Unknown2006-09-17 08:36:34

Unknown2006-09-17 08:39:33
El Shaddai? Erm.. God Almighty? I don't speak or write Hebrew, just that it sounds familar, and I can't remember where I saw that before. Should be a banner in one of the church conferences.
I never knew that Jews couldn't...write?/print? the names of the Lord. Or is it just a personal preference, that you don't want to refer to someone as the Lord?
I never knew that Jews couldn't...write?/print? the names of the Lord. Or is it just a personal preference, that you don't want to refer to someone as the Lord?
Shorlen2006-09-17 08:44:15
I was just playing nethack to calm down, and I died on the final level of the Sokobon from something really dumb, and I could have easilly avoided the death if I had just stopped a moment to think
I wouldn't mind if I had left a bones file, but you can't leave bones files on that level
I was level 14 too, was going to rush to my Quest after that.
Oh well, the advantage to playing games with permadeath and no saving is that they end at a very clear time, and then you can go on to other things

Oh well, the advantage to playing games with permadeath and no saving is that they end at a very clear time, and then you can go on to other things

Daganev2006-09-17 08:53:43
QUOTE(Caerulo @ Sep 17 2006, 01:39 AM) 332239
El Shaddai? Erm.. God Almighty? I don't speak or write Hebrew, just that it sounds familar, and I can't remember where I saw that before. Should be a banner in one of the church conferences.
I never knew that Jews couldn't...write?/print? the names of the Lord. Or is it just a personal preference, that you don't want to refer to someone as the Lord?
Shakai litterally means "Belonging to/that which is .. enough/sufficent"
The law is as follows. If one writes out the name of Gd the only way in which the item it was written on may be gotten rid of is through burrial. (they are burried in what is called a Ganiza) There are wide debates as to what the status of writing on the internet is. However anything that is clearly going to be thrown out, or not saved, should not have Gd's name on it.
There is a very famous book called "The Path of Gd" and on the front cover the "O" in the title is incomplete.
Tervic2006-09-17 10:08:54
QUOTE(daganev @ Sep 17 2006, 01:53 AM) 332242
Shakai litterally means "Belonging to/that which is .. enough/sufficent"
The law is as follows. If one writes out the name of Gd the only way in which the item it was written on may be gotten rid of is through burrial. (they are burried in what is called a Ganiza) There are wide debates as to what the status of writing on the internet is. However anything that is clearly going to be thrown out, or not saved, should not have Gd's name on it.
There is a very famous book called "The Path of Gd" and on the front cover the "O" in the title is incomplete.
I thought it was ok to write something that would be understood to mean Gd on any medium so long as it wasn't Gd's full out name or title. (yay off topic theologial debates)
Rant: my computer is being a

Daganev2006-09-17 10:20:58
QUOTE(Tervic @ Sep 17 2006, 03:08 AM) 332248
I thought it was ok to write something that would be understood to mean Gd on any medium so long as it wasn't Gd's full out name or title. (yay off topic theologial debates)
There is no question about YKVK, but for all the other names its debated. Shakkai is not always prefixed by "Kel"
Like all good questions its debated. (There was once even a debate about the word "Shalom" if that can be written because of the verse that says "His ways are peace" -- AFAIK, that debate was ended in a compromise where they ruled you can not greet a person in a bathroom but you can write the name, because otherwise you would not be allowed to write any word ever.. meh, all off topic and far too incomplete, so if you don't understand just skip this.)
But for me, when I see the name it just stands out, like seing the name Tolkien, or Jesus, or Buddah.
Unknown2006-09-17 10:45:24
So, now we get to watch where Munsia and Kalodan go. I bet they both end up in Mag within the next week.
I'd be very, very surprised if Kalodan ended up elsewhere. He was so "anti-everything" I really can't see him being anywhere except Serenwilde--or rogue. It'd be a huge stretch RP-wise.
Wasn't Munsia one of Narsrim's buddies and a Hajamin worshipper? If so, why didn't she go to Celest?
Unknown2006-09-17 11:45:15
Thanks for explaining those things. Now I know why his name sounded so familiar.
Ooo, one last question and I'll stop derailing this thread's purpose. Is I AM one of His names that you can't write? Wouldn't that make writing a little tough?
Oh. Erm, another question. Wouldn't being unable to write His name make writing religious documents/essays/books tough?
Em. Well, I lied. Last question, honest. Is 'J' and 'Y' the same in Hebrew? I'm sorry I can't think of a better example, but such as YHVH and JHVH.
Alright, to make up for the off-topicness, I have a rant. I hate rogue games. I can't ever get past the select a race stage.
And who knew that hunger kills more rogue adventurers than the monsters? If I had one of those fancy wish thingys, I'll wish for world hunger to end. That way, I might actually really get past the first level.
Ooo, one last question and I'll stop derailing this thread's purpose. Is I AM one of His names that you can't write? Wouldn't that make writing a little tough?
Oh. Erm, another question. Wouldn't being unable to write His name make writing religious documents/essays/books tough?
Em. Well, I lied. Last question, honest. Is 'J' and 'Y' the same in Hebrew? I'm sorry I can't think of a better example, but such as YHVH and JHVH.
Alright, to make up for the off-topicness, I have a rant. I hate rogue games. I can't ever get past the select a race stage.
And who knew that hunger kills more rogue adventurers than the monsters? If I had one of those fancy wish thingys, I'll wish for world hunger to end. That way, I might actually really get past the first level.
Shamarah2006-09-17 12:05:57
I hate size 1 tumble.
Ixion2006-09-17 12:15:51
Size one tumble hates you too 

Acrune2006-09-17 12:34:34
QUOTE(daganev @ Sep 17 2006, 06:20 AM) 332251
But for me, when I see the name it just stands out, like seing the name Tolkien, or Jesus, or Buddah.
Plenty of rl people are named Jesus

Unknown2006-09-17 15:09:42
My mom's name is Maria de Jesus(Mary of Jesus). One uncle is named Jesus. In mexico there should be at least one Jesus for every 20 people.
Unknown2006-09-17 16:10:20
How does Shaddai = Shadai? Isn't that like saying God = Good? So you aren't allowed to write the word good, because its god?
That makes no sense.. and any god that is that anal can gladly stay away from my soul
That makes no sense.. and any god that is that anal can gladly stay away from my soul

Unknown2006-09-17 17:01:04
QUOTE(Caerulo @ Sep 17 2006, 12:45 PM) 332258
Thanks for explaining those things. Now I know why his name sounded so familiar.
Ooo, one last question and I'll stop derailing this thread's purpose. Is I AM one of His names that you can't write? Wouldn't that make writing a little tough?
Oh. Erm, another question. Wouldn't being unable to write His name make writing religious documents/essays/books tough?
Em. Well, I lied. Last question, honest. Is 'J' and 'Y' the same in Hebrew? I'm sorry I can't think of a better example, but such as YHVH and JHVH.
I think it is perfectly valid to write I am, so long as it's not in a particular spelling. In Hebrew, in a siddur (prayer book) it's written YY, and in a Torah scroll, it's YHVH.
In english, Gd or G-d is generally used for His name, but in Hebrew, I think YY is generally used. Correct me if I'm wrong, Daganev. My Hebrew is very rusty, and it wasn't great to start out with

About the J and Y question, in the actual Hebrew language, there is no J sound, so transliterating something used to be done with a Y, but I think more recently, as Hebrew has become an everyday language for more people, it's written as G' .
QUOTE(Fallen @ Sep 17 2006, 05:10 PM) 332306
How does Shaddai = Shadai? Isn't that like saying God = Good? So you aren't allowed to write the word good, because its god?
That makes no sense.. and any god that is that anal can gladly stay away from my soul

Two points.
1. If you are going to make obviously offensive, sweeping comments about that which you obviously know nothing about, It would be rather more polite if you didn't touch the keyboard in the first place.
2. Hebrew uses a different alphabet from English. Transliterations from another alphabet have no standardised spelling, hence, the spelling of a word in teh English alphabet makes no difference whatsoever to what it means in Hebrew. Congratulate yourself on proving that you know virtually nothing about the language you are criticising.
Diamondais2006-09-17 17:08:17
Saran fixed the Path question I had..still no Nementh though..
Everiine2006-09-17 17:10:27
I never have a problem writing God, though I'm not Jewish. You can get into all kinds of religious debates on what's proper, but I could never love someone as a friend who's name I was forbidden to say or write. In regards, I don't tell other people what to do about religion, nor submit myself to someone else's view on what's proper.
Daganev2006-09-17 17:51:36
Like I said, I don't know how to rant about it properly. Sure lots of RL people are named Jesus... but if someone named thier charachter Jesus they would be forced to name change in two seconds flat.
Gd's names in Judaism are tricky... and its really not a simple thing. (I once remember having a class on it for a week) However one point must be made clear. The issue is not if Gd' is anal about such things. The issue is how do I, as a human being, respect and related to something that is outside the boundaries of Nature. One way of doing this is by knowing and acting upon the concept that if I am writing something which I know is going to be treated as trash, and is going to be thrown away and treat as nothing important, I should not put to paper things which I don't really understand, and if I feel I need to, I should remember that I can only do so in an incomplete manner. (there is actually one ritual where you are forced to erase Gd's name. This ritual would not have it importance if one were to do that on a regular basis. This also shows that erasing Gd's name is not a prohibition put onto us by the reality of it being bad to erase the name, but rather its a subjective law- hence open to lots and lots of debate)
Ytraelux , as far as I know, everything you said was correct.
P.S. With this controversy over the statements of the Pope, I think I am allowed to rant when I see a charachter with a name of The Diety.
Gd's names in Judaism are tricky... and its really not a simple thing. (I once remember having a class on it for a week) However one point must be made clear. The issue is not if Gd' is anal about such things. The issue is how do I, as a human being, respect and related to something that is outside the boundaries of Nature. One way of doing this is by knowing and acting upon the concept that if I am writing something which I know is going to be treated as trash, and is going to be thrown away and treat as nothing important, I should not put to paper things which I don't really understand, and if I feel I need to, I should remember that I can only do so in an incomplete manner. (there is actually one ritual where you are forced to erase Gd's name. This ritual would not have it importance if one were to do that on a regular basis. This also shows that erasing Gd's name is not a prohibition put onto us by the reality of it being bad to erase the name, but rather its a subjective law- hence open to lots and lots of debate)
Ytraelux , as far as I know, everything you said was correct.
P.S. With this controversy over the statements of the Pope, I think I am allowed to rant when I see a charachter with a name of The Diety.
Unknown2006-09-17 18:07:34
QUOTE(Ytraelux @ Sep 17 2006, 10:01 AM) 332318
1. If you are going to make obviously offensive, sweeping comments about that which you obviously know nothing about, It would be rather more polite if you didn't touch the keyboard in the first place.
2. Hebrew uses a different alphabet from English. Transliterations from another alphabet have no standardised spelling, hence, the spelling of a word in teh English alphabet makes no difference whatsoever to what it means in Hebrew. Congratulate yourself on proving that you know virtually nothing about the language you are criticising.
1. I wasn't trying to be offensive. I was trying to be humorous. And, since God technically created humor, one would imagine he'd have a good sense of it, no? Just look at the Platypus. Also, it honestly doesn't make any sense, different alphabet or not, hence my asking how it works.
2. No

Transliterations from another alphabet have no standardised spelling, hence, the spelling of the word in THE English alphabet makes no difference whatsoever to what it means in Hebrew.
If the Latin Alphabet doesn't match up with the Hebrew alphabet, then its really not the name of God. Since there is no standardized translation, and because its not in the original language, then technically, Shad(d)ai is no different than doing Gd in place of God, or anything else of the same nature. The translation is not exact, so its not the name of God. If it was, then Gd is just as bad as God. Why isn't it? Because you don't complete it. And if the translation isn't standardized, then it isn't by any means complete. And given that its sort of the name of God.. only he could really be the one to officially standardize it.. and by the time he does that.. it won't really be an issue anymore, will it?
Unknown2006-09-17 18:08:26
I always wanted to name a character Estar, Roarkin or Vestian. We have RL Junes, Aprils and I know a March 

Unknown2006-09-17 18:28:38
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 16 2006, 08:27 PM) 332132
Don't do it, Guido. She's Hitler and eats babies

Some babies deserve to be eaten.