Unknown2006-09-14 17:18:53
QUOTE(Everiine @ Sep 14 2006, 10:12 AM) 331356
I'm pretty sure it's the Mesa. But, what org controls the Nomads that you're enemied to?
He was talking about Dairuchi. No one in Nomad camp responded, so he figured it must be Dairuchi.
Ista2006-09-14 20:59:39
One of these days I'll stop ranting so much. Really. Honest.
I've just been having insane issues over the guy who broke up with me. Yeah, I'm pretty much getting over him and things, sort of. It's just... now another little bomb has dropped in on this. The girl I consider my best friend has decided she's going to try and date him. She, of course, has not told me thi. I got to be told by him and another friend.
It explains why she was so keen on me moving on though, and was always taking his side. This has not been a good few weeks.
On the plus side, as I'm going to try to do what Noola does, the greek festival is coming up. And I've decided to double major in Anthropology, which makes me happy.
I've just been having insane issues over the guy who broke up with me. Yeah, I'm pretty much getting over him and things, sort of. It's just... now another little bomb has dropped in on this. The girl I consider my best friend has decided she's going to try and date him. She, of course, has not told me thi. I got to be told by him and another friend.
It explains why she was so keen on me moving on though, and was always taking his side. This has not been a good few weeks.

On the plus side, as I'm going to try to do what Noola does, the greek festival is coming up. And I've decided to double major in Anthropology, which makes me happy.

Sylphas2006-09-14 21:42:23
If you're over him, really, that's cool. Not telling you, that's rather prickish. I'm glad that all my friends have an agreement not to poach exes. It just puts way too much strain on all the relationships involved. Much easier to just shoot them down if they express interest, and kick their ass if they continue.
Also helps that half my friends don't drive, so if they piss me off, they turn into lonely hermits.
Also helps that half my friends don't drive, so if they piss me off, they turn into lonely hermits.

Ista2006-09-14 21:54:46
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Sep 14 2006, 03:42 PM) 331421
If you're over him, really, that's cool. Not telling you, that's rather prickish. I'm glad that all my friends have an agreement not to poach exes. It just puts way too much strain on all the relationships involved. Much easier to just shoot them down if they express interest, and kick their ass if they continue.
Also helps that half my friends don't drive, so if they piss me off, they turn into lonely hermits.

We broke up two weeks ago. I have to say, I'm not over him quite yet. That's the reason I'm so upset about it. Once she found out we broke up, she swooped in like the hawk.
Unknown2006-09-14 23:10:02
He is a nimble faeling and the great Glomdoring forest is his home, he stands
only around two feet in height, adorning his head are two milky white antlers,
only around two feet in height, adorning his head are two milky white antlers,
Shorlen2006-09-14 23:16:21
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Sep 14 2006, 07:10 PM) 331443
He is a nimble faeling and the great Glomdoring forest is his home, he stands
only around two feet in height, adorning his head are two milky white antlers,
only around two feet in height, adorning his head are two milky white antlers,

Probably saw the Faeling racial picture on the website, not realizing that it's the trans stag skill that gives the antlers show in that picture...
Sylphas2006-09-14 23:21:41
We should beat him until he takes the antlers out. 

Diamondais2006-09-14 23:26:33
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Sep 14 2006, 07:21 PM) 331455
We should beat him until he takes the antlers out.

That way Sylphas wont have to chase the deer.

Noola2006-09-14 23:36:46
QUOTE(Ista @ Sep 14 2006, 03:59 PM) 331406
One of these days I'll stop ranting so much. Really. Honest.
I've just been having insane issues over the guy who broke up with me. Yeah, I'm pretty much getting over him and things, sort of. It's just... now another little bomb has dropped in on this. The girl I consider my best friend has decided she's going to try and date him. She, of course, has not told me thi. I got to be told by him and another friend.
It explains why she was so keen on me moving on though, and was always taking his side. This has not been a good few weeks.

On the plus side, as I'm going to try to do what Noola does, the greek festival is coming up. And I've decided to double major in Anthropology, which makes me happy.

That's terrible about your friend. She should have at least mentioned she was interested in this guy to see how you'd feel about it.

And oooh! Greek festivals are fun! I

My rant for today is that as I'm slowly but surely teaching myself (cause no one has much time to train me) how to do my new duties at work, people keep piling more and more on top of it so it looks like I'm not getting anything done.

But on the good side, I did teach myself how to fix (some) things in the forms' code so that I don't have to keep bugging the IT guys for every single thing.

And also, I'm jonesin for Lusternia bad. I MISS playing Noola. I MISS New Celest and the Aquamancers and the Order and hanging out with Noola's family and friends and going on adventures and everything. I'd just been made an undersecretary and I'm constantly worried I'll be dropped cause I can't be there, and I was going to be there on the 16th, but now it's the 20th instead, and I totally understand if I am, but I'll probably cry. It's sooo frustrating the few minutes I can hop in every day to check news (and there's never enough new news posts! Someone make a long, interesting and contriversial public news post so when I check the news tomorrow I'll have something fun and impressive to read!) read orglogs, send off a few messages and say Hi to a few people cause I want to stay on longer and I can't. The 20th can't get here soon enough!

And you know what? I love how much I love and miss playing Lusternia. I love that I've got a hobby that isn't just 'blah I can take it or leave it.' That's my good thing to balance this rant.

Unknown2006-09-15 01:16:09
What is this I'm hearing that Celest teaches Novices to hate Seren and Mag?
What is this I'm hearing that Celest teaches Novices to hate Seren and Mag?
Clise2006-09-15 01:24:04
Hmm hate? More likely filling their poor little heads with countless sermons and propaganda on how bad the taint is and those who kill angels are. I'm sure the same thing occurs in all orgs and the only ones to suffer are the poor confused newbies (Note that ALTS are not factored into this) 
And now for my rant
lecturers who CHANGE THE DUE DATES ON ASSIGNMENTS WITHOUT INFORMING ANYONE. Now my assignment is a day late due to that and I am probably going to be penalised
. Sucks to print out the cover sheet to see the due date is due 4 hours ago and the office that accepts the papers are closed 2 hours ago 

And now for my rant

Shiri2006-09-15 01:26:12
That doesn't sound like a bad thing...we don't exactly teach our novices to hate the Taint but we do warn them about it. Not unreasonable!
Reiha2006-09-15 02:00:00
From what I heard, it was more of "enemy or not, they're better off dead" thing.
Diamondais2006-09-15 02:04:27
I hate hearing 'dont kill Aslaran' 'this is your first warning for killing Aslaran'. Do you honestly think being a jerk and then killing the Cook, a gold paying denizen which I absolutely despise when people kill those, is going to make me stop? No, ask me nicely and Ill do it. Yeesh, and you know what, maybe if you didnt KILL gold paying denizens Id think twice about it.
Yini mentioned she didnt like it when I made a small complaint about Celest doing that on GT, Ill certainly think twice on her behalf not Celests.

Yini mentioned she didnt like it when I made a small complaint about Celest doing that on GT, Ill certainly think twice on her behalf not Celests.
Unknown2006-09-15 02:10:27
There... I feel relieved now

There... I feel relieved now

Acrune2006-09-15 02:11:15
My OS class is ridiculous. We have to learn about operating system structures, which in itself is hard, tedious, and crazy boring. But we have to learn Unix, and write programs for C on it, and the teacher seems to be assuming that we're already proficient in both, when in fact I have no experience in either except for my C++ knowledge. I also can't seem to get Knoppix to work on my computer (it gets hung up on the configuring hardware line), so I'm either going to have to find a way to get some form of unix on my computer or find out if school has a unix open lab that I could use to do all my programming for that class, which is an idea I truly hate. Three weeks into the semester and I already foresee a mental breakdown in the near future. 

Diamondais2006-09-15 02:13:04
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Sep 14 2006, 10:10 PM) 331501

There... I feel relieved now

You killed the cook before.

QUOTE(Acrune @ Sep 14 2006, 10:11 PM) 331502
My OS class is ridiculous. We have to learn about operating system structures, which in itself is hard, tedious, and crazy boring. But we have to learn Unix, and write programs for C on it, and the teacher seems to be assuming that we're already proficient in both, when in fact I have no experience in either except for my C++ knowledge. I also can't seem to get Knoppix to work on my computer (it gets hung up on the configuring hardware line), so I'm either going to have to find a way to get some form of unix on my computer or find out if school has a unix open lab that I could use to do all my programming for that class, which is an idea I truly hate. Three weeks into the semester and I already foresee a mental breakdown in the near future.

My Drama Tech teacher was like that, we were all expected to know autocad even though it was an art course and we were mostly all Drama studants since that was the prerequisite.
Sylphas2006-09-15 02:16:13
I'd think the school would at least a Linux server sitting around somewhere you could log onto, probably remotely from home. Mine did, and it wasn't a big school or especially tech savvy or anything.
Anyways, how'd you manage to screw up Knoppix? All you have to do is stick it in the drive and reboot. I've never had any troubles with it on any computer I've tried it with.
Anyways, how'd you manage to screw up Knoppix? All you have to do is stick it in the drive and reboot. I've never had any troubles with it on any computer I've tried it with.
Shiri2006-09-15 02:16:16
Lightzout, you know you can trade corpses to GOGNIGIN for gold, right? 

Reiha2006-09-15 02:18:37
QUOTE(diamondais @ Sep 14 2006, 05:04 PM) 331496
I hate hearing 'dont kill Aslaran' 'this is your first warning for killing Aslaran'. Do you honestly think being a jerk and then killing the Cook, a gold paying denizen which I absolutely despise when people kill those, is going to make me stop? No, ask me nicely and Ill do it. Yeesh, and you know what, maybe if you didnt KILL gold paying denizens Id think twice about it.

Yini mentioned she didnt like it when I made a small complaint about Celest doing that on GT, Ill certainly think twice on her behalf not Celests.
Do what Ildaudid does and go kill Surtami

Also.. how heck is Hraddon level 72?! I am only 78, and he created Hraddon like what five hours ago? *jealous rage*