Laysus2006-09-05 20:30:47
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Sep 5 2006, 08:04 PM) 328149
dood, you don't try hard enough.
Xenthos dives head-first into the undergrowth. A few seconds later, he stumbles back out, clutching his head.
Unknown2006-09-05 20:42:32
QUOTE(Cuber @ Sep 5 2006, 03:28 PM) 328171
Beckon is very easy to stop even without knights blocking.
Doesn't make it any less annoying when it's beckon summon beckon beckon hailstorm beckon beckon hailstorm hailstorm beckon beckon hailstorm summon beckon beckon hailstorm for 10 minutes.

Diamondais2006-09-05 20:48:37
I hate coming home from my first day of school, signing on, hearing calls about raids, being ignored when asking a question, finding out my online course has homework which I need to do before tomorrow, being treated like an idiot because I misunderstood Kalodans question because I thought he was asking who the raiders were in etherseren and then to top it off, while Im leaving I say demesne is gone and asked where I had it when I plainly asked over SEG if I should have one and was ignored.
Long sentence, irritated over little things.
Long sentence, irritated over little things.
Everiine2006-09-05 20:50:51
Ditto. Then again, whenever Kalodan is involved, I tend to have to rant.
Diamondais2006-09-05 20:56:34
QUOTE(Everiine @ Sep 5 2006, 04:50 PM) 328207
Ditto. Then again, whenever Kalodan is involved, I tend to have to rant.
I was fine with him up until now, as Dia he irritated me..must be the stress of being in school again. Just must be. Even though I like my courses and my teachers and anythings better than summer..

Unknown2006-09-05 21:17:44
The one thing I hold against Ibby is that she picked Kyle to be Kalodan's player >.<
He ruined such a huge part of the RP I created for Jairdan just by being himself.

He ruined such a huge part of the RP I created for Jairdan just by being himself.

Laysus2006-09-05 21:25:02
I always said he should've been Laysus' kid 

Ista2006-09-05 21:31:58
QUOTE(Aiwendil @ Sep 5 2006, 11:25 AM) 328106
Ista: I think that guy just has a huge ego. *states the obvious*

You know, I think you're right.
Shorlen2006-09-05 21:34:39
QUOTE(Ista @ Sep 5 2006, 05:31 PM) 328222
You know, I think you're right.
Well, you know what you do against people with big egos? Hit them with swords or toadcurse them.

Hazar2006-09-05 21:46:50
I have two orders of business regarding the Ebonguard. First and foremost, the Ebonguard maintains that it's merely trying to make this world a better place in which to live. Perhaps it would be best for it to awaken from its delusional narcoleptic fantasyland and observe that if it were paying attention -- which it would seem it is not, as I've already gone over this -- it'd see that it's easy to tell if it's lying. If its lips are moving, it's lying. It has long been obvious to attentive observers that the Ebonguard's maneuvers must not go unchallenged. But did you know that before I knew anything about it, I was once an onlooker at a few of the Ebonguard's mass demonstrations, without possessing even the slightest insight into the mentality of its forces or the nature of its circulars? The Ebonguard doesn't want you to know that because its sound bites reflect a duplicitous bias that will sentence more and more people to poverty, prison, and early death by next weekend. So don't feed me any phony baloney about how 75 million years ago, a Soulless named Xenu solved the overpopulation problem of his 76-planet federation by transporting the excess people to Lusternia, chaining them to volcanoes, and dropping Kethuru on them. That's just not true.
The Ebonguard sometimes uses the word "schizosaccharomycetaceae" when describing its quips. Beware! This is a buzzword designed for emotional response. The Ebonguard believes that we should abandon the institutionalized and revered concept of warfare. That's just wrong. It further believes that anyone who disagrees with it is ultimately noisome. Wrong again! Finally, to those of you who are faithfully helping me give war a chance, let me extend, as always, my deepest gratitude and my most affectionate regards.
The Ebonguard sometimes uses the word "schizosaccharomycetaceae" when describing its quips. Beware! This is a buzzword designed for emotional response. The Ebonguard believes that we should abandon the institutionalized and revered concept of warfare. That's just wrong. It further believes that anyone who disagrees with it is ultimately noisome. Wrong again! Finally, to those of you who are faithfully helping me give war a chance, let me extend, as always, my deepest gratitude and my most affectionate regards.
Ashteru2006-09-05 21:49:10 are talking about Scientology, right?
Unknown2006-09-05 21:49:23
Not really a rant, but more of curiosity. Why is it that some people who get the killing blow on like a Supernal or some such put it into their forum sigs? I mean, yeah, wow you get the last blow on this big ol' person, go you! I dunno, but its just seems to me like rubbing salt on an open wound.
If you're a little over sensitive, you may want to skip the rest of this. Society has become way to tolerant of this type of behaviour, people threatening to hurt themselves or kill themselves just to get attention or whatever it is they want. And we play along with it because we don't want to waste human life or something like that. Seriously, let the emos hurt themselves and maybe they'll stop wasting everyone's time. Address the problem at the root level, what people seem to think is acceptable. There's a really poor joke out there that attempted suicide should be punishable by death. Horrible thought, but people don't really want to die, they just attempt suicide for the attention. Maybe it should be punishable by institutionalization, that's a little more reasonable, and has a chance of doing them some good.
Our "enlightened" state as humans is good and all, but natural selection works for a reason. A depressive gazelle is just lunch for the next lion that happens by. When life is a struggle, you learn to struggle with it and be happy.
Sorry if I've offended anyone with this, or if you have had situations of suicide or people with problems that have been close to you. I don't mean to hurt, but to say that we're not making things any better.
Its a small percentile of suicidals who do actually want to die, but its still there. I do agree, that society has become tolerant of "emos/goths/etc." and that it has become the "in" thing, which isn't good. Ignoring people who act suicidal isn't going to help the problem, infact it tends to make it worse. The problem should be addressed, never ignored. People think that if we just ignore something, it'll go away. In a sense, it does but truthfully, it goes somewhere else and gets worse. We need to learn how to work together, and make our home, our planet, a better, safer place. We need to learn how to take yet return. Most people just take, take, take without giving back to what we take from. If our society wasn't so...oppressive and so harsh I don't think we'd have all those people who are suicide or emo or whatever you want to call it. Yes, life's harsh, but it doesn't have to be.
If you're a little over sensitive, you may want to skip the rest of this. Society has become way to tolerant of this type of behaviour, people threatening to hurt themselves or kill themselves just to get attention or whatever it is they want. And we play along with it because we don't want to waste human life or something like that. Seriously, let the emos hurt themselves and maybe they'll stop wasting everyone's time. Address the problem at the root level, what people seem to think is acceptable. There's a really poor joke out there that attempted suicide should be punishable by death. Horrible thought, but people don't really want to die, they just attempt suicide for the attention. Maybe it should be punishable by institutionalization, that's a little more reasonable, and has a chance of doing them some good.
Our "enlightened" state as humans is good and all, but natural selection works for a reason. A depressive gazelle is just lunch for the next lion that happens by. When life is a struggle, you learn to struggle with it and be happy.
Sorry if I've offended anyone with this, or if you have had situations of suicide or people with problems that have been close to you. I don't mean to hurt, but to say that we're not making things any better.
Its a small percentile of suicidals who do actually want to die, but its still there. I do agree, that society has become tolerant of "emos/goths/etc." and that it has become the "in" thing, which isn't good. Ignoring people who act suicidal isn't going to help the problem, infact it tends to make it worse. The problem should be addressed, never ignored. People think that if we just ignore something, it'll go away. In a sense, it does but truthfully, it goes somewhere else and gets worse. We need to learn how to work together, and make our home, our planet, a better, safer place. We need to learn how to take yet return. Most people just take, take, take without giving back to what we take from. If our society wasn't so...oppressive and so harsh I don't think we'd have all those people who are suicide or emo or whatever you want to call it. Yes, life's harsh, but it doesn't have to be.
Ashteru2006-09-05 21:52:54
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Sep 5 2006, 09:49 PM) 328243
Its a small percentile of suicidals who do actually want to die, but its still there. I do agree, that society has become tolerant of "emos/goths/etc." and that it has become the "in" thing, which isn't good. Ignoring people who act suicidal isn't going to help the problem, infact it tends to make it worse. The problem should be addressed, never ignored. People think that if we just ignore something, it'll go away. In a sense, it does but truthfully, it goes somewhere else and gets worse. We need to learn how to work together, and make our home, our planet, a better, safer place. We need to learn how to take yet return. Most people just take, take, take without giving back to what we take from. If our society wasn't so...oppressive and so harsh I don't think we'd have all those people who are suicide or emo or whatever you want to call it. Yes, life's harsh, but it doesn't have to be.

Hazar2006-09-05 21:54:40
He says that to every girl that talks about saving emo people.
Unknown2006-09-05 21:54:53
Please seperate Neo-goths and Neo-emo from Goth and Emo.
Gothic = romanticism of death, but not actually wanting to die. True goth is one of the greatest examples of loving life that there is, because you're getting over fears and actually experiencing life. That's the whole point. You don't fear what you find beautiful.
Emo = a term taken from emotional alternative rock, like Dashboard Confessionals and Deathcab for Cutie. Again, not suicidal in the least. Real emo is about expressing emotion and dealing with it, not about keeping it bottled up or taking it out on yourself.
If anything, our "elightened" society needs to get their terminology right.

Gothic = romanticism of death, but not actually wanting to die. True goth is one of the greatest examples of loving life that there is, because you're getting over fears and actually experiencing life. That's the whole point. You don't fear what you find beautiful.
Emo = a term taken from emotional alternative rock, like Dashboard Confessionals and Deathcab for Cutie. Again, not suicidal in the least. Real emo is about expressing emotion and dealing with it, not about keeping it bottled up or taking it out on yourself.
If anything, our "elightened" society needs to get their terminology right.

Ashteru2006-09-05 21:55:11
QUOTE(Hazar @ Sep 5 2006, 09:54 PM) 328246
He says that to every girl that talks about saving emo people.

Laysus2006-09-05 21:58:10
QUOTE(Fallen @ Sep 5 2006, 10:54 PM) 328247
Goth = romanticism of death, but not actually wanting to die. True goth is one of the greatest examples of loving life that there is, because you're getting over fears and actually experiencing life. That's the whole point. You don't fear what you find beautiful.
Goth has so many definitions it's funny. In the end I just settled with "What I am."
Daganev2006-09-05 21:58:48
Goth means you have cool arches in your house. End of story.
Hazar2006-09-05 21:59:28
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Sep 5 2006, 04:55 PM) 328248

Goddamn chauvanist patriarchal stone-age throwback.
Unknown2006-09-05 21:59:44
QUOTE(Laysus @ Sep 5 2006, 02:58 PM) 328252
Goth has so many definitions it's funny. In the end I just settled with "What I am."
Actually, I meant Gothic up there. Need to change that. Goth and Gothic are different. Goth is based on 70's punk subculture. Gothic is what I stated above, but its what people call goth.