Hazar2007-03-18 18:46:55
QUOTE(Mhume @ Mar 18 2007, 01:10 PM) 391668
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is slightly taller than the average height of his race. His rough skin has been weathered to a dull tan, slightly hidden by caked dirt and loam that covers his body. Two large bat-like wings extend from his back, quivering slightly. A soft red glow shines from his eyes, darkening his facial features. The skin around his left eye is misshapen and has deep claw marks, causing the eye to be slightly off from the other. He radiates a sense of alertness, even in his current state.
Born loboshigaru, reincarnated as a faeling.
I was waiting for him to become a shadowcaster before I even started working on his description, which is why some have noticed he has been without one for some time now.
He is slightly insane, has a nature fear of Glomdorian females, (do to repeated torture and tearing out of his left eye) and is almost a zealot when it comes to loyalty. He tends to not show emotion, and chide others when doing so in public, and until recently showed no softening of his nature to younglings. He prefers outdoor environments to indoors, and would prefer to sleep on the ground outside than in a bed inside. He is mostly silent, not speaking unless to say a witty comment or when spoken too. He holds true to the saying of nothing matters but glomdoring, and tries to keep himself in a constant state of alertness. He has a slight case of paranoia, and sometimes hears voices within his head. He is immune to the weird, as a long life within Glomdoring has scared any doubt out of him (talking spiders, trees trying to kill you...).
I tend not to godmod my descriptions, and would rather not have a perfect specimen of a race. I like my characters to have a feel of real to them, not something born from the mind of a god. (i.e. I like to add imperfections).
If anyone would like to have a go, you have my thanks.
Born loboshigaru, reincarnated as a faeling.
I was waiting for him to become a shadowcaster before I even started working on his description, which is why some have noticed he has been without one for some time now.
He is slightly insane, has a nature fear of Glomdorian females, (do to repeated torture and tearing out of his left eye) and is almost a zealot when it comes to loyalty. He tends to not show emotion, and chide others when doing so in public, and until recently showed no softening of his nature to younglings. He prefers outdoor environments to indoors, and would prefer to sleep on the ground outside than in a bed inside. He is mostly silent, not speaking unless to say a witty comment or when spoken too. He holds true to the saying of nothing matters but glomdoring, and tries to keep himself in a constant state of alertness. He has a slight case of paranoia, and sometimes hears voices within his head. He is immune to the weird, as a long life within Glomdoring has scared any doubt out of him (talking spiders, trees trying to kill you...).
I tend not to godmod my descriptions, and would rather not have a perfect specimen of a race. I like my characters to have a feel of real to them, not something born from the mind of a god. (i.e. I like to add imperfections).
If anyone would like to have a go, you have my thanks.
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and a lithe, bony specimen, with somewhat more height then a typical faeling but not nearly as much weight due to his nearly cadaverous stature. His skin is dark and caked with dirt, and at odd intervals thin shadows skitter over it in epilectic sprints. Behind him two batlike wings stretch their slick membranes, barely distinguishable from shadow but clearly functional and somewhat weathered along the edges. His features are at once sharp and sunken, creating a ghoulish visage only more disturbing for the crazed red light of his narrowed, gleaming eyes, the left noticeably shrunken. Despite his sickly visage, his posture is straight and alert, his gaze sweeping back and forth with an alert focus.
Good? Tried to play up the insane/messed up angle.
mhume2007-03-18 19:01:28
QUOTE(Hazar @ Mar 18 2007, 11:46 AM) 391671
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and a lithe, bony specimen, with somewhat more height then a typical faeling but not nearly as much weight due to his nearly cadaverous stature. His skin is dark and caked with dirt, and at odd intervals thin shadows skitter over it in epilectic sprints. Behind him two batlike wings stretch their slick membranes, barely distinguishable from shadow but clearly functional and somewhat weathered along the edges. His features are at once sharp and sunken, creating a ghoulish visage only more disturbing for the crazed red light of his narrowed, gleaming eyes, the left noticeably shrunken. Despite his sickly visage, his posture is straight and alert, his gaze sweeping back and forth with an alert focus.
Good? Tried to play up the insane/messed up angle.
Good? Tried to play up the insane/messed up angle.
Thanks. I might tweak some parts of it, but it allows me to have a base.
Unknown2007-03-18 19:57:10
QUOTE(daganev @ Mar 18 2007, 06:24 PM) 391670
Bipedal? HA!

You can't hold a flail with Paw-pads!

You can't hold a flail with Paw-pads!
Think about it, animals have paw pads because they walk on their paws. Tae'dae are bipedal, and aren't evolved from bears in the scientific sense, just look like them for reasons in the lore, so there is no reason that they must have paw pads on their hands.
Unknown2007-03-18 23:30:26
Hrm, I suppose so.
Then again, the bears were made more or less in the image of Tae, and the Tae'dae were splintered into being more or less in the image of Tae, only smaller.
I'm clutching at straws here. Meh. And why can't you hold a flail with paw pads? I'd have thought they give more grip than fur.
Then again, the bears were made more or less in the image of Tae, and the Tae'dae were splintered into being more or less in the image of Tae, only smaller.
I'm clutching at straws here. Meh. And why can't you hold a flail with paw pads? I'd have thought they give more grip than fur.
Lucan2007-03-19 00:50:39
Half-Trill, half-Dracnari, not in crow form but with crow-like features from being transcendent Crow:
He is a fierce dracnari and stands proud before you at a height of nearly seven
feet. His visage is hard and sculpted, with more human-like features aside from
his Dracnari snout, which comes to a point at the end, rimmed in black, almost
like a beak. His forked tongue flicks out every now and then, testing the scents
in the air about him as his piercing green eyes, rimmed with azure, gaze warily
at his surroundings. From atop his head sprouts a great many white feathers with
light blue tips, creating a sort of mane down to his shoulders. The roots of the
feathers, however, are noticeably darker than the rest of them, as if slowly
changing colours. His body is muscular, but lithe as well, with a much more
humanoid appearance than normal. Small, chocolate brown scales envelop his body,
though at a distance his hide looks more like normal human skin, and is normally
covered in dirt and blood. Behind him his five foot long tail sways languidly,
tipped at the ends in the same ebon-rooted blue-tipped feathers that cover his
head. The tail, though thick at the base, thins out into a whip-like appendage
with razor sharp scales along the top and looks as though a quick smack from it
would cause a good bit of pain. Scars run all along the base of his tail,
stomach and a few on his face, though his most prominent scars run all down his
chest and to the very top of his pelvis as well as on his neck where it seems
someone has bitten him quite hard. Pitch black feathers sprout from his
forearms, shoulders and calves, though they are not a product of his Trillian
ancestry. Wicked obsidian claws grow from his fingertips, long and able to tear
through anything. From his shoulder-blades sprout two large black wings,
glistening with a bluish hue in the dimmest of light. Though there is a cruel
gleam in his cold eyes, there is a sort of kindness in his voice, deep and
soothing as he speaks, every now and then giving the listener a glimpse at his
inch and a half long fangs, a growling, rumbling noise emanating from his throat
as he stands idly.
Long, I know, and probably shouldn't describe vocal timbre in the desc...but oh well. I have been told that my descriptions are both awesome and spammy.
He is a fierce dracnari and stands proud before you at a height of nearly seven
feet. His visage is hard and sculpted, with more human-like features aside from
his Dracnari snout, which comes to a point at the end, rimmed in black, almost
like a beak. His forked tongue flicks out every now and then, testing the scents
in the air about him as his piercing green eyes, rimmed with azure, gaze warily
at his surroundings. From atop his head sprouts a great many white feathers with
light blue tips, creating a sort of mane down to his shoulders. The roots of the
feathers, however, are noticeably darker than the rest of them, as if slowly
changing colours. His body is muscular, but lithe as well, with a much more
humanoid appearance than normal. Small, chocolate brown scales envelop his body,
though at a distance his hide looks more like normal human skin, and is normally
covered in dirt and blood. Behind him his five foot long tail sways languidly,
tipped at the ends in the same ebon-rooted blue-tipped feathers that cover his
head. The tail, though thick at the base, thins out into a whip-like appendage
with razor sharp scales along the top and looks as though a quick smack from it
would cause a good bit of pain. Scars run all along the base of his tail,
stomach and a few on his face, though his most prominent scars run all down his
chest and to the very top of his pelvis as well as on his neck where it seems
someone has bitten him quite hard. Pitch black feathers sprout from his
forearms, shoulders and calves, though they are not a product of his Trillian
ancestry. Wicked obsidian claws grow from his fingertips, long and able to tear
through anything. From his shoulder-blades sprout two large black wings,
glistening with a bluish hue in the dimmest of light. Though there is a cruel
gleam in his cold eyes, there is a sort of kindness in his voice, deep and
soothing as he speaks, every now and then giving the listener a glimpse at his
inch and a half long fangs, a growling, rumbling noise emanating from his throat
as he stands idly.
Long, I know, and probably shouldn't describe vocal timbre in the desc...but oh well. I have been told that my descriptions are both awesome and spammy.
Hazar2007-03-19 00:53:35
Awesome and spammy are both good words. I'll take a crack at yours and Moriana's tommorow.
Lucan2007-03-19 01:11:55
QUOTE(Hazar @ Mar 18 2007, 08:53 PM) 391739
Awesome and spammy are both good words. I'll take a crack at yours and Moriana's tommorow.
Thank you.

Hazar2007-03-19 22:28:48
QUOTE(Lucan Silverwolf @ Mar 18 2007, 07:50 PM) 391738
He is a fierce dracnari and stands proud before you at a height of nearly seven
feet. His visage is hard and sculpted, with more human-like features aside from
his Dracnari snout, which comes to a point at the end, rimmed in black, almost
like a beak. His forked tongue flicks out every now and then, testing the scents
in the air about him as his piercing green eyes, rimmed with azure, gaze warily
at his surroundings. From atop his head sprouts a great many white feathers with
light blue tips, creating a sort of mane down to his shoulders. The roots of the
feathers, however, are noticeably darker than the rest of them, as if slowly
changing colours. His body is muscular, but lithe as well, with a much more
humanoid appearance than normal. Small, chocolate brown scales envelop his body,
though at a distance his hide looks more like normal human skin, and is normally
covered in dirt and blood. Behind him his five foot long tail sways languidly,
tipped at the ends in the same ebon-rooted blue-tipped feathers that cover his
head. The tail, though thick at the base, thins out into a whip-like appendage
with razor sharp scales along the top and looks as though a quick smack from it
would cause a good bit of pain. Scars run all along the base of his tail,
stomach and a few on his face, though his most prominent scars run all down his
chest and to the very top of his pelvis as well as on his neck where it seems
someone has bitten him quite hard. Pitch black feathers sprout from his
forearms, shoulders and calves, though they are not a product of his Trillian
ancestry. Wicked obsidian claws grow from his fingertips, long and able to tear
through anything. From his shoulder-blades sprout two large black wings,
glistening with a bluish hue in the dimmest of light. Though there is a cruel
gleam in his cold eyes, there is a sort of kindness in his voice, deep and
soothing as he speaks, every now and then giving the listener a glimpse at his
inch and a half long fangs, a growling, rumbling noise emanating from his throat
as he stands idly.
feet. His visage is hard and sculpted, with more human-like features aside from
his Dracnari snout, which comes to a point at the end, rimmed in black, almost
like a beak. His forked tongue flicks out every now and then, testing the scents
in the air about him as his piercing green eyes, rimmed with azure, gaze warily
at his surroundings. From atop his head sprouts a great many white feathers with
light blue tips, creating a sort of mane down to his shoulders. The roots of the
feathers, however, are noticeably darker than the rest of them, as if slowly
changing colours. His body is muscular, but lithe as well, with a much more
humanoid appearance than normal. Small, chocolate brown scales envelop his body,
though at a distance his hide looks more like normal human skin, and is normally
covered in dirt and blood. Behind him his five foot long tail sways languidly,
tipped at the ends in the same ebon-rooted blue-tipped feathers that cover his
head. The tail, though thick at the base, thins out into a whip-like appendage
with razor sharp scales along the top and looks as though a quick smack from it
would cause a good bit of pain. Scars run all along the base of his tail,
stomach and a few on his face, though his most prominent scars run all down his
chest and to the very top of his pelvis as well as on his neck where it seems
someone has bitten him quite hard. Pitch black feathers sprout from his
forearms, shoulders and calves, though they are not a product of his Trillian
ancestry. Wicked obsidian claws grow from his fingertips, long and able to tear
through anything. From his shoulder-blades sprout two large black wings,
glistening with a bluish hue in the dimmest of light. Though there is a cruel
gleam in his cold eyes, there is a sort of kindness in his voice, deep and
soothing as he speaks, every now and then giving the listener a glimpse at his
inch and a half long fangs, a growling, rumbling noise emanating from his throat
as he stands idly.
He is a fierce dracnari and stands at a proud seven feet, his build athletic and lanky with cords of muscle wrapped in thin, mud-brown scales like those of a snake, coloured over in many places by dirt, blood, or ropy white scars. The hard, sculpted features of his face are largely human save for a scaly snout which thins to a sharp beak-like point. Over it two azure-rimmed green eyes peer with a heavy, piercing gaze that ponders his surroundings with an air of judgement. Rather then hair, his broad head is surrounded by a downy mane of feathers, white in many places but slowly being overtaken by the thick, oily black feathers - the same feathers that are forming on his limbs and shoulders. A long, ridged tail with several scars swings languidly behind him, thick but slowly drawing out into a ropy tip. Wicked claws like burnished ebon stone grow from his fingertips, long and gleaming. Behind him sprout two great crow's wings, glistening with a pitch blackness with the lightest touches of dark blue as they fold around his back like a great cloak.
General Notes:
Give the reader less, let them draw conclusions - don't say the claws are sharp enough to pierce anything, point out something that indicates their sharpness. Mention broad things first - build, skin - then face, and then peripherals like wings and the tail. I dropped the voice, tongue, and 'standing idly' because they were too conditional - add them in with "SAY (Flicking his tongue through the air) Do you smell that?" and the like. And one random thing - there's no obsidian in Lusternia, I seem to remember from the Trademaster's board, so I took that out and replaced it with 'burnished ebon stone'.
Lucan2007-03-20 22:47:33
Wow, I really like that...I might change a couple words, but I think I'll actually use it. Hope that's ok. 

Unknown2007-03-20 23:06:22
Someone do mine >.<
Reiha2007-03-21 06:22:18
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Mar 20 2007, 02:06 PM) 392075
Someone do mine >.<
It seems fine, I would only word it differently due to preference

Unknown2007-03-22 06:36:24
Just my first go at it... any ideas are welcome, as well as critiques.
He is a graceful elfen lord and has light, porcelain skin. His deep hazel eyes
scan the area, aware and waiting for any danger to show itself. He stands at
medium height, and is a bit tubby around the middle. This weight impediment
doesn't seem to affect his agility, though it does make him look rather silly.
He has bright white hair that flows down below his waist, but is tied up in a
pony tail to keep it from getting in the way. His bearing is that of a proud
warrior, and he wields his weapons confidently.
He is a graceful elfen lord and has light, porcelain skin. His deep hazel eyes
scan the area, aware and waiting for any danger to show itself. He stands at
medium height, and is a bit tubby around the middle. This weight impediment
doesn't seem to affect his agility, though it does make him look rather silly.
He has bright white hair that flows down below his waist, but is tied up in a
pony tail to keep it from getting in the way. His bearing is that of a proud
warrior, and he wields his weapons confidently.
Unknown2007-03-28 00:55:34
I know this is my second double post, but it'll be my last...
Just want to say that I love how I can just stop a thread...
. It happens whenever I post, either people take a long time to reply, which I understand, or I just kill it... why is this? 
Just want to say that I love how I can just stop a thread...

Reiha2007-03-28 01:12:59
QUOTE(Seraphi @ Mar 27 2007, 03:55 PM) 394176
I know this is my second double post, but it'll be my last...
Just want to say that I love how I can just stop a thread...
. It happens whenever I post, either people take a long time to reply, which I understand, or I just kill it... why is this? 
Just want to say that I love how I can just stop a thread...

Hazar2007-03-28 02:37:03
*awkward silence*
Unknown2007-03-28 12:06:30
This awkward silence is the story of my life! WOOT!
Aiakon2007-03-28 12:32:00
QUOTE(Seraphi @ Mar 22 2007, 07:36 AM) 392344
He is a graceful elfen lord and has light, porcelain skin. His deep hazel eyes
scan the area, aware and waiting for any danger to show itself. He stands at
medium height, and is a bit tubby around the middle. This weight impediment
doesn't seem to affect his agility, though it does make him look rather silly.
He has bright white hair that flows down below his waist, but is tied up in a
pony tail to keep it from getting in the way. His bearing is that of a proud
warrior, and he wields his weapons confidently.
scan the area, aware and waiting for any danger to show itself. He stands at
medium height, and is a bit tubby around the middle. This weight impediment
doesn't seem to affect his agility, though it does make him look rather silly.
He has bright white hair that flows down below his waist, but is tied up in a
pony tail to keep it from getting in the way. His bearing is that of a proud
warrior, and he wields his weapons confidently.
Difficult though it may be, you really need a description that is always true. If you're asleep, then your deep hazel eyes, pretty though they may be, are not scanning the area, aware and waiting for any danger to show itself. Similarly, if you're in a locked manse indulging in procreative activities with a young elfen lass, she's bound to be a bit hurt if you can't concentrate on the matter at hand.
Light porcelain skin, deep hazel eyes, medium height, a little tubsome, white pony tail. You're doing well so far, but you need a few more ideas - what about teeth, habitual expression (be careful if you add one of these that you remember you've got it. You don't want a permanent cheesy grin while you pose weeping at the Moonhart - Aiakon has no eyelids, currently.. and eventually I had to alias over the blink command because I kept forgetting), hands, musculature, any scars, tattoos, birth marks or other distinguishing characteristics? You can also add detail to what you've got. Is your hair entirely white? Or is it flecked with streaks of another colour? etc etc
Unknown2007-03-28 22:29:02
Also to add to Aiakon, make sure you don't push thoughts on people. not everyone is going to think your stomach is silly. Also you won't be wielding a weapon all the time. That elfen lass will be more upset about that.
Anarias2007-04-03 09:07:00
Not if its the right kind of Elfen lass.
Unknown2007-04-03 16:20:31
What if it's NOT an Elfen lass? *ponder*
Thanks for the input, I'll take it into consideration, redo it, and then post it. Aiakon, I agree with you about the eyes, I didn't realize.
Thanks for the input, I'll take it into consideration, redo it, and then post it. Aiakon, I agree with you about the eyes, I didn't realize.