Acrune2006-05-17 16:53:10
Thats why you wait a little bit before influencing again if you need to 

Shric2006-05-17 18:05:43
QUOTE(Lightzout @ May 16 2006, 04:26 PM) 288705
After Turgeis was hunted down by two Avatars from Ferlas, he can do nothing but be forced to be peaced for a long while.

I created an alt, his roleplay is to be a wandering Influencer, he fights his enemies not by swords but by words.
Here are the list of advantage and disadvantage for this type...
-You can empower or weaken the denizens in the Newton Caverns and get experience if you win
-You can paranoid the key citizens there (I remembered someone being pissed at my other alt because I keep Bolt and Mother Mucka paranoid thus preventing them to cash in the corpses)
-You won't be able to need a lot of gold for this character, just vials of bromides and a few set of clothes and that's it
-be able to sell imbued items
-You don't have a guild or city to live in
-It will be a bit hard to influence once you're booted out from the Caverns
-You can't kill most of the creatures for gold (so good bye krokani and gorgogs)
Well, that's all I can think about this, if you guys got any other questions or comments about this, feel free to post them here

I think it could possibly work for a few people, but if too many start doing it then it wouldn't work.
Drathys2006-05-18 01:04:02
I would have thought it hard to influence a colour!? 

Felandi2006-05-18 06:00:00
Heh, I have managed to do that very thing with Felandi, since she refuse to fight or harm in any way she is allowed into every village in the basin, since she only comes there to gather a bit of esteem now and then. Being a pacifist works well. ^^
The fact that she got alot of nice friends in Seren and Celest helps too.
The fact that she got alot of nice friends in Seren and Celest helps too.
Exarius2006-05-18 13:52:02
QUOTE(shric @ May 17 2006, 01:05 PM) 289085
I think it could possibly work for a few people, but if too many start doing it then it wouldn't work.
Well, it's just like doing the quests or bashing for your gold/experience. The game has a saturation point.
Shorlen2006-05-18 15:00:32
I will point out that you eally do want a race with enough charisma to not get hit back, so you'd want 14-15 at least. Human doesn't work so well if you're guildless, since you will be taking triple the damage a tae'dae or faeling would.
I've been told that sipping bonuses/penalities only applied to health and mana, not ego. Can anyone confirm/refute this?
I've been told that sipping bonuses/penalities only applied to health and mana, not ego. Can anyone confirm/refute this?
Unknown2006-05-23 00:21:24
sip bonus does effect ego. Not sure about penalty though.
With a human and 1260 ego, I sip for 300ish
As a Tae'dae with 1280 ego, I sip for 400ish
With a human and 1260 ego, I sip for 300ish
As a Tae'dae with 1280 ego, I sip for 400ish
Unknown2006-05-23 22:49:18
It still amazes me that people actually get together and talk about this shit.