Kharaen2006-09-19 01:16:03
I hate Ambling Pirates. 

Unknown2006-09-19 01:16:52
QUOTE(Kromsh @ Sep 18 2006, 05:48 PM) 332970
The God of evil dragons?

Hope I'm not the only one that knows what I'm talking about...
Oh yes, a rant. I'm pissed that it's so easy to bash as a Mugwump.
Tiamat is/was a player on Achaea. That really says it all.
Another thing I hate! I hate people who assume Baphomet is a goat-headed demon of some sort, without knowing anything about how the myth of Baphomet got started with the Templars.
I'm an Anthropology major. These things get to me.

Unknown2006-09-19 01:32:46
QUOTE(Master_Forcide @ Sep 19 2006, 02:16 AM) 332982
Another thing I hate! I hate people who assume Baphomet is a goat-headed demon of some sort, without knowing anything about how the myth of Baphomet got started with the Templars.
A goateed idol, actually. Or at least that's what I got out of Foucault's Pendulum, and Umberto Eco can't be wrong!

Ista2006-09-19 03:22:48
QUOTE(Master_Forcide @ Sep 18 2006, 07:16 PM) 332982
I'm an Anthropology major. These things get to me.

Are you enjoying the major? I love Anthropology, and I'm considering doing a double major, I'm just confused so far.
EDIT (much, much later): Just to make this into a rant, not a Ninja off-topic
My world history professor is so boring. I'm trying to stay awake, trying to care, but it's really hard. Not to mention, he always stands in front of the notes on the board he writes, so I can't SEE THEM! He also can't say words right. He says 'polis' like police, and for awhile I thought we were talking about how they dealt with crime in Athens.
Must not log into game.... MUST STAY STRONG.
On the plus side, the Greek Festivities are going great and are a ton of fun!
Unknown2006-09-19 19:36:33

Joli2006-09-19 19:59:31
I hate that even though there is a new port I can't connect.
Everiine2006-09-19 20:10:47
You know what I hate? Rich people. Basically, if you start in the center of my university, in three directions if you drive 3 blocks away, you hit slums, boarded up houses, gangs, lots of nasty stuff. But in the other direction, the "city" in which our university is in technically, it's a whole 'nother story. I was trying to find the bike trail (unmarked, of course) that my friend told me about, and I almost got sick as I was riding down. Mansions. Mother-frackin' mansions. Not big houses, not big big house, frackin' mansions. Cars that are worth more than my house. Mansions on properties that are at least as big as my university campus. A preparatory school big enough to hold the population of my part of my home-city. Parks with elegant waterfalls and rivers and golf courses so expensive my college tutition wouldn't get me entrance.
And everywhere else I look, people trying, and often failing, to make a living. People dying over "terf" because they have nothing better to live for, no future.
Rich people deserve no tax cuts, no extra incentives to charity, nothing.
Frack you, rich people.
And everywhere else I look, people trying, and often failing, to make a living. People dying over "terf" because they have nothing better to live for, no future.
Rich people deserve no tax cuts, no extra incentives to charity, nothing.
Frack you, rich people.
Diamondais2006-09-19 20:10:49
I hate that Aqua and Geo demesnes kill herbs.
Bugger off.

Ashteru2006-09-19 20:36:24
QUOTE(diamondais @ Sep 19 2006, 08:10 PM) 333372
I hate that Aqua and Geo demesnes kill herbs.

Your post kinda pales to Everiines, y'know. But just let me reiterate my point: "Love 'n peace, mon."
Diamondais2006-09-19 20:43:59
Okay, how about this then.
I had a really bad allergy attack, Im not allergic to much, nor is it bad. Just hayfever. Because of that, I have been coughing non-stop, having a lot of trouble breathing. I havent been in school in the past two days and because of that Im missing my text books, which Id left at school cause I didnt have any homework from my school classes. My one friend is really pissed off at me because I missed a presentation, it was an oral one which I wouldnt have been able to do anyways because well, what do you know, I have no voice. Tomorrow, I have another one in a different class. Still no voice, not to mention my other friend has all of our work. She broke both of her wrists so she cant grasp things very well, or write, or type. Couldnt make up the work because my texts were at school while I was home sick, so tomorrow, if shes there, I get to do a bull
presentations because I have nothing.
The Celestians are raiding, whenever I ask if I should surge I get 'no, we can take them.' Whenever I ask, whos the leader; NOTHING. So, once more, Im useless.
Purely the most selfish rant Ive ever done, but you know what, I doubt anyone will read and/or care. Im not on Ethereal anymore, want to know why? Because were so disorganized that we say we'll do something and yet nothing happens.
Thank you, and goodbye.
I had a really bad allergy attack, Im not allergic to much, nor is it bad. Just hayfever. Because of that, I have been coughing non-stop, having a lot of trouble breathing. I havent been in school in the past two days and because of that Im missing my text books, which Id left at school cause I didnt have any homework from my school classes. My one friend is really pissed off at me because I missed a presentation, it was an oral one which I wouldnt have been able to do anyways because well, what do you know, I have no voice. Tomorrow, I have another one in a different class. Still no voice, not to mention my other friend has all of our work. She broke both of her wrists so she cant grasp things very well, or write, or type. Couldnt make up the work because my texts were at school while I was home sick, so tomorrow, if shes there, I get to do a bull

The Celestians are raiding, whenever I ask if I should surge I get 'no, we can take them.' Whenever I ask, whos the leader; NOTHING. So, once more, Im useless.
Purely the most selfish rant Ive ever done, but you know what, I doubt anyone will read and/or care. Im not on Ethereal anymore, want to know why? Because were so disorganized that we say we'll do something and yet nothing happens.
Thank you, and goodbye.
Reiha2006-09-19 20:51:09
QUOTE(diamondais @ Sep 19 2006, 11:43 AM) 333385
Okay, how about this then.
I had a really bad allergy attack, Im not allergic to much, nor is it bad. Just hayfever. Because of that, I have been coughing non-stop, having a lot of trouble breathing. I havent been in school in the past two days and because of that Im missing my text books, which Id left at school cause I didnt have any homework from my school classes. My one friend is really pissed off at me because I missed a presentation, it was an oral one which I wouldnt have been able to do anyways because well, what do you know, I have no voice. Tomorrow, I have another one in a different class. Still no voice, not to mention my other friend has all of our work. She broke both of her wrists so she cant grasp things very well, or write, or type. Couldnt make up the work because my texts were at school while I was home sick, so tomorrow, if shes there, I get to do a bull

The Celestians are raiding, whenever I ask if I should surge I get 'no, we can take them.' Whenever I ask, whos the leader; NOTHING. So, once more, Im useless.
Purely the most selfish rant Ive ever done, but you know what, I doubt anyone will read and/or care. Im not on Ethereal anymore, want to know why? Because were so disorganized that we say we'll do something and yet nothing happens.
Thank you, and goodbye.

On another note, I tried out this infamous Acheae for a couple of hours, and maybe this is not a rant, but gods I love every single one of you in Lusternia - even you Ashteru. I can't believe how much I've taken Lusternia for granted. Thank you thank you thank you. You can get scolded for saying "hell" but not for butt licking. A few good RPers there, but for the most part, *shudder*
Ashteru2006-09-19 20:55:17
Chicks dig the Ash. Must be my manlieness. And my huge pe...err...pencil.
For Aim or MSN, just pm me, I am always open. *groaning* 0900-THEASHISHOT, call me now.

For Aim or MSN, just pm me, I am always open. *groaning* 0900-THEASHISHOT, call me now.
Everiine2006-09-19 21:01:57
I hate how when I'm gathering pilgrims and cows and I stop paying attention I walk right into statues. I'm not sure how this time, but after I vitaed I managed to move before I got hit by guards again. Then get made fun of by jerks while someone else kills my hunting companion just for laughs.
This time at least the offer was made by Jerk A to unenemy me so I could get the cows and pilgrims again, but as it was Jerk A who enemied to city and Order in the first place, that didnt' look like a very nice gesture of good will. And Jerk B slaying my hunting companion when it was clear I had just blundered in by accident really put me off too.
Find something better to do Jerks. Isn't there a raid going on you should be in?
*This was actually a pretty nice day until my bike ride. Usually Lusternia brings me up, not down. Thanks guys.*
This time at least the offer was made by Jerk A to unenemy me so I could get the cows and pilgrims again, but as it was Jerk A who enemied to city and Order in the first place, that didnt' look like a very nice gesture of good will. And Jerk B slaying my hunting companion when it was clear I had just blundered in by accident really put me off too.
Find something better to do Jerks. Isn't there a raid going on you should be in?
*This was actually a pretty nice day until my bike ride. Usually Lusternia brings me up, not down. Thanks guys.*
Noola2006-09-19 21:16:39
QUOTE(Reiha @ Sep 19 2006, 03:51 PM) 333387

On another note, I tried out this infamous Acheae for a couple of hours, and maybe this is not a rant, but gods I love every single one of you in Lusternia - even you Ashteru. I can't believe how much I've taken Lusternia for granted. Thank you thank you thank you. You can get scolded for saying "hell" but not for butt licking. A few good RPers there, but for the most part, *shudder*
Butt licking?

I played Achaea a bit not too long ago, maybe a couple of months, and was confused as hell for the most part with the whole class and house thing. Plus, I tried to be a Sylvan and it was psycho trying to find a spot to have a grove... I got bored and left cause other than finding a grove there didn't seem to be anything to do. There didn't seem to be anything going on. I mean, as a community-wide anything going on. I honestly never felt like I was really a part of anything despite being on the class channel, the house channel AND the city channel. The only time anyone seemed to work together to do anything was when there was a forest fire. I dunno, I only gave it a week, and maybe Sylvan wasn't a good choice or something... But I'll take Lusternia over Achaea any day of the week, hands down, no questions asked. I

And the really crazy thing is I'd played that game before YEARS ago... and it was way more fun back then...
Unknown2006-09-19 21:49:58
After playing my first MUD, Imperian, I tried out Achaea. I was a rajamalan bard in Cyrene for a while. And then I met a man...
His name was Dragonknight
And yes I'm heterosexual.
His name was Dragonknight

And yes I'm heterosexual.
Noola2006-09-19 22:01:29
QUOTE(Ytraelux @ Sep 19 2006, 04:49 PM) 333403
And yes I'm heterosexual.

But yeah. Dragonknight. What kind of name is THAT?

Unknown2006-09-19 22:02:30
God I hate Achaea for all but a few small aspects.
God I hate Achaea for all but a few small aspects.
Ashteru2006-09-19 22:07:03
Not Cronnacht
If you put the letters of those names in the right order, you get : "I AM THE DEVIL! 666! OMGSCREWU!"

Not Cronnacht
If you put the letters of those names in the right order, you get : "I AM THE DEVIL! 666! OMGSCREWU!"

Unknown2006-09-19 22:09:21
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Sep 19 2006, 03:07 PM) 333409
If you put the letters of those names in the right order, you get : "I AM THE DEVIL! 666! OMGSCREWU!"

..except I wasn't Cronnacht

Daganev2006-09-19 22:10:15
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Sep 19 2006, 03:07 PM) 333409
If you put the letters of those names in the right order, you get : "I AM THE DEVIL! 666! OMGSCREWU!"

Odd, all I get is
I ar ja dulnoch fron Carncht