Me vs Thoros

by Ixion

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Murphy2006-06-13 07:14:53
firstly who the hell are you.....trolladry spelt backwards?

It's clear you don't have a clue about champ pets cause they are on an 8 second balance, the handmaiden blackouts more often than not, the blackout is bad because you don't see what the angel is hitting you with or if a soulless has been tossed at you since you only get the opening message

Get your facts straight before you go trolling.

In fact, to sum up this post, you could skip what i've written and take the following on board:

Get a clue.
Verithrax2006-06-13 07:35:15
Soll2006-06-13 09:08:10
If I remember correctly, the person who enjoyed having forum accounts with words spelt backwards was Ceres.
Jack2006-06-13 11:01:13
QUOTE(Lanko @ Jun 13 2006, 12:44 AM) 297457

champ arties should in no way be nerfed. You should never even have a chance of beating a champ one on one as an average combatant. The arties are perks of the job, they're supposed to be OP. And if you make arties just a superficial glitter object, then rescue won't be there either. So again, why be Champ without the arties anyway? And of course you shouldn't become champ for the sole reason of the arties, but if you did make it there and that was your only goal, you'd be removed fairly soon since your heart wouldn't be in it, so that argument is moot.

Uh, your argument sucks.

First you say that champ arties should make a Champion absolutely undefeatable, then you say that if someone was in it solely for the arti's, they'd be removed? Why, if they were able to defeat practically anyone with their super-duper-OP arti's? (Dramatization for the sake of verbal molestation, since even I know Guardian pets aren't really that good.)

And nobody mentioned removing rescue, that's just you attempting to bulk up your sad argument. Champions sole buff should be rescue: they should rely entirely on their own combative merit rather than some lame pet. And some of said pets are disproportionately more powerful than the others: Nil Grim and Handmaiden get passive blackout, while Black Shuck gets passive... black lung. Wow. Neato.
Kaervas2006-06-13 11:41:15
I prefer how champions don't lose karma killing people than the artifacts, allows me to maintain blessings easily. tongue.gif
ferlas2006-06-13 15:40:35
QUOTE(Lanko @ Jun 13 2006, 12:44 AM) 297457

champ arties should in no way be nerfed. You should never even have a chance of beating a champ one on one as an average combatant. The arties are perks of the job, they're supposed to be OP. And if you make arties just a superficial glitter object, then rescue won't be there either. So again, why be Champ without the arties anyway? And of course you shouldn't become champ for the sole reason of the arties, but if you did make it there and that was your only goal, you'd be removed fairly soon since your heart wouldn't be in it, so that argument is moot.

Thats a pile of nonsense, you should never have a chance of beating a champion one on one because of his artifasts? Complete nonsense.

See thats where we disagree I dont think anything should be overpowered because I care about game balance, if you disagree with someone wanting game balance then just shut up :/

Why be champion without the artifacts? for the numerous reasons already explained on this board.
Ixion2006-06-13 21:44:20
Actually Kaervas nailed it. I remember easily upkeeping 3 blessings when I was champ.

It was amazingly nice-- the best reasonable champion benefit I think.
Ildaudid2006-06-13 22:03:59
I agree with the Champ Arties being nerfed... or at least on the same playing field. I mean if you compare Patchou/Handmaiden to a Champ Helm there is a huge difference in the arti's. If you want to keep them just as they are Lanko make the Arti Helms 200% wounding and they may finally match up to the wiccan/cosmic Champ Artifacts.

Nerf em' or at least make them even.
Unknown2006-06-13 23:00:20
Patchou really isn't that strong.

You have...

50 bleed damage.
150 mana drain.
Less then 1 second balance loss.

If Murphy is accurate with the 8 second timer thing (I think it is 10-12, the same as fae actually), then that means, it's an Aeon every 32 seconds (Yes, it is 100% random which it does, there is no weighting towards one or the other). Most likely it'll just strip speed and not actually effect you, since you'll reflexively put it back up and they may or may not have been Aeoning you at the time and it still doesn't matter.

Handmaiden is far more powerful with blackout, paralysis, and mana drain (don't even know if it has a fourth, possibly just three so blackout would show up a lot more often). Blackout is the worst (as in most painful, I don't want kind of affliction) standard affliction in the game, imo.

Though if someone can't handle Patchou, then Patchou isn't their biggest problem. IMO, the Champion Artifacts are nice perks, and they are here to stay, they have been unchanged since day one of Lusternia opening. Seeing as they are only on one person, it's hardly game breaking.

Didn't Geb get a stupidity super-pet from the Auction? ZOMG NERF!

Edit: Little know fact, if a GC pet dies, it can't be summoned for about a real life day. Furthermore, unlike Fae, when the owner dies, the pet stays there, and it can be just killed off. Nothing at all for a day. Pretty big weakness right there.
Xenthos2006-06-13 23:06:12
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Jun 13 2006, 07:00 PM) 297887

Most likely it'll just strip speed and not actually effect you,

Last I heard, Patchou went straight to Aeon, ignoring the defence. No idea if this was a bug that got fixed after that point, however.
ferlas2006-06-13 23:08:35
Yea I agree that the handmaided is more powerful probally the strogest of the lot but that dosnt change the fact that passive aeon allows you the opportuinty to a well time with a bit of luck insta aeon which can be very powerful, I just feel ever since I saw and used the champ pets that we shouldnt get such a big boost to our combat I feel they should be less powerful so at least people cant base their entire offense around their champion pet which is what some people actually did.
Unknown2006-06-13 23:15:26
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Jun 13 2006, 01:06 PM) 297890

Last I heard, Patchou went straight to Aeon, ignoring the defence. No idea if this was a bug that got fixed after that point, however.


It never worked like that while I was Champion.

QUOTE(ferlas @ Jun 13 2006, 01:08 PM) 297893

Yea I agree that the handmaided is more powerful probally the strogest of the lot but that dosnt change the fact that passive aeon allows you the opportuinty to a well time with a bit of luck insta aeon which can be very powerful, I just feel ever since I saw and used the champ pets that we shouldnt get such a big boost to our combat I feel they should be less powerful so at least people cant base their entire offense around their champion pet which is what some people actually did.

Insta-aeon is pointless without any sort of setup. You need other afflictions to go along with it to make it purposeful, so there is no way to guarantee when the Aeon is going to hit, and make sure the right afflictions have hit.

The only purpose I've found Patchou useful for is this.

When you are aeoned, it will naturally fade after a certain amount of time regardless if you cure it or not. Once I manage to get my aeon lock going (anorexia, asthma, impatience, paralysis, stupidity, aeon and sleep) then it basically means I don't have to aeon every once in awhile to make sure aeon doesn't just fade on its own. Moondancers kill slowly, but effectively (unlike Knights, when I left, Knights hitting for 1.5k was on the low side), just takes a lot of setup. I think is is because we don't have any time-based instant kills. Partly because moonburst is all magic damage, and magic attacks tend to have their damage reduced the most.

I mean, I think I posted a log of me killing some Magnagoran (Marcalo?) in his manse (back when you could teleport/beam between manses, and see who was in the other manses). I had him locked, asleep, loaded with afflictions, AND SENSITIVITY, and it took me 11 consecutive moonbursts with full fae on him before he died, without him sipping once.
ferlas2006-06-13 23:18:51
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Jun 14 2006, 12:15 AM) 297894

Insta-aeon is pointless without any sort of setup. You need other afflictions to go along with it to make it purposeful, so there is no way to guarantee when the Aeon is going to hit, and make sure the right afflictions have hit.

Whats your point? On the other hand its very useful with some set up.
I feel it and the other pets are too useful.

Fair enough the black out is useful without any set up and exceptional useful with set up but the point still stands they are very useful and powerful.
Unknown2006-06-13 23:23:35
QUOTE(ferlas @ Jun 13 2006, 01:18 PM) 297898

Whats your point? On the other hand its very useful with some set up.

There is no set up for you to take advantage of the RANDOM aeon of Patchou. For aeon to be effective, they must have stupidity up when you do it, and then must not cure aeon before you get balance back. Theoretically, I could throw a stupidity hex, then aeon + Patchou immediately after.

Or, I could aeon (strip quicksilver) throw stupidity, and then aeon again before quicksilver comes up again for the exact same effect. Then from there I watch to see if they sip before I recover equilibrium, if they do, I start over, if they don't I throw anorexia and move into the rest of my strategy.

The nature of Aeon, with the strippable defense before it is applied, makes the Aeon on Patchou insignificant in its effect.

Which is more effective? When I said instant aeon is effective with set up, I meant controlled instant aeon, as some classes have in other realms (that goes through speed). The random aeon on Patchou can't be used in a manner quite like the Blackout on the Handmaiden (Nil Grim Horror too? Can't remember) can be. Not to mention, the mana cost from focusing body out of paralysis is higher than the amount of mana Patchou drains on her mana drain attack.

I'd trade Patchou for an artifact that put Moonburst damage on the level of a Champion Aquamancer staffcast... Ceres could do 2k to me with that, extremely fast, and through adjacent rooms.
Unknown2006-06-13 23:31:05
I still believe that champion artifacts and pets should have only one function besides prestige, and that is rescue. That is what I said as a champion, and that is what I continue to say while not being one.

And yes, I have the super stupidity pet. It has a 33% chance of giving stupidity per attack. Cost me over 3k credits in the auction. I don't remember the exact amount.
Unknown2006-06-13 23:35:19
QUOTE(Guest @ Jun 13 2006, 01:31 PM) 297903

I still believe that champion artifacts and pets should have only one function besides prestige, and that is rescue. That is what I said as a champion, and that is what I continue to say while not being one.

And yes, I have the super stupidity pet. It has a 33% chance of giving stupidity per attack. Cost me over 3k credits in the auction. I don't remember the exact amount.

Pets attack pretty fast... ZOMG OVERPOWERED!

Being Champion has quite a lot of negatives too. That level 50 Moondancer get jumped by 4 high level Magnagorans? Rescue and get your level 80 self killed. Hmmm... sounds fair. Comes with the job.

Though if Champion artifacts had rescue and nothing else... Given the choice between Champion and Guild Master which would you choose? I'd personally opt to skip Guild Champion and go for Guild Master or City/Commune leader. Not fun being in a position with all negatives and no real positives, and you could still fight as much as you liked while in those other positions with the bonus of pursuing a political career to boot.
Murphy2006-06-13 23:39:07
Id still go champion. I hate politics.

You can always rescue/spore, or rescue/flow or in my case rescue/ghost or rescue/hermit.

Unknown2006-06-13 23:41:15
QUOTE(Murphy @ Jun 13 2006, 01:39 PM) 297906

Id still go champion. I hate politics.

You can always rescue/spore, or rescue/flow or in my case rescue/ghost or rescue/hermit.

That's what monoliths are for. You might not always have a spore, logging in to find it's decayed, or having a spore decay in the middle of raiding is no fun. Flow is local area now, and forest only. Though I agree, Nihilists (or Necromancers in general) are much more viable for escaping than any other class. Ghost is to easy, especially with how weak Kether/Violet are as I pointed out earlier in the thread. It also similar restrictions for use as spores now, minus monoliths.

So all in all, nerf Ghost, buff Violet/Kether.

I like politics though, and I was disappointed that I had to miss out on it by being Champion. That was a huge negative to me. If there were no perks, I'd have let someone less competent take the job and pursued a career in politics.
Murphy2006-06-13 23:50:13
ghost doesn't need nerfed, it drains WP like crazy and takes power.
Unknown2006-06-13 23:53:36
QUOTE(Murphy @ Jun 13 2006, 01:50 PM) 297908

ghost doesn't need nerfed, it drains WP like crazy and takes power.

Oh noes! It takes POWER. Like every other skill in the game, whatever are we going to do?

Hmmm... and willpower? You mean something to actually use up that 20,000+ willpower pool I just have sitting there that nothing else seems to use? All you need ghost for is to move out of the local area anyway. It is now probably the most effective ability for running with the bonus that you can quickly rejoin the fight if you choose too, unlike spores (because they take you far away, duh), see Ixion using it to escape Judgement (Soulless, Inquisition) then jumping back into the fray moments later.

I agree though, doesn't need to be nerfed. Kether/Violet just need to do more then 516 damage to a 7k+ health pool. It should be around 500 base + 25% of max health per kether/violet and damage type should be unresistable.