Viravain2006-04-17 23:44:15
I would think the title and topic description are fairly self explanatory. If you wish for an updated description, or one in general, simply ask. And no, I'm not looking for commentary on what I do turn out, save from the person the description is for.
Also, please don't PM me your requests, simply post them here. I rather need the inbox space for other important messages and don't want to miss any. I'll get to each request in proper turn, so don't worry.
To begin, this is per Munsia's request for a slight description update.
She is a bouncing furrikin and has short brown hair that falls around a rather rounded face, extending into a small snout that is mostly covered in fur. Twin furry ears rise from her head, but the left has been on the receiving end of a blade, the cut giving her a slightly ragged air. Predominantly canine in appearance, her limbs are shaped in a manner that permits the ability to walk both upright or upon all fours without hassle. Her short but lean arms are lightly covered with battle-knicked fur, progressing downwards to long, more human hands, the nails sharpened to fine points. Hanging from behind her is a shaggy brown tail, the fur prone to being blown about in the wind. Carefully burned into her body are strange black markings that run along her stomach and arms, done in such a manner so as to reveal every thorn, petal, and vine of the rose shaped brands.
Also, please don't PM me your requests, simply post them here. I rather need the inbox space for other important messages and don't want to miss any. I'll get to each request in proper turn, so don't worry.
To begin, this is per Munsia's request for a slight description update.
She is a bouncing furrikin and has short brown hair that falls around a rather rounded face, extending into a small snout that is mostly covered in fur. Twin furry ears rise from her head, but the left has been on the receiving end of a blade, the cut giving her a slightly ragged air. Predominantly canine in appearance, her limbs are shaped in a manner that permits the ability to walk both upright or upon all fours without hassle. Her short but lean arms are lightly covered with battle-knicked fur, progressing downwards to long, more human hands, the nails sharpened to fine points. Hanging from behind her is a shaggy brown tail, the fur prone to being blown about in the wind. Carefully burned into her body are strange black markings that run along her stomach and arms, done in such a manner so as to reveal every thorn, petal, and vine of the rose shaped brands.
Saran2006-04-18 13:58:20
Ooh it's worth a shot
is my currrent one
He is a nimble faeling and is possibly tall for his race. His long straight hair is a forestall brown, falling all around his face till it ends neatly at his shoulders. His face is gentle, with soft brown eyes, slightly pointed ears and no sign of a beard. He has a slim build with no visible muscle, and his skin is soft appearing oddly to have a faint hint of green, from his back spring large wings of vibrant rainbow colours each as tall as him and far wider.
is my currrent one
Asarnil2006-04-18 14:28:29
I need a complete new one for Asarnil. I would be happy with pretty much anything at this date - I am still using my Igasho one from memory and that was pretty out there as it was.
Unknown2006-04-18 14:53:46
What could you do for an elfen healer/alchemist?
Murphy2006-04-18 15:39:02
since Viravain loves the Murph so much, I've had the same description for so long, basically its comprised of the ur'guard champion helm, and a suit of fieldplate, the idea being you can't see him cause he's armour clad!
Feel free to do a funny/mocking one, although i know you will anyway
Feel free to do a funny/mocking one, although i know you will anyway
Viravain2006-04-18 18:24:53
It's slightly helpful to Me if you post your current description. I'm not going to hunt you down! We leave the voyeurism to Fain.
ferlas2006-04-18 18:25:51
She is a bouncing furrikin and She resembles a squirrel, diminutive and skinny standing at the height of 3ft6. Her fur is a dark reddish colour on her back which fades to a pale faint red tint on her chest and her face. Her face is slightly pointed,
her pale furred ears frame her face highlighting her squirrel like nose, She has dark green eyes and dull ruddy lips. Her dark red bushy tail runs up her back curling at the end making her seem slightly larger than she is.
her pale furred ears frame her face highlighting her squirrel like nose, She has dark green eyes and dull ruddy lips. Her dark red bushy tail runs up her back curling at the end making her seem slightly larger than she is.
Improvements or suggestions please?
Viravain2006-04-18 19:14:45
QUOTE(Saran @ Apr 18 2006, 09:58 AM) 280234
Ooh it's worth a shot
is my currrent one
He is a nimble faeling and stands tall, despite keeping the otherwise diminuitive build that is typical of his race. Rich brown hair has been kept long and unbound, left to fall freely around a gentle face and slim shoulders. His eyes are a soft brown and characteristically almond shaped, framed by ears that sweep back into gentle points. Faintly tinted green, his skin is additionally speckled with darker spots that appear upon his cheeks and limbs in haphazard patterns. A sudden shock of vibrant colour, extravagant wings of shifting rainbow hues sprout from his back, enabling him to easily keep aflutter.
Saran2006-04-18 19:21:31
QUOTE(Viravain @ Apr 19 2006, 05:14 AM) 280305
He is a nimble faeling and stands tall, despite keeping the otherwise diminuitive build that is typical of his race. Rich brown hair has been kept long and unbound, left to fall freely around a gentle face and slim shoulders. His eyes are a soft brown and characteristically almond shaped, framed by ears that sweep back into gentle points. Faintly tinted green, his skin is additionally speckled with darker spots that appear upon his cheeks and limbs in haphazard patterns. A sudden shock of vibrant colour, extravagant wings of shifting rainbow hues sprout from his back, enabling him to easily keep aflutter.

Viravain2006-04-18 19:31:39
QUOTE(ferlas @ Apr 18 2006, 02:25 PM) 280292
Improvements or suggestions please?
She is a bouncing furrikin and resembles a squirrel, with a diminutive build that leaves her standing only slightly taller than the average faeling. Her fur is predominantly a dark reddish brown in colour, fading into a lighter shade of auburn on her chest and the lower portion of her face. A button like nose aides in making her face slightly pointed, the crown of which is framed by delicate furry ears. Unusually expressive, dark green eyes stare out at her surroundings with an unmasked sense of curiousity, be it cautious or carefree. Curling up her back and around her figure is a long tail, the fluffy fur making her appear far larger in size than she actually is.
Daganev2006-04-18 19:40:49
I would LOVE a new description... Thank you so much.
He is an ordinary human and and peering out through a large muave eye, with a twinkling as though the world bore some sort of simple humor to it through his eye. His dark skin reminds one of the shadowlord faelings, and his face is taut as to bely his lack of mercy for those who anger him. Some light fur from the days as a Tae'dae reveals the mask that he had been wearing all these years. What might be a grin is plastered upon his face, a sort of jovial smirk, as jovial as an nine foot tall Korkani can get to jovial. Though it might be the jovial smirk of a hunter that is ready to eat its recent prey. Upon his wrists you can see two tattoos. On his left wrist is a frozen heart with the name 'Urlach's Heart' below it. On his right wrist is a jagged lightning bolt with the name 'Klangar's Fury' written below in dark ink.
I've been needing one for ages.
I'm open to a completely new description in every way
He is an ordinary human and and peering out through a large muave eye, with a twinkling as though the world bore some sort of simple humor to it through his eye. His dark skin reminds one of the shadowlord faelings, and his face is taut as to bely his lack of mercy for those who anger him. Some light fur from the days as a Tae'dae reveals the mask that he had been wearing all these years. What might be a grin is plastered upon his face, a sort of jovial smirk, as jovial as an nine foot tall Korkani can get to jovial. Though it might be the jovial smirk of a hunter that is ready to eat its recent prey. Upon his wrists you can see two tattoos. On his left wrist is a frozen heart with the name 'Urlach's Heart' below it. On his right wrist is a jagged lightning bolt with the name 'Klangar's Fury' written below in dark ink.
I've been needing one for ages.
I'm open to a completely new description in every way

Simimi2006-04-18 19:49:04
Would you mind, Your Ladyship? IT would be much appreciated!
She is a fierce dracnari and and is rather short for her people. Standing at roughly 5'7'' high, and weighing about 130 pounds she is lithe and elegent to say the least. A tight, long black braid hangs deftly about her waist, as straight cut bangs
hover above slanted eyes of somber hazel. A fang hangs from one corner of her mouth, gleaming softly against the somber hues of her skin, which is a soft green tint in color, reminiscent of the scales that still cover some parts of her body, while
overall her skin is quite smooth. While she bears a humanesque appearance, there can be no doubt of her ancient heritage
She is a fierce dracnari and and is rather short for her people. Standing at roughly 5'7'' high, and weighing about 130 pounds she is lithe and elegent to say the least. A tight, long black braid hangs deftly about her waist, as straight cut bangs
hover above slanted eyes of somber hazel. A fang hangs from one corner of her mouth, gleaming softly against the somber hues of her skin, which is a soft green tint in color, reminiscent of the scales that still cover some parts of her body, while
overall her skin is quite smooth. While she bears a humanesque appearance, there can be no doubt of her ancient heritage
Unknown2006-04-18 19:54:17
He is a feathered trill and is slightly above average for his race, in terms of height. His body seems very delicate, as it needs to be light to allow him flight. Two dark wings of a crimson shade are folded behind him, the feathers at the tips lightly touching the ground. The left wing is adorned with many foreign tattoos, the feathers burned away in some areas. Dark feathers don his head in an uncaring fashion, sticking out in all directions. Unlike the usually handsome features of his race, this Trill has an enigmatic - almost sinister look to him. His deep red eyes are shadowed by the dark down atop his head. Ritualistic markings cover the left side of his face, yet the right side is completely unadorned for some reason. The same markings continue down his slender neck and, you expect, all the way down his body.
Shadowdancer, btw.
Many thanks.
Arix2006-04-18 19:59:59
Oh, heres my current desc.
He is a feathered Trill and is about 6 feet tall. He has long, dark grey hair that flows to about halfway down his back, and is tied at the base of his neck, exposing his pointed ears, the only parts of him that stayed Elfen despite reincarnation. His dark green eyes peer about, set in a perpetual glare. His face has a long scar that starts near his right eye and travels along his jaw line, while his nose appears to have been broken and reset several times. From his back sprouts a pair of shimmering red and gold wings, that shift constantly in a blaze of fiery colour. He has tanned skin, and an acrobat's build. Just visible on his right arm is a small tattoo in the image of a hamster with the word "Fuzzywumplekins" inscribed below.
Umm, he's a Celestine for now, until I can see about getting my plan into motion. Any help would be appreciated
He is a feathered Trill and is about 6 feet tall. He has long, dark grey hair that flows to about halfway down his back, and is tied at the base of his neck, exposing his pointed ears, the only parts of him that stayed Elfen despite reincarnation. His dark green eyes peer about, set in a perpetual glare. His face has a long scar that starts near his right eye and travels along his jaw line, while his nose appears to have been broken and reset several times. From his back sprouts a pair of shimmering red and gold wings, that shift constantly in a blaze of fiery colour. He has tanned skin, and an acrobat's build. Just visible on his right arm is a small tattoo in the image of a hamster with the word "Fuzzywumplekins" inscribed below.
Umm, he's a Celestine for now, until I can see about getting my plan into motion. Any help would be appreciated
Viravain2006-04-18 20:07:06
QUOTE(daganev @ Apr 18 2006, 03:40 PM) 280311
I would LOVE a new description... Thank you so much.
I've been needing one for ages.
I'm open to a completely new description in every way

He is an ordinary human and glares out at the surrounding world with a blistering gaze, the narrowed orbs similiar in colour to freshly spilt blood. His skin is dark in tone, similiar to that which is characteristic of a shadowlord faeling, disrupted only by the multiple battle scars that ribbon his flesh. His build is that of the stereotypical warrior, gargantuan in height and rippling with muscles, with slightly silvering hair that reveals a more venerable age. Though his features are naturally stern, his lips are pulled into a faint smirk that lingers upon an otherwise tightly set jaw. Each wrist exhibits a slightly faded tattoo, that of a frozen heart and a jagged lightning bolt with careful script running under each illustration in dark ink.
Acrune2006-04-18 20:19:30
He is a noble imperial merian and looks to be rather average in build. If he
grows any hair on his head, he shaves it so short that no one can tell. His blue
skin has picked up a slightly darker hue, from countless hours spent under the
sun in his travels over the waters of the Basin. The age is beginning to show in
him, but for the most part he still looks to be physically fit. His aquatic eyes
have a sparkle in them that could be the light, or perhaps a look of amusement.
My creativity sucks... help?
Thanks in advance should you give a suggestion
grows any hair on his head, he shaves it so short that no one can tell. His blue
skin has picked up a slightly darker hue, from countless hours spent under the
sun in his travels over the waters of the Basin. The age is beginning to show in
him, but for the most part he still looks to be physically fit. His aquatic eyes
have a sparkle in them that could be the light, or perhaps a look of amusement.
My creativity sucks... help?

Thanks in advance should you give a suggestion

Viravain2006-04-18 20:35:11
QUOTE(Simimi @ Apr 18 2006, 03:49 PM) 280314
Would you mind, Your Ladyship? IT would be much appreciated!
She is a fierce dracnari and could be considered unusually petite for such, though she carries herself with an undisputable sense of pride and elegance all the same. Her skin is smooth and composed of somber hues of green, the pattern reminiscent of the glistening scales that still run along parts of her body. Carefully plaited and bound, long black hair falls to her waist, the ends kept neatly trimmed to match the meticulous straight cut of her bangs. Softly slanted hazel eyes sit prettily upon her face, her delicate features remarkably human, though the slight glint of fang leaves absolutely no doubt to her ancient heritage.
Simimi2006-04-18 20:37:32
See, This is why She is a GOD and we are but HUMBLE MORTAL SCUM!
*bows down, clearly unworthy*
THANK YOU!!!!!!:wub:
My new dream in life ooc, is to have a command of the English Language such that it would be described by the adjective, "Viravanian" such that:
"Her use of the word 'juxtaposition' in that sentance was purely -Viravanian-!"
See, This is why She is a GOD and we are but HUMBLE MORTAL SCUM!
*bows down, clearly unworthy*
THANK YOU!!!!!!:wub:
My new dream in life ooc, is to have a command of the English Language such that it would be described by the adjective, "Viravanian" such that:
"Her use of the word 'juxtaposition' in that sentance was purely -Viravanian-!"
Arix2006-04-18 20:39:43
ooh, can you fix mine too?
Xenthos2006-04-18 20:40:57
QUOTE(Arix @ Apr 18 2006, 04:39 PM) 280337
ooh, can you fix mine too?
Give her time, she's working through the list.