Mihewi2009-09-16 22:48:44
QUOTE (Vibeke @ Sep 16 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What did she look like as a mugwump?
Noseless, earless, bald, and fat. Don't have the exact description, but those were the key features. Probably less humanoid and more frog-like than she should have been.
Unknown2009-09-16 23:01:16
QUOTE (Mihewi @ Sep 16 2009, 06:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Noseless, earless, bald, and fat. Don't have the exact description, but those were the key features. Probably less humanoid and more frog-like than she should have been.
Well, give her a similar body structure to what she had as a mugwump, except add a nose, ears, maybe some hair...
Unknown2009-09-16 23:04:43
You know what? I give up trying to tell you idiots things that should already be bleeding, blindingly obvious. You can pretend that it's not true if you want. I am off to go make a merian that is actually a dracnari physically and mentally and has the ability to breathe fire. Who cares, it's a half breed! I don't have to conform to the limits of roleplay that have been set by the administration! Lolololol.
You could have a half breed merian and dracnari, I suppose... there isn't a help file that says other races can't interbreed... just that humans are the best at it.
Here's what the merian help file says:
Merians are primarily ocean dwellers and the original race were
decidedly aquatic looking. However, with the influx of humans and given
their ability to interbreed with other races, many present day merians
look astonishingly human-like, some even growing hair. Even so, all
merians have bluish complexions (though ranging in hue) and the ability
to breathe water. Despite interbreeding with humans, merians do not
recognize half-breeds: either you are merian or are not, denoted by the
ability to breathe water.
decidedly aquatic looking. However, with the influx of humans and given
their ability to interbreed with other races, many present day merians
look astonishingly human-like, some even growing hair. Even so, all
merians have bluish complexions (though ranging in hue) and the ability
to breathe water. Despite interbreeding with humans, merians do not
recognize half-breeds: either you are merian or are not, denoted by the
ability to breathe water.
It SAYS there are half breeds in the MERIAN RACE file. Which indicates there are half breeds in the trill race too! If merians can now grow hair because of the influx of human genes (whereas the PURE merians can't), Trill half breeds should be able to as well and still be Trill. Full breed trills will not grow hair, neither will full breed merians, but that doesn't mean that half breeds with hair cannot be designated as a Trill or Merian as their race. Additionally, the waterbreathing (and firebreathing) explanation merely is a way to explain the natural race ability that is forced upon you by the game if you are a merian (or dracnari). So a human race designate who is half merian simply cannot breathe water because of the game's limitations, a merian race designate who is half human can breathe water because of the games limitations. They could feasibly look exactly the same, however, but one will be merian while the other will not, simply because it's an ability that comes with the race. And of course the merians are not going to say a human race designate half merian is not a merian, exactly like a human designate half trill is just simply not a trill. However, human designate half trill could feasibly grow feathers on their head because it's not an ability. If there were an ability (at level 50, trill will grow feathers on their head and can whoop people with them), then yeah, a half breed trill designate with no head feathers would make no sense. But it's not an ability, so it is perfectly fine to not have feathers there.
Here's your problem, Vibeke. IG and IRL it seems you have an inability to listen to others opinions. That is why people do not like you. You are so convinced you are always right that you drive everyone else CRAZY. You are not right. If you want, we can try and drag Estarra into this or something, but you'd think you'd get it through your thick head already that half breeds are possible in any race and that varying degrees of traits are perfectly possible based on your heritage. However, abilities are NOT negotiable and are completely different and will show up based on whichever heritage is more dominant and therefore whichever race you choose. Feathered hair is not an ability.
Aerotan2009-09-16 23:09:26
QUOTE (Raewyn @ Sep 16 2009, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Feathered hair is not an ability.
Unless you're David Bowie.
Unknown2009-09-16 23:10:12
QUOTE (Raewyn @ Sep 16 2009, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
However, abilities are NOT negotiable and are completely different and will show up based on whichever heritage is more dominant and therefore whichever race you choose. Feathered hair is not an ability.
I don't care, it's my roleplay! I can do whatever I want because I don't have to obey the help files that the administrators wrote! My merian who is actually a dracnari that can shapeshift into a trill with hair instead of feathers is perfectly fine because it's roleplaying and half-breeds exist and all that stuff!
Unknown2009-09-16 23:17:03
QUOTE (Vibeke @ Sep 16 2009, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't care, it's my roleplay! I can do whatever I want because I don't have to obey the help files that the administrators wrote! My merian who is actually a dracnari that can shapeshift into a trill with hair instead of feathers is perfectly fine because it's roleplaying and half-breeds exist and all that stuff!
Technically I am allowed to bend the rules as a changeling, seeing as the admins purposely left lore on em questionable.
However, I was in fact, originally, a half Dracnari, Half Merian crossbreed that was considered to be more Dracnari then Merian due to an inability to breathe water. I did not sound like a raving lunatic, nor did I act like one. Despite your simple arguments, this is not a black-and-white issue. It is not ridiculousness or perfect one racers. The administration has established that there are cross breeds, and one must naturally assume that if there is a crossbreed, one race is dominant, therefore there CAN be winged humans and haired trills. There can be tailed merians and blue-scaled Dracnari. The Lusternia universe is implied to be one of diversity.
Unknown2009-09-16 23:20:59
Karel2009-09-16 23:26:43
QUOTE (Vibeke @ Sep 16 2009, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A loboshigaru could not physically run on all fours like a wolf of cheetah. They could maybe manage a lumbering gait like a bear, but the shape of the hips of bipedal and humanoid creatures simply does not support both. Quadrupeds can stand on two legs for a limited amount of time, however, but never enough to constantly be bipedal.
There is no animal in the world that is both quadruped and biped.
There is no animal in the world that is both quadruped and biped.
Basin of Life != This world.
Unknown2009-09-16 23:27:36
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Sep 16 2009, 07:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The administration has established that there are cross breeds, and one must naturally assume that if there is a crossbreed, one race is dominant, therefore there CAN be winged humans and haired trills. There can be tailed merians and blue-scaled Dracnari. The Lusternia universe is implied to be one of diversity.
Then this means I'm allowed to completely go against the physical description and culture of races despite what the rules say. Thank you for proving my point. I'm going to go make my merian who can't breathe water but is actually a dracnari that can't breathe fire and can shapeshift into a trill with hair. And I'll encourage others that the rules don't actually count and you can be whatever you want. My friend is going to make a Trill that is actually an aslaran except they chose trill just so they can have wings and fly, and I've got another person who is going to be an Igasho-sized furrikin with six tails, fox ears and angel wings. Who cares what the rules say? After all, Lusternia is a land of diversity and cross-breeds exist. Therefore, I can choose any racial features of anything I want.
Also, the game.
Tervic2009-09-16 23:32:10
Unknown2009-09-16 23:32:44
Ok, to just make a comment about the Lobo running on all fours. While I have not RP a Lobo in Lusternia, I did RP a Lycaean in Imperian and they are similar enough, I think. I had, and did run around on all fours every now and then as Kaliena (my character in Imperian) because I've always felt that she was lupine enough to be able to effectively drop down onto all fours and run very closely to a wolf. While the character would not run exactly the same as a wolf/dog they would be similar.
And as Karel stated Real World =/= the Basin. FFS, it is a FANTASY GAME. Some of the :censor: we do in lusternia kind of defies physics and "normal" thinking.
And as Karel stated Real World =/= the Basin. FFS, it is a FANTASY GAME. Some of the :censor: we do in lusternia kind of defies physics and "normal" thinking.
Harkux2009-09-16 23:34:24
I was always under the impression the only things that could cross-breed were human and (insert race here) and share traits of both. Any other race would pick up the traits from one parent or the other, not both.
Aerotan2009-09-16 23:39:14
Alright, enough argument, this is the descriptions thread, not the make-an-ass-of-myself thread.
Any advice?
He is a burly tae'dae and stands at seven feet tall. His fur is pitch black,
except for a band across his midsection, and his head, both of which, save for
patches around his eyes and his ears, are a snowy shade of white. Most of his
bulk is muscle, though it's difficult to make out the tone through his fur. The
fur itself is fine and poofy, which lends him a much rounder look than would be
except for a band across his midsection, and his head, both of which, save for
patches around his eyes and his ears, are a snowy shade of white. Most of his
bulk is muscle, though it's difficult to make out the tone through his fur. The
fur itself is fine and poofy, which lends him a much rounder look than would be
Any advice?
Unknown2009-09-16 23:40:22
Then this means I'm allowed to completely go against the physical description and culture of races despite what the rules say. Thank you for proving my point. I'm going to go make my merian who can't breathe water but is actually a dracnari that can't breathe fire and can shapeshift into a trill with hair. And I'll encourage others that the rules don't actually count and you can be whatever you want. My friend is going to make a Trill that is actually an aslaran except they chose trill just so they can have wings and fly, and I've got another person who is going to be an Igasho-sized furrikin with six tails, fox ears and angel wings. Who cares what the rules say? After all, Lusternia is a land of diversity and cross-breeds exist. Therefore, I can choose any racial features of anything I want.
No... that's not what it means and that's not what we were discussing. We were talking about trills that were mostly trill like with human hair because of human cross breeding, not trills that look entirely like merians and nothing like Trills. That's entirely different. It's been established in several help files that half breeds occur and that they can look like a mix of their parentage. That does not mean you should incarnate as a trill and look like a merian. Never seen a help file indicating that that was ok.
Unknown2009-09-16 23:43:47
QUOTE (Vibeke @ Sep 16 2009, 07:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Then this means I'm allowed to completely go against the physical description and culture of races despite what the rules say. Thank you for proving my point. I'm going to go make my merian who can't breathe water but is actually a dracnari that can't breathe fire and can shapeshift into a trill with hair.
We don't have shapeshifters so this wouldn't fly.
. My friend is going to make a Trill that is actually an aslaran except they chose trill just so they can have wings and fly,
Sure, a trill who thinks he is culturally a aslaran. Makes sense, just expect people to think your character is 100% nuts.
, and I've got another person who is going to be an Igasho-sized furrikin with six tails, fox ears and angel wings. Who cares what the rules say? After all, Lusternia is a land of diversity and cross-breeds exist. Therefore, I can choose any racial features of anything I want.
So a deformed freak? Good luck not being a social pariah. And remember, a high number of birth defects often leads to a limited life and issues with internal organs!
Tervic2009-09-16 23:46:21
QUOTE (Aerotan @ Sep 16 2009, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alright, enough argument, this is the descriptions thread, not the make-an-ass-of-myself thread.
Any advice?
Any advice?
Poofy. Heeeee.
QUOTE (Othero @ Sep 16 2009, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We don't have shapeshifters so this wouldn't fly.
Unknown2009-09-16 23:47:46
Ahh, yeah. I usually just consider changlings and shape shifters as two different things. In my mind a changling doesn't have a base-form, a shape shifter would.
Casilu2009-09-17 00:01:49
QUOTE (Othero @ Sep 16 2009, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sure, a trill who thinks he is culturally a aslaran. Makes sense, just expect people to think your character is 100% nuts.
Hey, in Magnagora I was told a psychosis was a GOOD thing and something to be proud of.
Tervic2009-09-17 00:12:50
QUOTE (Othero @ Sep 16 2009, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ahh, yeah. I usually just consider changlings and shape shifters as two different things. In my mind a changling doesn't have a base-form, a shape shifter would.
Fair enough, though I've always considered my changeling character to have a "native form". Then again, changeling lore is so varied and vague that we could both be right.

Casilu2009-09-17 00:20:20
QUOTE (Tervic @ Sep 16 2009, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Fair enough, though I've always considered my changeling character to have a "native form". Then again, changeling lore is so varied and vague that we could both be right. 

You're Eventru diarrhea. That's the theory I go with.