Lendren2008-01-25 15:44:33
She is a graceful elfen and loves to sing enchanted melodies. Her gentle face is adorned with a sweet smile, which hides the sorrow and pain of her heart. A scar on the palm of her right hand fits perfectly to the scar on her chest; symbols of her tragic past. Her silver eyes sparkle with curiosity as they see through your soul. Her soft, brown hair falls gently on her shoulders to her waist, hiding a tattoo on her back, the word 'Love'. She continues to smile and spread happiness though her own soul is bound by the chains of sadness, waiting to be freed. She is wearing an intricate ring of pearl, a pair of black velvet shoes, a backpack embroidered with musical notes, and pale green greatrobes embroidered with musical imagery.
I feel like I should talk to her, but I don't know where to start...
Eldanien2008-01-25 16:22:53
QUOTE(look me)
He is an ordinary human and appears to be of thoroughly mixed heritage. His skin is well tanned but bears tinges of both elfen green and merian blue, colors matched in his speckled eyes, and his ponytailed chestnut hair flashes azure where the light catches just right. An athletic form combined with his greater than average height gives him a long, lean look. His movements are deliberate and graceful, evidence of his studious practice of martial skills and his bearing is one of quiet purpose, reserved yet determined, serene but confident. He is wearing a set of tan, hooded greatrobes, a pair of sturdy leather boots, a patchwork coat of drab hues, a canvas backpack, a warm woolen cloak, a star-studded falcon pendant, a remembrance necklace, 2 braided leather bracelets, and 10 broad iron rings.
If you're feeling creative, spruce it up? I tend to go overboard with descriptions, so I have to force myself to keep it short and simple. This winds up making them seem rushed and chopped, to me. I'm always itching to do more with it.
Unknown2008-01-25 18:23:07
QUOTE(quoted by Lendren @ Jan 25 2008, 10:44 AM) 480412
She is a graceful elfen and loves to sing enchanted melodies. Her gentle face is adorned with a sweet smile, which hides the sorrow and pain of her heart. A scar on the palm of her right hand fits perfectly to the scar on her chest; symbols of her tragic past. Her silver eyes sparkle with curiosity as they see through your soul. Her soft, brown hair falls gently on her shoulders to her waist, hiding a tattoo on her back, the word 'Love'. She continues to smile and spread happiness though her own soul is bound by the chains of sadness, waiting to be freed. She is wearing an intricate ring of pearl, a pair of black velvet shoes, a backpack embroidered with musical notes, and pale green greatrobes embroidered with musical imagery.
Possibly say souls are not physically visible, and thus not described in descriptions but through actions? And things that are not visible are excluded from descriptions, so most scars would not be mentioned either.
Maybe mention how you wear spectacles, but you can't tell from your description that they connect you to your past (and that nifty dreamweaving roleplay).
Minimalist example: She is a graceful elfen and poised to lift her voice in song. Her silver eyes sparkle with curiosity. Her gentle face is adorned with a sweet smile, framed by soft, brown hair falling gently on her shoulders to her waist. The only visible blemish is on the palm of her right hand, bearing a strange scar.
Lendren2008-01-26 04:07:55
Turns out Ialie was already talking to her while I was worrying about from which direction to approach it.
Unknown2008-02-09 17:50:14

He is an ordinary human and cuts a striking figure, standing nearly six and a
half feet in height, moving with the alert grace of a stalking predator, and the
power of a warrior in his long, well muscled limbs. Fierce green eyes silently
blaze from his sun-darkened face with a savage animal intensity, while his proud
features and thoughtful brow bespeak a deeply circumspect nature. A mass of
slightly curled, midnight-black hair is pulled loosely into a thick ponytail to
keep it from his eyes, a few errant strands falling about his features, and the
dark, unruly hairs of a recently shaved beard dust his strong jaw. He is wearing
a dark leafed chain link coif, a canvas backpack, a suit of gleaming field
plate, and a battle-ready shoulder scabbard.
I'm never happy with my descriptions though...

Any suggestions?
Aison2008-04-20 09:37:37
Aison is too pretty in this description. I love it, but thinking about it, it really doesn't go with Aison.
Aison's red hair is nothing special. Think more like spaghetti sauce, and tangled, all the time. She has a tan, but it isn't golden. It's not brown, either. She is extremely petite and wiry for her acrobatics. She has freckles, but perhaps too many cluttering up her face. She has thin lips and a gap between her teeth, which is cute and charming if you like the type, but otherwise plain. She has green eyes, but they don't sparkle and they aren't deep oceans. She is meant to look youthful, like a young girl just turning about the age of 16-17. She tries to keep a clean appearance, but somehow dirt has found its way, not only under her fingernails, but in her hair and smudged on her face, too. Her clothes are often tousled and wrinkled. But she still smells good!
Hope that helps. She is really nothing special. Just your average plain jane.
She is an ordinary human and has a petite, slender frame rendered golden and wiry
by endless days beneath the sun. A wildling's face, kissed with freckles and
smudged here and there with traces of earth, is framed by a disorderly mass of
strawberry curls. Warm green eyes sparkle with the vivacity and earnestness of
youth, lending their liveliness and light to unremarkable features. Her nose is
pert and slightly pointed, poised above pink lips. The smiles she bestows reveal
a tiny gap between her front teeth, adding to her youthful and unfettered charm.
Slung over her shoulder is a white sash leading to her mandolin, which rests
easily against her.
by endless days beneath the sun. A wildling's face, kissed with freckles and
smudged here and there with traces of earth, is framed by a disorderly mass of
strawberry curls. Warm green eyes sparkle with the vivacity and earnestness of
youth, lending their liveliness and light to unremarkable features. Her nose is
pert and slightly pointed, poised above pink lips. The smiles she bestows reveal
a tiny gap between her front teeth, adding to her youthful and unfettered charm.
Slung over her shoulder is a white sash leading to her mandolin, which rests
easily against her.
Aison's red hair is nothing special. Think more like spaghetti sauce, and tangled, all the time. She has a tan, but it isn't golden. It's not brown, either. She is extremely petite and wiry for her acrobatics. She has freckles, but perhaps too many cluttering up her face. She has thin lips and a gap between her teeth, which is cute and charming if you like the type, but otherwise plain. She has green eyes, but they don't sparkle and they aren't deep oceans. She is meant to look youthful, like a young girl just turning about the age of 16-17. She tries to keep a clean appearance, but somehow dirt has found its way, not only under her fingernails, but in her hair and smudged on her face, too. Her clothes are often tousled and wrinkled. But she still smells good!
Hope that helps. She is really nothing special. Just your average plain jane.
Lanath2008-04-20 13:25:02
QUOTE(Aison @ Apr 20 2008, 09:37 AM) 503958
Aison's red hair is nothing special. Think more like spaghetti sauce, and tangled, all the time. She has a tan, but it isn't golden. It's not brown, either. She is extremely petite and wiry for her acrobatics. She has freckles, but perhaps too many cluttering up her face. She has thin lips and a gap between her teeth, which is cute and charming if you like the type, but otherwise plain. She has green eyes, but they don't sparkle and they aren't deep oceans. She is meant to look youthful, like a young girl just turning about the age of 16-17. She tries to keep a clean appearance, but somehow dirt has found its way, not only under her fingernails, but in her hair and smudged on her face, too. Her clothes are often tousled and wrinkled. But she still smells good!
Hope that helps. She is really nothing special. Just your average plain jane.
Hope that helps. She is really nothing special. Just your average plain jane.
Yay, plain jane. Here's my stab at it, if you're interested:
Aison is an ordinary human and quite ordinary herself. Her skin is tanned from being outdoors and quite liberally freckled. She has pulled back her tangled ginger hair from her face practically. Her eyes are a dull green, and her lips are thin. Between her two front teeth, there is a noticeable gap. She is very small, and it is this size that makes her look youthful. However, she also has a wiry strength, which keeps her from looking too youthful to be taken seriously. Dirt can be found under her fingernails, smudged on her face, and in her hair, despite her best efforts to keep herself clean. These efforts have succeeded, however, in keeping her smelling fresh enough to walk in public.
Unknown2008-04-20 18:50:34
Here's what I have for Keiris. It paints the right picture for how I envision her, but it could use tweaking, I'm sure.
"She is a nimble faeling and possesses skin of a soft ash gray that seems to draw
in the shadows around her. Standing roughly as tall as a human toddler, not
taking into account her wings, Keiris has relatively short black hair which has
a tendency to defy all laws of gravity on regular basis and amber eyes
possessing slightly slitted pupils set inside a heart-shaped face. One dark
eyebrow is languidly lifted and parted lips twitch in something resembling a
smirk as you study her. Her body is generally rather lanky in appearance,
despite her short stature, making her appear fragile and slightly androgynous
with narrow hips and a modest chest usually hidden in the flowing shirts she
prefers to wear. Protruding from her shoulderblades are two ornate wings,
resembling those of a butterfly, made of a leathery membrane. The edges of her
wings show signs of hardship and have a cobweb appearance. Distracting swirls
the same color as her golden eyes decorate her wings, occasionally muted by the
shadows which dance and float over the membranes."
"She is a nimble faeling and possesses skin of a soft ash gray that seems to draw
in the shadows around her. Standing roughly as tall as a human toddler, not
taking into account her wings, Keiris has relatively short black hair which has
a tendency to defy all laws of gravity on regular basis and amber eyes
possessing slightly slitted pupils set inside a heart-shaped face. One dark
eyebrow is languidly lifted and parted lips twitch in something resembling a
smirk as you study her. Her body is generally rather lanky in appearance,
despite her short stature, making her appear fragile and slightly androgynous
with narrow hips and a modest chest usually hidden in the flowing shirts she
prefers to wear. Protruding from her shoulderblades are two ornate wings,
resembling those of a butterfly, made of a leathery membrane. The edges of her
wings show signs of hardship and have a cobweb appearance. Distracting swirls
the same color as her golden eyes decorate her wings, occasionally muted by the
shadows which dance and float over the membranes."

Harkux2008-04-20 19:16:07
For a friend, if anyone can help spruce this up.
He is a burly tae'dae and is a towering figure, standing about nine feet tall, though slightly haunched. A coat of soft white fur lines the entirety of his massive being, his skin taut around his body while rippling muscles are visible beneath with every one of his movements. A squarish head with a low brow ends in a muzzle that fails to conceal elongated canine teeth. Small, rounded ears twitch towards every sound. Shoulder-length silvery-grey hair is tied back in a ponytail down his back, a layer of bangs resting just above his eyes. Eyes of a vibrant hazel gaze about at everything around, taking it in with a curiosity. Long silvery claws that hook at the ends reach out of every finger on his immense, yet gentle paws. With every inhale and exhale this seemingly brute-ish creature takes, a soft rumble erupts throughout his chest. A jovial air, however, surrounds him, making him seem much less intimidating than appearance makes out.
He is a burly tae'dae and is a towering figure, standing about nine feet tall, though slightly haunched. A coat of soft white fur lines the entirety of his massive being, his skin taut around his body while rippling muscles are visible beneath with every one of his movements. A squarish head with a low brow ends in a muzzle that fails to conceal elongated canine teeth. Small, rounded ears twitch towards every sound. Shoulder-length silvery-grey hair is tied back in a ponytail down his back, a layer of bangs resting just above his eyes. Eyes of a vibrant hazel gaze about at everything around, taking it in with a curiosity. Long silvery claws that hook at the ends reach out of every finger on his immense, yet gentle paws. With every inhale and exhale this seemingly brute-ish creature takes, a soft rumble erupts throughout his chest. A jovial air, however, surrounds him, making him seem much less intimidating than appearance makes out.
Serella2008-04-20 19:30:33
Hmm, some help with my description would be nice. I really dislike that last line, but I don't know how to describe the wings
And dunno if I used the word 'attribute' right.
She is a nimble faeling and possesses the lithe, quick grace of her kind.
Wind-blown tendrils of wild auburn hair are tucked casually behind her finely
pointed ears, framing a face with the plump roundness of youth. Her small nose
and dimpled cheeks attribute to the childish quality of her appearance, a
stubborn chin bearing the suggestion of a tilt. In contrast to the porcelain hue
of her skin, her blue eyes shine with the clarity of a summer sky, a twinkle of
mischief illuminating their depths. Pale blue wings bordered in black extend
from her shoulder blades, spattered with white speckles like seafoam.

She is a nimble faeling and possesses the lithe, quick grace of her kind.
Wind-blown tendrils of wild auburn hair are tucked casually behind her finely
pointed ears, framing a face with the plump roundness of youth. Her small nose
and dimpled cheeks attribute to the childish quality of her appearance, a
stubborn chin bearing the suggestion of a tilt. In contrast to the porcelain hue
of her skin, her blue eyes shine with the clarity of a summer sky, a twinkle of
mischief illuminating their depths. Pale blue wings bordered in black extend
from her shoulder blades, spattered with white speckles like seafoam.
Aison2008-04-20 20:59:29
Hrm, I think I fixed it!
She is an ordinary human and is small and child-like in her common appearance. Her freckled face framed by a disorderly mass of deep red, strawberry curls, comically smudged here and there with traces of earth. Green eyes are spaced evenly above a straight, pert nose, while her thin lips are neutral. When lifted into a smile, a gap is revealed between her two front teeth. Dirt has found its way under her fingernails and also into her hair, although she attempts to keep a clean appearance.
She is an ordinary human and is small and child-like in her common appearance. Her freckled face framed by a disorderly mass of deep red, strawberry curls, comically smudged here and there with traces of earth. Green eyes are spaced evenly above a straight, pert nose, while her thin lips are neutral. When lifted into a smile, a gap is revealed between her two front teeth. Dirt has found its way under her fingernails and also into her hair, although she attempts to keep a clean appearance.
Ashai2008-04-20 23:14:36
QUOTE(Aison @ Apr 20 2008, 03:37 AM) 503958
Aison is too pretty in this description. I love it, but thinking about it, it really doesn't go with Aison.
Aison's red hair is nothing special. Think more like spaghetti sauce, and tangled, all the time. She has a tan, but it isn't golden. It's not brown, either. She is extremely petite and wiry for her acrobatics. She has freckles, but perhaps too many cluttering up her face. She has thin lips and a gap between her teeth, which is cute and charming if you like the type, but otherwise plain. She has green eyes, but they don't sparkle and they aren't deep oceans. She is meant to look youthful, like a young girl just turning about the age of 16-17. She tries to keep a clean appearance, but somehow dirt has found its way, not only under her fingernails, but in her hair and smudged on her face, too. Her clothes are often tousled and wrinkled. But she still smells good!
Hope that helps. She is really nothing special. Just your average plain jane.
Aison's red hair is nothing special. Think more like spaghetti sauce, and tangled, all the time. She has a tan, but it isn't golden. It's not brown, either. She is extremely petite and wiry for her acrobatics. She has freckles, but perhaps too many cluttering up her face. She has thin lips and a gap between her teeth, which is cute and charming if you like the type, but otherwise plain. She has green eyes, but they don't sparkle and they aren't deep oceans. She is meant to look youthful, like a young girl just turning about the age of 16-17. She tries to keep a clean appearance, but somehow dirt has found its way, not only under her fingernails, but in her hair and smudged on her face, too. Her clothes are often tousled and wrinkled. But she still smells good!
Hope that helps. She is really nothing special. Just your average plain jane.
Thought I would take a crack at it, if you don't mind.

She is an ordinary human and reaches a scant height, her petite form suggestive of an eternal, youthful vigor. A veritable, tangled mane of carnelian vibrancy swathes her head and drapes her shoulders in many rubescent curls, vaguely scented of (insert preferred 'good smell'). Her summery visage is of somewhat tan complexion, a multitude of freckles sprinkled across her soft cheeks and slender nose, all too full of maidenly and juvenile mien. An emerald pair of eyes absorbs the world about her, gleaming faintly of latent wit and zeal. Her thin lips, when parted, reveal a charmingly slight gap between her front teeth, her smile all the more endearing for it. Despite all efforts, her wiry frame is ever so barely dirtied by the earth, meager quantities of dirt beneath her fingernails.
Hazar2008-05-31 20:37:50
Aison's red hair is nothing special. Think more like spaghetti sauce, and tangled, all the time. She has a tan, but it isn't golden. It's not brown, either. She is extremely petite and wiry for her acrobatics. She has freckles, but perhaps too many cluttering up her face. She has thin lips and a gap between her teeth, which is cute and charming if you like the type, but otherwise plain. She has green eyes, but they don't sparkle and they aren't deep oceans. She is meant to look youthful, like a young girl just turning about the age of 16-17. She tries to keep a clean appearance, but somehow dirt has found its way, not only under her fingernails, but in her hair and smudged on her face, too. Her clothes are often tousled and wrinkled. But she still smells good!
She is an ordrinary human and cuts a slight, wiry figure, the coltish lines of her body sleek with toned muscle. Her skin is roughened and tanned by the sun, smudged with dirt, and a mass of freckles coats her face and sneaks down onto her neck and stubborn shoulders. Keen green eyes are set in a youthful face, slight smiling creases worked into her tan by thin, quick lips that never quite manage to hide a gap in her front teeth. Dark red hair rustles around these open features in a brambly thicket of curls and lanky tangles, thickened here and there with crumbs of earth. The rumpled state of her clothes and the dirt which appears across her figure lend her an earthy, absent-minded air, as does her sweet smell.QUOTE
She is a nimble faeling and possesses skin of a soft ash gray that seems to draw in the shadows around her. Standing roughly as tall as a human toddler, not taking into account her wings, Keiris has relatively short black hair which has a tendency to defy all laws of gravity on regular basis and amber eyes possessing slightly slitted pupils set inside a heart-shaped face. One dark eyebrow is languidly lifted and parted lips twitch in something resembling a smirk as you study her. Her body is generally rather lanky in appearance, despite her short stature, making her appear fragile and slightly androgynous with narrow hips and a modest chest usually hidden in the flowing shirts she prefers to wear. Protruding from her shoulderblades are two ornate wings, resembling those of a butterfly, made of a leathery membrane. The edges of her wings show signs of hardship and have a cobweb appearance. Distracting swirls the same color as her golden eyes decorate her wings, occasionally muted by the shadows which dance and float over the membranes.
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and her skin, the colour of greying ash, seems to draw shadows around her with a subtle gravity. For all her toddler's height she is lanky and slender, with a fragile, androgynous appearance that lends her a beguiling, ambiguous appearance. Short black hair twists and curls around her heart-shaped face in defiance of all gravity, and her predatory amber eyes peer out of slight, delicate features with a discerning gaze. Behind her, leathery butterfly's wings like ragged cobwebs arch smoothly, wrought with swirls of golden light and chill, dancing darkness. She carries herself with a slow, aloof grace, proud and elegant.
Iwiertas2008-06-08 21:50:36
This is what I came up with after I had Celina carve stuff into me. 
He is a glistening Mugwump and has a shocking appearance. Not only does the lack of pigment in his shoulder-length hair contrast his bright yellow eyes, but his skin is ebony black with an almost perfect complexion. The webbings between his fingers are practically transparent, but are toughened by work with the earth. The most shocking thing, however, is the massive amount of scars and tattoos that spread over his body from his face to his feet. Across his chest white scar tissue traces the image of a crow in flight, the wings stretching from one shoulder to another. Down his limbs and across his face, on the other hand, tattoos of phrases in Crowtongue and pictures of crows flying amidst vines transform his body into a fearful masterpiece in which seems to be alive whenever he moves. Most of these pictures are in white ink, making them stand out even from a distance, but blood red and a deep violet make these images look terrifying when viewed from a close range. Finally, the phrase ‘Ej il’a’lahiy kha dydhis oari K’ian Doim!’ is carved into his neck just above his collarbone.

He is a glistening Mugwump and has a shocking appearance. Not only does the lack of pigment in his shoulder-length hair contrast his bright yellow eyes, but his skin is ebony black with an almost perfect complexion. The webbings between his fingers are practically transparent, but are toughened by work with the earth. The most shocking thing, however, is the massive amount of scars and tattoos that spread over his body from his face to his feet. Across his chest white scar tissue traces the image of a crow in flight, the wings stretching from one shoulder to another. Down his limbs and across his face, on the other hand, tattoos of phrases in Crowtongue and pictures of crows flying amidst vines transform his body into a fearful masterpiece in which seems to be alive whenever he moves. Most of these pictures are in white ink, making them stand out even from a distance, but blood red and a deep violet make these images look terrifying when viewed from a close range. Finally, the phrase ‘Ej il’a’lahiy kha dydhis oari K’ian Doim!’ is carved into his neck just above his collarbone.
vorld2008-06-08 21:55:16
He is a one-eyed archlich krokani and He stands with a lowly stature, his height
barely feeting five feet in full. Sickly white skin is stretched across his
boney, sickly body, framing the bones protruding from his chest with each
breathe he takes in. A lone lazy eye, bloodshot and agitated, stares vaguely in
your direction, yet without any recognition in its gaze. His other eye, normal
in comparison blinks rapidly, its brown cornea excited and quickly moving from
place to place. Unkempt hair is tossled half-hazardly about his head, dirty
strands thick with sweat and grime stick out in akward directions.
This was my human description but now I'm a krokani so can someone fix it please?
barely feeting five feet in full. Sickly white skin is stretched across his
boney, sickly body, framing the bones protruding from his chest with each
breathe he takes in. A lone lazy eye, bloodshot and agitated, stares vaguely in
your direction, yet without any recognition in its gaze. His other eye, normal
in comparison blinks rapidly, its brown cornea excited and quickly moving from
place to place. Unkempt hair is tossled half-hazardly about his head, dirty
strands thick with sweat and grime stick out in akward directions.
This was my human description but now I'm a krokani so can someone fix it please?
Shaddus2008-06-08 22:34:12
Paying a bit for someone to write me a better one. I need this redone, and a matching one for if/when I back to Lobo
He is a sinuous undead illithoid and and tall, at about 6'7. His body is
midnight black, covered here and there with silver runes. His eyes glow an eery
crimson, and seem to see into every corner of the shadows. His legs, backwards
folding, keep him lower to the ground than his actual height, and his toes are
tipped with long black nails. His arms are heavily muscled, and kept close to
his body, ready to strike at a moments notice. His ears are long, and they often
swivel on their own, focusing on odd sounds around him. Covering his back is an
odd tattoo, that of a dark spiders web. On his left shoulder, is a tattoo, that
of a silver pentagram, covered in blue flame, and on the top of both of his
hands, that of a steel mask, covered in rivulets of blood. His right arm bears a
tattoo of the Ouroboros, coiling around his bicep and coloured in green and
He is a sinuous undead illithoid and and tall, at about 6'7. His body is
midnight black, covered here and there with silver runes. His eyes glow an eery
crimson, and seem to see into every corner of the shadows. His legs, backwards
folding, keep him lower to the ground than his actual height, and his toes are
tipped with long black nails. His arms are heavily muscled, and kept close to
his body, ready to strike at a moments notice. His ears are long, and they often
swivel on their own, focusing on odd sounds around him. Covering his back is an
odd tattoo, that of a dark spiders web. On his left shoulder, is a tattoo, that
of a silver pentagram, covered in blue flame, and on the top of both of his
hands, that of a steel mask, covered in rivulets of blood. His right arm bears a
tattoo of the Ouroboros, coiling around his bicep and coloured in green and
Iwiertas2008-06-09 03:00:39
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Jun 8 2008, 04:34 PM) 519241
Paying a bit for someone to write me a better one. I need this redone, and a matching one for if/when I back to Lobo
He is a sinuous undead illithoid and and tall, at about 6'7. His body is
midnight black, covered here and there with silver runes. His eyes glow an eery
crimson, and seem to see into every corner of the shadows. His legs, backwards
folding, keep him lower to the ground than his actual height, and his toes are
tipped with long black nails. His arms are heavily muscled, and kept close to
his body, ready to strike at a moments notice. His ears are long, and they often
swivel on their own, focusing on odd sounds around him. Covering his back is an
odd tattoo, that of a dark spiders web. On his left shoulder, is a tattoo, that
of a silver pentagram, covered in blue flame, and on the top of both of his
hands, that of a steel mask, covered in rivulets of blood. His right arm bears a
tattoo of the Ouroboros, coiling around his bicep and coloured in green and
He is a sinuous undead illithoid and and tall, at about 6'7. His body is
midnight black, covered here and there with silver runes. His eyes glow an eery
crimson, and seem to see into every corner of the shadows. His legs, backwards
folding, keep him lower to the ground than his actual height, and his toes are
tipped with long black nails. His arms are heavily muscled, and kept close to
his body, ready to strike at a moments notice. His ears are long, and they often
swivel on their own, focusing on odd sounds around him. Covering his back is an
odd tattoo, that of a dark spiders web. On his left shoulder, is a tattoo, that
of a silver pentagram, covered in blue flame, and on the top of both of his
hands, that of a steel mask, covered in rivulets of blood. His right arm bears a
tattoo of the Ouroboros, coiling around his bicep and coloured in green and
He is a sinuous undead illithoid and strikes an imposing figure at his height, well past six feet.
Midnight black, his body is covered here and there with silver runes. Intelligent eyes glow from
his eyesockets, radiating an eery crimson and seeming to see into every corner of the shadows.
His legs, backwards folding, keep him lower to the ground than his actual height, and his toes are
tipped with long black nails, menacingly sharp. Heavily muscled, his arms are kept close to
his body, perpetually ready for action. His ears are long, and they often swivel on their own,
focusing on any odd sound around him. Tattoos adorn his body, the first of a dark spider's
web stretched across his back. The web fades away into the brilliant depiction of a
silver pentagram engulfed in blue flame, only serving to draw attention down his arms to the
sinuous hands upon which are tattooed identical bloody silver masks. Finally, the Ouroboros
coils down his right arm, depicted strikingly in green and black.
Not sure if you wanted an edit or a complete rewrite, but I'll take it you meant the former.
Unknown2008-06-09 11:35:52
Shaddus, loboshigaru version. I'm not very happy with how I reworked the tattoo descriptions, but bleh.
He is a ferocious loboshigaru and stands taller than most of his own race, even when habitually poised in a tense, fluid crouch that evokes a loosely leashed energy. Interrupting the unrelieved expanse of his sleek midnight-black pelt, enigmatic runes have been deeply etched in silver, the arcane strokes seeming to pulse and gleam with every movement. Framed by furred triangular ears that swivel and twitch of their own accord, his eyes glow an eerie crimson above a chiseled muzzle, their hue lending a piercing quality to his sharp gaze. While well-proportioned in overall stature, his arms are corded with incongruously heavier muscle, their powerful lengths held close to his body; tipped with like black claws like his feet, the back of both of his articulated forepaws are tattooed with bloodstained steel masks. Inked in green and black, the sinuous coils of the Ouroboros winds insidiously up and around his right bicep, contrasting with the tattoo upon his left shoulder of a silver pentagram wreathed in blue flames. An impression of a dark spiderweb dominates the span of his back, its outermost strokes barely touching the slope of his shoulders and the edges of the other two tattoos.
Unknown2008-06-09 15:01:52
QUOTE(Iwiertas @ Jun 8 2008, 05:50 PM) 519233
This is what I came up with after I had Celina carve stuff into me. 
He is a glistening Mugwump and has a shocking appearance. Not only does the lack of pigment in his shoulder-length hair contrast his bright yellow eyes, but his skin is ebony black with an almost perfect complexion. The webbings between his fingers are practically transparent, but are toughened by work with the earth. The most shocking thing, however, is the massive amount of scars and tattoos that spread over his body from his face to his feet. Across his chest white scar tissue traces the image of a crow in flight, the wings stretching from one shoulder to another. Down his limbs and across his face, on the other hand, tattoos of phrases in Crowtongue and pictures of crows flying amidst vines transform his body into a fearful masterpiece in which seems to be alive whenever he moves. Most of these pictures are in white ink, making them stand out even from a distance, but blood red and a deep violet make these images look terrifying when viewed from a close range. Finally, the phrase ‘Ej il’a’lahiy kha dydhis oari K’ian Doim!’ is carved into his neck just above his collarbone.

He is a glistening Mugwump and has a shocking appearance. Not only does the lack of pigment in his shoulder-length hair contrast his bright yellow eyes, but his skin is ebony black with an almost perfect complexion. The webbings between his fingers are practically transparent, but are toughened by work with the earth. The most shocking thing, however, is the massive amount of scars and tattoos that spread over his body from his face to his feet. Across his chest white scar tissue traces the image of a crow in flight, the wings stretching from one shoulder to another. Down his limbs and across his face, on the other hand, tattoos of phrases in Crowtongue and pictures of crows flying amidst vines transform his body into a fearful masterpiece in which seems to be alive whenever he moves. Most of these pictures are in white ink, making them stand out even from a distance, but blood red and a deep violet make these images look terrifying when viewed from a close range. Finally, the phrase ‘Ej il’a’lahiy kha dydhis oari K’ian Doim!’ is carved into his neck just above his collarbone.
Here's my attempt...
He is a glistening mugwump and bears countless white scars that mar his glistening ebony skin, the most noticeable of which are phrases in Crow Tongue that grace his visage. Crows in flight intertwined with vines spread down the lines of his face, culminating in a fearsome countenance that shifts with every changing expression. Set in the center of this masterpiece are two glassy, golden eyes that seem to glow against the pitch colour of his skin, while stark white hair falls down to his shoulders to frame his face. Further down his body, partially hidden by his clothing, are more etchings of scar tissue. A crow with wings outstretched spans his entire chest, mostly drawn with white ink but detailed with deep violet and crimson. More of the designs from his face appear on his arms, traveling along his muscles down to the worn and calloused webbing of his hands. Painstakingly inscribed in the skin above his collarbone are the words, "Ej il'a'lahiy khadydhis oari K'ian Doim!"
Unknown2008-06-11 11:26:56
So I figured this is a good place to stop murking about and actually post. Comments on this description? InÃon is a Faeling in the Harbringer guild, Glomdoring.
Describe self has accentuated her unusually generous curves by wearing only undergarments. Her luminescent, dark lovat eyes are stressed by virescent pale skin and slightly rounded cheeks dimple as she smiles at you; doing so hides rather thin lips. Her hair, deepest green and moss-like, curls down her back past her rump. Two delicate, pearlescent wings teem with squirming veins of genuine moss as they flutter and tremble. InÃon’s stance is ever respectful, but as she glances around the room there is an air of mirth to her.
I realise of course that both 'you' and actions (like smiling) are generally outlawed, but InÃon is almost always smiling just a little, even in sleep- more than that, I see her always giving the impression that it is a personal smile meant for the watcher. If anyone can see a better way to suggest that without saying something silly, please post it.
As for her character, it is all in the final line, clumsy as it is. She's always respectful- curtseying to saplings and roses constantly in the most irritating way, actually- but can't help seeing something amusing in everything. Irreverently deferential?
(Which is why I'm a cock's inch from decking her out entirely in pink.
Describe self has accentuated her unusually generous curves by wearing only undergarments. Her luminescent, dark lovat eyes are stressed by virescent pale skin and slightly rounded cheeks dimple as she smiles at you; doing so hides rather thin lips. Her hair, deepest green and moss-like, curls down her back past her rump. Two delicate, pearlescent wings teem with squirming veins of genuine moss as they flutter and tremble. InÃon’s stance is ever respectful, but as she glances around the room there is an air of mirth to her.
I realise of course that both 'you' and actions (like smiling) are generally outlawed, but InÃon is almost always smiling just a little, even in sleep- more than that, I see her always giving the impression that it is a personal smile meant for the watcher. If anyone can see a better way to suggest that without saying something silly, please post it.
As for her character, it is all in the final line, clumsy as it is. She's always respectful- curtseying to saplings and roses constantly in the most irritating way, actually- but can't help seeing something amusing in everything. Irreverently deferential?
(Which is why I'm a cock's inch from decking her out entirely in pink.