Unknown2006-09-03 08:12:11
Actually, Glomdoring's problem is that most of its population consists of alts. This war, for example, really took a chunk out of Glom's activity because people are on their mains in Seren/Celest/Mag fighting the war.
Aaaand just because i'm curious.. Shorlen, what exactly has Glomdoring done since the pro-Taint insurgents were kicked out that comes anywhere close to what either Celest or Mag have done to harm nature/Serenwilde?
Oh, except for expecting compensation for saving your Great Spirit, of course 
Aaaand just because i'm curious.. Shorlen, what exactly has Glomdoring done since the pro-Taint insurgents were kicked out that comes anywhere close to what either Celest or Mag have done to harm nature/Serenwilde?

Nico2006-09-03 08:24:33
Malicia joined Celest way before any hint of conflict between Serenwilde and Celest, and, like I said, Munsia's no longer in Celest.
I don't think i ever overtly trashed Magnagora or Serenwilde for their IC actions; like I said, the magnawilde comment was only meant to be slightly mocking and in reference to the aforementioned celenwilde comments. That means, I was mocking you for once mocking us of the same thing. Not for being weaker/having to rely on another org.
And Shorlen, there were two different occasions when, during a faethorn raid, we'd be sitting at a backwards avenue waiting for the Serenwilde charge, when a large group of magnagorans cubixed and hit us from behind, and seconds laters, the Seren group hit us. And so, it's not just Athana and Ixion.
I remember, right before this war started, someone saying on forums that if war ever broke out between Serenwilde and Celest, Celest would get rocked. And then when the supernals were taken down, a lot of people were like "OMG YOU GOT PWNED AND YOU DESERVED IT FOR STARTING THIS WAR!!"
I don't know. In short, I apologize if I came off as gloating. I don't mean to be. I was mainly targetting the words of people who seemed to be acting hypocritically, and not any specific organization for being weaker. I mean, hell. You guys still have practically a monopoly on villages, right? I know for damn sure that I can't find comms anywhere. Prolly doesn't help that I'm enemied to everywhere except Celest now, heh.
I don't think i ever overtly trashed Magnagora or Serenwilde for their IC actions; like I said, the magnawilde comment was only meant to be slightly mocking and in reference to the aforementioned celenwilde comments. That means, I was mocking you for once mocking us of the same thing. Not for being weaker/having to rely on another org.
And Shorlen, there were two different occasions when, during a faethorn raid, we'd be sitting at a backwards avenue waiting for the Serenwilde charge, when a large group of magnagorans cubixed and hit us from behind, and seconds laters, the Seren group hit us. And so, it's not just Athana and Ixion.
I remember, right before this war started, someone saying on forums that if war ever broke out between Serenwilde and Celest, Celest would get rocked. And then when the supernals were taken down, a lot of people were like "OMG YOU GOT PWNED AND YOU DESERVED IT FOR STARTING THIS WAR!!"
I don't know. In short, I apologize if I came off as gloating. I don't mean to be. I was mainly targetting the words of people who seemed to be acting hypocritically, and not any specific organization for being weaker. I mean, hell. You guys still have practically a monopoly on villages, right? I know for damn sure that I can't find comms anywhere. Prolly doesn't help that I'm enemied to everywhere except Celest now, heh.
Unknown2006-09-03 08:59:14
QUOTE(Nico @ Sep 3 2006, 04:24 AM) 327248
Malicia joined Celest way before any hint of conflict between Serenwilde and Celest, and, like I said, Munsia's no longer in Celest.
And Shorlen, there were two different occasions when, during a faethorn raid, we'd be sitting at a backwards avenue waiting for the Serenwilde charge, when a large group of magnagorans cubixed and hit us from behind, and seconds laters, the Seren group hit us.
Actually no, Malicia joined Celest because the conflict was starting to escalate from all the way back then. (we wouldn't hand over a village to them, and *gasp* were competing for it by debating them) Anywho, this war's been brewing for longer then then some of the participants have had characters.
As for this perceived joint attack, you keep harping about so I'll say what I remember about one of those. We had just mass-died to hailstorm in faethorn, we formed back up, defed up, went back in, and deavos randomly hoped in with 2 other mag warriors, killed an aqua or two, and hoped out. Could it be less of a cover-up and more of mags saying "looook celestians off-prime lets smoosh some while we can!" ? Deathsense is global in any case.
Shorlen2006-09-03 09:39:50
QUOTE(Nico @ Sep 3 2006, 04:24 AM) 327248
And Shorlen, there were two different occasions when, during a faethorn raid, we'd be sitting at a backwards avenue waiting for the Serenwilde charge, when a large group of magnagorans cubixed and hit us from behind, and seconds laters, the Seren group hit us. And so, it's not just Athana and Ixion.
I have never seen this happen, but I'm not logged in 24/7. And still, that doesn't necessarily mean our leadership and theirs arranged for a coordinated strike. What likely happened was that either Ixion or someone contacted Mag and arranged it on the sly without telling our leadership, or Mag scried and saw the Celestians there, and acted of their own initiative. We're not going to tell them "Hey, stop killing our enemies!" once they start, but our leadership certainly didn't ask for them to come.
Whenever I'm online and we're getting ready to be raided, whenever someone brings up "Hey, should we ask Mag if they want to help defend?" the leadership answers with a very loud "NO!" since it's our plane, and we'll defend it on our own. Magnagorans aren't even allowed in the Etherwilde, and we perfer them not linger about Faethorn unless they have a darn good reason for being there, just as they don't let us be on Earth unless we have a darn good reason for being there.
Terenas2006-09-03 09:52:44
Malicia's departure for Celest caused the Serenguard to lose pretty much all of its fighters. If I recall correctly at least 7 members left soon afterward. It was a rather disheartening turn of event for me as the GM at the time and partially led to my dormancy.
As like any other IRE games though, power shifts between hands. Magnagora dominated early on in the game, then Serenwilde did at one time, and now it seems it is Celest's turn (doubtful Glomdoring will ever have a chance though
). When Glomdoring was fighting Serenwilde, Magnagora backed Glom. When Serenwilde fought Magnagora, Celest backed Serenwilde. And now Magnagora backs Serenwilde against Celest. This is something I actually prefer to see Serenwilde go through with since it allows the commune to realize both the Light and Taint are dangerous to the commune's survival but when the time comes it has to do what it must to continue fighting.
As like any other IRE games though, power shifts between hands. Magnagora dominated early on in the game, then Serenwilde did at one time, and now it seems it is Celest's turn (doubtful Glomdoring will ever have a chance though

Narsrim2006-09-03 10:08:13
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Sep 3 2006, 03:47 AM) 327240
I'm confused. Aren't Ixion and Athana only two people? They're the only ones defending Nil on a regular basis. I think one person from Mag was seen defending Ethereal one time. Sure, we had a joint strike or two a while back, but that's what happens when you start a war on two fronts.
The majority of the fighters in Magnagora stopped playing Lusternia. The majority of the fighters in Serenwilde went to Celest. Of course Celest is winning when they are by themselves - I don't get what all the OOC bragging is about. "We have more players who can fight then you, so the fact that you need to use diplomacy and we don't makes you weaker!"? I just don't get it.
That's simply not true. I have seen you defend Nil, Shorlen. Krellan has defended Nil several times. I have seen various Serenguard on Nil defending. How can you reject the "alliance" theory when members of Serenwilde have actively aided Gorgulu, the Devourer of Fae and various persons (not 2) defend it frequently?
In the end, some people will fail to understand because they are not involved on a deep enough level politically to understand the truth to the situation. Serens claimed for months that Celest was not helping them in any formal alliance when I, as a champion of the Moondancers, asked for assistance when our defense was low in Faethorn. We specifically chose not to influence certain villages and work on others for the sole mutual benefit of Serenwilde and Celest (a decision made by the people in the Moonhart Circle clan at that time on multiple occasions). As a good example, Celest had a lead influence in Rockholm once, I struck a deal with Catarin, and we switched. Serenwilde quickly gained Rockholm and then moved to help Celest influence Southgard. All this time Magnagorans were complaining about "Celenwilde," which was being refuted by Serens - blindly so.
An alliance does not have to be written down to be in place.
Ashteru2006-09-03 10:54:59
Just to clarify a few things (since I was often logged in over the last month):
Shorlen, Singollo and Elryn, I believe, only came once, that was when Celest attacked the Demonlords and we only had like 5 people.
Krellan came twice or thrice up to now, including the Demonlord incident and yesterday.
I am not sure how often Ixion and Athana came, but not that much more often. Sure, Athy forested Nil yesterday, but that was only because a lowbie from Mag asked her to. Ash told her five seconds later that her help is apprecaited, but really not needd and sent her back down.
Shorlen, Singollo and Elryn, I believe, only came once, that was when Celest attacked the Demonlords and we only had like 5 people.
Krellan came twice or thrice up to now, including the Demonlord incident and yesterday.
I am not sure how often Ixion and Athana came, but not that much more often. Sure, Athy forested Nil yesterday, but that was only because a lowbie from Mag asked her to. Ash told her five seconds later that her help is apprecaited, but really not needd and sent her back down.
Unknown2006-09-03 11:00:45
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Sep 3 2006, 10:54 AM) 327261
Just to clarify a few things (since I was often logged in over the last month):
Shorlen, Singollo and Elryn, I believe, only came once, that was when Celest attacked the Demonlords and we only had like 5 people.
Krellan came twice or thrice up to now, including the Demonlord incident and yesterday.
I am not sure how often Ixion and Athana came, but not that much more often. Sure, Athy forested Nil yesterday, but that was only because a lowbie from Mag asked her to. Ash told her five seconds later that her help is apprecaited, but really not needd and sent her back down.
Hrm, are you sure I defended Nil? I remember working with Magnagorans to kill the Supernals, but I've tried very hard not to fall into the trap of letting Elryn forget Magnagora is still a threat.
Ashteru2006-09-03 11:04:20
Well, I remember Shorlen and a second druid being there, but not Athana. But since I only know you...
Unknown2006-09-03 11:37:33
QUOTE(Avaer @ Sep 3 2006, 07:00 AM) 327262
Hrm, are you sure I defended Nil?
Well obviously they know what you do better then you know, you can't honestly expect them to trust you.

Ashteru2006-09-03 11:52:10
Dude....I am in Mag. I remember Shorlen and Singollo for sure, because they were with us at Baalphegar for a bit. I know there was a third Seren, but he died before he reached us.
Unknown2006-09-03 12:03:24
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Sep 3 2006, 11:52 AM) 327265
Dude....I am in Mag. I remember Shorlen and Singollo for sure, because they were with us at Baalphegar for a bit. I know there was a third Seren, but he died before he reached us.
Admittedly, that does sound a lot like me.

But I think you'll find it was someone else, in this case. Not that it really matters, but yeah.
Gwylifar2006-09-03 12:55:50
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Sep 3 2006, 02:23 AM) 327221
This is all just people waving their egos around saying "look! look! at me and my hoard, we are the only hoard who don't need to join another hoard to hoard around and jump people!" 

I can't parse this. How many of those "hoard"s are supposed to be "horde"?
Shorlen2006-09-03 13:22:34
Umm, I went up there once, died twice, and didn't come back. I didn't actually help in the fight, since druids can't do a THING outside of a forest. I just felt bad for Magnagora getting reamed when few people were online, and I happened to have a borrowed cubix at the time.
Ashteru2006-09-03 13:25:39
Okay, then you might have been the guy that died twice and there was another guy with Singollo. Hmmm
Shorlen2006-09-03 13:28:12
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Sep 3 2006, 09:25 AM) 327275
Okay, then you might have been the guy that died twice and there was another guy with Singollo. Hmmm
I'm pretty sure it was just me and Singollo.
Ashteru2006-09-03 13:46:13
Maybe you brought one or two Mags along with Moonbeam then.

Nico2006-09-03 13:53:39
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Sep 3 2006, 04:59 AM) 327251
As for this perceived joint attack, you keep harping about so I'll say what I remember about one of those. We had just mass-died to hailstorm in faethorn, we formed back up, defed up, went back in, and deavos randomly hoped in with 2 other mag warriors, killed an aqua or two, and hoped out. Could it be less of a cover-up and more of mags saying "looook celestians off-prime lets smoosh some while we can!" ? Deathsense is global in any case.
Untrue, or you're thinking of a different raid. We had about 7-8 raiders with us, more than enough to handle Daevos and 1 or 2 others. It wasn't just one or two others, Daevos brought a whole crew with him at least equal in number to our group.
And he didn't just hop back out. Magnagora hit us. Within seconds the serenwilde group moved through the archway and hit us at the same time. Most of us died because there were like 20 guys trying to kill us. They tried the same tactic again later that day, but we just cubixed out.
Sure, like Shorlen said, it may not have been serenwilde leadership that asked for help. Sure, you guys might not even want the help. But, when a leading fighter of your organization involves such a large number of another org's fighters in defending your plane, or, going off the death sense idea, the leader of another org jumps onto your plane to fight enemies he -knows- are raiding you, that's cooperation, officiated or not. And actually, I think it was Athana who clued in the Mags about our presence.
After yesterday, it looks like you don't even care about defending faethorn anymore, cause there's no harm that Celest can do to you from there. Meh.
Anyone else think that enchanters should be allowed in communes and alchemists allowed in cities? It can fit the RP, and would allow for a much more politically dynamic and fluid stage. Right now, no org can afford to not enlist the services of another, in one form or another.
I'd honestly really like to have a cities versus communes fight, with Celest still fighting with Mag off and on.
Shorlen2006-09-03 14:01:16
QUOTE(Nico @ Sep 3 2006, 09:53 AM) 327278
After yesterday, it looks like you don't even care about defending faethorn anymore, cause there's no harm that Celest can be do to you from there. Meh.
Naw, we just realized that we could dreamweave in and see if you were attacking the Fae. If you were, then we get Glom to make the war a 3v1

I do wish there was a plausible way that orgs could stand on their own, but meh...
Ashteru2006-09-03 14:10:07
Actually, our Nihilists and Geomancers always scout if we see that most of your main guys are offplane, Nico. If I see you on ethereal, I sometimes go and look if you are sitting all in one room or if I could sneakattack one of you, but alas. And sometimes Daev thinks about hitting you, just because you are in a nice room to get hit. It's like pre-emptive against a Nil attack.
If there'd be any calling for help going on, I'd know, but there isn't.
If there'd be any calling for help going on, I'd know, but there isn't.