Kharaen2006-10-08 22:05:04
QUOTE(Kouin @ Oct 8 2006, 04:55 PM) 340437
He is a fiendish viscanti and pale skin, sickly white covers the flesh, his
veins clearly showing. On his back a pair of batwings claps, not working. Horns
grows from from his forehead and grows backwards. His facial structure is
feminime, big red eyes sparkles innoncently, not fitting with the rest of him.
Long curly black hair reaches down to the back of his neck. He is not tall, and
he is thin.
I know it sucks, but I'd really love him to look feminime.
How about...
He is a fiendish viscanti and his skin is a pale, sickly white that coats his sinewy limbs in papery folds. Blue tendons form vibrant bumps on the emiscated flesh, while a pair of stunted bat-wings hangs limply from between his shoulder blades. Twisting horns grow from his forehead, curving backwards and framing his face as they grows alongside it. Large feminine eyes, their iris an unatural crimson red, seem out of place as they are set deeply into a gaunt face. Thick, black hair sprouts from around the horns, tumbling in curls to his thin shoulders.
Unknown2006-10-09 05:06:27
thank you, I love it!
Jillian2006-10-28 22:07:05
She is an ordinary human and of average heigth for her race and gender with a
slender build and pale complexion. A pair of grim gray eyes keeps a watch on all
that happends and a slight smirk rests on her lips. Her long thick hair falls in
waves of curls halfway down her back. The purple color of it betrays Viscanti
interbreeding in her bloodline, but she lacks all other characteristics to be
recognised as one.
slender build and pale complexion. A pair of grim gray eyes keeps a watch on all
that happends and a slight smirk rests on her lips. Her long thick hair falls in
waves of curls halfway down her back. The purple color of it betrays Viscanti
interbreeding in her bloodline, but she lacks all other characteristics to be
recognised as one.
Kinda sucky, I tried to make a signature picture and work from that to write it better but it still sucks. I want her to be a human with viscanti blood flowing through her (sort of a hybrid) but I don't know how to write it better really. Not really want to be "cool" with it or anything, just been pondering with the amount of viscanti living in mag and the also quite high human population stuff like this might happen. If it's like totally against the lore or so just make it dyed hair

Kharaen2006-10-29 04:12:51
See, with tints around used on pretty much everything, I don't see how it couldn't be used in your hair. Interbreeding is fine too, though some people are pretty anal about stuff like that. Eyes can be grim, but unless your face is frozen, you aren't going to be wearing a smirk at all times. Also, don't impose that you think she's part viscanti, make it recognizable by known racial traits that players will instinctively know. Stay as objective as possible when making descriptions.
Anyway, your desc:
How about this (only a suggestion)?
I added in some nubs of horn. Since you're human, and not full-blooded Viscanti, you won't have the magnificient demonic horns you might see on other Viscanti. You've got no wings. You look pretty human save the eyes, horns, and hair which would indicate the interbreeding to a careful observer. I added in a bit more detail to the face, hoping to capture what you wanted for your character without plainly stating it.
Anyway, your desc:
She is an ordinary human and of average heigth for her race and gender with a
slender build and pale complexion. A pair of grim gray eyes keeps a watch on all
that happends and a slight smirk rests on her lips. Her long thick hair falls in
waves of curls halfway down her back. The purple color of it betrays Viscanti
interbreeding in her bloodline, but she lacks all other characteristics to be
recognised as one.
slender build and pale complexion. A pair of grim gray eyes keeps a watch on all
that happends and a slight smirk rests on her lips. Her long thick hair falls in
waves of curls halfway down her back. The purple color of it betrays Viscanti
interbreeding in her bloodline, but she lacks all other characteristics to be
recognised as one.
How about this (only a suggestion)?
She is an ordinary human and is of an average height, bearing a slight build and pale complexion. An unkempt mass of purple hair tumbles in thick waves past her narrow shoulders to flow down to the middle of her back, lazy curls of the hair fumbling past her forehead to almost completely hide a pair of tiny nubs. Slate grey eyes stare grimly from above high cheekbones, wrinkles deeply lining them. Small, crimson lips form a slight curve below a narrow nose.
I added in some nubs of horn. Since you're human, and not full-blooded Viscanti, you won't have the magnificient demonic horns you might see on other Viscanti. You've got no wings. You look pretty human save the eyes, horns, and hair which would indicate the interbreeding to a careful observer. I added in a bit more detail to the face, hoping to capture what you wanted for your character without plainly stating it.
Unknown2006-10-29 10:27:51
a hue of dull violet with a hint of grey covers
his flesh, his frame meagre. His hands are long and thin, skeletonlike, one
could say. He is not tall, just 5'2' in height. From his forehead, long
bleached bone-white horns grows, curving backwards. His face is gaunt, his
almondshaped eyes green, but no pupil, his lips are full, and they are the
color of those that have frozen, a white with tints of blue. Long, braided
white hair tumbles down his back, between stunted wings.
Need a better one
his flesh, his frame meagre. His hands are long and thin, skeletonlike, one
could say. He is not tall, just 5'2' in height. From his forehead, long
bleached bone-white horns grows, curving backwards. His face is gaunt, his
almondshaped eyes green, but no pupil, his lips are full, and they are the
color of those that have frozen, a white with tints of blue. Long, braided
white hair tumbles down his back, between stunted wings.
Need a better one

Jillian2006-10-29 11:18:44
Thanks a lot Kharaen, I like the way you added the racial traits into it. I think people should be able to work it out like that. Going to use your version since it's just what I wanted 

Kharaen2006-10-29 19:02:27
QUOTE(Sleeper In the Dark @ Oct 29 2006, 05:27 AM) 347973
a hue of dull violet with a hint of grey covers
his flesh, his frame meagre. His hands are long and thin, skeletonlike, one
could say. He is not tall, just 5'2' in height. From his forehead, long
bleached bone-white horns grows, curving backwards. His face is gaunt, his
almondshaped eyes green, but no pupil, his lips are full, and they are the
color of those that have frozen, a white with tints of blue. Long, braided
white hair tumbles down his back, between stunted wings.
Need a better one

Tch, all you Viscanti that need descriptions! This one was a bit harder to write though, not entirely satisfied with it :/
He is a fiendish viscanti and seems barely intimidating as he appears both frail and sickly. His skin bears an unhealthy complexion of ashen grey, while the thinner layers of flesh fail to completely hide the blood beneath, tinting the skin a sickly shade of dull violet. His emaciated body reveals his bones with disconcerting ease, with only a bit of sinewy muscle holding his limbs together. His hands and feet are barely covered with muscle and skin rendering them into little more then skeletal claws, while his vertebra and ribs are plainly showing themselves as they poke through the thin flesh. Stunted wings grow awkwardly from between his shoulder blades, tiny rents and tears marring the scaled skin flaps. Disconcerting almond-shaped eyes stare impassively from a gaunt visage, their emerald irises lacking pupils, while his thin lips are a pale shade of blue, not unlike those of a frozen corpse. A pair of bone-white, curving horns grow back from the sides of his temples tearing through his long, white hair. The hair has been meticulously braided and bound with crimson leather thongs.
Erylan2007-01-02 00:05:20
He is a regal aslaran and coated in a thin, light brown fur. His ears are long
and slender, outlined with black and filled with white, while the tips are
exaggerated by long black hairs. Compared to his ears, his face is small and
well defined. A hard brow rest above his grey eyes, which are also outlined in
black and white. At the end of his short maw is a black nose and a small, white
mouth. Long Slender limbs allow for flexibility. The claws on his hands are
retracted for playing an instrument, while the claws on his feet are extended
for catching himself while falling, further aided by standing on his toes. He is
wearing black leather leggings, a blackened leather vest decorated with yellow
musical notes, golden-edged bracers, a gold-trimmed leather skullcap, and a pair
of yellow shoes.
and slender, outlined with black and filled with white, while the tips are
exaggerated by long black hairs. Compared to his ears, his face is small and
well defined. A hard brow rest above his grey eyes, which are also outlined in
black and white. At the end of his short maw is a black nose and a small, white
mouth. Long Slender limbs allow for flexibility. The claws on his hands are
retracted for playing an instrument, while the claws on his feet are extended
for catching himself while falling, further aided by standing on his toes. He is
wearing black leather leggings, a blackened leather vest decorated with yellow
musical notes, golden-edged bracers, a gold-trimmed leather skullcap, and a pair
of yellow shoes.
This is my bad attempt at a description. Could anyone help me?
I'm trying to resemble a Caracal (avatar).
EDIT: I think I also put to much emphasis on me RPing an acrobat?
Theomar2007-01-02 05:20:09
Well, my description sucks right now (I've never been good at writing these).
Basically, if you could write a description centering around a viscanti that is a tall an imposing figure, built for being an ur'Guard. He is an axelord, so his muscles would have to be even bigger than those of other specializations.
The only real important piece are his wings: demonic wings. I kinda want them to look this the wings from Jeeper's Creepers, if you've seen the movie. I tried to explain how they aren't useful for flying by claiming the parts the wing flap is connected to (I used an upper and lower "wing" bone) can't pull the flap taut enough to create a surface that can catch air and achieve lift, similar to how a bird flies. They are about as big as his body.
If you wish to include horns, I guess the horns from the viscanti on the forum skin would be cool.
Any help is apreciated, and you'll be
ed forever and ever if you do help me out.
Basically, if you could write a description centering around a viscanti that is a tall an imposing figure, built for being an ur'Guard. He is an axelord, so his muscles would have to be even bigger than those of other specializations.
The only real important piece are his wings: demonic wings. I kinda want them to look this the wings from Jeeper's Creepers, if you've seen the movie. I tried to explain how they aren't useful for flying by claiming the parts the wing flap is connected to (I used an upper and lower "wing" bone) can't pull the flap taut enough to create a surface that can catch air and achieve lift, similar to how a bird flies. They are about as big as his body.
If you wish to include horns, I guess the horns from the viscanti on the forum skin would be cool.
Any help is apreciated, and you'll be

Hazar2007-01-02 05:43:48
He is a fiendish viscanti and a tall, looming figure, with thickly muscled limbs taut with a grim discipline. His skin is a dark red the color of wine, well weathered and broken with scars. Thick goat's horns curl around the brutish features of his face and hide the sides of his head from view, stained with blood and broken at the tips. His most striking feature is a huge pair of demonic wings, their tattered gray membranes folded behind him like a massive coat that twitches when he moves.
Kharaen2007-01-02 05:57:33
QUOTE(Erylan @ Jan 1 2007, 07:05 PM) 368450
This is my bad attempt at a description. Could anyone help me?
I'm trying to resemble a Caracal (avatar).
EDIT: I think I also put to much emphasis on me RPing an acrobat?
He is a regal aslaran and is coated with thin, sandy fur. His ears are long and slender, their exterior lush with sable while growing inside of the ears are soft tufts of snowy fur. Long, black tufts grow from the tips of the ears, floating gently on the air, and wavering in the faintest of breezes. His face is small and well defined, a hard brow resting above his grey eyes. Black rings surround his eyes, causing them to appear deeper while outlining the high cheekbones. At the end of his short maw is a snubbed black nose and a small, white mouth resplendent with trim whiskers. Long slender limbs replete with lean muscles subtly hint at a body possessing a great flexibility and refined strength. His paw-like hands are nubile, seemingly capable of manipulating complicated objects with relative easy, while wickedly sharp black claws tip each toe of his (adjective: broad/slender?) feet.
I didn't think your writting was too bad really. Here's my revised version of it, not terribly different from what you've written. I'm tired, but this is what I came up with.
Erylan2007-01-02 06:07:28
Ah! Thanks!
Kharaen2007-01-02 06:31:43
QUOTE(Theomar @ Jan 2 2007, 12:20 AM) 368520
Well, my description sucks right now (I've never been good at writing these).
Basically, if you could write a description centering around a viscanti that is a tall an imposing figure, built for being an ur'Guard. He is an axelord, so his muscles would have to be even bigger than those of other specializations.
The only real important piece are his wings: demonic wings. I kinda want them to look this the wings from Jeeper's Creepers, if you've seen the movie. I tried to explain how they aren't useful for flying by claiming the parts the wing flap is connected to (I used an upper and lower "wing" bone) can't pull the flap taut enough to create a surface that can catch air and achieve lift, similar to how a bird flies. They are about as big as his body.
If you wish to include horns, I guess the horns from the viscanti on the forum skin would be cool.
Any help is apreciated, and you'll be

I love viscanti, since they seem to post a lot on this forum. I really

He is a fiendish viscanti and bears a terrifyingly foreboding appearance. Mottled crimson flesh laden with the harsh scars of many battles cover every inch of his well-muscled body. His body looms to an intimidating height, his lifeless, coal-black eyes well capable of staring down a fully grown igasho. Oily black hair fall in scattered clumps to his wide shoulders, his long bangs hiding most of his facial features. A sharp nose thrusts from his beastial visage, detracting attention from the sloping cheeks and jagged chin. An enormous pair of demonic wings sprout from his broad back between his shoulder blades, its skin flaps taut between the scaled membranes when at rest. Rents and tears liberally fleck the flaps, as constant twitching have torn the mishapen wings to shreds and riddled them with brock blood vessels.
I suggest going with Hazar's, it's much better

Hazar2007-01-02 06:37:51
The best descriptions are often simple. Avoid rambling sentences, and pick out what is striking and descriptive rather then giving a laundry list of physical features. If you have some truly distinctive feature, you can wax poetic a bit, but in general save the grand adjectives for the first line.
Unknown2007-01-02 06:46:06
I need a good one for a elfen
all my suck big time
all my suck big time
Theomar2007-01-02 16:50:32
Omg I
them both. This is going to be a tough decision.
you both, Hazar and Kharaen.


Unknown2007-01-02 21:07:56
Hello y'all. I'd love a description of a viscanti, male, the rest is up to you. 

Hazar2007-01-02 21:37:56
Now you're just getting lazy.
Kharaen2007-01-02 21:55:13
QUOTE(Asta @ Jan 2 2007, 04:07 PM) 368719
Hello y'all. I'd love a description of a viscanti, male, the rest is up to you.

Whatever Theomar rejects, use that one.

Kharaen2007-01-02 22:25:08
Meh, double post.