Novinha2007-04-03 20:22:56
She is a fierce dracnari and is unlike most others. Standing only at the height
of a human male, she is fairly small for her race. She seems almost not there,
light and airy due to her stature and color. Smokey silver scales cover most of
her body with a dull luster, sometimes shining a bright argent in the light,
each one being roughly diamond shaped with a thin raised segment at the center,
giving way to a long stripe of smooth white skin that extends from the bottom
of her long draconic snout downards, along her smooth, slim stomach, to between
her slender thighs and the bottom of her thick tail. Similar skin patches
appear on her hands and feet - the palms being softer, while the bottom of the
feet are a rough leathery material. Long pointed ears stretch out from the side
of her head, faintly resembling horns. Three powerful, blunt talons adorn each
foot, smaller, sharper ones on her hands. Her eyes are a fierce, fiery red with
a slitted black pupil, and she retains a firm bust, not too large, but
noticable indeed.
- I tend to avoid using certain things in my description:
Numbers. It's not very pleasing to the eye when you have to read "He stands at 5'2"." I use general terms, not even a specific number or word.
Actions. It's a description of what I look like, not what I'm doing. I personally think descriptions are for describing what only is visible to another person's eye, such as hair color, body size, and whatnot.
Short sentences. I draw my sentences on, it helps reading flow. Short, stubby sentences don't look that good.
Overdescription of the breasts. In fact, I almost never refer to the breasts directly, rather choosing a word like bust, or chest, instead. It makes you look more like some kind of sex slave if you mention breasts.
of a human male, she is fairly small for her race. She seems almost not there,
light and airy due to her stature and color. Smokey silver scales cover most of
her body with a dull luster, sometimes shining a bright argent in the light,
each one being roughly diamond shaped with a thin raised segment at the center,
giving way to a long stripe of smooth white skin that extends from the bottom
of her long draconic snout downards, along her smooth, slim stomach, to between
her slender thighs and the bottom of her thick tail. Similar skin patches
appear on her hands and feet - the palms being softer, while the bottom of the
feet are a rough leathery material. Long pointed ears stretch out from the side
of her head, faintly resembling horns. Three powerful, blunt talons adorn each
foot, smaller, sharper ones on her hands. Her eyes are a fierce, fiery red with
a slitted black pupil, and she retains a firm bust, not too large, but
noticable indeed.
- I tend to avoid using certain things in my description:
Numbers. It's not very pleasing to the eye when you have to read "He stands at 5'2"." I use general terms, not even a specific number or word.
Actions. It's a description of what I look like, not what I'm doing. I personally think descriptions are for describing what only is visible to another person's eye, such as hair color, body size, and whatnot.
Short sentences. I draw my sentences on, it helps reading flow. Short, stubby sentences don't look that good.
Overdescription of the breasts. In fact, I almost never refer to the breasts directly, rather choosing a word like bust, or chest, instead. It makes you look more like some kind of sex slave if you mention breasts.
Unknown2007-04-03 21:01:22
Lately I've been thinking about reincarnating into a Lucidian. I would be an Archlich Lucidian, so keep that in mind too. (zomg!11)
Here is my current mugwump one, which is totally awesome imo, and courtesy of Viravain, the big sweety
He is a glistening mugwump and has soft, nearly translucent flesh of a crimson
hue that glistens moistly in the faintest flickers of light. Tiny black spatters
of colour are speckled across his face and limbs, accompanied by dark,
rhythmically pulsing veins that lie just beneath the surface of his skin. His
frame is almost painfully slender, the crown of his head slightly curved in a
manner that suggests his appearance is more akin to that a salamander than other
amphibious creatures. The black, flattened orbs of a predator mark his gaze,
perfectly suited to match a razor bound smirk made by the hundreds of sharp,
tiny teeth lining the maw that is his mouth. He is wearing shimmering silken
silver robes, and a jade and sapphire beaded necklace. He walks with the
truefavour of Morgfyre.
Was hoping to keep the crimson color & translucence. Do lucidians have veins? @_@ Anyways, thinking about new descriptions for an archlich lucidian. Any suggestions would be cool
Here is my current mugwump one, which is totally awesome imo, and courtesy of Viravain, the big sweety

He is a glistening mugwump and has soft, nearly translucent flesh of a crimson
hue that glistens moistly in the faintest flickers of light. Tiny black spatters
of colour are speckled across his face and limbs, accompanied by dark,
rhythmically pulsing veins that lie just beneath the surface of his skin. His
frame is almost painfully slender, the crown of his head slightly curved in a
manner that suggests his appearance is more akin to that a salamander than other
amphibious creatures. The black, flattened orbs of a predator mark his gaze,
perfectly suited to match a razor bound smirk made by the hundreds of sharp,
tiny teeth lining the maw that is his mouth. He is wearing shimmering silken
silver robes, and a jade and sapphire beaded necklace. He walks with the
truefavour of Morgfyre.
Was hoping to keep the crimson color & translucence. Do lucidians have veins? @_@ Anyways, thinking about new descriptions for an archlich lucidian. Any suggestions would be cool

Unknown2007-04-03 21:19:02
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Apr 3 2007, 05:01 PM) 395223
Lately I've been thinking about reincarnating into a Lucidian.
'Tard. Stay Mugwump.
Unknown2007-04-03 22:14:08
I h8 u.
Lucidians are cool.
Lucidians are cool.

Novinha2007-04-04 00:26:30
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Apr 3 2007, 06:14 PM) 395242
I h8 u.
Lucidians are cool.
Lucidians are cool.

Of course. They're made of crystal.
Unknown2007-04-05 02:33:04
Any suggestions or corrections would be much appreciated. This is my first draft for my description.
He is a nimble faeling and is small and slight even for one of his race. A halo
of pale, ash-blonde curls, so fair that they are almost silver, surround a
slender, pointed face. A few stray ringlets have fallen down in front of eyes
the pale blue of a dreary winter morning sky. His clear, delicate skin, almost
translucent in it's fairness, only adds to his air of tenuous frailty. His limbs
are thin and rather spidery, with fine-boned hands and long, graceful fingers
ending in perfectly manicured nails. The gossamer wings of exquisite cobweb
grey that arch elegantly from his back seem almost too fragile and diaphanous to
hold even his insubstantial weight aloft. He is wearing a pair of voluminous
black trousers, a shadowy shirt of spiderweb design, a pair of black shoes, a
sheer, silvery silken scarf, a ring with one crimson eye, and a silver torc.
He is a nimble faeling and is small and slight even for one of his race. A halo
of pale, ash-blonde curls, so fair that they are almost silver, surround a
slender, pointed face. A few stray ringlets have fallen down in front of eyes
the pale blue of a dreary winter morning sky. His clear, delicate skin, almost
translucent in it's fairness, only adds to his air of tenuous frailty. His limbs
are thin and rather spidery, with fine-boned hands and long, graceful fingers
ending in perfectly manicured nails. The gossamer wings of exquisite cobweb
grey that arch elegantly from his back seem almost too fragile and diaphanous to
hold even his insubstantial weight aloft. He is wearing a pair of voluminous
black trousers, a shadowy shirt of spiderweb design, a pair of black shoes, a
sheer, silvery silken scarf, a ring with one crimson eye, and a silver torc.
Unknown2007-04-05 06:16:22
screw this thread.
no one ever gets any help/fixes.
*peer viravain*
no one ever gets any help/fixes.
*peer viravain*
Unknown2007-04-05 06:32:42
Well, with mine I only just posted it. Yours read fine to me so I had no suggestions. It was quite lovely, you could transform that one into a very beautiful Lucidian.
Unknown2007-04-05 20:05:31
I was wondering if some one could please give me some help with Korale's description. I am trying to get it to look good, so I will stop playing around with it. 
He is a noble imperial merian and and about six feet in height. He has a thing
lithe body, but wiry muscles can be seen flexing when he moves. The skin that
you can see is the green of an aquatic plant. His hands are slender and well
stained with ink from long periods of time reading. He has a strong boned face
with slightly deepset grey eyes. Long black hair is pulled into a simple
ponytail with seaweed and seashell decorations in it. On either side of his
throat, just below his chin, are thin hard to see gill slits. His right arm is
pockmarked with small scars, as if someone sat down and drew a knife back and
forth across it. He is wearing blackened leather robes, a pair of black shoes,
and a midnight black cloak with a silver clasp.

He is a noble imperial merian and and about six feet in height. He has a thing
lithe body, but wiry muscles can be seen flexing when he moves. The skin that
you can see is the green of an aquatic plant. His hands are slender and well
stained with ink from long periods of time reading. He has a strong boned face
with slightly deepset grey eyes. Long black hair is pulled into a simple
ponytail with seaweed and seashell decorations in it. On either side of his
throat, just below his chin, are thin hard to see gill slits. His right arm is
pockmarked with small scars, as if someone sat down and drew a knife back and
forth across it. He is wearing blackened leather robes, a pair of black shoes,
and a midnight black cloak with a silver clasp.
Linaeve2007-04-05 21:27:47
QUOTE(Mhume @ Mar 18 2007, 02:10 PM) 391668
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is slightly taller than the average height of his race. His rough skin has been weathered to a dull tan, slightly hidden by caked dirt and loam that covers his body. Two large bat-like wings extend from his back, quivering slightly. A soft red glow shines from his eyes, darkening his facial features. The skin around his left eye is misshapen and has deep claw marks, causing the eye to be slightly off from the other. He radiates a sense of alertness, even in his current state.
I'd use another word rather than "hidden," as his skin is probably not hidden but just grimy. You could add a bit about him being an alert personality by describing the way he carries himself, as though he's always on edge, which is why his wings quiver.
Moriana2007-04-05 22:12:43
QUOTE(Kaiboche @ Apr 4 2007, 09:33 PM) 395650
Any suggestions or corrections would be much appreciated. This is my first draft for my description.
He is a nimble faeling and is small and slight even for one of his race. A halo
of pale, ash-blonde curls, so fair that they are almost silver, surround a
slender, pointed face. A few stray ringlets have fallen down in front of eyes
the pale blue of a dreary winter morning sky. His clear, delicate skin, almost
translucent in it's fairness, only adds to his air of tenuous frailty. His limbs
are thin and rather spidery, with fine-boned hands and long, graceful fingers
ending in perfectly manicured nails. The gossamer wings of exquisite cobweb
grey that arch elegantly from his back seem almost too fragile and diaphanous to
hold even his insubstantial weight aloft. He is wearing a pair of voluminous
black trousers, a shadowy shirt of spiderweb design, a pair of black shoes, a
sheer, silvery silken scarf, a ring with one crimson eye, and a silver torc.
He is a nimble faeling and is small and slight even for one of his race. A halo
of pale, ash-blonde curls, so fair that they are almost silver, surround a
slender, pointed face. A few stray ringlets have fallen down in front of eyes
the pale blue of a dreary winter morning sky. His clear, delicate skin, almost
translucent in it's fairness, only adds to his air of tenuous frailty. His limbs
are thin and rather spidery, with fine-boned hands and long, graceful fingers
ending in perfectly manicured nails. The gossamer wings of exquisite cobweb
grey that arch elegantly from his back seem almost too fragile and diaphanous to
hold even his insubstantial weight aloft. He is wearing a pair of voluminous
black trousers, a shadowy shirt of spiderweb design, a pair of black shoes, a
sheer, silvery silken scarf, a ring with one crimson eye, and a silver torc.
Aside from substituting "its" for "it's", I think your description is quite good as is. I might possibly revise the last sentence to read "Seemingly almost too fragile and diaphanous to hold even his insubstantial weight aloft, a pair of gossamer wings as exquisite as cobwebs arch elegantly from his back." Otherwise, it's simple, well-written, and very descriptive.
Unknown2007-04-06 01:50:48
QUOTE(Moriana @ Apr 6 2007, 08:12 AM) 395854
Aside from substituting "its" for "it's", I think your description is quite good as is. I might possibly revise the last sentence to read "Seemingly almost too fragile and diaphanous to hold even his insubstantial weight aloft, a pair of gossamer wings as exquisite as cobwebs arch elegantly from his back." Otherwise, it's simple, well-written, and very descriptive.
Thank you. I know my grammar (theoretically, anyway) but little points sometimes slip my notice when proofreading. Little things like the wrong "its" do bother me, I know it's petty but they do, so it's always good to get someone to scan something for you. I like your suggestion for tweaking the last line, too. I wasn't quite 100% happy with it for some reason.
Unknown2007-04-14 14:17:49
He is a fiendish viscanti and stands at roughly six feet, muscles knotting
under light green skin, veined with a darker green. Small thorn like growths
protrudes from his shoulders and elbows, similar claws at the tips of his
fingers. A barbed tail grows from the end of his, flicking slowly. A mass of
tangled dreads tumble down his back, pointed ears barely visible beneath the
mess. His eyes are yellow, their pupils slit. Black dots is tattooed on his
left cheek, joined together by black streaks that disappear beneath his air,
only to appear again in a graceful arch over his left brow. A straight, broad
nose and thin, pale lips. Whenever his mouth is animated, small and sharp
translucent teeth can be seen and a violet, forked tongue.
Could someone please make mine better? I'm not good at writing descriptions, obviously.
I forgot to add a goatee to my description. Oh well.
under light green skin, veined with a darker green. Small thorn like growths
protrudes from his shoulders and elbows, similar claws at the tips of his
fingers. A barbed tail grows from the end of his, flicking slowly. A mass of
tangled dreads tumble down his back, pointed ears barely visible beneath the
mess. His eyes are yellow, their pupils slit. Black dots is tattooed on his
left cheek, joined together by black streaks that disappear beneath his air,
only to appear again in a graceful arch over his left brow. A straight, broad
nose and thin, pale lips. Whenever his mouth is animated, small and sharp
translucent teeth can be seen and a violet, forked tongue.
Could someone please make mine better? I'm not good at writing descriptions, obviously.
I forgot to add a goatee to my description. Oh well.
Feyrll2007-05-16 00:32:40
This technically isn't about descriptions, but the purpose is for creative Arts and I'm too lazy to be forumically correct.
Anyone have a record of Soll's Ascension they could message me, or a link to where he posted it? I forgot under what Category it was under.
Thanks ahead of time.
Anyone have a record of Soll's Ascension they could message me, or a link to where he posted it? I forgot under what Category it was under.
Thanks ahead of time.

Murphy2007-08-07 12:19:00
Oi, Murphy's a krokani and my current description shows fur. Couple of people out there hit me with a description of Murphy as a one eyed monster?
Unknown2007-08-07 21:54:16
She is an ordinary human and she is an albino of her race, standing at an
average height. Her emaciated, gaunt form only accentuates her ghost-like
appearance, furthered by the pale translucence of her skin. Her hair falls in
thick silver, almost white waves about her shoulders, tapering off in twisting
ends and framing a shadowed face, thin and haunted looking under the veil of
colorless hair. Despite her recessive albinism, her eyes are a dark blue, almost
black and framed by thick black lashes, furthermore offset by arched black
brows. The overall washed-out character of her appearance accentuates the stark
contrast between her grayish pale skin and dark eyes. A tenebrous tattoo snakes,
twisting in spiked curls from the corner of her left eye, past her temple and
jaw, disappearing into the neckline of her clothing. There are no laughlines on
her face, or jovial sparkles in her eye, and her mouth seems permanently set in
a cold, grim line.

average height. Her emaciated, gaunt form only accentuates her ghost-like
appearance, furthered by the pale translucence of her skin. Her hair falls in
thick silver, almost white waves about her shoulders, tapering off in twisting
ends and framing a shadowed face, thin and haunted looking under the veil of
colorless hair. Despite her recessive albinism, her eyes are a dark blue, almost
black and framed by thick black lashes, furthermore offset by arched black
brows. The overall washed-out character of her appearance accentuates the stark
contrast between her grayish pale skin and dark eyes. A tenebrous tattoo snakes,
twisting in spiked curls from the corner of her left eye, past her temple and
jaw, disappearing into the neckline of her clothing. There are no laughlines on
her face, or jovial sparkles in her eye, and her mouth seems permanently set in
a cold, grim line.

Unknown2007-08-17 10:44:55
He is a nimble faeling and even smaller than most other faeling. While barely a
foot tall, he is still proportioned, with a lithe and well-kept figure. His eyes
are a bright green, and quick moving, darting from place to place inquisitively.
His hair is stark white, and soft, falling to his shoulders, a short fringe
pulled back into a kind of ridge across the front-top of his head. His teeth,
when visible are brightly white, and his canines are somewhat elongated, longer
then normal but only just noticeably so, giving his face just the slightest
animalistic look. His body is lithe and looks strong, his shoulders slight, but
his arms are muscled and sinewy. His torso is tight and tapers to strong legs
with hooves at their ends, a coat of white fur above them, thinning out up the
legs. From his back stretch magnificent wings, these almost two feet wide, wider
than he is tall, certainly, and beautifully patterned. They are bright red, with
concentric rings of black and white in the centre of each of the upper lobes,
and blue-red in the bottom two. He tends not to stand on his feet, but uses his
wings to hover in mid-air, darting from place to place.
Ok, now I -know- you're going to complain about the hovering thing, but if it is a -almost always-
aspect of his character, that he's hovering a few feet off the ground, I feel its allright.
And if anyone complains about the height, I'd remind them that since Faeling are offspring
of the Fae and Elfen, they are going to be far from homogenous, especially in height.
But feel free to say how terrible it is anyway, thoughts are appreciated
foot tall, he is still proportioned, with a lithe and well-kept figure. His eyes
are a bright green, and quick moving, darting from place to place inquisitively.
His hair is stark white, and soft, falling to his shoulders, a short fringe
pulled back into a kind of ridge across the front-top of his head. His teeth,
when visible are brightly white, and his canines are somewhat elongated, longer
then normal but only just noticeably so, giving his face just the slightest
animalistic look. His body is lithe and looks strong, his shoulders slight, but
his arms are muscled and sinewy. His torso is tight and tapers to strong legs
with hooves at their ends, a coat of white fur above them, thinning out up the
legs. From his back stretch magnificent wings, these almost two feet wide, wider
than he is tall, certainly, and beautifully patterned. They are bright red, with
concentric rings of black and white in the centre of each of the upper lobes,
and blue-red in the bottom two. He tends not to stand on his feet, but uses his
wings to hover in mid-air, darting from place to place.
Ok, now I -know- you're going to complain about the hovering thing, but if it is a -almost always-
aspect of his character, that he's hovering a few feet off the ground, I feel its allright.
And if anyone complains about the height, I'd remind them that since Faeling are offspring
of the Fae and Elfen, they are going to be far from homogenous, especially in height.
But feel free to say how terrible it is anyway, thoughts are appreciated
Unknown2007-08-19 22:58:25
That seems pretty nice to me. Here's a possibility. My only problem is where he's gonna go. He hates New Celest because Celest's Emperor brought about the taint. He thinks the taint is evil and corrupts. And he's a pyro, so no Commune will take him.
He is a fierce dracnari and is rather tall - slightly more than seven feet tall. His green scales are large ganoids - almost like human-head-sized triangle shields, shifting their angle with the serpentine neck. Those scales shrink to enhance mobility in the torso, legs, and arms, but the thick and long whiplike tail’s scales are like crowns facing toward the tip - thick bands with arrowheads pointing down. They also seem to shift shades of green depending on the light. Anclagon’s head is also dragonic, angular, horned, and fanged. The three horns on the dracnari’s head all turn back, but only two one foot long ones are above the brow. The other one is much smaller and thick - and on the tip of the snout. His muscles seem often used, and on the three fingers of his hand are small black claws. Anclagon’s eyes are a deep black - no whites, and no visible pupil.
He is a fierce dracnari and is rather tall - slightly more than seven feet tall. His green scales are large ganoids - almost like human-head-sized triangle shields, shifting their angle with the serpentine neck. Those scales shrink to enhance mobility in the torso, legs, and arms, but the thick and long whiplike tail’s scales are like crowns facing toward the tip - thick bands with arrowheads pointing down. They also seem to shift shades of green depending on the light. Anclagon’s head is also dragonic, angular, horned, and fanged. The three horns on the dracnari’s head all turn back, but only two one foot long ones are above the brow. The other one is much smaller and thick - and on the tip of the snout. His muscles seem often used, and on the three fingers of his hand are small black claws. Anclagon’s eyes are a deep black - no whites, and no visible pupil.
Unknown2007-08-19 23:16:07
It took me a minute to realize your character's name was Anclagon and not Gaudiguch. I was going to suggest adding the line, "Although fiercely debated, he does not seem quite ready for release."
Forren2007-08-19 23:21:10
QUOTE(Demetrios @ Aug 19 2007, 07:16 PM) 434758
It took me a minute to realize your character's name was Anclagon and not Gaudiguch. I was going to suggest adding the line, "Although fiercely debated, he does not seem quite ready for release."