Tiran2006-09-13 16:02:58
QUOTE(Richter @ Sep 13 2006, 07:03 AM) 330933
Daganev, the reason we (I) don't care for the politics of the rest of the basin is because of the way the entire bloody game is set up. Two "good" and two "evil", all of which have reasons to hate each other, so the war never ends. In fact, we've had fighting for two years now. Deepnight is my way of flipping off the collective basin and sticking it to the man, while still managing to play in a game that I enjoy, save for the aforementioned problem.
Alright, I got New Celest, but which was the other "evil" organization?

I don't like the imposition of tradition D&D style ethics on Lusternia. Saying that Celest is good is like saying the Medevial Catholic church that ran the crusades is good. Or that Magnagora is evil because we have undead, it's not natural, but doesn't have to be evil. Every org is what they are. And the wars generally keep going because there's a limited number who want them too. Heck, I remember talk about Aiakon trying to do some work to improve the relations between the Mage guilds independant of the cities when he was Archmage, although I don't know how far that went, I didn't follow politics as much then.
Unknown2006-09-13 16:32:26
Ista - just smack your friend with an object. A large book should be enough.
Okay, you know what I hate now? Stones and roots. The kind that sit in the earth, making digging difficult because you have to remove them, which is much harder than just digging through soft, cold earth.
The reason why I wasn't in this forums all day is because I was busy digging a trench. You heard that. For a water pipe, 8 meters long and 1.5 meters deep. You imperialistic people multiply these numbers by 3 and you got measurement in your unholy "feet". Now my hands hurt like hell and I feel even worse than when I had to un-flood my basement from SEWER WATER, using only a jar and 2 buckets.
And I'm still not 100% finished.
Okay, you know what I hate now? Stones and roots. The kind that sit in the earth, making digging difficult because you have to remove them, which is much harder than just digging through soft, cold earth.
The reason why I wasn't in this forums all day is because I was busy digging a trench. You heard that. For a water pipe, 8 meters long and 1.5 meters deep. You imperialistic people multiply these numbers by 3 and you got measurement in your unholy "feet". Now my hands hurt like hell and I feel even worse than when I had to un-flood my basement from SEWER WATER, using only a jar and 2 buckets.
And I'm still not 100% finished.
Unknown2006-09-13 18:04:35
You suck at life Cuber 
I hate that I'm really tired and I procastina

I hate that I'm really tired and I procastina
Noola2006-09-13 18:14:44
Cuber, you need a hug.
Isn't anyone helping you with this trench digging?

Isn't anyone helping you with this trench digging?
Unknown2006-09-13 18:33:43
QUOTE(Noola @ Sep 13 2006, 08:14 PM) 331009
Cuber, you need a hug.

Isn't anyone helping you with this trench digging?
Yes. I need a hug.
Two of my relatives help me, but it's still an awful lot of work.
Noola2006-09-13 18:56:54
QUOTE(Cuber @ Sep 13 2006, 01:33 PM) 331023
Yes. I need a hug.
Two of my relatives help me, but it's still an awful lot of work.

And a rant:
My boss keeps driving people away. The entire production crew walked out today.

Gelo2006-09-13 19:13:04
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 14 2006, 04:04 AM) 331005
You suck at life Cuber

Heres my hug CUber.

Sylphas2006-09-13 19:23:20
QUOTE(Tiran @ Sep 13 2006, 12:02 PM) 330980
Heck, I remember talk about Aiakon trying to do some work to improve the relations between the Mage guilds independant of the cities when he was Archmage, although I don't know how far that went, I didn't follow politics as much then.
I had it in mind to try this with the Druids, but I never got anywhere with it. Would be easier now with Celest at our throats.
Unknown2006-09-13 19:33:09

Ista2006-09-13 21:11:32
QUOTE(Reiha @ Sep 13 2006, 12:11 AM) 330892
Yeah, I miss my family's cat that I lost before I started playing Lusternia, and my brother-in-law kept on saying, "She probably got torn up dogs or coyotes," even when I asked him to stop cause I was about to cry :/ He said the same inconsiderate thing about my current cat, who I luckily found, and she was covered all in duck-poo.
Hard to get over terrible stuff like this, but your not alone and I hope you can start feeling a little better somehow!

Yes, it's hard. And I'm sorry that happened, I would so hit someone who toldme my cat was dead or run over, or something. Ruuude brother in law! I'm glad you found your current cat though.
And thank you Cuber, I'll be sure to use one of my history books when I next see him.
Arix2006-09-13 21:43:58
I hate waiting for packages in the mail. why can't we have birds like in Lusternia, that have same-day delivery?
Shayle2006-09-13 22:11:30
I need a hug too.
I hate that I had my hopes up for good news about my knee, when I suppose I should have known better. At least then I wouldn't be so disappointed by the news that I knew was coming anyway.
I hate that I need surgery again and I hate that I have to wait until tomorrow to schedule it.
And I still hate that crying never makes anything better.
I hate that I had my hopes up for good news about my knee, when I suppose I should have known better. At least then I wouldn't be so disappointed by the news that I knew was coming anyway.
I hate that I need surgery again and I hate that I have to wait until tomorrow to schedule it.
And I still hate that crying never makes anything better.

Richter2006-09-13 22:11:53
I know, I want my ThinkGeek shipment to come sooner! Damn waiting for packages!
Also, usually work a 38.75 hour week, and this week, I'm taking ungodly amounts of overtime. While it may not be trench digging, I ended up with a 62 hour work week. As an example of the crappiness, I got up at 4:30 yesterday, drove 45 mins to work to start at 6:00, worked for 12 hours, went to dinner with some friends that met me here, followed them to the mall for a bit, left here at 8:00pm, got home at 9:00, went to bed at 10:00 to do it all over again.
Where's my hug?
Also, usually work a 38.75 hour week, and this week, I'm taking ungodly amounts of overtime. While it may not be trench digging, I ended up with a 62 hour work week. As an example of the crappiness, I got up at 4:30 yesterday, drove 45 mins to work to start at 6:00, worked for 12 hours, went to dinner with some friends that met me here, followed them to the mall for a bit, left here at 8:00pm, got home at 9:00, went to bed at 10:00 to do it all over again.
Where's my hug?
Unknown2006-09-13 22:19:58

If I could, I would be working as a 10th grader, so I can start up on the money making for college but I don't want to get a permit so I'm waiting to see if my scheudale won't kill me as a 11th grader so I'll hopefully be working next year.
Unknown2006-09-13 22:20:30
QUOTE(Richter @ Sep 13 2006, 03:11 PM) 331105
Also, usually work a 38.75 hour week, and this week, I'm taking ungodly amounts of overtime. While it may not be trench digging, I ended up with a 62 hour work week. As an example of the crappiness, I got up at 4:30 yesterday, drove 45 mins to work to start at 6:00, worked for 12 hours, went to dinner with some friends that met me here, followed them to the mall for a bit, left here at 8:00pm, got home at 9:00, went to bed at 10:00 to do it all over again.
You're bitching over a 38.75 hour work week? That's an average of five and a half hours a day, which isn't bad at all. And you still had time to go to dinner with your friends and go to the mall... christ, there are millions who would kill to live like that.
Including me. *evilgrin*
Noola2006-09-13 22:20:40

Acrune2006-09-13 22:21:56
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Sep 13 2006, 06:20 PM) 331111
You're bitching over a 38.75 hour work week? That's an average of five and a half hours a day, which isn't bad at all. And you still had time to go to dinner with your friends and go to the mall... christ, there are millions who would kill to live like that.
Including me. *evilgrin*
He's bitching about a 62 hours week...
Reiha2006-09-13 22:22:18
Ummm people with good paying jobs don't get hugs *duck*
But here's one anyway
But here's one anyway

Shayle2006-09-13 22:26:59
QUOTE(Noola @ Sep 13 2006, 06:20 PM) 331112

I tore the ACL and a couple other tendony type things in the knee. It's the second time in 4 years. I feel like I'm in a sick bad dream.
And I also kind of feel like a big loser for doing it again.

Noola2006-09-13 22:29:57
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 13 2006, 05:26 PM) 331116
I tore the ACL and a couple other tendony type things in the knee. It's the second time in 4 years. I feel like I'm in a sick bad dream.
And I also kind of feel like a big loser for doing it again.

Ouch. That's terrible. And you really shouldn't feel bad, cause once you have an injury like that, you're WAY more prone to getting hurt there again. Are you at least going to be pampered a bit after the surgery?