Tiran2006-09-12 19:55:12
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 12 2006, 10:22 AM) 330596
My only problem with Bashara is his closet snuggliness.

Yes... His evil closet snugglines. He's going to get a staff shoved up his butt and set off for that one...

Noola2006-09-12 19:57:37
QUOTE(Tiran @ Sep 12 2006, 02:55 PM) 330633
Yes... His evil closet snugglines. He's going to get a staff shoved up his butt and set off for that one...

The mental imagry....

Editing to add a rant (this IS the rants thread and I've been a bad hijacker!

Remember how I was gonna get my net turned on on the 16th? (and you probably do cause of how I've whined like a little girl about it at least a dozen times in this thread alone! Well, now it's not gonna be till the 20th.

Damn you Comcast!

But, on the good side, my little 3 inch black and white tv picks up Fox 16 (my big tv doesn't have an antenna so it doesn't pick up antenna channels) so I get to watch House tonight. I hope someone gives Wilson a good shake - until his nose bleeds!
Laysus2006-09-12 20:40:29
I have a rant.
I, myself, am involved in this war. I sometimes get annoyed at it, but most of the time I handle it fairly well.
My protege (my favourite one) Tatine, on the other hand, is what I would probably refer to as purely in lusternia for RP. She bashes, she quests, and she influences, and she's one of the most fun people there is to interact with, I've found. She doesn't fight, she hasn't done anything, off the top of my head, to get involved in this war, and I just logged on to a message from her that she's getting to the point where this war is going to push her into stopping playing because she's getting jumped - a lot more than she should, and she wouldn't even know where to start fighting.
This pisses me off, like you can't imagine. It goes to further a rule that one of the best things in life for pissing me off is in fact Lusternia and the thoughtlessness of it's player base when it comes to agression, I know it's something I've been guilty of for a long time re. Glomdoring, it's not exactly something I'm proud of, but seriously, please, leave the ones who have and have had no desire to be in this out of this.
I, myself, am involved in this war. I sometimes get annoyed at it, but most of the time I handle it fairly well.
My protege (my favourite one) Tatine, on the other hand, is what I would probably refer to as purely in lusternia for RP. She bashes, she quests, and she influences, and she's one of the most fun people there is to interact with, I've found. She doesn't fight, she hasn't done anything, off the top of my head, to get involved in this war, and I just logged on to a message from her that she's getting to the point where this war is going to push her into stopping playing because she's getting jumped - a lot more than she should, and she wouldn't even know where to start fighting.
This pisses me off, like you can't imagine. It goes to further a rule that one of the best things in life for pissing me off is in fact Lusternia and the thoughtlessness of it's player base when it comes to agression, I know it's something I've been guilty of for a long time re. Glomdoring, it's not exactly something I'm proud of, but seriously, please, leave the ones who have and have had no desire to be in this out of this.
Unknown2006-09-12 20:49:59
This is, sadly, what happens when you give the bullied kid a gun.. they shoot everyone, even the people who never even looked at them wrong, let alone had part in the harassment.
Celest spent so long being the underdog, they want to take out their aggression on everyone, regardless of how much they hated it when the positions were reversed.
Celest spent so long being the underdog, they want to take out their aggression on everyone, regardless of how much they hated it when the positions were reversed.
Shorlen2006-09-12 21:05:02
QUOTE(Fallen @ Sep 12 2006, 04:49 PM) 330645
This is, sadly, what happens when you give the bullied kid a Narsrim..
Shayle2006-09-12 21:09:36
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Sep 12 2006, 05:05 PM) 330646
And yet, again I'll rant, it really really really SUCKS that it takes having to experience the annoying crappy thing for people to realize it's an ISSUE.
No offense whingy (I used it!! I used the word!!) Serenwilders, but why didn't you see this as an issue back when most of Glom was trying to tell you, OOC mind you, that it was a real problem and hurting our player base badly?
Shorlen2006-09-12 21:14:52
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 12 2006, 05:09 PM) 330647
And yet, again I'll rant, it really really really SUCKS that it takes having to experience the annoying crappy thing for people to realize it's an ISSUE.
No offense whingy (I used it!! I used the word!!) Serenwilders, but why didn't you see this as an issue back when most of Glom was trying to tell you, OOC mind you, that it was a real problem and hurting our player base badly?
No offense whingy (I used it!! I used the word!!) Serenwilders, but why didn't you see this as an issue back when most of Glom was trying to tell you, OOC mind you, that it was a real problem and hurting our player base badly?
I always thought Narsrim was a pumpkin, but there was nothing I could do about him. If I said anything, he just shouted louder. Saying anything on the forum meant PMs about how I was disrupting Seren OOC solidarity. Saying anything ingame just meant responses about how the Fae are just as cruel. Telling him not to kill the Fae meant posts about how the game mechanics said he had to.
Honestly, it was easier just to not say anything at all. Narsrim's good at baking cookies with his own org as much as any other, through following recipies. Leaving him alone meant he left you alone. Yes, I think he's a serious groundhog to Lusternia, and I thought so when he was a Serenwilder as well, and yet there's nothing that can be done about it, so why bother trying?
Heck, he'll probably get a mod to remove this for being a "personal attack" :shrugs:
Edit: You called it! -Richter
Diamondais2006-09-12 21:20:12
Was either let it happen or be persecuted yourself by your own Communemates. If your own Communemates dont like you, who the heck does? You can say leave, but its pretty hard when you gain attachments to the people there that they try and bring you back and that ends up in greif too if you dont have a strong willpower. I know I kept coming back because I was terrified I would lose those I held dear as a character, yet ended up doing it anyways because I didnt conform and just went about it all the wrong way. 

Narsrim2006-09-12 22:07:18
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 12 2006, 05:09 PM) 330647
And yet, again I'll rant, it really really really SUCKS that it takes having to experience the annoying crappy thing for people to realize it's an ISSUE.
No offense whingy (I used it!! I used the word!!) Serenwilders, but why didn't you see this as an issue back when most of Glom was trying to tell you, OOC mind you, that it was a real problem and hurting our player base badly?
I have a rant.
At what point do you, one of the most influential people in Glomdoring, stop blaming everyone else for the failure of their organization? I haven't bothered Glomdoring for months. I have no actively raided Glomdoring since May, 2006 (and I know this fairly well because I wasn't in Lusternia for most of the month of June because I was in a nasty car accident).
Over three months later, Glomdoring is still incapable of attacting and keeping newbies. Glomdoring is still incapable of influencing a village. Glomdoring still just wants to be left alone to rot - not taking any position whatsoever in the Basin. Successful organizations (from what I can tell) tend to be aggressive (and I'm not talking about combat).
I really think one of the faults of Glomdoring is a great bulk of the leadership would rather maintain its sub par stance (in reference to player activity) so it can complain. It takes a lot less effort, has perks such as free-to-vent whenever you feel like it, and you can siphon pity when you want it.
Who in their right mind wants to be part of an organization where the leaders spend the bulk of their time complaining about how rough they have it instead of trying to fix it? I realize you have invested a great time of effort into Glomdoring.. and perhaps your have just been drained dry... but if that is the case, let someone else take over and try.
Shorlen2006-09-12 22:09:44
And now I've been told by the mods that Narsrim bullied them into removing words like "bully" from my post about him. 
Edit: Note -quite- what I said -Richter

Edit: Note -quite- what I said -Richter
Unknown2006-09-12 22:09:56
Speaking of Narsrim. Can't you notch down the killing and just do it when raiding or when someone has done something to Celest?
You are hurting Lusternia by constantly griefing on people that sometimes have nothing to do with the war
You are hurting Lusternia by constantly griefing on people that sometimes have nothing to do with the war
Richter2006-09-12 22:09:58
Well, true, they do that, but I kind of figured they had migrated from the "poor me" we used to have, to the hardcore "no outsiders, let us be hermits" mentality.
Unknown2006-09-12 22:10:58
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Sep 12 2006, 04:14 PM) 330648
I always thought Narsrim was a pumpkin, but there was nothing I could do about him. If I said anything, he just shouted louder. Saying anything on the forum meant PMs about how I was disrupting Seren OOC solidarity. Saying anything ingame just meant responses about how the Fae are just as cruel. Telling him not to kill the Fae meant posts about how the game mechanics said he had to.
Honestly, it was easier just to not say anything at all. Narsrim's good at baking cookies with his own org as much as any other, through following recipies. Leaving him alone meant he left you alone. Yes, I think he's a serious groundhog to Lusternia, and I thought so when he was a Serenwilder as well, and yet there's nothing that can be done about it, so why bother trying?
Heck, he'll probably get a mod to remove this for being a "personal attack" :shrugs:
Edit: You called it! -Richter

Unknown2006-09-12 22:11:45
Just out of curiosity, but have you had a character in Glomdoring?
Richter2006-09-12 22:13:02
In reference to who?
Narsrim2006-09-12 22:14:09
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 12 2006, 06:09 PM) 330667
Speaking of Narsrim. Can't you notch down the killing and just do it when raiding or when someone has done something to Celest?
You are hurting Lusternia by constantly griefing on people that sometimes have nothing to do with the war
Like who? All of my suspects are Magnagorans, three of which I killed in the Sea of Despair while they tried to stop me from killing Ladantine. I don't raid Ethereal Serenwilde by myself - largely because it isn't possible anymore. I have killed Serens gathering essence after we slew the Avatars, but that was on the Elemental Planes... Water being one of them which Celest defends against Serenwilde.
Give me names. Give me locations. And if you can't, then be quiet.
Diamondais2006-09-12 22:15:45
Glomdoring: Convert! 

Unknown2006-09-12 22:15:54
it was to Narsrim
dork faces, the two of you! For posting before me.

Richter2006-09-12 22:17:48
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Sep 12 2006, 03:15 PM) 330675
it was to Narsrim

Zomg personal attack. >.>
Unknown2006-09-12 22:19:57
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Sep 12 2006, 05:14 PM) 330672
Like who? All of my suspects are Magnagorans, three of which I killed in the Sea of Despair while they tried to stop me from killing Ladantine. I don't raid Ethereal Serenwilde by myself - largely because it isn't possible anymore. I have killed Serens gathering essence after we slew the Avatars, but that was on the Elemental Planes... Water being one of them which Celest defends against Serenwilde.
Give me names. Give me locations. And if you can't, then be quiet.
Me, Astrologer's tower near Hallifax. I escaped, by pure chance and a slip on your part.
Then there was also me, when I was reading some help files in Etherwilde and you summoned me to the Catacombs, too late to do anything but to watch how you killed me.