Diamondais2006-09-18 16:54:11
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 18 2006, 12:52 PM) 332791
Eh. I don't think the war's ending any time soon, I don't think either side wants to stop.
I know. Thats one of the reasons why I dont quite care to be around.
Anarias2006-09-18 16:55:02
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 18 2006, 10:52 AM) 332791
Eh. I don't think the war's ending any time soon, I don't think either side wants to stop.
I don't know how true that is.
Acrune2006-09-18 16:57:52
QUOTE(Anarias @ Sep 18 2006, 12:55 PM) 332793
I don't know how true that is.
I do

Diamondais2006-09-18 17:16:12
I personally believe the Hall of Records should be Peaced, people are going there to found families and adopt children. If someones there, its not because theyre all ready to fight and are taunting you into coming and fighting them.
Daganev2006-09-18 17:18:50
however its a great way to rob somebody, since you know they will have 500,000 gold on them.
Unknown2006-09-18 18:32:18
I don't want to sound like a jerk, because I personally hate jumping and being jumped, but...
Diamondais2006-09-18 18:33:44
I did have Vitae, they didnt kill me. They killed Kia. They just afflicted me a ton and my system went nuts because everytime I tell it what pipes its to check it for some reason doesnt check them.
Noola2006-09-18 18:35:50
I hate that I went hiking this weekend and got chiggers all over my feet. Little bastards (can I say that word on the forum?
) itch! I also hate that it's gone and gotten cold outside. Why'd it have to go and start getting chilly already?
But I guess that cold weather means next time I go hiking I won't have to worry as much about chiggers!
I hate that I wasted $52 dollars cause I'm too big of a bonehead to call ahead and make sure my sister was in town before trying to wire her money.
But I love that, even with that blow to my finances, in two days I'll have the internet back!

But I guess that cold weather means next time I go hiking I won't have to worry as much about chiggers!

I hate that I wasted $52 dollars cause I'm too big of a bonehead to call ahead and make sure my sister was in town before trying to wire her money.

But I love that, even with that blow to my finances, in two days I'll have the internet back!

Sylphas2006-09-18 19:12:08
QUOTE(Arix @ Sep 17 2006, 11:15 PM) 332599
I hate that I can't remember the rune that causes stupidity
*bounce* Ooo, I remember now! Gyfu! Gyfu gives stupidity! I win.

Eilar2006-09-18 19:55:00
I hate that I cut this big stupid mole on my face while I was shaving, and I had to go around with a plaster on my face all day looking like an idiot. 

Shamarah2006-09-18 19:57:14
I hate running out of kafe in the middle of a fight, leaving to get some, and coming back.
And then running out of mana, leaving to get some, and coming back.
And then running out of aeon tarots and giving up in frusturation.
And then running out of mana, leaving to get some, and coming back.
And then running out of aeon tarots and giving up in frusturation.
Ialie2006-09-18 19:59:44
I hate doctors.
Geb2006-09-18 20:02:46
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Sep 18 2006, 08:12 PM) 332820
*bounce* Ooo, I remember now! Gyfu! Gyfu gives stupidity! I win.

Heh, that gives paralysis. It is Cen.
Shorlen2006-09-18 20:03:32
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Sep 18 2006, 03:57 PM) 332839
I hate running out of kafe in the middle of a fight, leaving to get some, and coming back.
And then running out of mana, leaving to get some, and coming back.
And then running out of aeon tarots and giving up in frusturation.
And then running out of mana, leaving to get some, and coming back.
And then running out of aeon tarots and giving up in frusturation.
I hate when you do it too, I don't get to finish collecting Celestine afflict messages

Unknown2006-09-18 20:04:15
QUOTE(daganev @ Sep 18 2006, 09:47 AM) 332787
>Says that God demanded the angels bow down and serve Adam, and Lucifer went "Um.. how 'bout no?" and was being "Prideful" for wanting equality, not with God, but with humans. Which is interesting because it paints him as someone a lot of people can relate to, rather than just a vain being who wanted to be a god.
Interesting. Where did you read this? There is a jewish story about this, however its about "the angels" and doesn't specify any names. There is a book called Adam and Eve in the apocrypha? I don't think my version has it. (its also missing a few books of the maccabees annoyingly)
Yup. Its the Book of Adam and Eve. I stumbled upon it during research for a paper. Though, the copy I found and read was online, but I found a couple copies that were identical, and a few sources said that it is a part of the Apocrypha for certain groups of Christians, as it also mentions Christ and such. Its all about what happens to Adam and Eve after they're cast out from Eden, and their troubles with all the new things that happen to them, since they don't know things like fire burns, and that you can drown in water, and that they have to eat to live, so they die over and over, and God keeps ressurecting them. It also goes into a lot of Satan's numerous temptations and plots.
Charune2006-09-18 20:05:17
I hate that my apartment went from too hot last week, to too cold this week. Damn landlord needs to fix the ventilation so I actually get AC in the summer and HEAT in the winter. It is 6c outside right now and about 10c in my apartment. 

Shamarah2006-09-18 20:07:59
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Sep 18 2006, 04:03 PM) 332845
I hate when you do it too, I don't get to finish collecting Celestine afflict messages

I wouldn't trigger the crackling blue disc message to anorexia, or I'll use an extra non-anorexia Shakniel power against you just to confuse you.

Shorlen2006-09-18 20:22:30
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Sep 18 2006, 04:07 PM) 332849
I wouldn't trigger the crackling blue disc message to anorexia, or I'll use an extra non-anorexia Shakniel power against you just to confuse you. 

Oh noes! I'll smoke 1/10th of a coltsfoot herb for no reason!

My system actually spams herbs quite often if there is even the chance I might have something in certain cases. I could fix it, but meh, too lazy. I just assume any semi-masked afflict is the worst one it could be, or multiple ones if there are multiple worst ones

Sylphas2006-09-18 20:35:39
QUOTE(geb @ Sep 18 2006, 04:02 PM) 332844
Heh, that gives paralysis. It is Cen.

Everiine2006-09-18 20:37:56
Anything about Lucifer/Satan I take as the heavy mythology that it is. And yes, in Christian mythology, Lucifer is Satan, because... he is. We didn't "merge" anything, that's the story we have. Look at how many other stories have been presented already? And you would feign the knowledge to know which is true, if any are?
Lucifer, Lightbearer, fell from Heaven and was after known as Satan. We're not confusing the "two", because in the mythology they are one and the same.
The Book of Adam and Eve is not in the Apocrypha you'll find in the Bible. Same with the Gospel of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, etc.
And anyone that complains about my calling it mythology needs to go take a look at the Bible. Two creation stories, completely at odds with each other, yet you would claim them both absolute truth? Research the history of the Bible, you'll find that many of the stories in Genesis are just that... mythology.
EDIT: Ouch, major
Lucifer, Lightbearer, fell from Heaven and was after known as Satan. We're not confusing the "two", because in the mythology they are one and the same.
The Book of Adam and Eve is not in the Apocrypha you'll find in the Bible. Same with the Gospel of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, etc.
And anyone that complains about my calling it mythology needs to go take a look at the Bible. Two creation stories, completely at odds with each other, yet you would claim them both absolute truth? Research the history of the Bible, you'll find that many of the stories in Genesis are just that... mythology.
EDIT: Ouch, major