Ista2006-09-03 18:52:38
QUOTE(Athana @ Sep 3 2006, 11:07 AM) 327301
I hate that a big reason for why I joined Seren OOCly was to be with Ix and now I barely see him anymore... maybe I should just disappear too

But, but, I love you Athana! So stay, please?

Unknown2006-09-03 18:59:14
Well, I was nearly at the point on suiciding my character awhile ago, reasons where personal and will remain personal, much as I wanted to do so, I just can't press enter after typing SUICIDE. Dunno either I've been into this game for too long trying to prove an impossible task of being one of the legends in Lusternia who never bought credits and yet get to be strong as Ixion (which I consider my Mortal Enemy in my character's RP).
One thing I always notice is that whoever buys credits will be very VERY hard to beat and whoever is a programmer will get also credits by selling their curing system thus making them also hard to beat. Well I'm neither, not that rich nor that smart to make a curing system.
I'm just a simple guy who sings and dance along with a group of dancers and singers as well, get paid whenever the performance goes well and if it doesn't, well, better luck next time. A guy who lacks self confidence and a loner thus never had anyone close to him, well, except my parents, few trusted friends and my GF who took pity on my miserable life.
And yes I AM A GAME ADDICT, and most of the times when I'm into the game, I forgot all wordly needs to eat, sleep, drink, do exercise, etc. because of that I have changed a LOT: grew thin, zits all over my face, large eyebags etc.
This is probably the time I get to say thanks to all of you who made my gaming experience enjoyable, those who help me in basic programming, those that I learned (yes sometimes I apply what I learn in this game OOC like the teachings of Lord Lacostian of being neutral and all), those I fought with and against with, our cries, our joys, all those times together, and also gave me the interest in reading books and making stories...
Sorry also for pissing some people off like Nejii and Ethelon, as I said when I am into the game, I feel like I AM IN THE GAME thus whenever I felt like I'm losing or something, I'd blurt out everything I hate to them thus they snub me and probably hate me not only IC but OOC too. I deserve that and sometimes regret on what I'm doing with my life now.
It's 2:57 Am here, need to sleep and probably in the next morning I'd say goodbye to Turgeis. Probably doing so would make most of you guys happy cause I always whine a lot whenever I'm being beaten.
One thing I always notice is that whoever buys credits will be very VERY hard to beat and whoever is a programmer will get also credits by selling their curing system thus making them also hard to beat. Well I'm neither, not that rich nor that smart to make a curing system.
I'm just a simple guy who sings and dance along with a group of dancers and singers as well, get paid whenever the performance goes well and if it doesn't, well, better luck next time. A guy who lacks self confidence and a loner thus never had anyone close to him, well, except my parents, few trusted friends and my GF who took pity on my miserable life.
And yes I AM A GAME ADDICT, and most of the times when I'm into the game, I forgot all wordly needs to eat, sleep, drink, do exercise, etc. because of that I have changed a LOT: grew thin, zits all over my face, large eyebags etc.
This is probably the time I get to say thanks to all of you who made my gaming experience enjoyable, those who help me in basic programming, those that I learned (yes sometimes I apply what I learn in this game OOC like the teachings of Lord Lacostian of being neutral and all), those I fought with and against with, our cries, our joys, all those times together, and also gave me the interest in reading books and making stories...
Sorry also for pissing some people off like Nejii and Ethelon, as I said when I am into the game, I feel like I AM IN THE GAME thus whenever I felt like I'm losing or something, I'd blurt out everything I hate to them thus they snub me and probably hate me not only IC but OOC too. I deserve that and sometimes regret on what I'm doing with my life now.
It's 2:57 Am here, need to sleep and probably in the next morning I'd say goodbye to Turgeis. Probably doing so would make most of you guys happy cause I always whine a lot whenever I'm being beaten.
Unknown2006-09-03 19:04:40
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 3 2006, 11:48 AM) 327343
Celest never turned Serenwilde against us...
Serenwilde did that just fine on their own.
What I mean by that is in the History Celest was the cause of the taint, thus why Serenwilde turned on us because we were not "normal" and thus a threat to nature. I understand where many of your post are coming from Xenthos, but...meh, nevermind.
Xenthos2006-09-03 19:18:54
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Sep 3 2006, 03:04 PM) 327348
What I mean by that is in the History Celest was the cause of the taint, thus why Serenwilde turned on us because we were not "normal" and thus a threat to nature. I understand where many of your post are coming from Xenthos, but...meh, nevermind.
What you have to understand is that we're *not* tainted, though, ICly, and never have been since Lady Viravain. Celest had nothing to do with it. Their actions killed the old Gloriana, but we don't live in the Gloriana. We live in the Glomdoring, which exists only because Lady Viravain brought it to life.
Our forest's current status has nothing to do with Celest at all, simply Lady Viravain and Her actions. Serenwilde's entire "you're tainted!" thing is, ICly, biased rubbish that has absolutely no basis whatsoever, it just allows them to hate us without requiring real reason or thought.
Ialie2006-09-03 19:28:59
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 3 2006, 03:18 PM) 327352
What you have to understand is that we're *not* tainted, though, ICly, and never have been since Lady Viravain. Celest had nothing to do with it. Their actions killed the old Gloriana, but we don't live in the Gloriana. We live in the Glomdoring, which exists only because Lady Viravain brought it to life.
Our forest's current status has nothing to do with Celest at all, simply Lady Viravain and Her actions. Serenwilde's entire "you're tainted!" thing is, ICly, biased rubbish that has absolutely no basis whatsoever, it just allows them to hate us without requiring real reason or thought.
There was thriving flora and fauna in Glomdoring before Viravain.
Xenthos2006-09-03 19:31:34
QUOTE(Ialie @ Sep 3 2006, 03:28 PM) 327355
There was thriving flora and fauna in Glomdoring before Viravain.
The heart and soul of the forest lay dead. Night's Avatars were bound away, whenever Crow was raised he was a tormented spirit in pain who was abused by those who wished to use Him and bend Him to their will.
While some of the actual plant life was living, there was no *spirit* in the forest, just death and pain. Note that Crow now is FAR, FAR different than he was before Viravain's return.
Charune2006-09-03 19:33:13
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 3 2006, 01:18 PM) 327352
What you have to understand is that we're *not* tainted, though, ICly, and never have been since Lady Viravain. Celest had nothing to do with it. Their actions killed the old Gloriana, but we don't live in the Gloriana. We live in the Glomdoring, which exists only because Lady Viravain brought it to life.
Our forest's current status has nothing to do with Celest at all, simply Lady Viravain and Her actions. Serenwilde's entire "you're tainted!" thing is, ICly, biased rubbish that has absolutely no basis whatsoever, it just allows them to hate us without requiring real reason or thought.
Did someone forget a certain Celest Goddess named Isune?
Xenthos2006-09-03 19:36:39
QUOTE(Charune @ Sep 3 2006, 03:33 PM) 327360
Did someone forget a certain Celest Goddess named Isune?
Eh. True enough.
Mostly because she's gone again.

But, frankly, that would be a case of Celest *helping* the forest, though it wasn't the city so much as one Goddess who wished to help.
Thank you for pointing that out, however!
Unknown2006-09-03 19:39:33
Well, maybe I should have worded that differently, but Celest did have an effect on the way Seren saw Glom. Cause and effect. Celest releases Kethuru, accidently blah blah, Gloriana gets "tainted" dies, Glom rises, Seren goes "OMG!! Weirdo forest, unnatural! Threat!" and thus we have our standings. I'm known for not being able to word things so they work out how I want them to. I didn't mean to start a semi-arguement.
Charune2006-09-03 19:44:40
I think what you are forgetting overall is that Glomdoring is perfectly justified in saying they are not Tainted, while Serenwilde is perfectly justified in saying the Wyrd is just another form of Taint.
Ice becomes water becomes steam, but they are all forms of water. That is more the view Serenwilde has. Glomdoring's view, and I admit I don't pay as much attention to Glomdoring as I used to so I could be wrong, is that Ice and Water are not the same thing.
You both have very good reasons for arguing your differences but saying Serenwilde's "you are tainted" statement is the be all end all of their arguement is missing the IC reasons they say it.
Ice becomes water becomes steam, but they are all forms of water. That is more the view Serenwilde has. Glomdoring's view, and I admit I don't pay as much attention to Glomdoring as I used to so I could be wrong, is that Ice and Water are not the same thing.
You both have very good reasons for arguing your differences but saying Serenwilde's "you are tainted" statement is the be all end all of their arguement is missing the IC reasons they say it.
Xenthos2006-09-03 19:49:44
QUOTE(Charune @ Sep 3 2006, 03:44 PM) 327363
I think what you are forgetting overall is that Glomdoring is perfectly justified in saying they are not Tainted, while Serenwilde is perfectly justified in saying the Wyrd is just another form of Taint.
Ice becomes water becomes steam, but they are all forms of water. That is more the view Serenwilde has. Glomdoring's view, and I admit I don't pay as much attention to Glomdoring as I used to so I could be wrong, is that Ice and Water are not the same thing.
You both have very good reasons for arguing your differences but saying Serenwilde's "you are tainted" statement is the be all end all of their arguement is missing the IC reasons they say it.
Actually, I'm not forgetting that at all. I'm trying very carefully to ensure that I'm speaking about our IC beliefs here.
OOCly, I do understand that the forest looks much the same (with a few key differences), Serenwilders didn't experience things the same way we did, and so on. I understand that it's VERY ambiguous OOCly.
I'm discussing the claim that we could ICly hate Celest for what they did to us, when IC they didn't do anything at all to the forest we actually live in (excepting Isune's assistance, of course!), by everything that we believe/know to be true. Now, we can hate them because they're a city. We definitely don't trust them overly much, hence why we required so many things be "set in stone" so to say instead of leaving lots of loose ends.
Unknown2006-09-03 19:53:04
I won't get into the Wyrd/taint argument, but I will say one thing. I've seen that Glomdorings (somewhat) respects the Serenwilde. They know Serenwilde is nature too who follow the (miss)guiding teachings of a spirit of nature. They seem to hate the SerenwildeRS who they concider traitors and hypocrits.
I really like that view they have and it allows an uneasy alliance or at least a somewhat tolerance between the two communes. I would love to have Orti rise into some power in Serenwilde and have a mistrusted friendship with Xenthos(who rocks btw)
Shayle, while a good person, tends to be a little bossy.
I really like that view they have and it allows an uneasy alliance or at least a somewhat tolerance between the two communes. I would love to have Orti rise into some power in Serenwilde and have a mistrusted friendship with Xenthos(who rocks btw)
Shayle, while a good person, tends to be a little bossy.
Xenthos2006-09-03 19:54:41
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 3 2006, 03:53 PM) 327365
I won't get into the Wyrd/taint argument, but I will say one thing. I've seen that Glomdorings (somewhat) respects the Serenwilde. They know they are nature and they follow the (miss)guiding teachings of a spirit of nature. They seem to hate the SerenwildeRS who they concider traitors and hypocrits.

Charune2006-09-03 20:03:56
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 3 2006, 01:49 PM) 327364
Actually, I'm not forgetting that at all. I'm trying very carefully to ensure that I'm speaking about our IC beliefs here.
OOCly, I do understand that the forest looks much the same (with a few key differences), Serenwilders didn't experience things the same way we did, and so on. I understand that it's VERY ambiguous OOCly.
I'm discussing the claim that we could ICly hate Celest for what they did to us, when IC they didn't do anything at all to the forest we actually live in (excepting Isune's assistance, of course!), by everything that we believe/know to be true. Now, we can hate them because they're a city. We definitely don't trust them overly much, hence why we required so many things be "set in stone" so to say instead of leaving lots of loose ends.
Then I apologise for misunderstanding what you were saying. On the "must hate this org for this situation" I agree with you. The histories are just that, histories, they can be the driving force of your RP or they can be something that happened long ago but you create your own futures based on the present. Serenwilde has played nice with both Celest and Magnagora. Glomdoring the same thing. Circumstances change from time to time and I actually like the dynamic that the Commune/Cities have. Never fully agreeing with their counterpart, but differing situations can cause them to alter their relations with one or both of the cities/communes.
Unknown2006-09-03 20:05:38
QUOTE(Charune @ Sep 3 2006, 12:44 PM) 327363
I think what you are forgetting overall is that Glomdoring is perfectly justified in saying they are not Tainted, while Serenwilde is perfectly justified in saying the Wyrd is just another form of Taint.
Ice becomes water becomes steam, but they are all forms of water. That is more the view Serenwilde has. Glomdoring's view, and I admit I don't pay as much attention to Glomdoring as I used to so I could be wrong, is that Ice and Water are not the same thing.
You both have very good reasons for arguing your differences but saying Serenwilde's "you are tainted" statement is the be all end all of their arguement is missing the IC reasons they say it.
Actually, i've always ithought of it a bit differently:
The Taint is a sum of its parts, just like water is both Oxygen and Hydrogen, both of which are highly flammable and explosive alone, but which put out fire when put together.
So, rather than saying Glomdoring is water turned to ice, I'd say it is water having been split into hydrogen and oxygen, with other substances mixed in, to create a whole new substance. Does it have some of the same components as water? Yes. But is it water any more, or retain any of its original characteristics? Doubtful.
It would be like someone causing a tank of hydrogen to explode, and because there was oxygen around the tank, saying that you just detonated water.
Shayle2006-09-03 20:15:53
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 3 2006, 03:53 PM) 327365
Shayle, while a good person, tends to be a little bossy.
While I am flattered by the AWESOME POWER I seem to impress on all of my "antifan club," Shayle is just a mortal character like everyone else. And, in case everyone's forgotten, she is a character, and I am not.
There are so many threads right now with Shayle/player of Shayle bashing, it's actually making me sad.

That's my rant.
Acrune2006-09-03 20:19:12
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 3 2006, 04:15 PM) 327372
That's my rant.

Unknown2006-09-03 20:19:50
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 3 2006, 03:15 PM) 327372
While I am flattered by the AWESOME POWER I seem to impress on all of my "antifan club," Shayle is just a mortal character like everyone else. And, in case everyone's forgotten, she is a character, and I am not.
There are so many threads right now with Shayle/player of Shayle bashing, it's actually making me sad.

That's my rant.
but you ARE bossy

Narsrim2006-09-03 20:23:32
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 3 2006, 04:15 PM) 327372
While I am flattered by the AWESOME POWER I seem to impress on all of my "antifan club," Shayle is just a mortal character like everyone else. And, in case everyone's forgotten, she is a character, and I am not.
There are so many threads right now with Shayle/player of Shayle bashing, it's actually making me sad.

That's my rant.
Shayle is a BOSS:
Hey ya.
You don't have to love me
You don't even have to like me
But you will respect me
You know why?
Cuz I'm a boss!
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch that beat go...
I'm bossy
I'm the first girl to scream on a track
I switched up the beat of the drum
That's right, I brought all the boys to the yard
And that's right, I'm the one that's tattooed on his arm
I'm bossy
I'm the bitch you love to hate
I'm the chick that's raised the stake
I told young stunna he should switch to bape
I'm back with an 808 'cause I'm bossy
Ooh, lemme slow it down for ya so you can catch the flow (catch the flow)
Screw it up make it go extra slow (extra slow)
Real girls get down on the flo' (on the flo' get down, on the flo')
Ooh, I gave you a taste you want some more (touch down)
On it like a pro
I ride the beat like a bicycle, icicle
Ooh, from the 6-4 hefers up in crenshaw
The money makin playas up in Harlem
Don't want no problem
We gon' keep it bumpin while the 808 is jumpin
Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill
Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill
Ooh, (I bet, I bet) I bet cha neva heard it like this before (this before)
My baby be cruisin them phantom doors (phantom doors)
Got the bar poppin this that you can't afford (can't afford)
Ooh, I'm drinkin, blastin the crowds, it's all smokin
All the while I'm all open
Me and my girls we stay fly and we love to stay high
Ooh, from the 6-4 hefers up in crenshaw
To the money makin playas up in Harlem
Don't want no problems
We gon' keep it bumpin while the 808 is jumpin
Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill
Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill
It's 'bout time that she get with me
Can't stop starin, she's fine and she's pretty
Damn girl, don't hurt 'em
If niggas don't get back, you gon work 'em
Put your mack down, I know your background
What chu want girl, you gettin mad now
That's how you do it, huh?
Well I'm the coolest one
In fact, it's in the back bring 'em to the front (bitch)
Tell that man you's a boss, bitch
Make some noise, raise your hand if you's a boss, bitch
I don't think he understands you's a boss, bitch
Get some help if you can 'cause he lost it
Ain't no refunds, she spent the cash mayne
In your Benz with her friends in the fast lane
Flossin, you say "How much it cost me?"
About a million dollars playa, she's bossy
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh...
Shayle2006-09-03 20:26:17
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 3 2006, 04:19 PM) 327374
but you ARE bossy

I was more annoyed by the way you added it onto the end of your rant for apparantly no reason at all. Just for the sake of getting in a shot on Shayle. I'm really not the Queen of the Night OOC. I actually have feelings, and they are starting to be hurt by the constant nastiness here on the forums.