Viravain2006-04-18 21:13:49
QUOTE(Arix @ Apr 18 2006, 03:59 PM) 280322
Umm, he's a Celestine for now, until I can see about getting my plan into motion. Any help would be appreciated
He is a feathered trill and stands with a lanky height and build, the quintessential frame of an acrobat. Silver hair of a muted hue flows down his back in wispy strands, not quite feathers yet strangely alike. Slightly pointed ears remain exposed to frame a weathered face that has been nastily scarred upon the right side, following the line of his cheek down to his jaw. Dark green eyes peer out from above his nose which appears to have been broken many a time, forming a slight hook that offers him an ironically avian visage. Most remarkable about his appearance are wings of red and gold, the brilliant plumage creating the illusion of a constant blaze around his form. Barely visible upon his upper arm is a small tattoo, an inscription inked in scrawling lettering beneath it.
Arix2006-04-18 21:17:31
I love you, Lady Viravain
Xenthos2006-04-18 21:18:42
QUOTE(Arix @ Apr 18 2006, 05:17 PM) 280343
I love you, Lady Viravain
And no more fuzzy, unless they ask you what the inscription is.

Arix2006-04-18 21:20:40
I saw that too. I've been meaning to get rid of it, and now I don't have to
Hazar2006-04-18 21:29:24
Alright. I've run out of creative juices for krokani descriptions. Help?
He is an one-eyed krokani and a tall, looming figure, long limbs of knotted
muscle stretching up the heights of small saplings. His long, somber face is
somewhat drawn, with frown lines before his years, but his one eye is a deep,
soulful blue that gleams with an inner energy. Crow-black hair is pulled back
in a knot behind his head, loosely bouncing against the back of his skull, and
stands our sharply against his pale, blue-veined skin. He carries himself with
a measured, practiced grace, carefully judging every movement.
He is an one-eyed krokani and a tall, looming figure, long limbs of knotted
muscle stretching up the heights of small saplings. His long, somber face is
somewhat drawn, with frown lines before his years, but his one eye is a deep,
soulful blue that gleams with an inner energy. Crow-black hair is pulled back
in a knot behind his head, loosely bouncing against the back of his skull, and
stands our sharply against his pale, blue-veined skin. He carries himself with
a measured, practiced grace, carefully judging every movement.
Viravain2006-04-18 21:37:07
QUOTE(Acrune @ Apr 18 2006, 04:19 PM) 280328
Thanks in advance should you give a suggestion

If you have something specific you want to be reflected within your description, this will help Me greatly, but let us give this a try all the same.
He is a noble imperial merian and looks to be of a rather average build, but still physically fit. His head remains smooth and free of hair, though be it by personal preference or natural occurrence remains unknown. His skin is a deep, radiant blue in colour, although a darker hue has begun to accumulate within the pigment from countless hours spent under the sun and increasing age alike. A look of faint amusement seems to be linger within his eyes, but to what extent it actually exists remains hidden behind his carefully cool demeanor.
Ildaudid2006-04-18 21:57:12
I would love to update mine somewhat if possible its so generic
He is a fiendish brood viscanti and appears to be mixed with other races.His skin seems irridescent, forever shifting colors except for his arms and legs, which are plated in sea-green scales. His eyes are deep purple, brooding and unforgiving. His face is well structured, bearing red patterned tattoos around his left eye and brow. A jagged scar runs from his chin down to his throat. His hair, thick like the mane of an Aslaran, but black as midnight hangs from his head covering his right eye. Tattered leathery wings sprout from his back that cover him in a cloak of webs.
Many thanks
He is a fiendish brood viscanti and appears to be mixed with other races.His skin seems irridescent, forever shifting colors except for his arms and legs, which are plated in sea-green scales. His eyes are deep purple, brooding and unforgiving. His face is well structured, bearing red patterned tattoos around his left eye and brow. A jagged scar runs from his chin down to his throat. His hair, thick like the mane of an Aslaran, but black as midnight hangs from his head covering his right eye. Tattered leathery wings sprout from his back that cover him in a cloak of webs.
Many thanks
Viravain2006-04-18 22:00:54
QUOTE(Hazar @ Apr 18 2006, 05:29 PM) 280346
Alright. I've run out of creative juices for krokani descriptions. Help?
He is an one-eyed krokani and has a tall, looming figure, with long limbs composed mainly of tightly knotted muscle. His face appears naturally somber due to being somewhat long and slightly drawn, having accumulated multilple frown lines before his older years. His skin is almost deathly pale, leaving blue veins to stand out plainly against the near-translucent flesh. Hair as black as crow feathers offers another stark contrast to his appearance, having been pulled back in a tight knot and left to bounce lightly against the back of his skull. The deciding feature of his race, his single eye is a deep, soulful blue that gleams with an inner luminosity, speaking volumes of his measured demeanor.
Viravain2006-04-18 22:24:12
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Apr 18 2006, 05:57 PM) 280352
I would love to update mine somewhat if possible its so generic
Many thanks
He is a fiendish brood viscanti and clearly retains the features of many races from within his heritage. His skin is almost incandescent, seeming to subtly shift with various shades of crimson. Vicious scales race up his arms in spiked plates, the edges clearly able to rip and slice as easily as the elongated talons that extend mercilessly from the ends of his otherwise slender fingers. His face is well chisled, with electric violet eyes that stare out unforgivingly amidst bold tattoos that rip across his features. A shaggy black mane falls around his shoulders and down his back, partially obscuring a jagged scar that runs down from his chin and down his throat from view. Immense wings rise behind him with a sharp arch, but the leathery segments themselves have been tattered and torn into a state of utter ruin.
Acrune2006-04-18 22:51:00
Love it, thanks 

Penelope2006-04-18 23:00:14
Wow, those are amazing. Can you help with Pen's?
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is a strikingly beautiful woman with silvery white hair that spills over bare milky white shoulders in a straight fall to mid-back. Almond shaped green eyes are set upon a lovely face of pale white, a curious expression ever present. Two large butterfly wings extend from her back, ebon in their centers and a bright white that fades in on the black at the edges. Shadows hug her figure, swirling and tugging at her extremities as they swallow her in their endless dark.
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is a strikingly beautiful woman with silvery white hair that spills over bare milky white shoulders in a straight fall to mid-back. Almond shaped green eyes are set upon a lovely face of pale white, a curious expression ever present. Two large butterfly wings extend from her back, ebon in their centers and a bright white that fades in on the black at the edges. Shadows hug her figure, swirling and tugging at her extremities as they swallow her in their endless dark.
Viravain2006-04-18 23:53:51
QUOTE(Penelope @ Apr 18 2006, 07:00 PM) 280367
Wow, those are amazing. Can you help with Pen's?
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is encompassed by shadows. Wisps of darkness whorl and twist around her figure before flowing outwards into the semblance of butterfly wings, remaining ebon in colour but bespeckled with white near the edges. Spilling over slender shoulders and down her back in a waterfall of silvery white hair, silken tresses have been left free to caress her smooth, milky white skin. A soft smile seems to follow her inquisitive gaze, originating from almond shaped eyes of a jewel-like green, which glimmer with an ethereal quality.
Again, if you'd like something specific conveyed, it would help Me greatly.
Daganev2006-04-19 00:01:23
QUOTE(Viravain @ Apr 18 2006, 01:07 PM) 280324
He is an ordinary human and glares out at the surrounding world with a blistering gaze, the narrowed orbs similiar in colour to freshly spilt blood. His skin is dark in tone, similiar to that which is characteristic of a shadowlord faeling, disrupted only by the multiple battle scars that ribbon his flesh. His build is that of the stereotypical warrior, gargantuan in height and rippling with muscles, with slightly silvering hair that reveals a more venerable age. Though his features are naturally stern, his lips are pulled into a faint smirk that lingers upon an otherwise tightly set jaw. Each wrist exhibits a slightly faded tattoo, that of a frozen heart and a jagged lightning bolt with careful script running under each illustration in dark ink.
Beyond Awesome.. thanks!
Penelope2006-04-19 00:06:33
QUOTE(Viravain @ Apr 18 2006, 07:53 PM) 280375
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is encompassed by shadows. Wisps of darkness whorl and twist around her figure before flowing outwards into the semblance of butterfly wings, remaining ebon in colour but bespeckled with white near the edges. Spilling over slender shoulders and down her back in a waterfall of silvery white hair, silken tresses have been left free to caress her smooth, milky white skin. A soft smile seems to follow her inquisitive gaze, originating from almond shaped eyes of a jewel-like green, which glimmer with an ethereal quality.
Again, if you'd like something specific conveyed, it would help Me greatly.
WOW! Thank you! It's wonderful. I think I'm going to go back to Pen's Pepto Pink hair though. You rock!!
Unknown2006-04-19 00:07:45
My current:
He is a glistening undead mugwump and has soft, almost translucent crimson skin. Tiny black freckles cover him, creating disturbing patterns. Almost glowing veins, a darker red than his skin, lie just below his skin, just barely visible to the discerning eye. His appearance is more salamander-like than frog, seeming unfamiliar in many ways to most eyes. His head is slightly oblong in shape, curving forward. Darting around quickly, never staying focused on one thing for too long, his eyes are more fishlike than anything, a flat black in colour. Hundreds of tiny teeth line his perpetual grin, their razor edge catching any light with a menacing shimmer.
help meh
He is a glistening undead mugwump and has soft, almost translucent crimson skin. Tiny black freckles cover him, creating disturbing patterns. Almost glowing veins, a darker red than his skin, lie just below his skin, just barely visible to the discerning eye. His appearance is more salamander-like than frog, seeming unfamiliar in many ways to most eyes. His head is slightly oblong in shape, curving forward. Darting around quickly, never staying focused on one thing for too long, his eyes are more fishlike than anything, a flat black in colour. Hundreds of tiny teeth line his perpetual grin, their razor edge catching any light with a menacing shimmer.
help meh

Viravain2006-04-19 00:13:34
QUOTE(Asarnil @ Apr 18 2006, 10:28 AM) 280243
I need a complete new one for Asarnil. I would be happy with pretty much anything at this date - I am still using my Igasho one from memory and that was pretty out there as it was.
He is a menacing orclach and stands over ten feet in height, his sheer stature alone lending him an imposing presence. His skin is thick and mottled in appearance, gleaming white scar tissue standing out amidst the otherwise ashen flesh. Thickly knotted muscle lines his limbs, a faintly glowing tattoo of a blue phoenix inked upon his right arm in excruciating detail. Despite having pulled back his hair in a severe manner, a few wisps still manage to escape their bond to drift in front of inky black eyes set within a hardened face. His jaw is kept rigid, though multiple fangs escape the confines of his lips to transform his features into an eternal grimace.
Daganev2006-04-19 00:32:33
How would I turn this phrase: "His build is that of the stereotypical warrior, gargantuan in height and rippling with muscles, with slightly silvering hair that reveals a more venerable age."
into something describing those 1980's wrestlers, who were strong, but not well defined. And often looked fat while clothed. Sort of like the guys in the Strongest man competitions?
into something describing those 1980's wrestlers, who were strong, but not well defined. And often looked fat while clothed. Sort of like the guys in the Strongest man competitions?
Viravain2006-04-19 00:38:33
QUOTE(daganev @ Apr 18 2006, 08:32 PM) 280391
How would I turn this phrase: "His build is that of the stereotypical warrior, gargantuan in height and rippling with muscles, with slightly silvering hair that reveals a more venerable age."
into something describing those 1980's wrestlers, who were strong, but not well defined. And often looked fat while clothed. Sort of like the guys in the Strongest man competitions?
His build is that of the aging warrior, still gargantuan in height but less defined in terms of muscle, his strength originating from pure girth.
Hazar2006-04-19 00:42:54
QUOTE(Viravain @ Apr 18 2006, 05:00 PM) 280354
He is an one-eyed krokani and has a tall, looming figure, with long limbs composed mainly of tightly knotted muscle. His face appears naturally somber due to being somewhat long and slightly drawn, having accumulated multilple frown lines before his older years. His skin is almost deathly pale, leaving blue veins to stand out plainly against the near-translucent flesh. Hair as black as crow feathers offers another stark contrast to his appearance, having been pulled back in a tight knot and left to bounce lightly against the back of his skull. The deciding feature of his race, his single eye is a deep, soulful blue that gleams with an inner luminosity, speaking volumes of his measured demeanor.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Daganev2006-04-19 00:44:27