Kaalak2006-08-25 00:16:37
QUOTE(shaeden @ Aug 15 2006, 09:02 AM) 319661
Oka, here's my kraptastic furrikin descript that I'm using now
He is a bouncing furrikin and is coverded in thick, red vulpine fur. His face is has a lovely fox like snout and his chin has soft white fur. At the end of his snout is a little black nose. His leafy green eyes shine with mischieve and cunning, a testament to animal from which he apears to descend. Two lithe arms extend from his shoulders, each of which peaks with a set of razor sharp claws.
Clothes (cause sometimes it's nice to mention a little)
He is wearing a pair of black shoes, an amethyst stud through his left ear, a simple silver hoop through his left eyebrow, a ring of waters, an amethyst stud through his left ear, an amethyst stud through his left ear, a tawdry gloves, a warm tulip of dawn, a diamond ring set in marble, a platinum chain necklace, and sea-blue robes.
Ok Shaeden. See if this works.
For some reason I got a real ‘Wind in the Willows’ vibe from your description.
Concept: Red Fox Furrikin.
Theme: Feral Courtier
He is a bouncing furrikin covered in thick, russet fur from head to toe. He face is a lovely fox-like snout that ends in a petite black nose and grinning canines. Well-groomed curls of cream-white fur extend from his chin to mid-chest, like a fancy cravat. Eyes, the green of verdant forests, sparkle with mischief and a hint of feral cunning. His lithe furred arms terminate in fingers bearing long curving claws, daily sharpened and fastidiously clean.
Shaeden2006-08-30 14:51:48
Eee! Sorry for long reply. It's great!
Unknown2006-09-15 04:16:34
She is a graceful elfen and is slightly short for her race, with fair skin. At
a first glance, she might be mistaken for a human, if it wasn't for the small
points at the tip of her ears. Her hair is an odd color, bright blue, and falls
down to her middle back, and is quite wave. Her bangs cover most of her
forehead. Her bright blue eyes mix seamlessly with her hair. She is of
moderate, and "proportionate" build and figure. She is wearing sea-blue robes,
a moonstone and garnet ring, a black studded belt, a pair of fingerless crimson
gloves, and a pair of blue shoes.
Well. There's my description. Any ideas/suggestions as to what to do?
a first glance, she might be mistaken for a human, if it wasn't for the small
points at the tip of her ears. Her hair is an odd color, bright blue, and falls
down to her middle back, and is quite wave. Her bangs cover most of her
forehead. Her bright blue eyes mix seamlessly with her hair. She is of
moderate, and "proportionate" build and figure. She is wearing sea-blue robes,
a moonstone and garnet ring, a black studded belt, a pair of fingerless crimson
gloves, and a pair of blue shoes.
Well. There's my description. Any ideas/suggestions as to what to do?
Unknown2006-09-15 04:50:33
QUOTE(Fireweaver @ Sep 14 2006, 09:16 PM) 331558
She is a graceful elfen and is slightly short for her race, with fair skin. At
a first glance, she might be mistaken for a human, if it wasn't for the small
points at the tip of her ears. Her hair is an odd color, bright blue, and falls
down to her middle back, and is quite wave. Her bangs cover most of her
forehead. Her bright blue eyes mix seamlessly with her hair. She is of
moderate, and "proportionate" build and figure. She is wearing sea-blue robes,
a moonstone and garnet ring, a black studded belt, a pair of fingerless crimson
gloves, and a pair of blue shoes.
Well. There's my description. Any ideas/suggestions as to what to do?
a first glance, she might be mistaken for a human, if it wasn't for the small
points at the tip of her ears. Her hair is an odd color, bright blue, and falls
down to her middle back, and is quite wave. Her bangs cover most of her
forehead. Her bright blue eyes mix seamlessly with her hair. She is of
moderate, and "proportionate" build and figure. She is wearing sea-blue robes,
a moonstone and garnet ring, a black studded belt, a pair of fingerless crimson
gloves, and a pair of blue shoes.
Well. There's my description. Any ideas/suggestions as to what to do?
'is quite wave.' ought to be 'is quite wavy.' Otherwise, good enough.
Kaalak2006-09-16 03:12:26
QUOTE(Fireweaver @ Sep 14 2006, 09:16 PM) 331558
She is a graceful elfen and is slightly short for her race, with fair skin. At
a first glance, she might be mistaken for a human, if it wasn't for the small
points at the tip of her ears. Her hair is an odd color, bright blue, and falls
down to her middle back, and is quite wave. Her bangs cover most of her
forehead. Her bright blue eyes mix seamlessly with her hair. She is of
moderate, and "proportionate" build and figure. She is wearing sea-blue robes,
a moonstone and garnet ring, a black studded belt, a pair of fingerless crimson
gloves, and a pair of blue shoes.
Well. There's my description. Any ideas/suggestions as to what to do?
Post your characters concept, short background or goals and I'll see what I can come up with.
Unknown2006-09-17 11:30:09
QUOTE(Fireweaver @ Sep 15 2006, 12:16 PM) 331558
She is a graceful elfen and is slightly short for her race, with fair skin. At
a first glance, she might be mistaken for a human, if it wasn't for the small
points at the tip of her ears. Her hair is an odd color, bright blue, and falls
down to her middle back, and is quite wave. Her bangs cover most of her
forehead. Her bright blue eyes mix seamlessly with her hair. She is of
moderate, and "proportionate" build and figure. She is wearing sea-blue robes,
a moonstone and garnet ring, a black studded belt, a pair of fingerless crimson
gloves, and a pair of blue shoes.
Well. There's my description. Any ideas/suggestions as to what to do?
Maybe it's just me, but I tend to work from the general build/impression to the details, and try to make one feature sort of flow/meld into the next (which leads to some rather convoluted sentences, but never mind

She is a graceful elfen and stands slightly shorter than most of her own race, her figure fair-skinned and her build proportionate to her height. Soft waves of vibrant azure hair cascade past fair shoulders and down to the middle of her back, and nearly conceal the tapering of her ears to the small but unmistakable points that distinguish her from a human. Her bangs are arrayed artlessly across most of her forehead, the bright strands framing almond-shaped eyes that mirror the exact hue of her hair.
I hope that helps some..
Kharaen2006-09-17 12:16:39
I was just wondering how my own description is. Well, here it is:
She is a ferocious loboshigaru and is a healthy, young animal. Coarse, black fur
coats her wiry limbs thickly, the fur on her back liberally interspersed with
white guard hairs. The shape of her muzzle, broad and long, as well as the
smallness of her head strongly hint at a wolfish heritage. Closely set to the
muzzle, and half hidden by stray strands of fur, are a pair of are deep-set eyes
of a smokey grey in colour. Small nubs of gritty black claws tip each of her
squat digits, their edges dulled with much use. A bushy tail, slightly curved,
grows from her posterior, while her legs are leanly muscled and end with broad
paws. Her face is painted with rays of sunshine. She is wearing an inky black
skullcap, a moonstone and garnet ring, a plush red blanket, delicate robes of
ebony spider silk, and a silver torc.
She is a ferocious loboshigaru and is a healthy, young animal. Coarse, black fur
coats her wiry limbs thickly, the fur on her back liberally interspersed with
white guard hairs. The shape of her muzzle, broad and long, as well as the
smallness of her head strongly hint at a wolfish heritage. Closely set to the
muzzle, and half hidden by stray strands of fur, are a pair of are deep-set eyes
of a smokey grey in colour. Small nubs of gritty black claws tip each of her
squat digits, their edges dulled with much use. A bushy tail, slightly curved,
grows from her posterior, while her legs are leanly muscled and end with broad
paws. Her face is painted with rays of sunshine. She is wearing an inky black
skullcap, a moonstone and garnet ring, a plush red blanket, delicate robes of
ebony spider silk, and a silver torc.
Ista2006-09-28 14:41:27
My friend is wanting to start into this game, but won't do it until they have a description. They're going to be human, and they want to have their hair style in a certain way. However, she's having problems describing the hair. I have pretty much asked all of my friends, and the best thing we've come up with is 'Orangish-brown coloured'.
http://floangel.skyblog.com/pics/109183496_small.jpg Is a picture with the hair style. Any chance you have an ideas on how to describe this?
http://floangel.skyblog.com/pics/109183496_small.jpg Is a picture with the hair style. Any chance you have an ideas on how to describe this?
Kaalak2006-09-28 22:35:39
QUOTE(Ista @ Sep 28 2006, 07:41 AM) 336356
http://floangel.skyblog.com/pics/109183496_small.jpg Is a picture with the hair style. Any chance you have an ideas on how to describe this?
How about this?
Her hair falls in a short cascade of unruly copper strands to just above her shoulders.
Curved bangs frame the delicate features of her face and pale rose-kissed skin. Errant long strands of copper hair, easily fluttered in a breeze, deepen to a rich brown reminiscent of fallen autumn leaves at the tips.
Shaeden2006-10-01 18:37:15
QUOTE(Kharaen d'Attai @ Sep 17 2006, 08:16 AM) 332265
I was just wondering how my own description is. Well, here it is:
She is a ferocious loboshigaru and is a healthy, young animal. Coarse, black fur
coats her wiry limbs thickly, the fur on her back liberally interspersed with
white guard hairs. The shape of her muzzle, broad and long, as well as the
smallness of her head strongly hint at a wolfish heritage. Closely set to the
muzzle, and half hidden by stray strands of fur, are a pair of are deep-set eyes
of a smokey grey in colour. Small nubs of gritty black claws tip each of her
squat digits, their edges dulled with much use. A bushy tail, slightly curved,
grows from her posterior, while her legs are leanly muscled and end with broad
paws. Her face is painted with rays of sunshine. She is wearing an inky black
skullcap, a moonstone and garnet ring, a plush red blanket, delicate robes of
ebony spider silk, and a silver torc.
I like it! I'm in no way an expert, but if I had to suggest a few things, I'd do this: (take it or leave it! your choice)
Coarse, black fur coats her wiry limbs thickly, the fur on her back liberally interspersed with white guard hairs.
Thick, coarse, black furcoats her wiry limbs, and the fur on her back is liberally interspersed with white guard hairs.
are a pair of are deep-set eyes of a smokey grey in colour.
deep-set eyes which are a smokey grey colour
while her legs are leanly muscled and end with broad paws.
while her lean muscled legs end with broad paws
Her face is painted with rays of sunshine.
Spice it up a bit maybe?
Her face is painted with shimmering rays of golden sunshine.
Jasper2006-10-01 18:46:53
QUOTE(shaeden @ Oct 1 2006, 06:37 PM) 337614
Her face is painted with rays of sunshine.
Spice it up a bit maybe?
Her face is painted with shimmering rays of golden sunshine.

Kharaen2006-10-01 18:54:32
QUOTE(shaeden @ Oct 1 2006, 02:37 PM) 337614
I like it! I'm in no way an expert, but if I had to suggest a few things, I'd do this: (take it or leave it! your choice)
Coarse, black fur coats her wiry limbs thickly, the fur on her back liberally interspersed with white guard hairs.
Thick, coarse, black furcoats her wiry limbs, and the fur on her back is liberally interspersed with white guard hairs.
are a pair of are deep-set eyes of a smokey grey in colour.
deep-set eyes which are a smokey grey colour
while her legs are leanly muscled and end with broad paws.
while her lean muscled legs end with broad paws
Her face is painted with rays of sunshine.
Spice it up a bit maybe?
Her face is painted with shimmering rays of golden sunshine.
That's a stag ability. Erm, Trueheart, best used when influencing. I usually have lightning bolts too. I actually need to change my desc now that I'm a faeling, but, I'm going to keep these changes in mind when I become a loboshi again (when I get Titan).
Shaeden2006-10-01 20:23:00
QUOTE(Jasper @ Oct 1 2006, 02:46 PM) 337617

-rofl- considering I was a hartstone for 3 months, you'd think I'd know that

Unknown2006-10-01 21:21:17
Throwing in more adjectives doesn't automatically make a description better. In fact, it usually makes it worse. Try to convey as much in as few words as possible.
Arix2006-10-01 22:24:01
Need a bit of help converting this to faeling:
and stands with a lanky height and build, the quintessential frame of an acrobat. Silver hair of a muted hue flows down his back in wispy strands, not quite feathers yet strangely alike. Slightly pointed ears remain exposed framing a weathered face that has been nastily scarred upon the right side, following the line of his cheek down to his jaw. Dark green eyes peer out from above his nose which appears to have been broken many a time, forming a slight hook that offers him an ironically avian visage. Most remarkable about his appearance are wings of red and gold, the brilliant plumage creating the illusion of a constant blaze around his form. Barely visible upon his upper arm is a small tattoo, an inscription inked in scrawling lettering beneath it.
and stands with a lanky height and build, the quintessential frame of an acrobat. Silver hair of a muted hue flows down his back in wispy strands, not quite feathers yet strangely alike. Slightly pointed ears remain exposed framing a weathered face that has been nastily scarred upon the right side, following the line of his cheek down to his jaw. Dark green eyes peer out from above his nose which appears to have been broken many a time, forming a slight hook that offers him an ironically avian visage. Most remarkable about his appearance are wings of red and gold, the brilliant plumage creating the illusion of a constant blaze around his form. Barely visible upon his upper arm is a small tattoo, an inscription inked in scrawling lettering beneath it.
Gwylifar2006-10-01 23:02:25
QUOTE(Jasper @ Oct 1 2006, 02:46 PM) 337617

Anarias2006-10-01 23:10:05
Stag ability.
Gwylifar2006-10-02 21:51:19
Thank you. 

Kharaen2006-10-04 04:22:21
Well, here's my new desc, changing from loboshi to faeling. How is it?
She is a nimble faeling and is curiously odd-looking for her race. Her short
stature is corded with lean muscles, while her dark skin is lightly coated with
thin strands of silky, black hair. Where her wrists finish and hands should
emerge are instead dextrous paws with nimble digits. Gritty, charcoal nails tip
each finger, while the palms are rough with worn callus'. Her legs are affected
similarly, with fetlocks growing along the back of the calf, and the foot shaped
like a wolf's paw. Sprouting from between her shoulders blades are a pair of
iridescent wings, fragile in appearance and their shape not unlike those of a
dragonfly's wings.
Her face is painted with blue lightning bolts. She is wearing a plush red
blanket, delicate robes of ebony spider silk, an inky black skullcap, a thick
ring of carved emerald, a moonstone and garnet ring, a rainbow coloured ring, a
simple gold ring, and an onyx and bloodstone necklace.
stature is corded with lean muscles, while her dark skin is lightly coated with
thin strands of silky, black hair. Where her wrists finish and hands should
emerge are instead dextrous paws with nimble digits. Gritty, charcoal nails tip
each finger, while the palms are rough with worn callus'. Her legs are affected
similarly, with fetlocks growing along the back of the calf, and the foot shaped
like a wolf's paw. Sprouting from between her shoulders blades are a pair of
iridescent wings, fragile in appearance and their shape not unlike those of a
dragonfly's wings.
Her face is painted with blue lightning bolts. She is wearing a plush red
blanket, delicate robes of ebony spider silk, an inky black skullcap, a thick
ring of carved emerald, a moonstone and garnet ring, a rainbow coloured ring, a
simple gold ring, and an onyx and bloodstone necklace.
Verithrax2006-10-04 05:29:35
He is a nimble faeling but not really he's just a loboshigaru with fast eq and small size.
That's a clearer way of achieving the "I wanna be a furry but I also wanna have eq and size bonuses" effect. Oh, and not everyone uses 80-column terminals.
He is a nimble faeling but not really he's just a loboshigaru with fast eq and small size.
That's a clearer way of achieving the "I wanna be a furry but I also wanna have eq and size bonuses" effect. Oh, and not everyone uses 80-column terminals.