Shorlen2006-09-17 18:34:25
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Sep 17 2006, 02:28 PM) 332346
Some babies deserve to be eaten.
And yet... here you are...
(I'm joking! Sorry! I couldn't resist! You left that WIIIIDE open

Unknown2006-09-17 20:14:29
QUOTE(Fallen @ Sep 17 2006, 07:07 PM) 332336
1. I wasn't trying to be offensive. I was trying to be humorous. And, since God technically created humor, one would imagine he'd have a good sense of it, no? Just look at the Platypus. Also, it honestly doesn't make any sense, different alphabet or not, hence my asking how it works.
Would you make anti-black jokes in front of someone with dark skin?
2. No shit? Really!? But what about the fact that many words and names cross the nationality barrier and find themselves integrated into other languages? Or what if it had just been a random name he thought up? Congratulate yourself for making a point for me.
The name Benjamin Daniels, (which finds its roots in the Jewish Bible) for example has nothing to do with the name of G'd. The name Sha'ai has not become integrated into English.
If the Latin Alphabet doesn't match up with the Hebrew alphabet, then its really not the name of God. Since there is no standardized translation, and because its not in the original language, then technically, Shad(d)ai is no different than doing Gd in place of God, or anything else of the same nature. The translation is not exact, so its not the name of God. If it was, then Gd is just as bad as God. Why isn't it? Because you don't complete it. And if the translation isn't standardized, then it isn't by any means complete. And given that its sort of the name of God.. only he could really be the one to officially standardize it.. and by the time he does that.. it won't really be an issue anymore, will it?
The full form of Sha'ai is the name of The Lord, so we do not use it carelessly. The full form of G'd is the name of The Lord, so we do not use it carelessly.
The variants of Sha'ai you suggested are still the same word. They are just different ways of spelling exactly the same thing. Using G'd or Sha'ai instead of the full thing is different, because it is referring to Him, but it is not directly writing out His name.
Would you make a difference other than the spelling and perhaps nationlity between colour and color? No. The differences between the two version of Sha'ai you put have no more difference than Color and Colour.
You would, however, notice a difference between Colour and Co'or. Co'or is only indirectly using the word for the perception of something by the eye. Both Color and Colour, however, refer to it directly.
Unknown2006-09-17 20:28:57
He is an ordinary human and has whiskers arranged on his face artisticly. His
hair is black and falls down the back in a ponytail with a hairpin of a black
cat sleeping. His hand's have sharpened nails filed to a triangle shape looking
like claws. A sleeping cat is tattooed on the front of his chest curled up in a
ball. His chest is well muscled yet toned well enough to look limber. His hands
are strong and thin looking graceful. He has the graceful build of a gymnast.
His teeth are sharpened looking like a larger versions of a cats mouth. He is
wearing a black fedora hat, and a pair of supple, dark leather boots.
Abridged version:
He is a sleek aslaran and he wants the human experience bonus.
EDIT: Also, in response to the last post: GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD.
hair is black and falls down the back in a ponytail with a hairpin of a black
cat sleeping. His hand's have sharpened nails filed to a triangle shape looking
like claws. A sleeping cat is tattooed on the front of his chest curled up in a
ball. His chest is well muscled yet toned well enough to look limber. His hands
are strong and thin looking graceful. He has the graceful build of a gymnast.
His teeth are sharpened looking like a larger versions of a cats mouth. He is
wearing a black fedora hat, and a pair of supple, dark leather boots.
Abridged version:
He is a sleek aslaran and he wants the human experience bonus.
EDIT: Also, in response to the last post: GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD.
Everiine2006-09-17 20:30:09

Xavius2006-09-17 20:34:42
Translated slightly, Ytraelux is trying to say that homophones are only granted an exception if the exception exists in Hebrew. I think there's enough fuzzy logic there for you to go to work on attacking the belief rather than the less eloquent delivery. 

Acrune2006-09-17 20:38:41
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Sep 17 2006, 04:28 PM) 332389
He is an ordinary human and has whiskers arranged on his face artisticly. His
hair is black and falls down the back in a ponytail with a hairpin of a black
cat sleeping. His hand's have sharpened nails filed to a triangle shape looking
like claws. A sleeping cat is tattooed on the front of his chest curled up in a
ball. His chest is well muscled yet toned well enough to look limber. His hands
are strong and thin looking graceful. He has the graceful build of a gymnast.
His teeth are sharpened looking like a larger versions of a cats mouth. He is
wearing a black fedora hat, and a pair of supple, dark leather boots.
Abridged version:
He is a sleek aslaran and he wants the human experience bonus.
EDIT: Also, in response to the last post: GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD.
Maybe he was an aslaran and racechanged without changing the description? I had my human description for about a month after I went merian. At least it was vague enough.
Oh, and GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD. One-upped ya.

You're welcome to your religion, but most people don't want to hear about it.
Everiine2006-09-17 20:44:31
Basically, if it insults you to write out God's name, don't. Just as it would be awful for me if I couldn't.
Reiha2006-09-17 20:52:55
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Sep 17 2006, 11:28 AM) 332389
....He is wearing a black fedora hat, and a pair of supple, dark leather boots.
There's nothing covering his genitals...
Diamondais2006-09-17 20:53:37
Puss in Boots! 

Ista2006-09-17 20:55:31
It really annoys me how rude people are being toward this. It's a rant, he's entitled to be slightly annoyed.
No offense, but you're all being jerks about this. (Well, not all, but you know what I mean.) It's his faith, he was TRYING to explain why he was annoyed. If you can't respect that, then don't even discuss it.
Going 'God, god, god, god' just to be an arse is NOT okay.
No offense, but you're all being jerks about this. (Well, not all, but you know what I mean.) It's his faith, he was TRYING to explain why he was annoyed. If you can't respect that, then don't even discuss it.
Going 'God, god, god, god' just to be an arse is NOT okay.
Shamarah2006-09-17 21:03:59
QUOTE(Ista @ Sep 17 2006, 04:55 PM) 332402
It really annoys me how rude people are being toward this. It's a rant, he's entitled to be slightly annoyed.
No offense, but you're all being jerks about this. (Well, not all, but you know what I mean.) It's his faith, he was TRYING to explain why he was annoyed. If you can't respect that, then don't even discuss it.
Going 'God, god, god, god' just to be an arse is NOT okay.
Well, it's Guido, after all.
Ashteru2006-09-17 21:04:52
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Sep 17 2006, 09:03 PM) 332407
Well, it's Guido, after all.
Dude, I would've posted that scare me.

Ista2006-09-17 21:17:48
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Sep 17 2006, 03:03 PM) 332407
Well, it's Guido, after all.
Good point, whatever was I thinking?

Everiine2006-09-17 21:18:54
The point is I think some thought he was trying to make everyone else not write God, which is not the case. We can write God all we want, it's His name after all, but in his tradition, it's not proper, and he was explaining that. If I thought he was trying to push it on me I'd have jumped up too, but it doesn't look like he was doing that.
Unknown2006-09-17 21:41:55
Everiine couldn't have put it better. I am not trying to push it on everybody, I'm just arguing with Fallen. What's new?
Maybe he was an aslaran and racechanged without changing the description? I had my human description for about a month after I went merian. At least it was vague enough.
If he had done that, he wouldn't have emphasized how his human features had been manicured/groomed/nipped/tucked to make him look like a wannabe kittykat.
QUOTE(Acrune @ Sep 17 2006, 09:38 PM) 332394
Maybe he was an aslaran and racechanged without changing the description? I had my human description for about a month after I went merian. At least it was vague enough.
If he had done that, he wouldn't have emphasized how his human features had been manicured/groomed/nipped/tucked to make him look like a wannabe kittykat.
Morvior2006-09-17 22:15:56
When you finally get back from having your internet cut off, a complete newbie still, start to really enjoy the MUD again.. Then bam, college starts up full pelt with lots of work and you have barely any free time. It really irritates. 

Unknown2006-09-17 22:25:06
QUOTE(Caerulo @ Sep 17 2006, 04:45 AM) 332258
Last question, honest. Is 'J' and 'Y' the same in Hebrew? I'm sorry I can't think of a better example, but such as YHVH and JHVH.
J, Y, and I are all the same in Latin. So early translators are probably the source of that paticular piece of confusion.
Unknown2006-09-17 22:39:14
I hope that Kalodan doesn't come to Celest. Fortunatly, he hates cities too much so I don't think we'll have to worry.
Ashteru2006-09-17 22:47:13
Shake ya tailfeather, babeh.
EDIT: Don't you hate it that you have some awesome quotes and no one is there to use them on...
EDIT: Don't you hate it that you have some awesome quotes and no one is there to use them on...

Daganev2006-09-17 23:45:21
The concept of Gd is an anomoly. For example, even in game, I have a hard time capitlizing the word, but I will say god in lowercase all day long. Because we happen to live in a culture where lowercase god is not refering to the same thing as capital G god.
If english had as many words for Gd as Hebrew does, I have a feeling it would be a completely different story.
There is a hebrew word in english pronounced god, however its normally translitererated as Gad. (its one of the 12 tribes, was the but of many jokes as a child- like, Why was Judah the tribe of the king, we all know that the tribe of Gad is all powerfull. but anyway.)
Forren, if you type Shadai into google, it tries to correct your spelling with a double D.
I probbably should have just left my rant at "why did someone name themselfs after Gd"... but I was hoping to explain the annoyance. I guess the opperativer term here is TMI! TMI! TMI!
If english had as many words for Gd as Hebrew does, I have a feeling it would be a completely different story.
There is a hebrew word in english pronounced god, however its normally translitererated as Gad. (its one of the 12 tribes, was the but of many jokes as a child- like, Why was Judah the tribe of the king, we all know that the tribe of Gad is all powerfull. but anyway.)
Forren, if you type Shadai into google, it tries to correct your spelling with a double D.
I probbably should have just left my rant at "why did someone name themselfs after Gd"... but I was hoping to explain the annoyance. I guess the opperativer term here is TMI! TMI! TMI!