Verithrax2006-08-28 23:31:47
What really pisses me off is that they seem to do it out of dickness. Neuf's manse is still connected everywhere, or they could just hop through the Aetherplex.
Xenthos2006-08-29 01:59:40
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Aug 28 2006, 07:31 PM) 325319
What really pisses me off is that they seem to do it out of dickness. Neuf's manse is still connected everywhere, or they could just hop through the Aetherplex.
Neuf's isn't connected to Glomdoring.
Xavius2006-08-29 02:25:22
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 28 2006, 08:59 PM) 325358
Neuf's isn't connected to Glomdoring.
Neither is Deepnight. Or pretty much any public, widely-connected manse. Imagine that.
Reiha2006-08-29 03:20:24
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Aug 28 2006, 09:29 AM) 325213
I hate people who don't treat Deepnight as neutral territory... I'm a member of it who has donated some credits (really small amount) and I believe that Deepnight is just a place where everyone SHOULD behave. But some people treat it as a mini tool for their griefing needs.... Be more of a sport and respect you ****ers

and Haiden sucks

QUOTE(Taika @ Aug 28 2006, 10:17 AM) 325228
Because they can and they are dicks? I dont agree with it, but I see why they do.
Why is the portal room exit any more dangerous than a normal entrance to the city, if I may ask? Anyone who can fly can fly above guards/statues to the portal exit anyway... Likewise, you can fly out of the city. I'm sure I'm missing something, what is it?
When people come in through portals, we usually disconnect all manses. Afterwards they're reconnected. We usually have more guards at the entrances to the city than the portal room, and it's a faster get-away/safe way home if you use portals rather than taking the road, where angry people may actually get the chance to catch up to you.
Unknown2006-08-29 03:23:35
QUOTE(Reiha @ Aug 28 2006, 10:20 PM) 325367

That's one thing... You attacked us because you are a crazy

Reiha2006-08-29 03:29:01
....Take a close look at who I grouped you with, Corinthian, and I think Jaskata actually was the only one who came close to killing you 

Unknown2006-08-29 03:37:24
Emo-Niyu and Xerine.... you never had a reason to attack us... I mean, stupid women hormones that make you go all rabbid on us... And Jaskata can't touch me.. I run to fast for her 

Unknown2006-08-29 04:25:03
QUOTE(Reiha @ Aug 28 2006, 11:20 PM) 325367
When people come in through portals, we usually disconnect all manses. Afterwards they're reconnected.
Do you know how much POWER that costs?

Reiha2006-08-29 04:31:23
Bleh, sorry, scratch happened twice that I know of, and my manse was not disconnected during that recent event. Maybe Luciden can clear up if Citizen's manses were disconnected, though I do recall Marlucia asking for his to be reconnected 

Sylphas2006-08-29 04:41:47
If people would just treat the portal room like any other entrance, I don't see why this is a problem. Would you bitch about disconnecting the road because someone used it to raid you? Any manse open to anyone but yourself can be infiltrated and used to raid, even if it only connects to you, because all manses connect to the Aetherplex, and enemies can follow. As long as you have any connected manses, you have to count the portal room as a city/commune entrance, and guard it as such.
Reiha2006-08-29 05:11:40
It may take a while to retreat via road, versus a manse, where you can PORTAL ENTER MANENAMEHERE, PORTAL EXIT ENEMYTERRIOTRYHERE in a flash.
Though we should have it heavily guarded, good point.
Though we should have it heavily guarded, good point.
Shorlen2006-08-29 05:30:10
Entering manses should so be a delayed action, if only to hinder raiders using a docked ship as a raiding base, something that's still FAR too powerful, since there's nothing that can be done to remove the docked ship, and portal entering can be done no matter what and is currently instant.
Diamondais2006-08-29 05:41:02
Why am I never around for Full Moon when Maeve changes? Damn the need for sleep. Have Fae Maeve, have Night Maeve, but nooooo... cant get the description of Maeve when shes okay with Serenwilde. 

Unknown2006-08-29 07:18:26
She doesn't change for moon, moon maeve=fae maeve, only night maeve is spooky, and twitchy.
Unknown2006-08-29 07:43:56
And why can't there be some goddamn city people around to deal with the goddamn HORROR that these mazes are?!

Unknown2006-08-29 08:08:38
Psh. Water's not a maze, it just repeats itself. Earth, on the other hand... *shudder*
Unknown2006-08-29 10:15:07
The starry sea is really irritating. You just squint the whirlpool to the nw, you go that way, a wave throws you 3 rooms away, you try and work out where the whirlpool is, you realise that you just circumnavigated the whole thing and swimming backwards would have been 5x faster, then you finally get out, but you have to go back in and your waterwalk runs out of charges and then ... *shudder*
Unknown2006-08-29 11:07:54
Actually, I find the Starry Sea fairly easy. Don't look for the whirlpool, let it come to you. Just keep repeating se, s, se, s, se and on and on, and eventually you'll reach there, or currents will push you on the right track, or get stuck. If stuck, then go a different direction, like n, ne, n, ne.
Unknown2006-08-29 11:19:32
I don't find finding the whirlpool or the black cave in the caverns difficult at all. It's getting through the awful river, or the mountains of madness.
In this case, its the fact that although I know the water dock is up from somewhere in the Starry Sea, I can't for the life of me find where it is, and it feels like I've been over the place 4 or 5 times.
In this case, its the fact that although I know the water dock is up from somewhere in the Starry Sea, I can't for the life of me find where it is, and it feels like I've been over the place 4 or 5 times.

Unknown2006-08-29 11:48:14
Actually if you spend enough time wandering the Mountains of Madness, eventually you'll work out there are three possible exits within two rooms of eachother, and they're all in relation to a central point, so it's easy once you know where you are, though there is a fourth exit which is always hard to find.