Unknown2011-06-15 01:30:03
QUOTE (Aison @ Jun 14 2011, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He is a sinuous illithoid and is covered in leathery skin a sickly shade of grey, the yellow veins just below the surface of his skin creating ridges across his features. He has an air of confidence despite his especially short stature, though he is lean with sinewy muscles. His bistre hued eyes are hard, slanted slightly and given to a severe coldness, although there are wrinkles on his forehead, surrounding his mouth, and crows feet around his eyes. When he smiles the small bumps that form his nose and the ghastly scar that mars across his face twists, made more horrifying by the rows of razor sharp teeth that have opened various wounds around his mouth over time.
edit: this is just my take. I didn't include any fidgeting bits or the bit about a glimmer of compassion that occasionally flares up, because when you first come across someone you won't know their personality - they'll have to convey that in emotes and roleplay. And if his mouth is full of razor sharp teeth I'm gonna assume that they aren't perfectly aligned but rather pretty gnarly and twisted so it would make sense that he'd probably be biting his own lips and tearing the inside of his cheeks a new one daily. I wasn't entirely sure about the nose and bumps (honestly when I think illithoid noses I think lord valdemort's nose - just a single smooth bump where his nose should be). But I got a cool image of this guy smiling, trying to be nice, and this horrible leathery skin just twisted with this awful scar that slashes across his face making it even worse! A pretty fun concept.
edit2: I also removed the bit about his tattoo because... well, he can just favour that particular tattoo in-game if he wants, or he can add it back in, whatever works!
Also kept it short and sweet. Short and sweet descs are more likely to get read and be understood clearly. Reading a desc that is 10 sentences long ensures that very few people read it and even fewer people get a good picture.
edit: this is just my take. I didn't include any fidgeting bits or the bit about a glimmer of compassion that occasionally flares up, because when you first come across someone you won't know their personality - they'll have to convey that in emotes and roleplay. And if his mouth is full of razor sharp teeth I'm gonna assume that they aren't perfectly aligned but rather pretty gnarly and twisted so it would make sense that he'd probably be biting his own lips and tearing the inside of his cheeks a new one daily. I wasn't entirely sure about the nose and bumps (honestly when I think illithoid noses I think lord valdemort's nose - just a single smooth bump where his nose should be). But I got a cool image of this guy smiling, trying to be nice, and this horrible leathery skin just twisted with this awful scar that slashes across his face making it even worse! A pretty fun concept.
edit2: I also removed the bit about his tattoo because... well, he can just favour that particular tattoo in-game if he wants, or he can add it back in, whatever works!
Also kept it short and sweet. Short and sweet descs are more likely to get read and be understood clearly. Reading a desc that is 10 sentences long ensures that very few people read it and even fewer people get a good picture.
Your description actually fits perfectly with my new direction in roleplay for the character. Thank you!
Lothringen2011-08-10 18:26:56
Nevermind, fixed!
Unknown2011-08-11 01:54:49
She is a nimble faeling and stands at just under two feet tall. Her slender body gives her the appearance of being a child, though you can tell from her structure that she is fully mature. Tantalizing cerise eyes complement her pale skin tone pleasantly, her lips painted with a pale rouge. Hair the colour of pinkish flames is held back by simple pins, out of her face and cascading down her back in a wave, each lock shining with a different tone of magenta. Ravishing butterfly wings of gold, rose and black grace her back, stretching up and down into four elegant points, the markings across them resembling a wild inferno of rich caramel.
Comments? She's my pretty character.
Ilyssa2011-08-11 07:58:17
QUOTE (Kayte @ Aug 10 2011, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Comments? She's my pretty character.
Yes. I want to know who she is. While we're at it, I wanted to know if anyone can see any big discrepancies in this trill description, or what I have of it. (Mind you I was quite tired while writing this.

He is a trill and has a gaunt physique and look. Dark, soot grey feathers cover his wings and "hair", the tips of his wings tipped a stygian ebony. His face is rather soft for a trill, contrasting the stark green of his eyes against pale skin, appearing almost luminscent. His body has a long, almost boney appearance to it, with a narrow body that is shadowed by his large wings.
Aison2011-08-11 11:16:15
QUOTE (Kayte @ Aug 10 2011, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Comments? She's my pretty character.
She is a nimble faeling and stands at just under two feet tall. Her slender body gives her the appearance of being a child, though you can tell from her structure that she is fully mature. Tantalizing cerise eyes complement her pale skin tone pleasantly, her lips painted with a pale rouge. Hair the colour of pinkish flames is held back by simple pins, out of her face and cascading down her back in a wave, each lock shining with a different tone of magenta. Ravishing butterfly wings of gold, rose and black grace her back, stretching up and down into four elegant points, the markings across them resembling a wild inferno of rich caramel.
Gah this thing must be Hallifaxian. Cerise eyes. Pfft. You are just getting fancy with the spices.
Other than that I quite like the description; it's short, to the point, and paints a great picture. What were you looking to fix with it? I think the only thing I could suggest would be to change 'pinkish' to 'pink'.
QUOTE (Ilyssa @ Aug 11 2011, 12:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes. I want to know who she is. While we're at it, I wanted to know if anyone can see any big discrepancies in this trill description, or what I have of it. (Mind you I was quite tired while writing this.

He is a trill and stands a narrow, wiry male who is perpetually clouded in the shadow of his own sooty grey wings, the tips of each feather a charcoal black. More feathers cap the crown of his head, drawing attention to his luminous green eyes and enhancing the ashen hue of his skin. Long, tapered fingers are calloused and slightly distorted through repeated motions, leading up to sinewy forearms and a concaved upper body that slumps forward.
I left out the "hair" comment because I thought it added a sort of ridiculous tone to the rest of the description (ruined it, if you will). I imagine this trill is not someone who is much of a joker so tried to convey that in the tone of voice of the description. Trills also don't have anything that is relate-able to hair, really, just a cap of feathers that crowns their head.
I noted that you used the word 'Stygian', but 'Stygian' always seemed like a funny word to see in IRE games since we basically have no equivalent of the Styx river and it always appeared, to ME, to be a pronoun and so needed to be capitalised, and 'stygian ebony' seems redundant... but that is purely my opinion, and totally debatable. One can also argue that 'charcoal black' is redundant as well, but ehhhh. Whatever. You may use whatever phrase you'd like, but I left it out in my example. I felt drawn to mention it being a raven colour but didn't know how you'd feel about that >:D.
This is a very short description. As is I think it stands fine even for being so short, but you could certainly go into more detail regarding his facial features. I added in some extra features regarding his hands and such because, well, that's what came to my mind's eye... His wings being very heavy for his fairly weak body, he basically feels like the world is constantly on his shoulders (and he wouldn't be exactly wrong, either). You're welcome to request I change it, or change it yourself.
Ilyssa2011-08-11 12:31:23
QUOTE (Aison @ Aug 11 2011, 07:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I left out the "hair" comment because I thought it added a sort of ridiculous tone to the rest of the description (ruined it, if you will). I imagine this trill is not someone who is much of a joker so tried to convey that in the tone of voice of the description. Trills also don't have anything that is relate-able to hair, really, just a cap of feathers that crowns their head.
I noted that you used the word 'Stygian', but 'Stygian' always seemed like a funny word to see in IRE games since we basically have no equivalent of the Styx river and it always appeared, to ME, to be a pronoun and so needed to be capitalised, and 'stygian ebony' seems redundant... but that is purely my opinion, and totally debatable. One can also argue that 'charcoal black' is redundant as well, but ehhhh. Whatever. You may use whatever phrase you'd like, but I left it out in my example. I felt drawn to mention it being a raven colour but didn't know how you'd feel about that >:D.
This is a very short description. As is I think it stands fine even for being so short, but you could certainly go into more detail regarding his facial features. I added in some extra features regarding his hands and such because, well, that's what came to my mind's eye... His wings being very heavy for his fairly weak body, he basically feels like the world is constantly on his shoulders (and he wouldn't be exactly wrong, either). You're welcome to request I change it, or change it yourself.
I noted that you used the word 'Stygian', but 'Stygian' always seemed like a funny word to see in IRE games since we basically have no equivalent of the Styx river and it always appeared, to ME, to be a pronoun and so needed to be capitalised, and 'stygian ebony' seems redundant... but that is purely my opinion, and totally debatable. One can also argue that 'charcoal black' is redundant as well, but ehhhh. Whatever. You may use whatever phrase you'd like, but I left it out in my example. I felt drawn to mention it being a raven colour but didn't know how you'd feel about that >:D.
This is a very short description. As is I think it stands fine even for being so short, but you could certainly go into more detail regarding his facial features. I added in some extra features regarding his hands and such because, well, that's what came to my mind's eye... His wings being very heavy for his fairly weak body, he basically feels like the world is constantly on his shoulders (and he wouldn't be exactly wrong, either). You're welcome to request I change it, or change it yourself.
Thanks a ton!

Razenth2011-08-11 17:43:11
QUOTE (Kayte @ Aug 10 2011, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She is a nimble faeling and stands at just under two feet tall. Her slender body gives her the appearance of being a child, though you can tell from her structure that she is fully mature. Tantalizing cerise eyes complement her pale skin tone pleasantly, her lips painted with a pale rouge. Hair the colour of pinkish flames is held back by simple pins, out of her face and cascading down her back in a wave, each lock shining with a different tone of magenta. Ravishing butterfly wings of gold, rose and black grace her back, stretching up and down into four elegant points, the markings across them resembling a wild inferno of rich caramel.
I don't feel it's necessary to say 'the appearance of being a child'. Just, 'the appearance of a child' would convey what you want to say, i.e. your char's all loli. Less is more! I found that out the 75cr way with Mr. Tentacles

Unknown2011-08-11 21:32:05
Thanks. Also, she was Gaudiguchian turned Hallifax. I wrote her description for unusual colours. 

Unknown2011-08-21 01:30:29
I could use some help with my own description. So as to add to it.
Hikage is a Furrikin and he is covered from head to toe in sleek fur of a magnificent glossy burnt orange color with parts being a soft light tan instead. He has the build of a runner, slim with tone and almost no fat under his coat of fur, while standing at three foot four inches. His face has soft, but firm, angles accented by the soft light tan fur covering his lower face starting at the lower half of his cheek bones and nose. This change carries down the front of his neck and into his clothes. His has a similar change on his hands and feet only the fronts of his paws are light tan. The tips of his ears and tail a shiny black just like his nose. His eyes are a shocking blue with veins of turquoise green in them to help express the wonders he holds in his mind. He walks with a sense of pride and carries himself as a proud example of his race.
Hikage is a Furrikin and he is covered from head to toe in sleek fur of a magnificent glossy burnt orange color with parts being a soft light tan instead. He has the build of a runner, slim with tone and almost no fat under his coat of fur, while standing at three foot four inches. His face has soft, but firm, angles accented by the soft light tan fur covering his lower face starting at the lower half of his cheek bones and nose. This change carries down the front of his neck and into his clothes. His has a similar change on his hands and feet only the fronts of his paws are light tan. The tips of his ears and tail a shiny black just like his nose. His eyes are a shocking blue with veins of turquoise green in them to help express the wonders he holds in his mind. He walks with a sense of pride and carries himself as a proud example of his race.
Unknown2011-08-21 03:39:26
QUOTE (Hikage @ Aug 20 2011, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I could use some help with my own description. So as to add to it.
Hikage is a Furrikin and he is covered from head to toe in sleek fur of a magnificent glossy burnt orange color with parts being a soft light tan instead. He has the build of a runner, slim with tone and almost no fat under his coat of fur, while standing at three foot four inches. His face has soft, but firm, angles accented by the soft light tan fur covering his lower face starting at the lower half of his cheek bones and nose. This change carries down the front of his neck and into his clothes. His has a similar change on his hands and feet only the fronts of his paws are light tan. The tips of his ears and tail a shiny black just like his nose. His eyes are a shocking blue with veins of turquoise green in them to help express the wonders he holds in his mind. He walks with a sense of pride and carries himself as a proud example of his race.
Hikage is a Furrikin and he is covered from head to toe in sleek fur of a magnificent glossy burnt orange color with parts being a soft light tan instead. He has the build of a runner, slim with tone and almost no fat under his coat of fur, while standing at three foot four inches. His face has soft, but firm, angles accented by the soft light tan fur covering his lower face starting at the lower half of his cheek bones and nose. This change carries down the front of his neck and into his clothes. His has a similar change on his hands and feet only the fronts of his paws are light tan. The tips of his ears and tail a shiny black just like his nose. His eyes are a shocking blue with veins of turquoise green in them to help express the wonders he holds in his mind. He walks with a sense of pride and carries himself as a proud example of his race.
Warning: I'm half asleep.
He is a bouncing furrikin and is covered with sleek, glossy fur in a burnt orange colour accented by a light, dusty brown. He has the build of a runner, slender and well toned, standing at three foot four inches. His face has soft but firm angles, shocking blue orbs with veins of turquoise green peering out with an idle look, though adapting as his thoughts and mood do. The tan tone spreads down the lower portion of his face, extending into the chest area, the same rich colour dotting his hands and feet. The very tips of his ears and tail are a shiny black just like his nose. He walks with a sense of pride, a noble example of his race.
Daraius2011-08-21 05:17:25
But what kind of cute furry animal is he?
Unknown2011-08-21 06:08:29
Thanks Kayte.
Unknown2011-08-21 08:59:47
QUOTE (Daraius @ Aug 20 2011, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But what kind of cute furry animal is he?
I want him to have fox like features but no muzzle. Ears on the top/sideish of his head and of course lips. Definitely don't want a muzzle. His is bard so maybe calluses on his "paws". Thinking maybe have a cross between paws and hands like the pads from animal paws.
Aison2011-08-21 20:07:16
QUOTE (Hikage @ Aug 21 2011, 01:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I want him to have fox like features but no muzzle. Ears on the top/sideish of his head and of course lips. Definitely don't want a muzzle. His is bard so maybe calluses on his "paws". Thinking maybe have a cross between paws and hands like the pads from animal paws.
Why not keep the paws and just have thumbs? I'm thinking the panserbjørne from His Dark Materials.
Unknown2011-08-21 20:35:09
QUOTE (Aison @ Aug 21 2011, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why not keep the paws and just have thumbs? I'm thinking the panserbjørne from His Dark Materials.
Yeah that could work well, been a while since I read that, years I think.
Daraius2011-08-21 23:26:02
I just assume any furry functioning in Lusternia has hands like this guy draws them.

I'd still call those paws or forepaws in a description, but I wouldn't think it necessary to go into detail about fingerpads or elongated digits, etc.

I'd still call those paws or forepaws in a description, but I wouldn't think it necessary to go into detail about fingerpads or elongated digits, etc.
Unknown2011-08-22 12:24:39
Is that Old Man Coyote? He should stay away from the firewater 

vorld2011-12-18 08:34:44
Need a new description since I changed to a aslaran
DESCRIBE SELF unusually gaunt. His long ebony hair is tucked back into a loose, functional braid, exposing his pale face.
He has dark, stormy blue eyes, though the left is marred by horrible scars that run from his brow to his jawline, and clouded
from disuse. His large black wings have red, eye-shaped markings in their centers, and here, too, the left is riddled with
scars, with a few holes here and there. He is about two and a half feet tall, and somewhat grim for a faeling."
I would like to keep the left eye thing
DESCRIBE SELF unusually gaunt. His long ebony hair is tucked back into a loose, functional braid, exposing his pale face.
He has dark, stormy blue eyes, though the left is marred by horrible scars that run from his brow to his jawline, and clouded
from disuse. His large black wings have red, eye-shaped markings in their centers, and here, too, the left is riddled with
scars, with a few holes here and there. He is about two and a half feet tall, and somewhat grim for a faeling."
I would like to keep the left eye thing
Unknown2011-12-18 23:47:01
Need a new description since I changed to a aslaran
DESCRIBE SELF unusually gaunt. His long ebony hair is tucked back into a loose, functional braid, exposing his pale face.
He has dark, stormy blue eyes, though the left is marred by horrible scars that run from his brow to his jawline, and clouded
from disuse. His large black wings have red, eye-shaped markings in their centers, and here, too, the left is riddled with
scars, with a few holes here and there. He is about two and a half feet tall, and somewhat grim for a faeling."
I would like to keep the left eye thing
Rough, patchy, jagged missing fur is required.
Fayneix2011-12-22 21:06:04
She is a fierce undead dracnari and her hair is the deepest shade of black
imaginable, highlighted with red stripes and waves which continue from her bangs
down to the very fringe. It falls down gracefully in waves to the back of her
knees, small golden highlights visible from where her hair was dyed when last
done. Her eyebrows arch gracefully, a shade darker then her hair. Her mouth
curves into a wicked smile, the thin lips painted a golden colour. Her makeup is
done in deep black colours, from the dust on her cheeks to the kohl on her eyes.
The rest of her body has a paper white colour, set off by her eyes, a red that
screams of blood. Those eyes are feline in quality, a brilliant slant with slit
irises. Her teeth are filed to a point, the gleaming white possibly more
brilliant then her skin. She is of the smallest build, barely fitting into the
petite category. She lacks a definite layer of muscle, her body being more
centered towards speed. She has a small hourglass figure. Her feet and hands are
covered by a thick, tangible, shadowy substance. She walks with a feline grace,
each step flowing and beautiful. Even when still, she stands as though ready to
pounce. She is wearing a stormy backpack with diamond raindrops, 2 etched pearl
rings, an etched garnet ring, an etched turquoise ring, a golden beryl feather
ring, a delicate golden tiara adorned with glittering amethyst and onyx
amaranths, a diamond and sapphire droplet necklace, a jade scorpion ring, dark
green, fox-headed greatrobes, a crystal gold ring and a sparkling ring of the
cosmos. Tattooed on her back is the illustration of a tortured corset weave. She
walks with the truefavour of Fain.
imaginable, highlighted with red stripes and waves which continue from her bangs
down to the very fringe. It falls down gracefully in waves to the back of her
knees, small golden highlights visible from where her hair was dyed when last
done. Her eyebrows arch gracefully, a shade darker then her hair. Her mouth
curves into a wicked smile, the thin lips painted a golden colour. Her makeup is
done in deep black colours, from the dust on her cheeks to the kohl on her eyes.
The rest of her body has a paper white colour, set off by her eyes, a red that
screams of blood. Those eyes are feline in quality, a brilliant slant with slit
irises. Her teeth are filed to a point, the gleaming white possibly more
brilliant then her skin. She is of the smallest build, barely fitting into the
petite category. She lacks a definite layer of muscle, her body being more
centered towards speed. She has a small hourglass figure. Her feet and hands are
covered by a thick, tangible, shadowy substance. She walks with a feline grace,
each step flowing and beautiful. Even when still, she stands as though ready to
pounce. She is wearing a stormy backpack with diamond raindrops, 2 etched pearl
rings, an etched garnet ring, an etched turquoise ring, a golden beryl feather
ring, a delicate golden tiara adorned with glittering amethyst and onyx
amaranths, a diamond and sapphire droplet necklace, a jade scorpion ring, dark
green, fox-headed greatrobes, a crystal gold ring and a sparkling ring of the
cosmos. Tattooed on her back is the illustration of a tortured corset weave. She
walks with the truefavour of Fain.