Narsrim2006-09-10 01:53:28
QUOTE(Cuber @ Sep 9 2006, 09:36 PM) 329643
Yeah, but they can adjust and try not to cause so much grief. When I raided I never went out of my own to kill defenders, unless they were a direct threat (direct means they're in the same room as you and attack you). And I know that there're people in New Celest who attack everyone on the plane not in a safe room - I remember some of them doing so when they were in Serenwilde, in fact.
But hey, I don't expect everyone to be as stupidly-"noble" as I am.
EDIT: Multi-ninja. Let's try to add something before more posts show up.
I believe that Serenwilde shouldn't end this war by making any pacts with New Celest. It's better to die than to be beaten and lose dignity - that's what Aerenna believed ICly, that's what I believe OOCly.
And yes, Serenwilde does suck when there's 5 Serens around (3 of whom novices) and are forced to fight against 6-8 raiders.
QUOTE(Malicia's/Narsrim's words of wisdom for Cuber)
What are you saying? You mean to say that the fact that we cannot meld on Ethereal isn't enough of a deterrent? Or liveforest? You mean to say that it is dishonourable to defend yourself during a raid, when facing so many other odds? Ethereal Serenwilde is a deathtrap almost and it takes good planning to get in, do what needs to be done and leave. Magnagorans used to sit and raid Celestia for hours and Faethorn as well, until the point of player exhaustion and complete frustration. Celest does not do this. And even so, we are at war and as Vesar has stated a hundred million times on these boards and IC, where all of this belongs, the Serenwilde refuses to do a thing to end the war. If you don't want to fight, stop the war. Don't expect other organizations to bow down to the bull-headed politics of other organizations. If Lusternia upsets you, don't play. Those who are involved are playing it out like it needs to be played out. Everyone needs to stop bringing their problems to the forums and take care of it IC. Most people are having fun and I just want to add that the negativity I see here hurts Lusternia as a whole and does nothing to increase our playerbase.
Rauros2006-09-10 01:53:31
Instead of whining about skills on the forums, whine to your envoys.
Shiri2006-09-10 01:53:42
Moves them out the room. It's really brutal.
EDIT: Whoah, did I get multiple ninja'd or is that a forum bug or something? Hello? What's going on here?
EDIT: Whoah, did I get multiple ninja'd or is that a forum bug or something? Hello? What's going on here?
Unknown2006-09-10 01:54:53
Yes, rad is good for anti-groups.
Change of subject. Here's what I believe is the most RP-breaking thing in Lusternia.
HONORS someone. But no, not that you can see their name. Not that you can see their affiliation. Not even their honor quest lines.
Motto/warcry, and might.
First is obvious - more often than not it's used to set up more or less retarded quotes that people find funny or smart. And even if the motto is survivable, people still won't use it. This thing is redundant.
The second is less obvious. It's a matter of respect. Let's say that some somewhat-noobish character buys credits and has good skills. How is a low-ranked but experienced GA or anything (like Everiine for example) supposed to make the other one respect him if the young guy types "honors whatshisface" and sees he's 70% of his might, significantly weaker? Or on the other hand, how are you able to be respected if you're not a fighter? Or if you are a fighter, how do you reach respect if you die in combat? Everyone can see on deathsense, that so and so died in battle - it's not a trouble if their opponent was significantly stronger, but what if he was weaker? Doesn't matter, group or not, deathsense doesn't show groups. That's what killed Aerenna, I lost one fight too many to be respected. No one treated me seriously because they KNEW they could kick my ass anytime if they were better than decent, or if they amassed a large enough group. And... *rants himself to sleep*
Change of subject. Here's what I believe is the most RP-breaking thing in Lusternia.
HONORS someone. But no, not that you can see their name. Not that you can see their affiliation. Not even their honor quest lines.
Motto/warcry, and might.
First is obvious - more often than not it's used to set up more or less retarded quotes that people find funny or smart. And even if the motto is survivable, people still won't use it. This thing is redundant.
The second is less obvious. It's a matter of respect. Let's say that some somewhat-noobish character buys credits and has good skills. How is a low-ranked but experienced GA or anything (like Everiine for example) supposed to make the other one respect him if the young guy types "honors whatshisface" and sees he's 70% of his might, significantly weaker? Or on the other hand, how are you able to be respected if you're not a fighter? Or if you are a fighter, how do you reach respect if you die in combat? Everyone can see on deathsense, that so and so died in battle - it's not a trouble if their opponent was significantly stronger, but what if he was weaker? Doesn't matter, group or not, deathsense doesn't show groups. That's what killed Aerenna, I lost one fight too many to be respected. No one treated me seriously because they KNEW they could kick my ass anytime if they were better than decent, or if they amassed a large enough group. And... *rants himself to sleep*
Diamondais2006-09-10 01:56:12
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 9 2006, 09:52 PM) 329651
that was half my point... a Group of Mages can also Staff the big warriors to death but only one per.
The Celestian players once told us that was our version of Hailstorm, Moonburt/Wane Rage.
Shiri2006-09-10 01:57:50
If only it worked more than 1/3 of the time. And that only if we had 5 moon users around, and then only if enough of those 5 moon users were trans so that they would have moonburst. 

Diamondais2006-09-10 01:59:27
No ones getting the sarcasm.. 

Vesar2006-09-10 02:01:08
The existance of Rad completely validates the entire Rune skillset.
Unknown2006-09-10 02:01:54
I see I missed many posts. Here we go.
Response to Narsrim's. Let's start by saying that there was a reason Malicia's been banned from the forums, but since her post wasn't trollish, I'll respond.
I said that defending yourself against defenders who come attack is OK. But I saw, not once, raiders from New Celest who came in and killed everyone they could, not only defenders but people who had the misfortune of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. This also includes more-or-less random jumpings, so beloved by Narsrim for example.
I know Magnagora did the same before. Serenwilde also did the same before. It will continue in the future, only the org will change - New Celest, Hallifax, or Guidotown.
And frankly, it sucks. I like PvP but only when both sides are honorable. No honor and decency in organisation PvP of Lusternia (there are exceptions, but they're too rare), only griefing. It frustrates me, so I don't play. As per your post.
And I can't stop the war. Because, in case you didn't notice, I deleted my character.
Response to Narsrim's. Let's start by saying that there was a reason Malicia's been banned from the forums, but since her post wasn't trollish, I'll respond.
I said that defending yourself against defenders who come attack is OK. But I saw, not once, raiders from New Celest who came in and killed everyone they could, not only defenders but people who had the misfortune of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. This also includes more-or-less random jumpings, so beloved by Narsrim for example.
I know Magnagora did the same before. Serenwilde also did the same before. It will continue in the future, only the org will change - New Celest, Hallifax, or Guidotown.
And frankly, it sucks. I like PvP but only when both sides are honorable. No honor and decency in organisation PvP of Lusternia (there are exceptions, but they're too rare), only griefing. It frustrates me, so I don't play. As per your post.
And I can't stop the war. Because, in case you didn't notice, I deleted my character.
Narsrim2006-09-10 02:03:01
I've lost many fights. I've died many times. In fact, that's how I came to be what I consider above average at combat - trial by fire. Aerenna, and you Cuber, have this bizarre fixation about reputation and how other people view you. To be entirely honest, it disgusts me that you cannot feel good about yourself because you are afraid someone else is looking down on you. I wish you had confidence - I really do.
And I can't stop the war. Because, in case you didn't notice, I deleted my character.
You ran from the war. That isn't the same as stopping it.
QUOTE(Cuber @ Sep 9 2006, 10:01 PM) 329665
And I can't stop the war. Because, in case you didn't notice, I deleted my character.
You ran from the war. That isn't the same as stopping it.
Unknown2006-09-10 02:04:46
I didn't say I stopped the war. Only that I can't.
EDIT. And yes, I have that "weird fixation" of mine. I explained, well, tried to explain, it's source at least twice on this board, in case someone wondered why.
EDIT. And yes, I have that "weird fixation" of mine. I explained, well, tried to explain, it's source at least twice on this board, in case someone wondered why.
Rauros2006-09-10 02:05:15
You can't expect everyone to act responsibly (or the way you put it "honorably"). There will always be those people who believe in the extremes. Sadly, for Lusternia, it's those people who seem to hold all the power. (and I don't mean nexus power)
Unknown2006-09-10 02:05:47
QUOTE(Cuber @ Sep 9 2006, 09:54 PM) 329657
The second is less obvious. It's a matter of respect. Let's say that some somewhat-noobish character buys credits and has good skills. How is a low-ranked but experienced GA or anything (like Everiine for example) supposed to make the other one respect him if the young guy types "honors whatshisface" and sees he's 70% of his might, significantly weaker? Or on the other hand, how are you able to be respected if you're not a fighter? Or if you are a fighter, how do you reach respect if you die in combat? Everyone can see on deathsense, that so and so died in battle - it's not a trouble if their opponent was significantly stronger, but what if he was weaker? Doesn't matter, group or not, deathsense doesn't show groups. That's what killed Aerenna, I lost one fight too many to be respected. No one treated me seriously because they KNEW they could kick my ass anytime if they were better than decent, or if they amassed a large enough group. And... *rants himself to sleep*
Synl manages to keep the respect of the Shadowdancers (and bits of the Glomdoring) despite not having a single trans skill, or no fighting prowess. Not quite sure what you mean.
Unknown2006-09-10 02:06:42
QUOTE(Salvation @ Sep 10 2006, 04:05 AM) 329670
Synl manages to keep the respect of the Shadowdancers (and bits of the Glomdoring) despite not having a single trans skill, or no fighting prowess. Not quite sure what you mean.
I mean how they, in this case Synl, do it. I want to know how.
Xenthos2006-09-10 02:12:44
QUOTE(Cuber @ Sep 9 2006, 10:06 PM) 329671
I mean how they, in this case Synl, do it. I want to know how.
We tend not to elevate military might above all other things... like, y'know, being a decent person? Synl's great.
Unknown2006-09-10 02:13:43
QUOTE(Cuber @ Sep 9 2006, 10:06 PM) 329671
I mean how they, in this case Synl, do it. I want to know how.
1. Be helpful whenever you can because you want to help, not so you look good. From my interactions with Aerenna through alts, this is not a problem for you at all.
2. Act like you know what you're doing even if you don't. Pretend that you command the respect of your fellow players, and you will. At least, that's what I've gathered from my experience.
Unknown2006-09-10 02:28:54
I hate that I can't find my niche in Lusternia and I'm jumping around and looking like a power gamer 
The close to it were the Aquamancers, except that is half full of.. well... anyways...
I wish there were a guild with Aquastaff like ability, Telekinesis like tankyness and high destructive powers for Mobs and decent easy to use fighting abilities

The close to it were the Aquamancers, except that is half full of.. well... anyways...
I wish there were a guild with Aquastaff like ability, Telekinesis like tankyness and high destructive powers for Mobs and decent easy to use fighting abilities

Rauros2006-09-10 02:30:11
When you find it, let me know. Until then, I'll continue to hack away with cosmicfire.
Shayle2006-09-10 02:32:07
QUOTE(Salvation @ Sep 9 2006, 10:13 PM) 329674
1. Be helpful whenever you can because you want to help, not so you look good. From my interactions with Aerenna through alts, this is not a problem for you at all.
2. Act like you know what you're doing even if you don't. Pretend that you command the respect of your fellow players, and you will. At least, that's what I've gathered from my experience.
Both are true.
I love Synl, and he usually has Shayle's guildfavour whenever she remembers. Why? He's hard working, expects nothing for his efforts, and, most importantly, he's reliable. When I see Synl log in, I do a big OOC cheer. Synl does his job and does it well, which means never needing to worry about anything he's in charge of!

I actually have never really taken notice of his skill levels. I'm kind of surprised he's not trans anything!

Unknown2006-09-10 02:32:32
QUOTE(Rauros @ Sep 9 2006, 09:30 PM) 329679
When you find it, let me know. Until then, I'll continue to hack away with cosmicfire.
I will
EDIT: also with wonderful RP, like the Blacktalon... my wee alt that remained there for a week or so but suicided had a good time