else shouldn't mean that they can just being censor.gif towards people who do like to bash.

EDIT - Watch the language.
Unknown2006-06-17 16:18:49

EDIT: Also, there is a difference. Let's take a very, very good example. Athana, and before her, Aesyra. I am not saying both are bad people or something, but let's face it - they were not good combatants. They were not bashing to become fighters either. But when they did hit Titan, suddenly we saw Aesyra raiding Magnagora, Athana fighting along Ixion and whomever else. Their fighting abilities didn't improve much, only the sheer power of Titan/Demigod made them hard to stop (less so in Athana's case, here we have the Titan+Mindcrush change combo). And a person who makes a system, does so especially to become a good fighter. Also, making a system takes skill. Being a good fighter takes skill. Bashing all night long takes nothing but time.