Viravain2006-04-20 03:13:05
I must admit being a bit overwhelmed with the sudden influx of requests! I'll get to each, but I might not be able to keep up with the rather large flow that seems to be incoming and getting it back on the same day it's asked for.
Hopefully, I'll have some time to set aside later this afternoon or evening to work on them, however. I do promise to get to each request in thusfar, even if it means locking the thread from time to time so I can catch up.
Hopefully, I'll have some time to set aside later this afternoon or evening to work on them, however. I do promise to get to each request in thusfar, even if it means locking the thread from time to time so I can catch up.
Xavius2006-04-20 03:17:14
QUOTE(Viravain @ Apr 19 2006, 11:48 AM) 280607
Well, let's try all the same. Hmm.
He is a soft and targetable human and for the most part, seems to fit the normal appearance they hold. He is perhaps just slightly above average in terms of height, and his build is fit and lean, rather than laden down with bulky muscle. Curiously, faint blue hints can be seen along areas of his skin with greater blood flow, tinting his fingers slightly, and leaving part of his face with a slightly racoonish mask. His eyes are just to the side of being grotesque due to their size, placed slightly off to the sides of his head and perfectly round. This remains easily disguised behind a veil of hair however, which has been sheared short, but not enough to keep the strands from otherwise obscuring his features.
Sorry, I missed your request for more information. This is lovely, though!
Oh, and...soft and targetable human?

Verithrax2006-04-20 08:39:35
Viravain probabably couldn't be bothered to go find out what humans are described like... I think they're called 'ordinary' on all IRE games (Despite the fact they've only existed in Lusternia for less than 200 years.)
Viravain2006-04-20 16:25:21
QUOTE(Woot_Aranya @ Apr 18 2006, 11:36 PM) 280455
Maybe you can help with mine!
i want her to still be dark and shadowy, but more salamanderish
She is a glistening mugwump and at first glance seems small and rather powerless in appearance. Yet, her stature itself is displayed in a manner that suggests otherwise. Perfectly white hair falls in snowy spirals down her back, laced with vines and fallen flower petals. Horrifyingly, where her eyes should be there are only wisps of black smoke that pool within the empty sockets, shadowy tendrils snaking their way across her form. Otherwise delicate features are laced with definitive proof of her heritage, ranging from the sharp teeth that make up her faint smile or the sharp, angular curves that make up her face. Her skin is unnaturally dark, a deep ebony that glistens due to a protective sheen made to keep her amphibious skin properly moist. Slender from youth yet well-toned, shapely curves are enshrouded behind twisting shadows that rise from behind her form, offering the illusion of tattered and jagged butterfly wings.
Hope this helps.
Unknown2006-04-20 20:08:39
(sweet + woot=swoot)
(sweet + woot=swoot)
Arix2006-04-20 20:16:01
I've always wondered how humans can be considered ordinary when they're such a minority
Unknown2006-04-21 03:33:56
QUOTE(Arix @ Apr 20 2006, 01:16 PM) 281068
I've always wondered how humans can be considered ordinary when they're such a minority
I always hated that too. It should be "S/he is an exotic human" or something
Verithrax2006-04-21 06:53:21
I really want one now that I read all the awesome ones. I thought I was good with descriptions but I have to bow to Viravain's superiour might now. 
A note about Verithrax is that, while he doesn't have to be terribly good-looking (He can't be ugly either, it doesn't fit him to be unpleasant-looking or short. He's also lightly built; not muscular.) he takes care of his appearance. He's the kind of guy who actually washes, rinses, and then repeats. Other important things about him are the really long fingers, the piercing, staring gaze (That kind of unnerving look people who are actually paying attention have.)
And even if you can't churn out a desc for me anytime soon, thanks for helping make Lusternia a more immersive place.

A note about Verithrax is that, while he doesn't have to be terribly good-looking (He can't be ugly either, it doesn't fit him to be unpleasant-looking or short. He's also lightly built; not muscular.) he takes care of his appearance. He's the kind of guy who actually washes, rinses, and then repeats. Other important things about him are the really long fingers, the piercing, staring gaze (That kind of unnerving look people who are actually paying attention have.)
And even if you can't churn out a desc for me anytime soon, thanks for helping make Lusternia a more immersive place.

Unknown2006-04-22 02:35:05
I'd like an update to my description. I like the overall design, but I don't know what I was thinking with the stripes. Perhaps make it more Gorgulu appropriate?
He is a fiendish master viscanti and resembles a twisted Trill, his slender
humanoid frame reminiscent of its avian heritage. He stands at roughly six feet
in height, each inch of his form held rigid by his proud posture, although he
manages to possess some measure of grace in his movements. Kahazul's limbs are
long and thin, burdened by neither fat nor any remarkable amount of muscle, his
chest likewise weak and uninspiring. What marks him apart is the strange pattern
that originates above his heart, a swirling black and red mark that expands
outward, so that the surface of his thin flesh is striped in alternating red and
black bars. His bright red lips contrast the black stripe on which they lie, and
his nose is little more than a pair of thin slits, hardly visible even against
their red backdrop. His eyes, two smoldering coals, are often obscured by the
unruly tangle that hangs down from his head, the thin yet long curls crowning
his skull in a rather undignified fashion. Two underdeveloped horns poke from
between his hair, and no ears are visible. Sprouting from his back are a pair of
leathery batlike wings, large and powerful yet made useless by the numerous
tears and gaping holes that have been burned through their thin, fibrous
He is a fiendish master viscanti and resembles a twisted Trill, his slender
humanoid frame reminiscent of its avian heritage. He stands at roughly six feet
in height, each inch of his form held rigid by his proud posture, although he
manages to possess some measure of grace in his movements. Kahazul's limbs are
long and thin, burdened by neither fat nor any remarkable amount of muscle, his
chest likewise weak and uninspiring. What marks him apart is the strange pattern
that originates above his heart, a swirling black and red mark that expands
outward, so that the surface of his thin flesh is striped in alternating red and
black bars. His bright red lips contrast the black stripe on which they lie, and
his nose is little more than a pair of thin slits, hardly visible even against
their red backdrop. His eyes, two smoldering coals, are often obscured by the
unruly tangle that hangs down from his head, the thin yet long curls crowning
his skull in a rather undignified fashion. Two underdeveloped horns poke from
between his hair, and no ears are visible. Sprouting from his back are a pair of
leathery batlike wings, large and powerful yet made useless by the numerous
tears and gaping holes that have been burned through their thin, fibrous
Athana2006-04-22 02:52:10
I don't want to be greedy and ask for all my different race descrips so I'll just choose the two forms that Athana usually inhabits..
She is of small stature in comparison to the average height amongst her race. Long black hair falls upon her shoulders, though as light reflects off the glossy waves, rich highlights of red burn within the bleak. The ebony and crimson locks give way to a single braid from her right temple, a scarlet streak intertwined with the predominately raven. Eyes akin to precious jade form the centerpiece of her delicate yet contemptuous features, shinning from shadows cast by shifting currents of hair. Darkened circles surround her gemstone gaze, causing it to radiate with that much more intensity, while at her temples begin, descending towards her jaw line and full crimson lips, web-like patterns of garnet, as if earthly ore and mortal flesh had evolved as one. Her build, though small, is long-legged and seemingly grown into a perfection of form, while skin of pale marble, enhanced by the intricate gemstone patterns that embrace it, give her a cross between hardened elemental and seductive fiend.
She is of slightly large stature in comparison to the common height amongst her race. Long black hair falls about her entire form, though as light reflects off the glossy waves, rich highlights of red burn within the bleak. From amidst the ebony and crimson locks emerge a pair of shimmering wings, seeming as if stolen from a stained glass butterfly in the middle of the night - translucent black and violet alight with dancing silver motes. Eyes akin to precious jade form the centerpiece of her delicate features, shinning from the shadows cast by the shifting miasma of hair. Darkened circles surround her gemstone gaze, causing it to radiate with that much more intensity, while her skin is otherwise blessed by a faintly crimson luminescence. Her build, long-legged, is of such a diminutive size that it would be difficult for much else to develop, while skin of ivory is only further obscured by the dancing wisps of raven hair, giving her a likeness to the ethereal spirits from which only half her blood is drawn.
Thank you!
She is of small stature in comparison to the average height amongst her race. Long black hair falls upon her shoulders, though as light reflects off the glossy waves, rich highlights of red burn within the bleak. The ebony and crimson locks give way to a single braid from her right temple, a scarlet streak intertwined with the predominately raven. Eyes akin to precious jade form the centerpiece of her delicate yet contemptuous features, shinning from shadows cast by shifting currents of hair. Darkened circles surround her gemstone gaze, causing it to radiate with that much more intensity, while at her temples begin, descending towards her jaw line and full crimson lips, web-like patterns of garnet, as if earthly ore and mortal flesh had evolved as one. Her build, though small, is long-legged and seemingly grown into a perfection of form, while skin of pale marble, enhanced by the intricate gemstone patterns that embrace it, give her a cross between hardened elemental and seductive fiend.
She is of slightly large stature in comparison to the common height amongst her race. Long black hair falls about her entire form, though as light reflects off the glossy waves, rich highlights of red burn within the bleak. From amidst the ebony and crimson locks emerge a pair of shimmering wings, seeming as if stolen from a stained glass butterfly in the middle of the night - translucent black and violet alight with dancing silver motes. Eyes akin to precious jade form the centerpiece of her delicate features, shinning from the shadows cast by the shifting miasma of hair. Darkened circles surround her gemstone gaze, causing it to radiate with that much more intensity, while her skin is otherwise blessed by a faintly crimson luminescence. Her build, long-legged, is of such a diminutive size that it would be difficult for much else to develop, while skin of ivory is only further obscured by the dancing wisps of raven hair, giving her a likeness to the ethereal spirits from which only half her blood is drawn.
Thank you!

Asarnil2006-04-22 02:52:29
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Apr 21 2006, 05:23 PM) 281156
I really want one now that I read all the awesome ones. I thought I was good with descriptions but I have to bow to Viravain's superiour might now.

A note about Verithrax is that, while he doesn't have to be terribly good-looking (He can't be ugly either, it doesn't fit him to be unpleasant-looking or short. He's also lightly built; not muscular.) he takes care of his appearance. He's the kind of guy who actually washes, rinses, and then repeats. Other important things about him are the really long fingers, the piercing, staring gaze (That kind of unnerving look people who are actually paying attention have.)
And even if you can't churn out a desc for me anytime soon, thanks for helping make Lusternia a more immersive place.

Actually, Viravain is making a few minor errors for a proper description like in mine "his sheer stature alone lending him an imposing presence" is technically wrong to do because it is denoting an opinion that is forced onto the viewer. Sure my height might make a faeling flinch, but a size 25 titan or a size 22 igasho is unlikely to find my presence imposing. But apart from the small things like that, the quality of Her work is that awesome that I don't care about the errors.
Unknown2006-04-22 04:08:43
No doubt a habit many Gods have. They don't need to worry about forcing things in their descriptions, because they actually have the power to screw with people like that.
Verithrax2006-04-22 04:08:55
I disagree. I think 'imposing' is a perfectly acceptable adjective there; she's not saying you'll react to it by flinching or running away or gagging. She's saying the character is imposing. It's like saying a character is ugly; different characters may have different reactions to that, but it's just implied that his appearance is unpleasant for most people.
Shaeden2006-04-22 13:10:43
Hmm, I suck at writing, but... Anyone offer tips?
He is a noble imperial merian and he is about five feet nine to five feet ten inches tall. He has a slightly smaller then average dorsal fin, which pushes out from underneath his clothing. His body looks spry and wiry, with a light blueish-white complexion. he is middle aged, and but does not have many of the signs of it, however a few do stand out when examined: crow's feet appearing near his eyes, and hsi skin is less vibrant than it used to be. Observing his left arm, there is the curious scar in the form of a thorny rose, which has faded significantly over time. Oddly enough, he eyes seem to glow with some sortof heavenly power.
He is a noble imperial merian and he is about five feet nine to five feet ten inches tall. He has a slightly smaller then average dorsal fin, which pushes out from underneath his clothing. His body looks spry and wiry, with a light blueish-white complexion. he is middle aged, and but does not have many of the signs of it, however a few do stand out when examined: crow's feet appearing near his eyes, and hsi skin is less vibrant than it used to be. Observing his left arm, there is the curious scar in the form of a thorny rose, which has faded significantly over time. Oddly enough, he eyes seem to glow with some sortof heavenly power.
Viravain2006-04-22 17:15:27
Any further quests being put on a temporary hold. Check back in a day to two to try and request again.
Unknown2006-04-22 17:30:18
You mean if we already requested?
Hazar2006-04-22 18:17:23
Poor Viravain. We all love her so much she's being overwhelmed. 

Daereth2006-05-01 08:45:43
Tidings, Maybe make it more former dwarf slave of angkragish ... heh.
Anything you can do with it would be much appreiciated my Lady.
He is a stout dwarf and is 4 5, His onyx black hair cascades around his
shoulders and down to the middle of his back, in separate tight braids that end
in golden clasps engraved in a unknown foreign language, inter-woven into the
braids are white flowers, known as the deadly fire blossom, found only in the
Skarch deserts. The braided locks frame a rugged bearded face, marred only by a
scar that runs from the corner of his right eye down to his lower jaw. Large
fangs protrude from his perfect white teeth, with only specks of blood
noticeable. His eyes are pure black with no pupil or iris that engulf in flames
when you look into them, almost piercing your soul. On the back of his right
hand he bears the mark of an undead dwarf of Angkrag. Further inspection
reveals a stumpy muscular body encased in a full set of gleaming viper
encrusted field plate, complete with imposing looking forearm and shinguards,
runic patterns appear on the various pieces which seem to revolve and shift as
he moves. Suddenly you see a small black viper slithering in and out of his
armor, appearing here and there for a few seconds before vanishing before your
eyes like it wasnt even there
Anything you can do with it would be much appreiciated my Lady.
He is a stout dwarf and is 4 5, His onyx black hair cascades around his
shoulders and down to the middle of his back, in separate tight braids that end
in golden clasps engraved in a unknown foreign language, inter-woven into the
braids are white flowers, known as the deadly fire blossom, found only in the
Skarch deserts. The braided locks frame a rugged bearded face, marred only by a
scar that runs from the corner of his right eye down to his lower jaw. Large
fangs protrude from his perfect white teeth, with only specks of blood
noticeable. His eyes are pure black with no pupil or iris that engulf in flames
when you look into them, almost piercing your soul. On the back of his right
hand he bears the mark of an undead dwarf of Angkrag. Further inspection
reveals a stumpy muscular body encased in a full set of gleaming viper
encrusted field plate, complete with imposing looking forearm and shinguards,
runic patterns appear on the various pieces which seem to revolve and shift as
he moves. Suddenly you see a small black viper slithering in and out of his
armor, appearing here and there for a few seconds before vanishing before your
eyes like it wasnt even there
Unknown2006-05-04 23:02:50
He is a fierce dracnari and and his scales are an eerie dark green , reflecting
the light so well they seem to glow and slither across his hide. His tail is
exceptionally long and can't seem to stay in one position, it constantly
extends, contracts and twists. His hairless face is angular and it maintains a
haughty expression. His circular eyes are a stunning orange, his dilated pupils
running vertically threw them. His eyes, though showing simplicity, also have
the flame of Dracnoris in them, roiling away. Thin, ebony-colored spines of
bone stick out of his thighs, they line his spine and are present most commonly
around his broad shoulders and around his neck. Although his isn't tall, he is
more to the lanky side, having rather thin, deft limbs. Thin tendrils of smoke
waft out of his nose, floating up and around in intricate patterns. He is
wearing a linked coral starfish bracelet, a pocketbelt, a pocketbelt, a
pocketbelt, a suit of elfen plate armour, and a blackened iron warrior great
I'm not sure if this is what you wanted us to do...
the light so well they seem to glow and slither across his hide. His tail is
exceptionally long and can't seem to stay in one position, it constantly
extends, contracts and twists. His hairless face is angular and it maintains a
haughty expression. His circular eyes are a stunning orange, his dilated pupils
running vertically threw them. His eyes, though showing simplicity, also have
the flame of Dracnoris in them, roiling away. Thin, ebony-colored spines of
bone stick out of his thighs, they line his spine and are present most commonly
around his broad shoulders and around his neck. Although his isn't tall, he is
more to the lanky side, having rather thin, deft limbs. Thin tendrils of smoke
waft out of his nose, floating up and around in intricate patterns. He is
wearing a linked coral starfish bracelet, a pocketbelt, a pocketbelt, a
pocketbelt, a suit of elfen plate armour, and a blackened iron warrior great
I'm not sure if this is what you wanted us to do...

Unknown2006-10-08 20:55:01
He is a fiendish viscanti and pale skin, sickly white covers the flesh, his
veins clearly showing. On his back a pair of batwings claps, not working. Horns
grows from from his forehead and grows backwards. His facial structure is
feminime, big red eyes sparkles innoncently, not fitting with the rest of him.
Long curly black hair reaches down to the back of his neck. He is not tall, and
he is thin.
I know it sucks, but I'd really love him to look feminime.
veins clearly showing. On his back a pair of batwings claps, not working. Horns
grows from from his forehead and grows backwards. His facial structure is
feminime, big red eyes sparkles innoncently, not fitting with the rest of him.
Long curly black hair reaches down to the back of his neck. He is not tall, and
he is thin.
I know it sucks, but I'd really love him to look feminime.