Unknown2007-01-02 22:44:02
QUOTE(Kharaen d'Attai @ Jan 2 2007, 10:55 PM) 368732
Whatever Theomar rejects, use that one.

What do you mean? I'm tired, and cant really understand anything...
Kaenyte2007-01-03 01:15:51
I'm pretty sure he means that he isn't doing a description from absolute scratch for you. If you put no effort into at least the basis for a description, why should he or anyone else? "I'm a Viscanti" isn't enough, either. So, with that lack of effort, you basically get the scraps; pick whatever's left over.
That'd by my inane interpretation of it, at least.
That'd by my inane interpretation of it, at least.
Kharaen2007-01-03 01:26:58
I'm not a guy 
And I was referring to the fact that two descs were written for him.

And I was referring to the fact that two descs were written for him.
Kaenyte2007-01-03 02:05:32
Oops, and an opinionated oops. Sorry about that! 
Actually, forget that second oops. I'm going to maintain that people should try their best before turning to someone else to do it for them.

Actually, forget that second oops. I'm going to maintain that people should try their best before turning to someone else to do it for them.
Unknown2007-01-03 20:18:04
Ohh here is mine
He is a graceful elfen and he is tall for his kind. He has skin is as smooth. He has a lean musclar frame. He has long black hair with no facial hair.
See and this is my Serenguard one
He is a graceful elfen and he is tall for his kind. He has skin is as smooth. He has a lean musclar frame. He has long black hair with no facial hair.
See and this is my Serenguard one
Unknown2007-01-04 00:42:14
My description:
He is a noble merian lord and is about 5"11'. He stands at ease, though his
posture has a certain alertness to it. He bears a soft smile on his face as he
gazes about. His eyes dance with exuberance, and seem to be two twinkling pools
of enormous depths. The surfaces radiate his hope, happiness, and determination,
while hidden in deeper crevices lie subtle instabilities, nervousness, and a
quiet sorrow. Across his left eye lies a jagged scar, likely obtained during a
particularly vigorous battle.
That's the base, feel free to revamp it radically, or however you feel. I had trouble with the overall body, so I focused more on the face. Help with the rest of the body would be appreciated. Also, I might prefer for the battle scar to be not over his eye, but on (bear with me here, don't know the word to describe it..) fin-like part on top of the Merian's head on the lusternia races page. I'd also like for my skin color to be included, a rich, twilight kind of blue would be very nice. Thanks in advance for the help!
He is a noble merian lord and is about 5"11'. He stands at ease, though his
posture has a certain alertness to it. He bears a soft smile on his face as he
gazes about. His eyes dance with exuberance, and seem to be two twinkling pools
of enormous depths. The surfaces radiate his hope, happiness, and determination,
while hidden in deeper crevices lie subtle instabilities, nervousness, and a
quiet sorrow. Across his left eye lies a jagged scar, likely obtained during a
particularly vigorous battle.
That's the base, feel free to revamp it radically, or however you feel. I had trouble with the overall body, so I focused more on the face. Help with the rest of the body would be appreciated. Also, I might prefer for the battle scar to be not over his eye, but on (bear with me here, don't know the word to describe it..) fin-like part on top of the Merian's head on the lusternia races page. I'd also like for my skin color to be included, a rich, twilight kind of blue would be very nice. Thanks in advance for the help!
Unknown2007-01-04 06:35:58
QUOTE(Xenafor @ Jan 3 2007, 07:42 PM) 369124
My description:
He is a noble merian lord and is about 5"11'. He stands at ease, though his
posture has a certain alertness to it. He bears a soft smile on his face as he
gazes about. His eyes dance with exuberance, and seem to be two twinkling pools
of enormous depths. The surfaces radiate his hope, happiness, and determination,
while hidden in deeper crevices lie subtle instabilities, nervousness, and a
quiet sorrow. Across his left eye lies a jagged scar, likely obtained during a
particularly vigorous battle.
That's the base, feel free to revamp it radically, or however you feel. I had trouble with the overall body, so I focused more on the face. Help with the rest of the body would be appreciated. Also, I might prefer for the battle scar to be not over his eye, but on (bear with me here, don't know the word to describe it..) fin-like part on top of the Merian's head on the lusternia races page. I'd also like for my skin color to be included, a rich, twilight kind of blue would be very nice. Thanks in advance for the help!
DESCRIBE SELF is slender in appearance, a languid ease holding his posture in avid alertness. A kind smile displays itself upon his face, though quiet and knowing. Eyes of bottomless deep cast azures glisten with speckles of green that dot themselves along the outer edges with laughter lines marring the edges of their reach. His skin mimics the same hue and chroma, mimicing the tide and flow of the sea in their basked reach. A regal sense of kindness displays itself in his watch, accentuated motions coaxing themselves across his form. A single scar stretches itself from the left part of his lips and extends upwards to his ear, along with a veritical slash that draws itself down the crane of his supple neck. Though youthful in age, a frown line marrs his forehead as if an indicator of years lived in scorn and worry.
QUOTE(tyhchs @ Jan 3 2007, 03:18 PM) 369058
Ohh here is mine
He is a graceful elfen and he is tall for his kind. He has skin is as smooth. He has a lean musclar frame. He has long black hair with no facial hair.
See and this is my Serenguard one
DESCRIBE SELF tall in form, his youthful appearance only adding to his dawn kissed skin. Slight cheek bones draw themselves upwards along his face, a mane of blackberry hair cascading down his shoulders and ending at his slender waist. His face is round and joyfully spared by the hands of time, basked by his hair as well as a set of two twilight blue eyes that stare nonchalantly in attentiveness. The tattoo of a lyrebird rests against his forearm, its wings poised in flight as it carries a sprig of faeleaf in its clasped talons.
I'll need more for a better description.
Hazar2007-01-04 18:40:14
QUOTE(Xenafor @ Jan 3 2007, 06:42 PM) 369124
My description:
He is a noble merian lord and is about 5"11'. He stands at ease, though his
posture has a certain alertness to it. He bears a soft smile on his face as he
gazes about. His eyes dance with exuberance, and seem to be two twinkling pools
of enormous depths. The surfaces radiate his hope, happiness, and determination,
while hidden in deeper crevices lie subtle instabilities, nervousness, and a
quiet sorrow. Across his left eye lies a jagged scar, likely obtained during a
particularly vigorous battle.
That's the base, feel free to revamp it radically, or however you feel. I had trouble with the overall body, so I focused more on the face. Help with the rest of the body would be appreciated. Also, I might prefer for the battle scar to be not over his eye, but on (bear with me here, don't know the word to describe it..) fin-like part on top of the Merian's head on the lusternia races page. I'd also like for my skin color to be included, a rich, twilight kind of blue would be very nice. Thanks in advance for the help!
He is a noble merian lord and reasonably tall, with the lanky, athletic frame of a knight. His posture is calm and poised, but subtle turns of the legs and twitches of the eye betray his alertness. His sleek, glistening skin is a deep, rich blue the color of a twilight sea, fading to a paler, frothy shade around his extremities. Amidst the craggy, expressive features of his face, his twinkling gray eyes have a determined and hopeful gaze, but their darting, inquisitive movements suggest nervousness and insecurity. A long, ropy white scar runs from the tip of one of his ribbed ears to the middle of his neck, relic of a fierce battle past.
Unknown2007-01-04 18:49:56
QUOTE(Hazar @ Jan 4 2007, 12:40 PM) 369344
He is a noble merian lord and reasonably tall, with the lanky, athletic frame of a knight. His posture is calm and poised, but subtle turns of the legs and twitches of the eye betray his alertness. His sleek, glistening skin is a deep, rich blue the color of a twilight sea, fading to a paler, frothy shade around his extremities. Amidst the craggy, expressive features of his face, his twinkling gray eyes have a determined and hopeful gaze, but their darting, inquisitive movements suggest nervousness and insecurity. A long, ropy white scar runs from the tip of one of his ribbed ears to the middle of his neck, relic of a fierce battle past.
A long, ropy white scar runs from the tip of one of his ribbed ears to the middle of his neck, relic of a lonely night involving whiskey, nearsightedness, a deep-sea fisherman with creative bait, and an enormous misunderstanding.
Adee2007-01-17 00:24:40
I guess Adee's desc could use a bit of a revision. The one I have now I wrote when she was in her late 20s..she's 53 now.
Here's what I have now:
Here's a visual:

Here's what I have now:
She is a nimble faeling and stands at a slight 2'3". Young, soft, downy feathers, of a pale yellow hue, gently cascade down her head, remnants of her past body of a Trill. Her features are soft and graceful, as if carved from alabaster. Her body has swollen in places and makes her look a bit more womanly now. Her breasts have grown a bit and her hips are a bit more curved. Her eyes are a pale shade of lavender and her eye lids are dusted with emerald powder, giving tem a faint green shimmer. Her skin has a soft rusting hue, a pale brown, as if she has spent a lot of time in the sun's harsh glare. Freckles dot over her nose and cheeks giving her an appearance of being a lot younger than she actually is. Not to mention her meager size. Her wings are truly a sight to behold. They are just a bit taller than she is and are constantly flutter to keep her off the ground. Very rarely does she set foot on the ground. Her wings are large and 'B' shaped and resemble that of a butterfly. But the colors that spray across her wings are quite unique, seeming almost as living and moving stained glass. In between her wings is a tattoo of a single green feather landing gracefully in between her shoulder blades. On her upper left arm is a tattoo of a tall white tower, seemingly done with pearl ink as it shimmers of iridescence in the right light. In the nook created by the small of her back is a tattoo of a flame in a deep shade of twilight blue. On her right shoulder is a tattoo showing a silver harp with shimmering golden strings.
Here's a visual:

Aison2007-01-23 06:41:48
She is a nimble faeling and stands at a slight 2'3". Young, soft, downy feathers, of a pale yellow hue, gently cascade down her head, remnants of her past body of a Trill. Her features are soft and graceful, as if carved from alabaster. Her body has swollen in places and makes her look a bit more womanly now. Her breasts have grown a bit and her hips are a bit more curved. Her eyes are a pale shade of lavender and her eye lids are dusted with emerald powder, giving tem a faint green shimmer. Her skin has a soft rusting hue, a pale brown, as if she has spent a lot of time in the sun's harsh glare. Freckles dot over her nose and cheeks giving her an appearance of being a lot younger than she actually is. Not to mention her meager size. Her wings are truly a sight to behold. They are just a bit taller than she is and are constantly flutter to keep her off the ground. Very rarely does she set foot on the ground. Her wings are large and 'B' shaped and resemble that of a butterfly. But the colors that spray across her wings are quite unique, seeming almost as living and moving stained glass. In between her wings is a tattoo of a single green feather landing gracefully in between her shoulder blades. On her upper left arm is a tattoo of a tall white tower, seemingly done with pearl ink as it shimmers of iridescence in the right light. In the nook created by the small of her back is a tattoo of a flame in a deep shade of twilight blue. On her right shoulder is a tattoo showing a silver harp with shimmering golden strings.
From my past experiences, you should generally follow the following when writing descriptions:
- Do not mention past races. This should be found out through IC interaction and conversation.
- Exact height tends to be a bad thing.
- Words and phrases like "now" and "at last" won't make sense for people just meeting you. Generally anything to do with tense should be deleted from the entire description.
- Don't do actions in your description. Would you be grinning mischeviously or smiling brightly every time someone looked at you, even if you were fighting or doing something your character highly dislikes?
- Don't tell people what to think. If your downy soft wings are amazing and magnificent to you, they might be completely ugly to someone else.
- Spell check and run it through Word or someone else! Grammar and spelling counts!
Of course not all of these apply to your description, Adee, but they are general guidelines that I have followed before.
I rewrote it, then. I don't know too much on the faeling race yet, so feel free to change anything inconsistent or incorrect. I was also a little confused about the alabaster comment, versus the feather one...:
She is a nimble faeling and is of a very meager size. She has soft downy feathers of a pale yellow hue covering her body. Pale brown skin compliments her soft and graceful features, while enhancing her curvaceous body. In harmony with her coloured (are descriptions done in UK spelling?) wings, her pale lavender eyes are further tributed with emerald powder, which flatters her face. Freckles dot along her nose and cheeks, giving her a youthful look, while her butterfly-like wings tower above her form in dazzling colours. Various tattoos also cover her body: one between her shoulder blades of a green feather that has landed gracefully, on the upper portion of her left arm, a tall white tower done in iridescent, pearl-coloured ink, on her right shoulder a silver harp with golden strings, and in the nook of the small of her back, a flame in the deep shade of twilight blue.
Regarding the comment about fluttering constantly, express that through emotes instead of your description. You will have more fun, and I'm sure there are times when you land for at least a little while.
Evette2007-02-21 00:48:20
She is a graceful elfen and has peircing bright green eyes, her hair is a deep
red and bares the resamblince of blood in the moons light.
I think I need help, I cant seem to think of anything. And, well as you can see, my current is pretty pitiful. Help me?
red and bares the resamblince of blood in the moons light.
I think I need help, I cant seem to think of anything. And, well as you can see, my current is pretty pitiful. Help me?
Amarysse2007-02-21 01:08:50
QUOTE(evette @ Feb 20 2007, 06:48 PM) 384933
She is a graceful elfen and has peircing bright green eyes, her hair is a deep
red and bares the resamblince of blood in the moons light.
I think I need help, I cant seem to think of anything. And, well as you can see, my current is pretty pitiful. Help me?
red and bares the resamblince of blood in the moons light.
I think I need help, I cant seem to think of anything. And, well as you can see, my current is pretty pitiful. Help me?
Of what guild/city/commune is she a member? Does she have any distinguishing marks, such as scars or tattoos? Any additional information you can give would be most helpful.
Viravain2007-02-21 01:12:43
QUOTE(evette @ Feb 20 2007, 07:48 PM) 384933
She is a graceful elfen and has peircing bright green eyes, her hair is a deep
red and bares the resamblince of blood in the moons light.
I think I need help, I cant seem to think of anything. And, well as you can see, my current is pretty pitiful. Help me?
red and bares the resamblince of blood in the moons light.
I think I need help, I cant seem to think of anything. And, well as you can see, my current is pretty pitiful. Help me?
Does she have any scars, tattoos, extra arms/legs/eyes/noses/etc? About what age does she appear...ancient and saggy or young and perky? Curly, messy, straight, short, long, etc hair? Any extra details you can offer the better a description you will get unless you're not particular about it, then I could come up with something for you.

Evette2007-02-21 01:23:16
QUOTE(Viravain @ Feb 20 2007, 07:12 PM) 384939
Does she have any scars, tattoos, extra arms/legs/eyes/noses/etc? About what age does she appear...ancient and saggy or young and perky? Curly, messy, straight, short, long, etc hair? Any extra details you can offer the better a description you will get unless you're not particular about it, then I could come up with something for you.

lol, well when she was the perkey sort.. Daem tells me Less than cheerleader, more than goth. Umm wings tattooed on here back.. curley long hair.. looks around 19. thats about all i can think of.
Arix2007-02-21 01:25:47
Viravain, could you look over my new description? I had to change it a bit to be suitable for a faeling, and your original description was pretty nice
Hazar2007-02-21 22:21:16
QUOTE(Adee @ Jan 16 2007, 06:24 PM) 374208
I guess Adee's desc could use a bit of a revision. The one I have now I wrote when she was in her late 20s..she's 53 now.

I'll skip the tattoos - they're hard to integrate, unlikely to be seen at a glance, and, I feel, best revealed through basic roleplay.
She is a nimble faeling and a lithe, womanly figure, with skin of a dusty brown color that speaks of time spent in the sun. Her features are gently are delicately formed, like a doll's, dominated by huge, soulful eyes of a pale lavender color that have been accented by a light emerald powder. Dark freckles dance along her nose and cheeks, giving a mischevious look to her gaze that is only emphazied by the gleeful smirk that tugs at the corner of her plump, reddened lips. The downy yellow-blonde feathers of a trill tumble down around this visage, sleek and carefully groomed. Behind her stretch the membranous wings of a butterfly, translucent and colorful in a scintillating fashion that resembles stained glass. They beat constantly, keeping her suspended in the air as her slender feet dangle earthwards.

Unknown2007-02-22 00:43:32
She is a nimble faeling and is crowned with a glistening expanse of downy-feathers belying her trill heritage, plush and impeccably groomed to achieve a sleek look to frame her face. A charming face of an imp dominated by large lavender eyes dusted with emerald to accent their luminous soul calling orbs. Framed by a long fringe of eyelashes, set off by light sweeping eyebrows in an impish curve. Her nose is dainty, the tip just slightly upturned, and dusted with freckles. Her skin is the color of golden cream, lit a healthy rosy hue that emanates radiance from her smooth feminine features. Full, rosebud lips seem permanently swollen, dusted a deep rose color naturally. She can often seem tiny as most faeling are, with narrow shoulders that taper into a lithe curvaceous form of a woman. Iridescent hues spray outwards behind her in the form of wings, vulnerable forms with shafts of light pouring skewed through the membranes twisted into beautiful patterns that highlight her form with motes of light to make a rainbow jealous in her wake. All her height seems in her long, toned legs. The tiny waist, narrow enough to be encircled by a man's hands, gives way to the swell of her hips then to the full, firm lines of her long toned legs. Small ankles give way to dainty feet, often kept aloft by those remarkable wings.
There's my go at it, no offense if you don't like it taken. If someone could nitpick any obvious flaws as far as spelling of typing errors go ahead, I'm pretty drowsy at the moment. I dunno, I left tattoos out on the simple case of longevity as far as everything goes. I have a hard enough time keeping my own description a reasonable length and if I were to truly do the above I'd need atleast another paragraph or so to be finished. I'm afraid brevity is not my strongsuit, which is quite a curse sometimes.
She is a blah blah blah and covered in ivory skin, tinted the palest rose, and a heart-shaped face. Soft cheek bones accent full, curving, coral colored lips and call to attention the long, glittering red eyelashes fringing deep, rich, verdant orbs. Her eyes are piercing and large, a contrast to the delicate, slightly upturned nose dusted with faint cinnamon freckles. The artistic curves of a slim, swan-like neck leads to carved shoulder blades, which in turn swell into womanly form. Her waist is long, lithe, a gentle tuck before the exaggerated swell of her feminine hips gives way to firm thighs. Long, ringlet curls bounce about her shoulders, pierced through with finely pointed ears before falling down to the small of her back, each the deep burnished color of true red hair, that gleams crimson hue in the moons grace and lights to golden fire in the rays of sun. She is about 5'5", with long fingered hands and dainty, curiously freckled feet.
There's my go at it, no offense if you don't like it taken. If someone could nitpick any obvious flaws as far as spelling of typing errors go ahead, I'm pretty drowsy at the moment. I dunno, I left tattoos out on the simple case of longevity as far as everything goes. I have a hard enough time keeping my own description a reasonable length and if I were to truly do the above I'd need atleast another paragraph or so to be finished. I'm afraid brevity is not my strongsuit, which is quite a curse sometimes.
She is a blah blah blah and covered in ivory skin, tinted the palest rose, and a heart-shaped face. Soft cheek bones accent full, curving, coral colored lips and call to attention the long, glittering red eyelashes fringing deep, rich, verdant orbs. Her eyes are piercing and large, a contrast to the delicate, slightly upturned nose dusted with faint cinnamon freckles. The artistic curves of a slim, swan-like neck leads to carved shoulder blades, which in turn swell into womanly form. Her waist is long, lithe, a gentle tuck before the exaggerated swell of her feminine hips gives way to firm thighs. Long, ringlet curls bounce about her shoulders, pierced through with finely pointed ears before falling down to the small of her back, each the deep burnished color of true red hair, that gleams crimson hue in the moons grace and lights to golden fire in the rays of sun. She is about 5'5", with long fingered hands and dainty, curiously freckled feet.
Unknown2007-02-22 01:32:45
Too lazy to read through the whole thing, but you used "belying" incorrectly. : )
Unknown2007-02-22 02:56:44
This looks interesting enough.
Synl's description is alright, but I think I went overboard with the details? He's supposed to be a frozen ghost of sorts, kept alive by the shadows of Mother Night. Not undead, just looks...cold.
He is an ordinary human and stands tall, his every aspect accentuated several degrees by his proud posture. His limbs are long and slender, reminiscent of his previous life as a Trill, and seem to flow rather than move. Stark white hair cascades down the side of his harsh face to his breasts. His hallowed chest barely expands with every breath, giving the impression that he does not breathe at all. His cold eyes glare out from beneath a few stray bangs, the hard sapphires shining unforgivingly. His complexion is a pure white, pale and unflawed. The blue lips are shut tightly, refusing to betray his feelings. Jagged and intricate ritualistic patterns adorn the left side of his face, the iridiscent runes exuding a light glow of their own. They continue down the left side of his neck and, most likely, the rest of his body as the back of his left hand bears similar markings.
Based roughly on Jari of Wintersun, here and here.
Synl's description is alright, but I think I went overboard with the details? He's supposed to be a frozen ghost of sorts, kept alive by the shadows of Mother Night. Not undead, just looks...cold.
He is an ordinary human and stands tall, his every aspect accentuated several degrees by his proud posture. His limbs are long and slender, reminiscent of his previous life as a Trill, and seem to flow rather than move. Stark white hair cascades down the side of his harsh face to his breasts. His hallowed chest barely expands with every breath, giving the impression that he does not breathe at all. His cold eyes glare out from beneath a few stray bangs, the hard sapphires shining unforgivingly. His complexion is a pure white, pale and unflawed. The blue lips are shut tightly, refusing to betray his feelings. Jagged and intricate ritualistic patterns adorn the left side of his face, the iridiscent runes exuding a light glow of their own. They continue down the left side of his neck and, most likely, the rest of his body as the back of his left hand bears similar markings.
Based roughly on Jari of Wintersun, here and here.