Geb2006-09-13 01:01:22
QUOTE(Everiine @ Sep 13 2006, 12:38 AM) 330721
If you think everyone or even most people like that kind of behaviour, you're dead wrong. We, just as much as anyone else, don't like it when fighters just go after someone who's just graduated novicehood for no reason. This does not however include:
-graduates who come to the Forest, insult everyone, refuse to leave, and set firewalls in the Forest (more than person has actually done this),
-graduates who attack denizens (like when New Celest controlled Acknor and lowbies were attacking Estelbar),
-graduates who RAID, in which case they deserve any death they acquire,
If you've included any of these in your calculations, please readjust. NO ONE likes to see lowbies picked on for no reason.
And New Celest has done it's fair share of whining about things they've perceived about Serenwilde during the war, so neither of us can take any sort of high moral ground.
It seems you did not pay attention to what I have written. Also, if NO ONE likes to see lowbies picked on for no reason, why do I see plenty examples of that very thing happening? I’ve seen it first hand, where one of your great fighters will avoid confronting me and instead run towards some lowbie hunting on the water plane for essence. This person then kills the lowbie in a few attacks, and then runs off. Not one peep out of your commune or your particular organization about the actions, not one admonishment at all. Yet, let that same thing happen to one of your own lowbies, and the boards light up with rants and complaints.
So again, if it is wrong for your enemies to perform such acts, it should be wrong for your allies to do the same. That is the point of my previous statement.
Diamondais2006-09-13 01:10:55
I really dont like that everytime a certain someone I want to speak with comes on Im usually busy doing other stuff. Im really sorry Mirk. 

Diamondais2006-09-13 01:29:52
Next person to suggest a novice goes to me gets a butt kicking, Im serious. 

Everiine2006-09-13 01:34:53
QUOTE(geb @ Sep 12 2006, 09:01 PM) 330754
It seems you did not pay attention to what I have written. Also, if NO ONE likes to see lowbies picked on for no reason, why do I see plenty examples of that very thing happening? I’ve seen it first hand, where one of your great fighters will avoid confronting me and instead run towards some lowbie hunting on the water plane for essence. This person then kills the lowbie in a few attacks, and then runs off. Not one peep out of your commune or your particular organization about the actions, not one admonishment at all. Yet, let that same thing happen to one of your own lowbies, and the boards light up with rants and complaints.
So again, if it is wrong for your enemies to perform such acts, it should be wrong for your allies to do the same. That is the point of my previous statement.
And when Celest raids Ethereal and I get this crazy idea that I'm going to stand around and maybe, this time survive, what happens? I'm one of the first to die, I'm the easy kill. I'm not exactly a new grad, but everyone who has ever heard of Everiine knows he is an abyssmal fighter, probably hopeless. People half his might have beaten him in spars. But as you said, you don't like it when it happens, and neither do we. But you've got jerks on your side, we've got them on ours.
And you'll notice in my post, after the examples I posted of certain situations, I made it clear that this was happening across the board, by both our organizations, and Magnagora (can't really say much about Glomdoring, since they just kinda sit there). And of course I think it's wrong, and try to say something when I can. I didn't miss the point of your statement, I agreed with it except the part that implied we were the only ones who do it.
Shorlen2006-09-13 02:40:52
I absolutely loathe this idea that magi and druids cannot use demesne if they spar each other. It's like people think that if a druid goes to raid Celstia, and the mage that's there defending goes, "Oh, a druid, guess I'd better dissolve my demesne!" Fighting over demesne is over half the fight in a real battle between a mage and a druid - why do people insist that that doesn't hold true in a duel or spar? 

Shayle2006-09-13 02:41:16
I have a rant too. 
I hate the forums, because people don't actually read what you write here, they just see your name and a response and assume you've said something you haven't and leap to the defensive in a rather annoying fashion.
I also hate that I keep reading the forums, even when I hate them.

I hate the forums, because people don't actually read what you write here, they just see your name and a response and assume you've said something you haven't and leap to the defensive in a rather annoying fashion.

I also hate that I keep reading the forums, even when I hate them.
Xenthos2006-09-13 02:42:10
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Sep 12 2006, 10:40 PM) 330811
why do people insist that that doesn't hold true in a duel or spar?

Maybe because otherwise, both people just sit in their demesne until it times out?

Gelo2006-09-13 02:44:57
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 13 2006, 12:42 PM) 330815
Maybe because otherwise, both people just sit in their demesne until it times out?

Which is the case for druids in achaea

Shorlen2006-09-13 02:46:34
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 12 2006, 10:42 PM) 330815
Maybe because otherwise, both people just sit in their demesne until it times out? 

Maybe if they're new to druid or magi combat. It isn't hard to break a demesne if someone insists on sitting at the center of it, and if they are at the edge, you can get them into yours easy enough with headbutt/hoist/geyser combined with walls. In the past, I've even dreamwove during a spar in such a situation, deepsleeped the person five times, and then went back, then massacred them while they were falling asleep from exhaustion.
Xavius2006-09-13 02:50:16
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 12 2006, 09:42 PM) 330815
Maybe because otherwise, both people just sit in their demesne until it times out?

Those're untalented demesne holders. There's some protocol regarding arena turf wars (if you've already lost several rooms, and the only reason you haven't lost more is that your opponent hasn't found the break point, and has to keep running back to defend his demesne, the burden is on you to fight aggressively in the hostile demesne), but by and large, they can be just as intense as any other spar.
Daganev2006-09-13 02:57:54
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Sep 12 2006, 03:07 PM) 330664
- not taking any position whatsoever in the Basin.
You know why?
Because currently, there is no point.
There is no accountability on the part of the other orgs, so there is no point in taking a stance on anything.
Because of the behaviors of certain people, its just not fun getting involved in the "world politics". There is no point to it.
Thats why we essentially now have 3 orgs that could care less about what happens in the rest of the basin. Glomdoring, Deepnight, and now Zorana.
The behaviour of a few minority people mess up the conflict part of the game for the majority.
Diamondais2006-09-13 03:01:19
QUOTE(daganev @ Sep 12 2006, 10:57 PM) 330827
Thats why we essentially now have 3 orgs that could care less about what happens in the rest of the basin. Glomdoring, Deepnight, and now Zorana.
It really is upsetting that thats felt about a major organization.

Geb2006-09-13 03:49:51
QUOTE(Everiine @ Sep 13 2006, 02:34 AM) 330767
And when Celest raids Ethereal and I get this crazy idea that I'm going to stand around and maybe, this time survive, what happens? I'm one of the first to die, I'm the easy kill. I'm not exactly a new grad, but everyone who has ever heard of Everiine knows he is an abyssmal fighter, probably hopeless. People half his might have beaten him in spars. But as you said, you don't like it when it happens, and neither do we. But you've got jerks on your side, we've got them on ours.
And you'll notice in my post, after the examples I posted of certain situations, I made it clear that this was happening across the board, by both our organizations, and Magnagora (can't really say much about Glomdoring, since they just kinda sit there). And of course I think it's wrong, and try to say something when I can. I didn't miss the point of your statement, I agreed with it except the part that implied we were the only ones who do it.
No where in my original statement did it imply that you guys were the only ones that do it. I used your commune directly in my second post because I was responding to you directly, and so I used an example from your particular community to support my claim. That example does not exonerate any of the other communities (mine included) though.
Anarias2006-09-13 04:09:42
QUOTE(daganev @ Sep 12 2006, 08:57 PM) 330827
You know why?
Because currently, there is no point.
There is no accountability on the part of the other orgs, so there is no point in taking a stance on anything.
Because of the behaviors of certain people, its just not fun getting involved in the "world politics". There is no point to it.
Thats why we essentially now have 3 orgs that could care less about what happens in the rest of the basin. Glomdoring, Deepnight, and now Zorana.
The behaviour of a few minority people mess up the conflict part of the game for the majority.
Even after this thing with Celest is done and gone I don't think I'd object very much to the idea of the Serenwilde withdrawing from politics like that. I could go either way.
Everiine2006-09-13 04:13:21
Ugh, I hate it when newbies get all upset with me. Lewok, New Celestan, is walking on the Alabaster Road. No problem, but I hang around camouflaged just in case he goes into the Forest so I can tell him he 's not allowed there. Apparently, Kygore, another Aqua, has been trying to get him to follow him back to New Celest, and Lewok is just completely ignoring him. Lewok goes in and out of the Forest, both Kygore and I telling him not to do so, and he's ignoring us both. We both catch up to him in the Forest and Kygore icewalls all the exits (which I did not approve of at all...). Raflein now tries to come and get Lewok out, but Raflein has this little enemy problem, and... well, since all the exits are walled, the hags and Centaurs do him in... I tell Lewok that that is going to happen to him if he doesn't leave and he -laughs at me-.
Kygore ignites the walls and Lewok -just leaves again-. By now, 2 Seren champions have seen him and asked him to leave as well. Kygore is still begging him to follow him so they can leave. Lewok just swims away and ignores us all. So I've had it, I order him to be enemied. I normally wouldnt', but this guy laughed in my face when I ordered him to leave, so he knew exactly what I wanted, he wan't just lost and confused. He of course dies to hags and Centaur quickly. I think soon after he might have come back and died again even more quickly.
Next thing I know I have a Tell from Lewok asking why we killed him.
. I explain to him, in painstaking detail what happened, and he tries to say that he was new and just looking around.
If he hadn't laughed in my face, I would have believed him too.
And that's a rant.
OH! And in response to you Geb... I think this is one of those times where we are both trying to argue the same thing and don't know it...
Kygore ignites the walls and Lewok -just leaves again-. By now, 2 Seren champions have seen him and asked him to leave as well. Kygore is still begging him to follow him so they can leave. Lewok just swims away and ignores us all. So I've had it, I order him to be enemied. I normally wouldnt', but this guy laughed in my face when I ordered him to leave, so he knew exactly what I wanted, he wan't just lost and confused. He of course dies to hags and Centaur quickly. I think soon after he might have come back and died again even more quickly.
Next thing I know I have a Tell from Lewok asking why we killed him.

If he hadn't laughed in my face, I would have believed him too.
And that's a rant.
OH! And in response to you Geb... I think this is one of those times where we are both trying to argue the same thing and don't know it...
Unknown2006-09-13 05:15:35
I should be going to sleep, but I really don't want to. And I feel like I'm getting a fever or something. Hopefully I won't have the flu or something because block schedualing(sp?) isn't very nice when you're abscent.
Ista2006-09-13 05:46:53
I hate that my friend thinks it's cute to tell me that I should put my cat to sleep. Especially after I told them flat out that I hate the thought of my cat dying, as his sister just died earlier this year. And I told him that it makes me bawl to think about.
I also hate that now this has made me start crying again. I miss Harriet.
I also hate that now this has made me start crying again. I miss Harriet.
Reiha2006-09-13 06:11:32
QUOTE(Ista @ Sep 12 2006, 08:46 PM) 330885
I hate that my friend thinks it's cute to tell me that I should put my cat to sleep. Especially after I told them flat out that I hate the thought of my cat dying, as his sister just died earlier this year. And I told him that it makes me bawl to think about.
I also hate that now this has made me start crying again. I miss Harriet.
Yeah, I miss my family's cat that I lost before I started playing Lusternia, and my brother-in-law kept on saying, "She probably got torn up dogs or coyotes," even when I asked him to stop cause I was about to cry :/ He said the same inconsiderate thing about my current cat, who I luckily found, and she was covered all in duck-poo.
Hard to get over terrible stuff like this, but your not alone and I hope you can start feeling a little better somehow!

Richter2006-09-13 13:03:34
Daganev, the reason we (I) don't care for the politics of the rest of the basin is because of the way the entire bloody game is set up. Two "good" and two "evil", all of which have reasons to hate each other, so the war never ends. In fact, we've had fighting for two years now. Deepnight is my way of flipping off the collective basin and sticking it to the man, while still managing to play in a game that I enjoy, save for the aforementioned problem.
Unknown2006-09-13 13:54:31
QUOTE(Everiine @ Sep 12 2006, 09:13 PM) 330863
Ugh, I hate it when newbies get all upset with me. Lewok, New Celestan, is walking on the Alabaster Road. No problem, but I hang around camouflaged just in case he goes into the Forest so I can tell him he 's not allowed there. Apparently, Kygore, another Aqua, has been trying to get him to follow him back to New Celest, and Lewok is just completely ignoring him. Lewok goes in and out of the Forest, both Kygore and I telling him not to do so, and he's ignoring us both. We both catch up to him in the Forest and Kygore icewalls all the exits (which I did not approve of at all...). Raflein now tries to come and get Lewok out, but Raflein has this little enemy problem, and... well, since all the exits are walled, the hags and Centaurs do him in... I tell Lewok that that is going to happen to him if he doesn't leave and he -laughs at me-.
Kygore ignites the walls and Lewok -just leaves again-. By now, 2 Seren champions have seen him and asked him to leave as well. Kygore is still begging him to follow him so they can leave. Lewok just swims away and ignores us all. So I've had it, I order him to be enemied. I normally wouldnt', but this guy laughed in my face when I ordered him to leave, so he knew exactly what I wanted, he wan't just lost and confused. He of course dies to hags and Centaur quickly. I think soon after he might have come back and died again even more quickly.
Next thing I know I have a Tell from Lewok asking why we killed him.

If he hadn't laughed in my face, I would have believed him too.
And that's a rant.
OH! And in response to you Geb... I think this is one of those times where we are both trying to argue the same thing and don't know it...
I can back you up, Ev. A month or so before that, I found Lewok in Serenwilde near Mother, and I politely told him (figuring that he probably didn't know) that his city was at war with our commune, and it would be best for him to leave. And then the next month or so, I see on deathsense that he's being killed by our guards. So he already knew, and was just being a pain.