Unknown2006-05-07 01:08:33
I've recently decided to switch from Nexus to MUSHclient, and since Python is the only language I know that works for MUSHclient, I've been wondering about its speed - Lua is hard-coded into MUSHclient, so I'm sure it'd be faster, but how much slower would it be to use Python? It's already an interpreted language, which makes it slow; would it be significantly slower (anything slower than, say 100 milliseconds) than using Lua?
Unknown2006-05-07 01:16:27
MUSHclient, supposedly, compiles the scripts. Or rather, uses compiled scripts. Python scripts can be compiled.
Unknown2006-05-07 12:13:45
My main reason for using Lua in my scripts is because it's more portable and works easily under Wine, if you want to use Linux as your OS. Another reason I dumped Python was the indentation requirements. I like doing my own indents and I don't need them to be enforced by the language interpreter, and sometimes my text editor decided to screw up all the indentations and then my code stopped working...