Unknown2006-08-26 10:24:50
go ahead, say something else about how sucky I am, that'll push more closer towards suiciding. 

Minerva2006-08-26 10:39:38
Hey dont get irrational dont suicide its bad for you
Ashteru2006-08-26 11:25:04
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Aug 26 2006, 10:24 AM) 324389
go ahead, say something else about how sucky I am, that'll push more closer towards suiciding.

Just because you die once or twice doesn't mean you should suicide.

Are you that emo in real life too? I mean, if not, why the heck do you behave like this here, then? Just because you can? "Zomg, I am going to suicide because I suck so much." Go, train and you won't die. You could've stopped me so easily. All you did was lunge me on the leg twice and then you used heretic. Next time tackle me out, gust me out, gust yourself out, pinleg me, whatever.
Suicide isn't just so "*shrug* I am just going to suicide if it doesn't go like I want it to go." Remember that you would lose a lot of time, and credits if you just suicided. But hey, if you want to do it, do it. Suicide is for the weak.
Shorlen2006-08-26 11:39:35
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Aug 26 2006, 06:24 AM) 324389
go ahead, say something else about how sucky I am, that'll push more closer towards suiciding.

Ashteru2006-08-26 11:54:03

Valarien2006-08-26 12:05:12
Don't steal my glorious source of snappy images!
Unknown2006-08-26 23:43:46
I hate that my computer's in the shop for at least a week. Logged in to check my messages, and I have four alchemical orders waiting. Reliability just went down the drain.
Shayle2006-08-27 00:21:23
QUOTE(Salvation @ Aug 26 2006, 07:43 PM) 324560
I hate that my computer's in the shop for at least a week. Logged in to check my messages, and I have four alchemical orders waiting. Reliability just went down the drain.
And a guild who needs you. Hurry up computer. Hurry hurry hurry.
Arix2006-08-27 00:23:33
Active demesnes in public places. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH*stabstabstabstabstabstabkill*
Diamondais2006-08-27 04:42:35
Curse my bad habit of not accepting gold. Over my time playing, I could have probably made well over 30k by just keeping what people give me.
Unknown2006-08-27 05:15:37
Kahazul's been suicided.
Have fun.
Have fun.
Diamondais2006-08-27 05:17:36
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Aug 27 2006, 01:15 AM) 324675
Kahazul's been suicided.
Have fun.
What? Why?
Reiha2006-08-27 05:23:27
I wasn't expecting that. Why on earth did you suicide? *nosy*
Unknown2006-08-27 05:32:13
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Aug 27 2006, 12:15 AM) 324675
Kahazul's been suicided.
Have fun.
You whaaa?!

Unknown2006-08-27 05:32:36

Unknown2006-08-27 05:37:21
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Aug 27 2006, 12:32 AM) 324680

I bet the Light made Kahazul implode out of snuggliness

Reiha2006-08-27 05:44:20
I tried suiciding my Celestine character, but I bought credits for him. Anyway if yer gonna say you suicided, you should say why! *poke*
Reiha2006-08-27 07:19:40
Rauros that post really scared me 
But glad you feel better

But glad you feel better

Jack2006-08-27 07:25:19
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Aug 27 2006, 06:15 AM) 324675
Kahazul's been suicided.
Have fun.
Tosser. I bet you'll have a new alt before the month's over.

Unknown2006-08-27 07:34:48
I feel the need to kill something right now...damn radio station. Why'd you have to play happy music at 12:30?? I want my death metal music....or just give me non-happy music please. *dies*