Kaia2010-08-12 05:10:11
QUOTE (Aerotan @ Aug 4 2010, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He is a bouncing furrikin and is covered in soft, cream-coloured fur from the tips of his tall, erect ears, to his black-clawed toes, to his powderpuff of a tail, save for the underside of the tail, which is a snowy white, and a patch of dark brown fur around his right eye and cheek. He's slightly pudgy, though not to the point of being unhealthy, and his fur is all well groomed. His eyes are an emerald green colour, with small flecks of turquoise spread throughout. His upper lip doesn't quite cover his front teeth, which poke over his bottom lip due to a slight overbite.
Not so comfortable with this as his final description. Any suggestions?
Not so comfortable with this as his final description. Any suggestions?
He is a bouncing furrikin and appears impeccibly groomed all the way down to his black-clawed toes. Soft, cream-coloured fur envelops much of his slightly pudgy frame - exceptioned only by the distinct, dark brown pigmentation surrounding his right eye and cheek and the snowy white underside of his well-plumed tail. Intelligent green eyes feature small flecks of turquoise within and sit above a velvety nose. Beneath, light brown lips afford a glimpse of two pearly teeth that peek out as the result of a minor overbite. Despite the illusion of stature granted upon taking into account his tall, erect ears, he is compact in build and moves with a rolling gait made more pronounced by his pleasant bulk.
Unknown2010-08-12 05:51:23
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is short even for one of his race, his wings fluttering constantly behind him just enough to keep the air moving. His complexion is dark, apart from a single white scar running down from his left ear to his neck and onto his shoulder. His eyes are white, iris-less orbs, the pupils having a slightly red cast to them. His slight frame is topped by an unruly mass of auburn hair.
It's awful... I need help.
It's awful... I need help.
Lavinya2010-08-12 12:07:59
QUOTE (demonnic @ Aug 12 2010, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is short even for one of his race, his wings fluttering constantly behind him just enough to keep the air moving. His complexion is dark, apart from a single white scar running down from his left ear to his neck and onto his shoulder. His eyes are white, iris-less orbs, the pupils having a slightly red cast to them. His slight frame is topped by an unruly mass of auburn hair.
It's awful... I need help.
It's awful... I need help.
How about something like this...
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is considered short, even for one of his race. His wings flutter constantly behind him, though only enough to give gentle wafts of air. His complexion is a dark hue, broken only by a contrasting white scar that runs from his left ear and across his neck before petering away to nothingness on his shoulder. White, iris-less orbs for eyes peer out at you, the pupils being of a slightly red cast. His frame is slight, and is topped off with an unruly mass of auburn hair.
Unknown2010-08-12 14:02:47
Who considers him short? Is there some panel that I should know about?
Harkux2010-08-12 15:39:10
QUOTE (demonnic @ Aug 12 2010, 01:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is short even for one of his race, his wings fluttering constantly behind him just enough to keep the air moving. His complexion is dark, apart from a single white scar running down from his left ear to his neck and onto his shoulder. His eyes are white, iris-less orbs, the pupils having a slightly red cast to them. His slight frame is topped by an unruly mass of auburn hair.
It's awful... I need help.
It's awful... I need help.
is even smaller than the average member of his race. Disturbing the air behind him, a pair of wings flutter gently but unceasingly. The only mar in his dark complexion comes from a single scar, streaking down from his left ear onto his shoulder. Eyes of white contain no iris, though his pupils sport a faint crimson cast. His head is topped off by a mop of auburn hair, boasting disorder and unruliness.
Donno, I am le tired.
Unknown2010-08-12 18:30:49
QUOTE (demonnic @ Aug 12 2010, 01:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is short even for one of his race, his wings fluttering constantly behind him just enough to keep the air moving. His complexion is dark, apart from a single white scar running down from his left ear to his neck and onto his shoulder. His eyes are white, iris-less orbs, the pupils having a slightly red cast to them. His slight frame is topped by an unruly mass of auburn hair.
I had a faeling once... (well still have), it's fun writing their descs.
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is particularly small for even one of his kind. Endlessly fluttering just enough to stir the air around him, his lavender wings are stretched painfully taut almost to the point of translucency, revealing dark veins sprawling throughout like webbing. White, iris-less eyes gaze blankly at the world, the pupils tinged with a faint crimson halo. Tufts of unruly auburn hair fall over his face and ears, matching the colour of his thin and severe lips. A prominent white scar mars his otherwise flawless dark complexion, running down from his left ear to his neck and then to his right shoulder.
Okay, don't know about the part about the lips but was just looking for something to complete the line. Of course desc ties in a lot with one's personality, so knowing more about that would help!
(note: Oh I just read Harkux's description now, interesting to see how we used the same descriptors

Unknown2010-08-12 18:54:17
QUOTE (demonnic @ Aug 12 2010, 02:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is short even for one of his race, his wings fluttering constantly behind him just enough to keep the air moving. His complexion is dark, apart from a single white scar running down from his left ear to his neck and onto his shoulder. His eyes are white, iris-less orbs, the pupils having a slightly red cast to them. His slight frame is topped by an unruly mass of auburn hair.
It's awful... I need help.
It's awful... I need help.
Not that bad.
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and has a short stature even for one of his race. His wings flutter constantly behind him,sl just enough to keep a breeze around his slender figure. His dark mahogany complexion is marked by a single white scar running down from his pointed left ear to his his neck, and trailing down across his shoulder. Chilling white, iris-less eyes feature pupils with a slightly red cast to them, and are framed by a mass of unruly auburn hair. A sharp yet small nose adorns his face just above thin lips. His jaw is harsh, with a strong definite masculine look.
And yeah... I lost my train of thought there.
Unknown2010-08-13 03:20:17
So I ended up blending the suggestions a bit, and came up with the following:
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is particularly small even for one of his kind. Disturbing the air behind him a pair of wings with dark skin stretched almost
to the point of splitting flutter gently but unceasingly, the dark veins spidering throughout gently pulsing. White, iris-less eyes gaze blankly at the world, the
pupils showing a soft crimson cast to them. His dark complexion is marred by a prominent white scar which begins at his left ear and moves down to his shoulder by
way of his neck. An unruly mop of auburn hair tops his head, falling to frame his stern countenance.
He is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and is particularly small even for one of his kind. Disturbing the air behind him a pair of wings with dark skin stretched almost
to the point of splitting flutter gently but unceasingly, the dark veins spidering throughout gently pulsing. White, iris-less eyes gaze blankly at the world, the
pupils showing a soft crimson cast to them. His dark complexion is marred by a prominent white scar which begins at his left ear and moves down to his shoulder by
way of his neck. An unruly mop of auburn hair tops his head, falling to frame his stern countenance.
Twilxo2010-08-13 04:51:14
He is a glistening mugwump and is tall and skinny in build, reaching perhaps a
six and a half feet. He has an amphibian appearance, smooth, pitch-black skin,
quite dry but completely smooth, almost frictionless. His facial features are
somewhat human, though a bulging of the eyes and a very wide, flat nose hint
that it is only a little human blood in him. Those eyes are a startling orange
colour, the pupils round and large. He wears his hair in lanky dreadlocks,
coming halfway down his back, each one as thick as his thumb, and bone white.
His arms and legs are thin and bony, the fingers and toes webbed, save for his
left thumb, where the webbing has been torn, broken so that it is free to move.
The only colour on his body comes from a lime-green stripe down his back,
continuing on to a tail. The tail is long, and drags on the ground a little,
quite flat and evidently a help in his swimming.
six and a half feet. He has an amphibian appearance, smooth, pitch-black skin,
quite dry but completely smooth, almost frictionless. His facial features are
somewhat human, though a bulging of the eyes and a very wide, flat nose hint
that it is only a little human blood in him. Those eyes are a startling orange
colour, the pupils round and large. He wears his hair in lanky dreadlocks,
coming halfway down his back, each one as thick as his thumb, and bone white.
His arms and legs are thin and bony, the fingers and toes webbed, save for his
left thumb, where the webbing has been torn, broken so that it is free to move.
The only colour on his body comes from a lime-green stripe down his back,
continuing on to a tail. The tail is long, and drags on the ground a little,
quite flat and evidently a help in his swimming.
Unknown2010-08-13 19:31:47
QUOTE (Twilxo @ Aug 13 2010, 12:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He is a glistening mugwump and is tall and skinny in build, reaching perhaps a
six and a half feet. He has an amphibian appearance, smooth, pitch-black skin,
quite dry but completely smooth, almost frictionless. His facial features are
somewhat human, though a bulging of the eyes and a very wide, flat nose hint
that it is only a little human blood in him. Those eyes are a startling orange
colour, the pupils round and large. He wears his hair in lanky dreadlocks,
coming halfway down his back, each one as thick as his thumb, and bone white.
His arms and legs are thin and bony, the fingers and toes webbed, save for his
left thumb, where the webbing has been torn, broken so that it is free to move.
The only colour on his body comes from a lime-green stripe down his back,
continuing on to a tail. The tail is long, and drags on the ground a little,
quite flat and evidently a help in his swimming.
six and a half feet. He has an amphibian appearance, smooth, pitch-black skin,
quite dry but completely smooth, almost frictionless. His facial features are
somewhat human, though a bulging of the eyes and a very wide, flat nose hint
that it is only a little human blood in him. Those eyes are a startling orange
colour, the pupils round and large. He wears his hair in lanky dreadlocks,
coming halfway down his back, each one as thick as his thumb, and bone white.
His arms and legs are thin and bony, the fingers and toes webbed, save for his
left thumb, where the webbing has been torn, broken so that it is free to move.
The only colour on his body comes from a lime-green stripe down his back,
continuing on to a tail. The tail is long, and drags on the ground a little,
quite flat and evidently a help in his swimming.
A tail eh? How old are you?
Twilxo2010-08-14 00:03:49
Goin' with the Salamander-type, not the frog type. Salamanders have tails.
Casilu2010-08-14 05:54:12
He is a glistening mugwump and is tall and skinny in build, reaching perhaps a six and a half feet. He has an amphibian appearance, smooth, pitch-black skin, quite dry but completely smooth, almost frictionless. His facial features are somewhat human, though a bulging of the eyes and a very wide, flat nose hint that it is only a little human blood in him. Those eyes are a startling orange colour, the pupils round and large. He wears his hair in lanky dreadlocks, coming halfway down his back, each one as thick as his thumb, and bone white. Above his mouth is an elegant handlebar mustache, the same color as his hair. His arms and legs are thin and bony, the fingers and toes webbed, save for his left thumb, where the webbing has been torn, broken so that it is free to move. The only colour on his body comes from a lime-green stripe down his back, continuing on to a tail. The tail is long, and drags on the ground a little, quite flat and evidently a help in his swimming.
Improved slightly.
Kazban2010-08-14 06:09:51
Oh why not, here we go...
He is a crystalline prismatic lucidian and carrying himself with an arrogant demeanor, standing just under six foot tall. His body is cut to be very masculine his various facets and chiseled features quite handsome in a Lucidian manner. Sparkling in the light his colour-shifting crystalline body catches the eyes strikingly. On his left arm a dark imperfection runs from his hand, upwards towards his shoulder resembling a deep fracture within his crystalline body. Large spiking Stalagmites of crystal jut out of his shoulders like enormous shoulderpads. Refracting the light prismatically, they send rays of colour in various directions when the light hits them just right. A handsome and rigid face adorned with glowing amber hued eyes crowns this athletic and imposing specimin always peering upon its surroundings with an analytical gaze.
He is a crystalline prismatic lucidian and carrying himself with an arrogant demeanor, standing just under six foot tall. His body is cut to be very masculine his various facets and chiseled features quite handsome in a Lucidian manner. Sparkling in the light his colour-shifting crystalline body catches the eyes strikingly. On his left arm a dark imperfection runs from his hand, upwards towards his shoulder resembling a deep fracture within his crystalline body. Large spiking Stalagmites of crystal jut out of his shoulders like enormous shoulderpads. Refracting the light prismatically, they send rays of colour in various directions when the light hits them just right. A handsome and rigid face adorned with glowing amber hued eyes crowns this athletic and imposing specimin always peering upon its surroundings with an analytical gaze.
Unknown2010-08-15 22:06:05
Posting this for friend, 'kay?
She is a fiendish viscanti and stands at an average height, just over five and a half feet high. She is of slight build, with fairly average, although moderately ample, breasts.Her long black hair is tied with a ribbon of a pale blue at the base of her neck. A wide strip of black cloth covers her eyes, masking a face that may once have been considered beautiful. Her skin is a rich violet hue, smooth and unblemished. She walks with a quiet confidence, though seemingly weighed by an air of melancholy.
Ameryth2010-08-17 04:33:26
He is a fiendish master viscanti and is surprisingly small. He stands at barely over five feet tall, and has befittingly slender limbs. His skin is as pale as alabaster, and just as smooth. His eyes are entirely black, save for a vivid pinprick of yellow in the centre. The tips of two fangs protrude slightly from beneath his upper lip, and his ears are overly long, thin and pointed. Straight black hair falls down to his shoulders, and long slender horns sprout from his temples, curving back along his head. He stands proudly, appearing brooding and strong willed. His lips are tinged a pale blue, and white scar tissue in the shape of white petals cascade down his cheek, shifting colour to crimson as they draw closer to his chin.
Sot was written to fit his parents, Nymerya and Esano.
Sot was written to fit his parents, Nymerya and Esano.
Aicuthi2010-08-17 07:00:38
She is a crystalline prismatic lucidian and appears a milky white, her flesh supple alabaster. Pale, distinctly smooth limbs lend to a slender figure, unlike the harsh angles typical of her race. Her skin is soft and delicate, covered in the faint traceries of crystal stigmata - the geometric lattice attracting light to her complexion. Spilling from her crown in brittle waves, strands of dark beryl frame a sculpted face. The elegant contour of her features are almost cold, yet belie a gentle and remarkably humanoid profile. Burnished deep amber, her thoughtful gaze holds a quiet sentience. She is wearing silken robes of night-blue and dark golden hues, a sapphire ring of the Twilight Eye, a globe earring of twilight-frosted diamond through her left ear, and a pair of delicate, clear crystal shoes.
Yiila2010-08-17 07:25:47
Are we posting our description for fun?
He is a nimble faeling and and is a curious sight to behold. Rising just below the height of your standard decorative water vase, somber eyes of a gentle cream color potray innocence looking out from behind a mischievious smile. Straight cut bangs rest atop eyelids done up in a light bluetint. Straight hair falls like a silk curtain coming to rest just above the nape of the neck, cut to layer around the bottom. Two braids lay tucked behind ears that peek up from beneath the curtain, the braids hanging just below the chin. Various shades of blue, white, and silver tints have been dyed into the hair in the shape of a star, and two or three music notes. Soft ringing bells have been tied into the braids. A gentle face, jawline soft with gentle lips done up in pinktint, rest next to a tatoo of a rain drop that encases the right eye, the drop becoming a flowing water piece that enbosses a staff and notes that stretches from the nosebridge around to the ear. Pink garnet has been crushed into a fine, glistining power, that has been light applied to the cheeks. He is wearing a pair of spotted toe socks, white panties with a ruby heart jewel, a white bra with a ruby heart jewel, a diamond navel stud with a silver waist chain through his navel, a dazzling silk gown with silver and gold lace, and a cloak of exquisite silken butterfly wings.
He is a nimble faeling and and is a curious sight to behold. Rising just below the height of your standard decorative water vase, somber eyes of a gentle cream color potray innocence looking out from behind a mischievious smile. Straight cut bangs rest atop eyelids done up in a light bluetint. Straight hair falls like a silk curtain coming to rest just above the nape of the neck, cut to layer around the bottom. Two braids lay tucked behind ears that peek up from beneath the curtain, the braids hanging just below the chin. Various shades of blue, white, and silver tints have been dyed into the hair in the shape of a star, and two or three music notes. Soft ringing bells have been tied into the braids. A gentle face, jawline soft with gentle lips done up in pinktint, rest next to a tatoo of a rain drop that encases the right eye, the drop becoming a flowing water piece that enbosses a staff and notes that stretches from the nosebridge around to the ear. Pink garnet has been crushed into a fine, glistining power, that has been light applied to the cheeks. He is wearing a pair of spotted toe socks, white panties with a ruby heart jewel, a white bra with a ruby heart jewel, a diamond navel stud with a silver waist chain through his navel, a dazzling silk gown with silver and gold lace, and a cloak of exquisite silken butterfly wings.
Fania2010-08-17 07:30:47
I'm always open for suggestions:
She is an ordinary human and is six feet tall. Exceedingly slender and frail, her figure maintains its shapely curves. A slight blue hue graces her pale, slightly translucent, skin. Interwoven with flowers, a large braid falls down her back. Wisps of ebony hair create a frame around her face. Large amethyst eyes peer out from thick lashes, and seem larger on her thin face. Faint shadows have set under her eyes making her appear tired. Long and graceful are her arms and legs. Her feet are finely arched and flecks of gold are peeling from her toenails.
Unknown2010-08-17 07:32:08
QUOTE (Yiila @ Aug 17 2010, 02:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are we posting our description for fun?
Actually, the thread is used for helping people tweak or adjust their descriptions.
--But there's nothing wrong with showcasing your description off if you're particularly proud of it. Who knows? Maybe someone will get inspiration for it.
Yiila2010-08-17 07:33:27
Ah, well, feel free to post tweaks or adjustments to mine, I thought it was just for fun. Just ignore mine.