ferlas2006-05-09 13:19:25
QUOTE(Thoros LaSaet @ May 9 2006, 01:30 PM) 286405
Short n' simple descriptions make the best.
He is a glistening mugwump and is a hearty fellow. Always laughing, always grinning,
Thoros stands five feet and ten inches tall. His bawdiness shows his love of food and
drink, and his brown-red hair is tied neatly in a ponytail that extends down to his lower
back. His face always seems slightly flushed, and he keeps a short beard which is trimmed
He is a glistening mugwump and seems to have a cheerful face. His face is creased with laughter lines as his lips are twisted into a permant grin. His paunches and plump rounded belly show his relaxed life style and good living. His brown-red hair is tied neatly in a ponytail that extends down to his lower back. His face always seems slightly flushed, and he keeps a short beard which is trimmed neatly.
Still not very good but a good bit better than the original. You should do actions like laughing or say stuff like he loves food.
Unknown2006-05-10 04:38:13
QUOTE(Fallen @ May 9 2006, 12:44 PM) 286407
I hope you're not using that as an example of a 'best' description... because it really isn't. I know you have an ego that could sink the titanic even if it had Narsrim's head as a flotation device, but come on.
1st, you are not always laughing and grinning. I doubt when you're sleeping you're laughing or grinning. I doubt when you're being crucified you're laughing and grinning. I doubt when you're doing most things that you're laughing and grinning.
2nd, do you even know what in the hell 'bawdy' means? It means vulgar or crued. People in general down look bawdy. Unless they're prostitutes or something similar. And if they do, it doesn't have the slightest bit of correlation to their 'love o food and drink'.
Yes I'm always laughing and grinning. I laugh and grin in my sleep, I laugh and grin when I'm crucified. I laugh and grin when I piss and eat too, whadya know? Hey look, no hands. Still laughing and grinning. In fact I'm laughing right now because you obviously don't understand what I posted. Before you play a text game, I suggest you learn to read text.
QUOTE(ferlas @ May 9 2006, 01:19 PM) 286414
He is a glistening mugwump and seems to have a cheerful face. His face is creased with laughter lines as his lips are twisted into a permant grin. His paunches and plump rounded belly show his relaxed life style and good living. His brown-red hair is tied neatly in a ponytail that extends down to his lower back. His face always seems slightly flushed, and he keeps a short beard which is trimmed neatly.
Still not very good but a good bit better than the original. You should do actions like laughing or say stuff like he loves food.
look me
3935h, 6080m, 4268e, 10p, 16460en, 29300w exkdb-
He is a glistening mugwump and seems to have a cheerful face. His face is creased with
laughter lines as his lips are twisted into a permant grin. His paunches and plump
rounded belly show his relaxed life style and good living. His brown-red hair is tied
neatly in a ponytail that extends down to his lower back. His face always seems slightly
flushed, and he keeps a short beard which is trimmed neatly. He is wearing a moonstone and
garnet ring, a radiant silver headdress, a friendship ring of pure jade, a baroque
amethyst bead necklace, the Holy Orb of Celestial Light, a simple ring of bloodstone,
flowing robes of midnight black, a simple gold ring, a beryl sunshine bracelet, a
turquoise ring etched with seahorses, a friendship ring of pure jade, a platinum crown of
thorns, a simple ring of bloodstone, a moonstone and garnet ring, a turquoise rosebud
ring, and a delicate gold bracelet of cherubs.
Ashteru2006-05-10 12:31:37
From that desc you sound more like a dwarf than a Mugwump....^^"
Unknown2006-05-10 18:27:37
Do you even RP that? You don't seem to always laugh and grin around me 

Unknown2006-05-10 19:12:11
Oh and Narses there is only one thing wrong with my desc. The haughty that I was refering to was arrogant and detached.
Tzekelkan2006-05-12 17:09:51
Can someone help me with my description? I'd LOVE any suggestions. It's a new one and a much better one than my last.
He is feathered trill and a small one for his race. He has a slim body, slender legs and thin arms, ending in long, bony fingers. Two large wings completely covered in silver feathers trail behind him, swaying with each step. Downy, grayish-white feathers flow down from his head to his shoulders, framing an oval, pale face. A small nose, dry lips, soft skin and an absence of eyebrows characterize his portrait. Only the pools of deep-sea blue from his eyes contrast violently with his lighter features. Otherwise, a general aura of whiteness radiates from him. He is wearing whitish clothes. Keep that in mind, please.
My last (for laughs):
He is a feathered trill and a rather small one for his race, with very thin arms and a vulnerable-looking body. He is neither old, nor close to being, but his long, silky, grey-whitish hair flows to under his chin. He seems to have a permanent smile on his face, yet not one of arrogance. He looks humble and courteous, with a soft voice that calms and soothes you. His large silvery wings, which get brighter and brighter with each day passing, are brilliantly folded on his back so they do not hinder and gently sway as he walks. His steps are short and slow, but show a motivated determination.
He is feathered trill and a small one for his race. He has a slim body, slender legs and thin arms, ending in long, bony fingers. Two large wings completely covered in silver feathers trail behind him, swaying with each step. Downy, grayish-white feathers flow down from his head to his shoulders, framing an oval, pale face. A small nose, dry lips, soft skin and an absence of eyebrows characterize his portrait. Only the pools of deep-sea blue from his eyes contrast violently with his lighter features. Otherwise, a general aura of whiteness radiates from him. He is wearing whitish clothes. Keep that in mind, please.
My last (for laughs):
He is a feathered trill and a rather small one for his race, with very thin arms and a vulnerable-looking body. He is neither old, nor close to being, but his long, silky, grey-whitish hair flows to under his chin. He seems to have a permanent smile on his face, yet not one of arrogance. He looks humble and courteous, with a soft voice that calms and soothes you. His large silvery wings, which get brighter and brighter with each day passing, are brilliantly folded on his back so they do not hinder and gently sway as he walks. His steps are short and slow, but show a motivated determination.
Soll2006-05-13 00:02:22
QUOTE(Ialie @ May 9 2006, 01:13 PM) 286413
He is a cute aslaran and looks as if he would stand well above the average height of those of his race. He is covered entirely in fluffy pink fur with purple stripes. His brightly coloured fur contrasts greatly with his bright orange eyes that blaze with inner snuggly goodness. By his long muscular form it is easy to tell that this pretty kitty can walk on four legs as well as he can on two. His proud short muzzle has been adorned with a half light pink half black nose and further decorated with long clear whiskers. Small sharp white fangs protrude down over his maw, unable to distract from his cuteness. His large pink paw-like hands and feet are tipped with retractable claws that have all been painted a different colour. One of the most curious thing about this large flaming cat is the bright red heart that appears to have been painted on his belly. Swinging out just above his rear is a long fluffy tail that has an extra poofy puff at the end, for added adorableness.


Unknown2006-05-13 00:19:11
Umm, well, in descriptions I usually don't have any actions or anything like that, ex. grinning and laughing, because all a descriptions is is showing a person what you look like, not what you do all the time. And I highly think that you'd be screaming in pain if you were being cruified.
Tzekelkan: 1st: (generic stuff) is rather small for his race. He is of a slim build with long and bony limbs. Large silvery wings trail out behind his body, swaying slightly as he walks. Gray-white down flows from the top of his head to his shoulders, which frame his oval face. His deep-sea colored eyes contrast almost violently with his pale skin. A smooth forehead slopes down into his small nose that sit above a rather dry mouth. For some reason or another, no feathery down arches above his blue eyes. There seems to be a aura of white surrounding this trill.
2nd: (generic stuff) seems rather short, with a seeming vulnerable body and thin limbs adding to this appearance. Long, silky white hair flows to beneath his chin. An air of humble and courtesy seem to radiate about him, his soft voice to gentle smile add to this. Tucked against his body, sturdy silver wings seem to sway ever so gently as he walks with a slow yet determined step.
Tzekelkan: 1st: (generic stuff) is rather small for his race. He is of a slim build with long and bony limbs. Large silvery wings trail out behind his body, swaying slightly as he walks. Gray-white down flows from the top of his head to his shoulders, which frame his oval face. His deep-sea colored eyes contrast almost violently with his pale skin. A smooth forehead slopes down into his small nose that sit above a rather dry mouth. For some reason or another, no feathery down arches above his blue eyes. There seems to be a aura of white surrounding this trill.
2nd: (generic stuff) seems rather short, with a seeming vulnerable body and thin limbs adding to this appearance. Long, silky white hair flows to beneath his chin. An air of humble and courtesy seem to radiate about him, his soft voice to gentle smile add to this. Tucked against his body, sturdy silver wings seem to sway ever so gently as he walks with a slow yet determined step.
Tzekelkan2006-05-13 00:35:02
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ May 13 2006, 02:19 AM) 287484
Tzekelkan: 1st: (generic stuff) is rather small for his race. He is of a slim build with long and bony limbs. Large silvery wings trail out behind his body, swaying slightly as he walks. Gray-white down flows from the top of his head to his shoulders, which frame his oval face. His deep-sea colored eyes contrast almost violently with his pale skin. A smooth forehead slopes down into his small nose that sit above a rather dry mouth. For some reason or another, no feathery down arches above his blue eyes. There seems to be a aura of white surrounding this trill.
Thanks, I'll keep some of these in mind. But, for example, I've heard you're not supposed to use "rather" and such (like "rather dry mouth"). It either is or it isn't...
Although I appreciate the suggestions, and I'll modify some of it, although I'm pretty fond of other parts.

EDIT: the second one is horrible. I'm not using it anymore, but thanks anyway.
Unknown2006-05-13 01:00:17
No problem. It's not the best, but I tried.
Unknown2006-05-14 20:55:48
He is a fiendish viscanti and has a pale red pigmentation to his skin. From
underneathe the slits in his face, crimson eyes peer, a penetrating gaze.
Protruding from his back are twin wings, leathery and black uncapable of
supporting his weight. From his forehead, ram-like horns sprout, black in color
they reach over his head, meeting at one point at the base of his spine. Thick
black oily covers his head, reaching down to his shoulders. On his fingers and
toes are bird-like talons, long dead and black in color.
underneathe the slits in his face, crimson eyes peer, a penetrating gaze.
Protruding from his back are twin wings, leathery and black uncapable of
supporting his weight. From his forehead, ram-like horns sprout, black in color
they reach over his head, meeting at one point at the base of his spine. Thick
black oily covers his head, reaching down to his shoulders. On his fingers and
toes are bird-like talons, long dead and black in color.
Soll2006-05-14 20:58:30
My descriptions. Feel free to steal and adjust to suit, as well as poke and prod at for grammatical/roleplay issues.
describe self an average man, standing about five and a half feet tall. Thick barely-recognisably blonde hair falls from his head, dirt matted thickly within to form it into large clumps of unattended mess. A rough tan smothers his skin causing the multitude of scars across his body to stand out in pale gauntness. Black eyes sit back in his face, encircled by dark bags and an overshadowing brow, an indefinitely dark pupil lightening only slightly as it expands to the iris. An average nose rests between his eyes and mouth. Just below rest two pain-tightened lips, the lower of the two acting as home to a large scar which slightly mutilates his mouth. His arms are adjoined with a certain lack of grace to his bulky torso which falls lackluster into two strong legs.
describe self a tall, unique looking man standing about six feet tall with a pair of silvery wings adorning each side of his body. Thick white feathers form his wings, lightly tinted in a soft blue shade. Silvery downy feathers flow from his scalp, tied tightly behind his head with a strip of black cloth. A golden tan glows across him, accentuating the taught nature of the skin on his face. Cold blue eyes sit centrally on his face, his features void of expression. Huge shoulders show a decent muscle as they support and flex his wings occasionally, in contrast to the rather untrained physical appearance of the rest of his body; thin but undefined.
describe self a tall, unique looking man standing about six feet tall. Flowing serenely from his scalp is thin, long, silver hair which floats down his back and sway lightly, tied loosely back with a small strip of blue cloth. The soft complexion of his skin accentuates his facial features and makes them seem smoother and more graceful. His ears point at the top, slanting slightly backwards before reaching their plateau. Small, almond-shaped pools rest upon his face, an aquamarine ocean within which sits a single black island. Thin, pain-tightened lips sit below an average nose. Slender shoulders show a particularly strong sense of grace, behind which whispers a possible reserve of strength, unleashed when needed. Long, graceous arms form from his torso and fall into large hands from which long, dextrous fingers protrude.
describe self a miniscule being who floats feet above the ground to give a deceptively tall apperance, though his figure is about six inches tall. Flowing serenely from his scalp is oddly long, silvery hair which floats down well past his feet and sways lightly, tied loosely back with a small strip of blue cloth. The soft complexion of his skin accentuates his facial features, making them seem smoother and more graceful. His ears point at the top, slanting slightly backwards before reaching their plateau. Small, almond-shaped pools rest upon his face, each bearing a pupil of darkness surrounded by an ocean of crackling white light. Thin, tight lips sit below an average nose. His shoulders are quite broad, but lead into an oddly thin chest and torso before moving into small hips, which causes his figure to look somewhat stretched. Slender shoulders sit above his torssense of grace. Long arms form from his torso and fall into small hands from which long, dextrous fingers protrude. Sitting at the back of his torso, a pair of silvery wings look incredibly delicate, composed of a thin translucent film. They flutter continuously, a single blur of movement which shatters light about him so he is swathed in a soft, yellow-gold glow which sparkles slightly.
describe self quite tall, standing at just over six feet. Oceanic blue skin covers the entirety of his body, slicked in a viscous watery liquid which causes it to look as though it is mutating and changing colour; the light refracted in almost transfixing shades and tones. A small thin nose protrudes from his face and large lips curve softly, glistening with a soft silky shimmer. His eyes sit sunk back slightly into his face and his iris' glow vibrantly, shades of blue ripple as though oceans. Thick silver hair floats lightly, flowing smoothly down his back, coming to a neatly trimmed end which aligns just below his shoulders. Long arms connect to small hands, the fingers webbed together, only the fingertips protruding from the webbing allowing versatility, and easy finger movement. He emits a generally placid and calm demeanor, sublty marked by scars which emit a darker aura. Three large gills rest on either side of his neck, flapping slightly.
describe self rather tall for a dragon, towering easily at around eight feet tall. Slick blue scales cover his body like skin, reflecting any level of light and giving off a glassy blue shine, tints of lime and gold interspersed as light shimmers off. Deep azure eyes are set in his head, swirling around thin black pupils transfixingly, adding complexity and variety to his facial features. Two tendrils of smoke waft slowly out of his nostrils, which fall in from above his mouth, housing a strong pair of jaws and stunning white teeth. Arms thick with muscle fall with grace from his shoulders, and his fingers twitch as his muscles contract on a regular basis. As the centrepiece of his body, a well-toned torso is covered in a thick layer of vibrant scales of a slightly more green shade than the rest of his scales. Protruding in a neat line from his arms and legs are white-yellow spikes, somewhat blood-spattered.
describe self gigantic even for his race, towering at around eight feet tall. Hanging loosely from his body is thick yet silky pure-white hair which rounds off his entire body, swinging softly around, molding to his natural movements and reflexive twitches. His face is pointed towards a large and wet black nose which sits squarely above shimmering white teeth, protruding from a thick chiseled jaw. Large pointed ears stand proudly on top of his head, just behind a pair of beady azure eyes that stare calmly around. Bulky arms twitch anxiously, flowing smoothly into his torso before moving gracefully into strong legs, the once white fur changing into a shimmering silvery colour. Thick black pads of protective skin stand out from his hands and feet. Growing from just above his behind is a pristine white tail, which falls elegantly down and rests with a dignified air by his leg, finishing a very canine appearance.
describe self quite tall, standing at just over six feet. Oceanic blue skin covers the entirety of his body, slicked in a viscous watery liquid which causes it to look as though it is mutating and changing colour; the light refracted in almost transfixing shades and tones. A small, thin nose protrudes from his face sitting above a pair of thin, pain-tightened lips, glistening slightly. His eyes, with sparkling golden irises, an island in the middle of an aquamarine ocean, lie deep in his head and seem to glimmer due to it. Thick silver hair floats lightly, flowing smoothly down his back and coming to a neatly trimmed end which aligns just below his shoulders. Long arms connect to small, frail hands, the fingers webbed together with only the fingertips protruding from the webbing. He emits a generally placid and calm demeanor, sublty marked by scars which emit a darker aura.
describe self stands at around five and a half feet tall. Midnight black skin covers his entire body, tattered and torn in places, which causes his skin to look incomplete and vile. A small, thin nose protrudes at an odd angle from his face, and pain-tightened lips rest upon his face, bruised and scarred. Swollen black eyes sink back into his face slightly, his pupils dilated and out-of-focus. Flowing from his head downwards is weak silvery hair. Long, limp arms connect weakly to small hands, upon which are frail fingers. His skin ripples slightly, dark bubbles occasionally rising to the surface for a second before hiding beneath once more.
describe self an average man, standing about five and a half feet tall. Thick barely-recognisably blonde hair falls from his head, dirt matted thickly within to form it into large clumps of unattended mess. A rough tan smothers his skin causing the multitude of scars across his body to stand out in pale gauntness. Black eyes sit back in his face, encircled by dark bags and an overshadowing brow, an indefinitely dark pupil lightening only slightly as it expands to the iris. An average nose rests between his eyes and mouth. Just below rest two pain-tightened lips, the lower of the two acting as home to a large scar which slightly mutilates his mouth. His arms are adjoined with a certain lack of grace to his bulky torso which falls lackluster into two strong legs.
describe self a tall, unique looking man standing about six feet tall with a pair of silvery wings adorning each side of his body. Thick white feathers form his wings, lightly tinted in a soft blue shade. Silvery downy feathers flow from his scalp, tied tightly behind his head with a strip of black cloth. A golden tan glows across him, accentuating the taught nature of the skin on his face. Cold blue eyes sit centrally on his face, his features void of expression. Huge shoulders show a decent muscle as they support and flex his wings occasionally, in contrast to the rather untrained physical appearance of the rest of his body; thin but undefined.
describe self a tall, unique looking man standing about six feet tall. Flowing serenely from his scalp is thin, long, silver hair which floats down his back and sway lightly, tied loosely back with a small strip of blue cloth. The soft complexion of his skin accentuates his facial features and makes them seem smoother and more graceful. His ears point at the top, slanting slightly backwards before reaching their plateau. Small, almond-shaped pools rest upon his face, an aquamarine ocean within which sits a single black island. Thin, pain-tightened lips sit below an average nose. Slender shoulders show a particularly strong sense of grace, behind which whispers a possible reserve of strength, unleashed when needed. Long, graceous arms form from his torso and fall into large hands from which long, dextrous fingers protrude.
describe self a miniscule being who floats feet above the ground to give a deceptively tall apperance, though his figure is about six inches tall. Flowing serenely from his scalp is oddly long, silvery hair which floats down well past his feet and sways lightly, tied loosely back with a small strip of blue cloth. The soft complexion of his skin accentuates his facial features, making them seem smoother and more graceful. His ears point at the top, slanting slightly backwards before reaching their plateau. Small, almond-shaped pools rest upon his face, each bearing a pupil of darkness surrounded by an ocean of crackling white light. Thin, tight lips sit below an average nose. His shoulders are quite broad, but lead into an oddly thin chest and torso before moving into small hips, which causes his figure to look somewhat stretched. Slender shoulders sit above his torssense of grace. Long arms form from his torso and fall into small hands from which long, dextrous fingers protrude. Sitting at the back of his torso, a pair of silvery wings look incredibly delicate, composed of a thin translucent film. They flutter continuously, a single blur of movement which shatters light about him so he is swathed in a soft, yellow-gold glow which sparkles slightly.
describe self quite tall, standing at just over six feet. Oceanic blue skin covers the entirety of his body, slicked in a viscous watery liquid which causes it to look as though it is mutating and changing colour; the light refracted in almost transfixing shades and tones. A small thin nose protrudes from his face and large lips curve softly, glistening with a soft silky shimmer. His eyes sit sunk back slightly into his face and his iris' glow vibrantly, shades of blue ripple as though oceans. Thick silver hair floats lightly, flowing smoothly down his back, coming to a neatly trimmed end which aligns just below his shoulders. Long arms connect to small hands, the fingers webbed together, only the fingertips protruding from the webbing allowing versatility, and easy finger movement. He emits a generally placid and calm demeanor, sublty marked by scars which emit a darker aura. Three large gills rest on either side of his neck, flapping slightly.
describe self rather tall for a dragon, towering easily at around eight feet tall. Slick blue scales cover his body like skin, reflecting any level of light and giving off a glassy blue shine, tints of lime and gold interspersed as light shimmers off. Deep azure eyes are set in his head, swirling around thin black pupils transfixingly, adding complexity and variety to his facial features. Two tendrils of smoke waft slowly out of his nostrils, which fall in from above his mouth, housing a strong pair of jaws and stunning white teeth. Arms thick with muscle fall with grace from his shoulders, and his fingers twitch as his muscles contract on a regular basis. As the centrepiece of his body, a well-toned torso is covered in a thick layer of vibrant scales of a slightly more green shade than the rest of his scales. Protruding in a neat line from his arms and legs are white-yellow spikes, somewhat blood-spattered.
describe self gigantic even for his race, towering at around eight feet tall. Hanging loosely from his body is thick yet silky pure-white hair which rounds off his entire body, swinging softly around, molding to his natural movements and reflexive twitches. His face is pointed towards a large and wet black nose which sits squarely above shimmering white teeth, protruding from a thick chiseled jaw. Large pointed ears stand proudly on top of his head, just behind a pair of beady azure eyes that stare calmly around. Bulky arms twitch anxiously, flowing smoothly into his torso before moving gracefully into strong legs, the once white fur changing into a shimmering silvery colour. Thick black pads of protective skin stand out from his hands and feet. Growing from just above his behind is a pristine white tail, which falls elegantly down and rests with a dignified air by his leg, finishing a very canine appearance.
describe self quite tall, standing at just over six feet. Oceanic blue skin covers the entirety of his body, slicked in a viscous watery liquid which causes it to look as though it is mutating and changing colour; the light refracted in almost transfixing shades and tones. A small, thin nose protrudes from his face sitting above a pair of thin, pain-tightened lips, glistening slightly. His eyes, with sparkling golden irises, an island in the middle of an aquamarine ocean, lie deep in his head and seem to glimmer due to it. Thick silver hair floats lightly, flowing smoothly down his back and coming to a neatly trimmed end which aligns just below his shoulders. Long arms connect to small, frail hands, the fingers webbed together with only the fingertips protruding from the webbing. He emits a generally placid and calm demeanor, sublty marked by scars which emit a darker aura.
describe self stands at around five and a half feet tall. Midnight black skin covers his entire body, tattered and torn in places, which causes his skin to look incomplete and vile. A small, thin nose protrudes at an odd angle from his face, and pain-tightened lips rest upon his face, bruised and scarred. Swollen black eyes sink back into his face slightly, his pupils dilated and out-of-focus. Flowing from his head downwards is weak silvery hair. Long, limp arms connect weakly to small hands, upon which are frail fingers. His skin ripples slightly, dark bubbles occasionally rising to the surface for a second before hiding beneath once more.
Tzekelkan2006-05-14 21:13:49
You don't have Trill. 

Unknown2006-05-14 21:19:05
That's because trill are basically human.
EDIT: all of your forms are unusually big XD
EDIT EDIT: compensating for something Soll
EDIT: all of your forms are unusually big XD
EDIT EDIT: compensating for something Soll

Tzekelkan2006-05-14 21:20:51
QUOTE(Archer2 @ May 14 2006, 11:19 PM) 288061
That's because trill are basically human.
Bald, feathery humans with huge wings trailing behind them. And hollow bones.
Unknown2006-05-15 00:51:56
I imagine Trill to generally be shorter and more frail in build than humans - and hollow bones, yes. A creature with the same mass as a human could never fly.
Anyway, here's mein...
He is a fiendish master viscanti and resembles a twisted Trill, his slender
humanoid frame reminiscent of its avian heritage. He stands at roughly six feet
in height, each inch of his form held rigid by his proud posture, although he
manages to possess some measure of grace in his movements. Kahazul's limbs are
long and thin, burdened by neither fat nor any remarkable amount of muscle, his
chest likewise weak and uninspiring. What marks him apart is the strange pattern
that originates above his heart, a swirling black and red mark that expands
outward, so that the surface of his thin flesh is striped in alternating red and
black bars. His bright red lips contrast the black stripe on which they lie, and
his nose is little more than a pair of thin slits, hardly visible even against
their red backdrop. His eyes, two smoldering coals, are often obscured by the
unruly tangle that hangs down from his head, the thin yet long curls crowning
his skull in a rather undignified fashion. Two underdeveloped horns poke from
between his hair, and no ears are visible. Sprouting from his back are a pair of
leathery batlike wings, large and powerful yet made useless by the numerous
tears and gaping holes that have been burned through their thin, fibrous
Anyway, here's mein...
He is a fiendish master viscanti and resembles a twisted Trill, his slender
humanoid frame reminiscent of its avian heritage. He stands at roughly six feet
in height, each inch of his form held rigid by his proud posture, although he
manages to possess some measure of grace in his movements. Kahazul's limbs are
long and thin, burdened by neither fat nor any remarkable amount of muscle, his
chest likewise weak and uninspiring. What marks him apart is the strange pattern
that originates above his heart, a swirling black and red mark that expands
outward, so that the surface of his thin flesh is striped in alternating red and
black bars. His bright red lips contrast the black stripe on which they lie, and
his nose is little more than a pair of thin slits, hardly visible even against
their red backdrop. His eyes, two smoldering coals, are often obscured by the
unruly tangle that hangs down from his head, the thin yet long curls crowning
his skull in a rather undignified fashion. Two underdeveloped horns poke from
between his hair, and no ears are visible. Sprouting from his back are a pair of
leathery batlike wings, large and powerful yet made useless by the numerous
tears and gaping holes that have been burned through their thin, fibrous
Unknown2006-05-15 01:19:00
Anyone got any pointers for me? Gunna be a shadowdancer faeling.
He is a nimble faeling and makes up for his diminutive stature--just under three
feet--with his strong, charismatic presence. Straight black hair falls just
barely into his eyes, reaching only to the tips of his pointed ears and framing
his pointed face. His eyes are also black, iris and pupil alike, and oddly
flecked with bright red spots the color of blood. The tips of two small, pointed
teeth rest on pale lips only a few hues lighter than his whiter-than-white skin.
His lean muscles speak of surprising strength for one so small, and the constant
wry grin on his face gives note to his laid-back temperament. From the center of
his back grow large, crimson wings with slightly darker scarlet veins,
completing his fierce appearance.
He is a nimble faeling and makes up for his diminutive stature--just under three
feet--with his strong, charismatic presence. Straight black hair falls just
barely into his eyes, reaching only to the tips of his pointed ears and framing
his pointed face. His eyes are also black, iris and pupil alike, and oddly
flecked with bright red spots the color of blood. The tips of two small, pointed
teeth rest on pale lips only a few hues lighter than his whiter-than-white skin.
His lean muscles speak of surprising strength for one so small, and the constant
wry grin on his face gives note to his laid-back temperament. From the center of
his back grow large, crimson wings with slightly darker scarlet veins,
completing his fierce appearance.
Hazar2006-05-15 14:26:28
Hmm...maybe change that bit about the hair to 'dusts the top' of his eyes? That word choice seemed awkward...
Description's good. Only other things would be A)I don't like the red wings, I wish they were grey or black. Also, shadowlord eyes glow, damnit.
Description's good. Only other things would be A)I don't like the red wings, I wish they were grey or black. Also, shadowlord eyes glow, damnit.

Unknown2006-05-15 14:51:35
QUOTE(Ajoo @ May 14 2006, 04:55 PM) 288044
He is a fiendish viscanti and has a pale red pigmentation to his skin. From
underneathe the slits in his face, crimson eyes peer, a penetrating gaze.
Protruding from his back are twin wings, leathery and black incapable of
supporting his weight. From his forehead, ram-like horns sprout, black in color
they reach over his head, meeting at one point at the base of his spine. Thick
black oily covers his head, reaching down to his shoulders. On his fingers and
toes are bird-like talons, long dead and black in color.
Anyone got any pointers for me?
Soll2006-05-15 15:30:48
Added my trill description, since I forgot it. 
That's because trill are basically human.
EDIT: all of your forms are unusually big XD
EDIT EDIT: compensating for something Soll
I'm quite tall myself, and I like the 'lanky' look.
I'll also be ignoring your second edit, for now. 

QUOTE(Archer2 @ May 14 2006, 09:19 PM) 288061
That's because trill are basically human.
EDIT: all of your forms are unusually big XD
EDIT EDIT: compensating for something Soll

I'm quite tall myself, and I like the 'lanky' look.