Unknown2006-09-03 20:27:50
I think Shayle being bossy is nessicary, since quite a few people aren't willing to listen so that brings out the boss in a person, ya know.
Unknown2006-09-03 20:39:29
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 3 2006, 04:26 PM) 327376
I was more annoyed by the way you added it onto the end of your rant for apparantly no reason at all. Just for the sake of getting in a shot on Shayle. I'm really not the Queen of the Night OOC. I actually have feelings, and they are starting to be hurt by the constant nastiness here on the forums.

Unknown2006-09-03 20:41:30
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 3 2006, 03:26 PM) 327376
I was more annoyed by the way you added it onto the end of your rant for apparantly no reason at all. Just for the sake of getting in a shot on Shayle. I'm really not the Queen of the Night OOC. I actually have feelings, and they are starting to be hurt by the constant nastiness here on the forums.
that's due to me writing half of what I'm thinking
I was comparing Xenthos and you. Both of you are the main figures of Glomdoring politics to the outside world. Xenthos' more calm and smooth while Shayle tends to act more bossy and harsh.
IC I've seen Xenthos as a noble warrior. Orti's opinion like my own is that no matter who are you going to fight for, if you fight with honour, respect and at least fight good, you will have Orti's respect. He's foremost a Warrior. He would cut heads than debate matters. I tend to put Warriors(read Paladins and the other Guards) on a higher light than Guardians or Mages so I'm biased. I also feel that those that I respect tend to have a similar way of thinking.
And if you notice, Orti will reffer to Xenthos as "Crow Master" due to him being the only known Crow Ebonguard.
So I think I would rather sit and talk to Xenthos than talk to Shayle. But this is IC bias
Nico2006-09-03 20:42:01
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 3 2006, 02:38 PM) 327339
Nico's known for editing quotes

Lies! Lies I tell ya!!

Ok so I've edited a few in my time, but I don't think I've ever vastly changed the meaning of what I had I said in doing so. I mostly clarify a poorly worded sentence or two.

Shayle2006-09-03 20:49:39
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 3 2006, 04:41 PM) 327381
I was comparing Xenthos and you. Both of you are the main figures of Glomdoring politics to the outside world. Xenthos' more calm and smooth while Shayle tends to act more bossy and harsh.
Yes, there is a reason for that. Oh well.
Xenthos knows how I feel about this, IC and OOC. Thank you for helping me prove my point to him.

Geb2006-09-03 21:26:20
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Sep 3 2006, 08:53 AM) 327243
OOCly, I think it's wonderful that alliances and friendships change over the years, and that the game isn't stagnant like I precieved Achaea to be when I played it. Serenwilde and Celest have very few reasons to hate each other from the histories, but every other org has a good reason to hate every other org. Now, every org has a good reason to hate every org, and so we are free to make alliances where we wish to. We can't say "We can't ally with Mag because they're evil!" when we see Celest as just as evil, and Glom as just as evil. The Moondancer's belief that the taint is intrinsically harmful to nature is no longer a swaying one, since Celest has done just as much to harm Nature now, if not more, in our eyes.
Because all IC reasons to be friendly with Celest faded, and because we aren't so naive IC as to believe isolationism is the way in the modern world, we now have reason to be friendly with any group. The lesser of three evils, it is.
Besides, helping a group we know will (and has!) backstab us at the most advantageous opportunity is FUN. (on an OOC level, of course)
This is a better more fleshed out reason than what you stated in your previous post. I thank you for clearing it up for me.
Ixion2006-09-03 21:58:02
QUOTE(Athana @ Sep 3 2006, 01:07 PM) 327301
I hate that a big reason for why I joined Seren OOCly was to be with Ix and now I barely see him anymore... maybe I should just disappear too

I was in realms today!!

Diamondais2006-09-04 00:16:30
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 3 2006, 04:15 PM) 327372
While I am flattered by the AWESOME POWER I seem to impress on all of my "antifan club," Shayle is just a mortal character like everyone else. And, in case everyone's forgotten, she is a character, and I am not.
There are so many threads right now with Shayle/player of Shayle bashing, it's actually making me sad.

That's my rant.
I dont understand why that is, the Shayle bashing, you were always nice to my alt Mortha (I might of made her into a main but..I kinda went inactive after that) and you were even nice to Dia, I cant remember the exact reason, I remember it had something to do with her not giving a damn about Taint.

Every experience Ive had in the game where youve had part has always made me like Glomdoring more and more because youre a really great person at heart, doesnt matter if you can be bossy, and youre helpful.
Stop bashing on Shayle!

Furien2006-09-04 03:16:39

I understand that they won't just let me go, but, god damnit.

Diamondais2006-09-04 03:21:00
QUOTE(Furien @ Sep 3 2006, 11:16 PM) 327527

I understand that they won't just let me go, but, god damnit.

Shiri2006-09-04 03:23:37
Probably wasn't spy-related.
The raid was lame though. Now I want beckon/currents/hailstorm. Even 2 of the three would be good.
The raid was lame though. Now I want beckon/currents/hailstorm. Even 2 of the three would be good.

Vix2006-09-04 03:25:17
Diamondais2006-09-04 03:26:13
QUOTE(Shiri @ Sep 3 2006, 11:23 PM) 327533
Probably wasn't spy-related.
The raid was lame though. Now I want beckon/currents/hailstorm. Even 2 of the three would be good.

Letting us break would be nice too.

Unknown2006-09-04 03:58:40
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 3 2006, 01:19 PM) 327310
I trueground wyrd out of Faethorn, too.
And yes, I use trueground quite often in Faethorn, and then have to lecture little Hartstoners who happily go right over my hard work.

One, it doesn't hurt faethorn, you're just bs'ing that(that's your perogative IC, but keep it off the forums), two, the only place she doesn't want us to demense is her tree.. which, is actually the only place we should demense because there is a room which is odd (due to the way you enter the tree) that it has no natural trees above it and the willowisp in there likes to be aligned to moon and likes to flee to that little spot that if you go there are no trees and you fall down breaking your legs.. and you try again and you run out of mending solve so you start using your healing skill, and then you turn around and you've run out of bromides and it's taken so long because it keeps fleeing and then it resets elsewhere.

QUOTE(Narsrim @ Sep 3 2006, 02:28 PM) 327332
Given you were a significant factor that catalyzed the war, I'd say you aren't likely to find peace by just changing organizations.
Stop trying to make her feel bad for something she didn't do, if the characters Athana and Ixion never were made the celest/serenwilde war would still have been well on it's way to starting, if not already started at this time.
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 3 2006, 03:18 PM) 327352
Serenwilde's entire "you're tainted!" thing is, ICly, biased rubbish that has absolutely no basis whatsoever, it just allows them to hate us without requiring real reason or thought.
erm, you're ooc here you know you can drop the whole act, glomdoring -was- tainted, viravain's whole earlier RP was 'meh, we're tainted but I don't see it so I'll go crazy and slap our enemies around who insist we are'. There was a -lot- of basis and it's not rubbish, it takes time for people to change (the serenwilde most of all) but don't let that make you try to erase the past OOC just because it's your RP IC to completely ignore a past(go go False Memory) a past which had glomdoring being super-tainty. Also, if you're trying to say we still view the glomdoring as bland tainted then you're wrong as well.
A little side note concerning what Sarvasti brought up, if you believe that the celest/celestian sympathizers in the seren connection doesn’t have any connection to the relationship between glom and seren then you’re a bit wrong about that too. It’s one of the things that surprised me so much when the treaty was announced between celest(the group that was most anti glom in the seren) and glomdoring, right after we oasted that group –to- celest.

QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 3 2006, 04:49 PM) 327384
Yes, there is a reason for that. Oh well.
Typical good-cop bad-cop, you flail your arms and scream while xenthos says "oh, but wouldn't this be better?" and before anyone knows it they've signed their soul over to glomdoring and are forced to work cleaning up harpy poop off the forest floor for three decades.

Xenthos2006-09-04 04:07:19
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Sep 3 2006, 11:58 PM) 327579
One, it doesn't hurt faethorn, you're just bs'ing that(that's your perogative IC, but keep it off the forums), two, the only place she doesn't want us to demense is her tree..
erm, you're ooc here you know you can drop the whole act, glomdoring -was- tainted, viravain's whole earlier RP was 'meh, we're tainted but I don't see it so I'll go crazy and slap our enemies around who insist we are'. There was a -lot- of basis and it's not rubbish, it takes time for people to change (the serenwilde most of all) but don't let that make you try to erase the past OOC just because it's your RP IC to completely ignore a past(go go False Memory) a past which had glomdoring being super-tainty. Also, if you're trying to say we still view the glomdoring as bland tainted then you're wrong as well.
First, your original opening is wrong.
You close your eyes and let your etheric senses reach out to touch the spirit of the ground. You find the environment here rebels against being forest, and so you let its true nature reveal itself as that of sylvan forest.
Feel free to trueground for yourself. That's not BSing, or IC bias, or anything. Faethorn itself rebels against having a different forest layered over it-- that's how trueground works, by sensing that rebellion and assisting it in returning to its natural state.
Two: Of course I'm OOC here, that entire discussion was based on our IC beliefs, in response to another poster discussing how our IC beliefs should be different. I've even clarified that later. Please read before you waste your time in a long, very pointless rant.

Unknown2006-09-04 04:13:49
It would be nice if that message was made more neutral.
Xenthos2006-09-04 04:14:41
QUOTE(Avaer @ Sep 4 2006, 12:13 AM) 327591
It would be nice if that message was made more neutral.
No it wouldn't!

Unknown2006-09-04 04:17:47
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 4 2006, 04:14 AM) 327592
No it wouldn't!

Well, it would be just as bad if it said
"You find the sanctity of the environment defiled by the flooding waters, and remove the corruption."
Xenthos2006-09-04 04:18:56
QUOTE(Avaer @ Sep 4 2006, 12:17 AM) 327594
Well, it would be just as bad if it said
"You find the sanctity of the environment defiled by the flooding waters, and remove the corruption."
I like that one too! But it makes less sense than the current one, because I don't really have the power to remove corruption, while helping the environment break past the ethereal-imprint layered over it to resume its true state is far more feasible.
Unknown2006-09-04 04:23:54
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 4 2006, 04:18 AM) 327595
I like that one too! But it makes less sense than the current one, because I don't really have the power to remove corruption, while helping the environment break past the ethereal-imprint layered over it to resume its true state is far more feasible.
Except neither makes sense. Flooding has nothing to do with defiling or corruption.
Casting forest is about drawing the Ethereal magics to a location, that's aligning it more closely with the spirits of nature. I cannot in any sense see why natural terrain would reject itself. The message is from Glom's viewpoint.
Hartstone do not see it as imposing their way over the natural surroundings, with the obvious exception of glom-forest. We make the foliage healthier and stronger, or if there's no trees, we just make a mirage-like reflection in the air.
Like the message that said 'The taint seeps out of the location' when glom-forest is removed (which was biased towards Serenwilde's IC views rather than reality), this message also needs to change.