Roleplayers Creeed

by Rhoan

Back to Common Grounds.

ferlas2006-05-01 12:42:59
Oh its one of the charater creation portraits, if you have the game you can see it. It's stil nice though, any idea whos the artist?
Lisaera2006-05-01 13:26:32
Happy now? I've changed my avatar.
Unknown2006-05-01 13:27:32
QUOTE(ferlas @ May 1 2006, 02:42 PM) 284339

Oh its one of the charater creation portraits, if you have the game you can see it. It's stil nice though, any idea whos the artist?

Justin Sweet.
Shiri2006-05-01 13:30:04
QUOTE(Lisaera @ May 1 2006, 02:26 PM) 284343

Happy now? I've changed my avatar.

Nooo! I'm going to forget who you are now! wacko.gif

(IWD2 was a pretty good game by the way, just didn't compare to BG2 so eh.)
Exarius2006-05-01 14:32:48
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Apr 30 2006, 08:10 AM) 284052

I'm not sure to what extent 11 applies, and 10 doesn't work too well either... but 9, 8, 7, and 6 are spot on.

Edit: And 12. And basically 1-5.. good post..

I suppose you'd like to think that #9 is "spot on", as would anyone deep into Magnagora RP, but for very many players, "IC" is just an excuse they use to justify behaving any childish way they please. I can and do hold grudges against other players for that.

You are not your character, but your character is you. Nothing he says, thinks, or does comes from some magical, mystical, fictional mind. It comes from your thoughts, your feelings, your decisions, and the moment you try to deny that is the moment I will write you off as a player.


Character X is friends with Exarius, accepting his favor and hospitality. Character Y is Exarius' lover, his closest friend and confidant. By no coincidence, Player Y (the mind behind Character Y) is my closest OOC friend from the game; you can't role-play intimacy without becoming intimate.

While still enjoying Exarius' hospitality, Character X makes a play for Character Y, asking her to become his wife. Exarius learns of this while Character Y is unavailable for comment, and after listening to Character X protesting about how their love is true and Y had just asked him to wait for a better time to tell Exarius, Exarius bites his tongue, controls his temper, and says its time to defer the discussion 'til the lady is present.

Character X foolishly chooses to pursue the discussion anyway, begging to hear that Exarius forgives him the transgression, until Exarius explodes and tells him just how happy he's not, and demands that Character X leave immediately.

Character X leaves, but Player X cannot let it lie, and tries to continue the conversation via OOC tells. He wants assurance I know this is nothing personal, and that everything will be all right between us as players. "This is just a game," he says. "A plot I'm choosing to play out."

Wrong thing to say. Worst possible thing to say. I happen to really care about Player Y, and the IC intimacy forms a part of our OOC bond. If taking that away from us is just some sick little game to him, you bet I'm going to hold a grudge.

Immersive role-play like that on a MUD cannot be simplified neatly down into the clean, unsullied lines of something like Monopoly. "This is my playing piece. It is just a playing piece. I am not the Shoe. The Shoe is not me." And even in Monopoly you'd never claim anything along the lines of, "Hey, don't blame me for cheating. It was the Shoe who put that hotel up on Park Place while you weren't looking! Get it? The Shoe!!"
Aiakon2006-05-01 15:58:12
QUOTE(Exarius @ May 1 2006, 03:32 PM) 284358

I suppose you'd like to think that #9 is "spot on", as would anyone deep into Magnagora RP, but for very many players, "IC" is just an excuse they use to justify behaving any childish way they please. I can and do hold grudges against other players for that.

You are not your character, but your character is you. Nothing he says, thinks, or does comes from some magical, mystical, fictional mind. It comes from your thoughts, your feelings, your decisions, and the moment you try to deny that is the moment I will write you off as a player.

Of course that is the case, and no one would deny it. Everything your character does is inspired by the product of your own mind, and this is where good sportsmanship comes in: regulating the behaviour of your character, whether directly through RP (Aiakon doesn't approve of repeatedly killing Celestians) or indirectly through artificial circumstance (Aiakon gets a headache, he can't go on repeatedly killing Celestians). When IC becomes a justification for what might be described as 'griefing' play, that doesn't mean that it's bad RP, but it does mean that you're a bad sport... and I agree with you, such people are pains in the bottom.. I don't really hold such grudges, because I've grown used to this sort of play as a fact of the game, but I sympathise with you for doing so.

I think that this is another circumstance in which an RP guide for a non-MUD doesn't quite fit the MUD space. I heartily approve of point 9, but I do so implicitly understanding (and i think that this IS the implication) that it refers to the dislike of someone outside the game because of character differences within the game. I think it's necessary to draw a line between that sort of character interaction, and the consequences of poor-sportsmanship. Those people who develop out-of-character grudges against others for entirely in character reasons should feel justly censured by point 9, but those who develop out-of-character grudges because of in game behaviour which seems utterly excessive, may, equally, escape censure.

Unfortunately, we then hit the wall of the subjective. What is to be considered excessive, and what is not. Everyone's definitions differ, according to the degree with which such behaviour may or may not aid your character (we're all entitled to a little partisanship), according to the degree with which they may sympathise or not with the object hurt, according to the player's personal from-day-to-day mood. Your point about simplification is correct: it opens a great can of worms. However, rough guidelines such as the one's posted, can still be extremely useful in the abstract, even if they abruptly lose utility when applied stringently to every situation..
Nymerya2006-05-01 15:59:47
QUOTE(Yrael @ May 1 2006, 09:08 PM) 284320

No, dear. With Raezon seemingly in the background, (or being stuffed into The Cage) Magnagora doesn't have a lot of visible divine fun anymore. Plus I really don't like this new Fain, but mostly the visible Divine Fun. (Capital D and F).

Raezon needs to come back. Now with Elcyrion gone, all the decent divine are -gone-. Well, except Viravain. She is quite awesome, but not really at all fitting with any of the aspects of my RP. (Which admittedly I haven't done much of lately. So hard to summon up the effort in a city of non-RPers.)

Most of the rules do apply. And I've asked before, can we please, please, please have a Roleplay forum like Aetolia does? It encourages Roleplay, I swear. sad.gif
Everiine2006-05-01 16:00:51
What exactly is a roleplay forum? Giving advice on how to roleplay, helping others develop it?
Nymerya2006-05-01 17:18:36
It's besically just one of the sub forums, where you're free to post examples of your Roleplay. Others comment on it, give advice, etc. Sometimes people can/will post guidelines, ides, or suggestions to the game at large.

It also helps to illustrate to people who -do- like Roleplay who else they might like to seek out to do the same with.

Also, can we have Aetolia's targetted emotes? pray.gif