Shayle2006-09-28 13:12:19
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Sep 28 2006, 01:14 AM) 336298
And I can't even kill the dragon turtle because that would be a violation of the McTreaty and Shayle would spoonfeed my ass to the wyrdling.
I suppose I should find it reassuring that even while I can't even bring myself to log in my character, let alone RP her, my scary reputation does the work for me.

Go me.
Taraki2006-09-28 22:15:47
You go Girl!
Reiha2006-09-28 22:20:14
Oi, reading the forums about vitate and PK and whatnot too much is starting to turn me off from playing Lusternia anymore
But I'd feel bad for ditching people who have yet to be considered
I try to not take this game seriously, but when I've put in a few credits into it, it's annoying to have to feel like something I should enjoy needs to be monitored for 'player behaviour', like having to babysit my younger brother :/

Arix2006-09-28 22:25:25
being randomly jumped while deciding which shop to buy emeralds from, and then having a 5 minute conversation about why Arix is an evil bastard who kills babies and uses their blood to make alcohol
Diamondais2006-09-28 22:28:46
QUOTE(Reiha @ Sep 28 2006, 06:20 PM) 336502
Oi, reading the forums about vitate and PK and whatnot too much is starting to turn me off from playing Lusternia anymore

QUOTE(Arix @ Sep 28 2006, 06:25 PM) 336507
being randomly jumped while deciding which shop to buy emeralds from, and then having a 5 minute conversation about why Arix is an evil bastard who kills babies and uses their blood to make alcohol
Reiha dont go!
That really sucks Arix, aetherplex?
Arix2006-09-28 22:36:14
of course. Was reading the shop list and got attacked by Talkan
Unknown2006-09-28 22:37:37
QUOTE(Arix @ Sep 29 2006, 12:36 AM) 336520
of course. Was reading the shop list and got attacked by Talkan
Wow, another Celestian to scratch off the decent people list. And to think I used to think at first there's quite a many of them.
Arix2006-09-28 22:43:33
well, it's not as though I get jumped often. Although I think he only did it because I was the only Magnagoran around who wasn't a novice
Unknown2006-09-28 22:59:07
or or or! MAYBE it's because Talkan has morals that he lives by in the game, and PART of those are killing people that have betrayed and commited crimes against his city, guild and order!
Oh dear oh dear, the game of lusternia will probably self implode with someone who has a set roleplay that he likes to stick to that is opposite of (brace yourself) the city that is in direct opposition of his!
And of course Arix likes to exaggerate to make his story sound more noble and his death uncalled for. In no way did Talkan make any suggestion that Arix did anything that he actually didn't
Oh dear oh dear, the game of lusternia will probably self implode with someone who has a set roleplay that he likes to stick to that is opposite of (brace yourself) the city that is in direct opposition of his!
And of course Arix likes to exaggerate to make his story sound more noble and his death uncalled for. In no way did Talkan make any suggestion that Arix did anything that he actually didn't
Anarias2006-09-28 23:09:37
QUOTE(talkans @ Sep 28 2006, 04:59 PM) 336539
or or or! MAYBE it's because Talkan has morals that he lives by in the game, and PART of those are killing people that have betrayed and commited crimes against his city, guild and order!
Curious how you determine who has and has not committed crimes and also what your definition of crime actually is.
Arix2006-09-28 23:10:34
The second thing you accused me of was murder. In my whole time playing Lusternia, I have maybe killed three people outside of an arena. None of them from Celest. And then when I asked for elaboration on the murder thing, you said it was because I supply people who kill angels. In answer to that, I replied that I supply anyone who needs it, regardless of whether they kill angels, demons,fae, kittens, whatever. Then you said that I raid Celestia. Well yeah, if Daevos decides he wants the citizens to join him on a raid, it's generally a wise idea to go with it. I for the most part usually end up wandering from the group and getting killed, but that's because I find combat terribly confusing, and I don't have the inclination to make it less so. to that, you replied that everyone has a choice. That really isn't true in the aforementioned situation. If you don't go on the raid, it usually ends badly for you. I can't remember what you said after that, so I'll stop now
Unknown2006-09-28 23:11:01
QUOTE(Anarias @ Sep 29 2006, 01:09 AM) 336548
Curious how you determine who has and has not committed crimes and also what your definition of crime actually is.
Celestians kill people for bashing Aslarans then bash them themselves. Seen it happen.
Unknown2006-09-28 23:22:10
Talkan determines what their crimes are by checking to see if they are enemied to his city, guild and order. If they are-and doesn't know who they are (which is rare because he, for the most part, only kills people that he knows of) he'll usually ask what they did.
In the case of Arix, he asked why he was enemied to Lady Terentia-the answer was that he raided Celestia. Talkan doesn't care if you didn't want to raid or not, you did-and you killed angels and you probably helped kill the Supernals. Just because your afraid of Daevos doesn't mean he's gonna let you off easy.
Celestians kill people for bashing Aslarans then bash them themselves. Seen it happen.
no you haven't. Quit lying.
Celestians aren't allowed to kill Aslarans. And not all Celestians protect the Aslarans-in fact, Celestians aren't even told to. Only a few people do, usually the people who are Aslaran themselves-in which case it makes perfect sense to defend them
In the case of Arix, he asked why he was enemied to Lady Terentia-the answer was that he raided Celestia. Talkan doesn't care if you didn't want to raid or not, you did-and you killed angels and you probably helped kill the Supernals. Just because your afraid of Daevos doesn't mean he's gonna let you off easy.
QUOTE(Cuber @ Sep 28 2006, 07:11 PM) 336551
Celestians kill people for bashing Aslarans then bash them themselves. Seen it happen.
no you haven't. Quit lying.
Celestians aren't allowed to kill Aslarans. And not all Celestians protect the Aslarans-in fact, Celestians aren't even told to. Only a few people do, usually the people who are Aslaran themselves-in which case it makes perfect sense to defend them
Arix2006-09-28 23:25:36
Arix has never killed angels. Ever
Unknown2006-09-28 23:27:40
QUOTE(talkans @ Sep 29 2006, 07:22 AM) 336556
Talkan determines what their crimes are by checking to see if they are enemied to his city, guild and order. If they are-and doesn't know who they are (which is rare because he, for the most part, only kills people that he knows of) he'll usually ask what they did.
In the case of Arix, he asked why he was enemied to Lady Terentia-the answer was that he raided Celestia. Talkan doesn't care if you didn't want to raid or not, you did-and you killed angels and you probably helped kill the Supernals. Just because your afraid of Daevos doesn't mean he's gonna let you off easy.
no you haven't. Quit lying.
Celestians aren't allowed to kill Aslarans. And not all Celestians protect the Aslarans-in fact, Celestians aren't even told to. Only a few people do, usually the people who are Aslaran themselves-in which case it makes perfect sense to defend them
When I was Turgeis, Talkan, I see few people from Celest hunt Aslarans and Merians as well, though I won't be pointing out fingers cause those few people are the ones I already caused

OOCly wise: If you're a total novice and started out in Celest, it's damn hard to gain gold and EXP yourself as most of the bashing grounds are out for them.
ICly wise: You don't have to feel the 'pain' and 'sorrow' whenever you kill the 'innocent' ones.
Unknown2006-09-28 23:27:58
just because you've never got a killing blow doesn't mean your not equally to blame. But dude! Seriously, get over it. you got killed, you vitaed, you barely lost any experience. It's your own fault that you were enemied to Talkans organizations, you could-if you wanted-rectify that.
Lusternia is, whether you like it or not, set up where everyone has someone who is their opposite. There is no way around conflictions with a setup like this. It's gonna happen!
I didn't understand the last two parts of your post, lightzout. I've always thought it's pretty easy to gain xp and gold-supplicants are incredible for both. and that's only one example.
also, when you were turgeis-the rules for being able to hunt certain things had barely been implemented-it's been a fairly recent development in Celest of restricted hunting grounds. Some people don't know occasionally, but when they're found killing things they aren't supposed to, they're told and never do it again.
Lusternia is, whether you like it or not, set up where everyone has someone who is their opposite. There is no way around conflictions with a setup like this. It's gonna happen!
I didn't understand the last two parts of your post, lightzout. I've always thought it's pretty easy to gain xp and gold-supplicants are incredible for both. and that's only one example.
also, when you were turgeis-the rules for being able to hunt certain things had barely been implemented-it's been a fairly recent development in Celest of restricted hunting grounds. Some people don't know occasionally, but when they're found killing things they aren't supposed to, they're told and never do it again.
Arix2006-09-28 23:35:05
Celest basically told me to get out, and then enemied me. I could pay the ridiculous amount of gold they'd likely charge me, but I'd just get dragged along on another raid and enemied again.
Unknown2006-09-28 23:35:35
QUOTE(talkans @ Sep 29 2006, 07:27 AM) 336561
also, when you were turgeis-the rules for being able to hunt certain things had barely been implemented-it's been a fairly recent development in Celest of restricted hunting grounds. Some people don't know occasionally, but when they're found killing things they aren't supposed to, they're told and never do it again.
It was already a few IG years after the rule was implemented and I see them hunting the 'protected' beings a few times before I go threatening them about telling and stuff, sure I get them to stop hunting but at what cost? People hated me for it and those people are the ones I respected them during my early days.
Either way, it's all gone now.
Anarias2006-09-28 23:36:46
QUOTE(talkans @ Sep 28 2006, 05:22 PM) 336556
Talkan determines what their crimes are by checking to see if they are enemied to his city, guild and order. If they are-and doesn't know who they are (which is rare because he, for the most part, only kills people that he knows of) he'll usually ask what they did.
Enemy status tells you nothing about their crimes. There are lots of people enemied as a precaution for instance. In my case, you jumped me in the Inner Sea and I suspect the only reason you sent me a tell at all was because of Nico since you had been trying to find me for about ten or fifteen minutes previous.
The Inner Sea is easy. You could have tried summoning me without declaring. You'd have then known that I wasn't enemied to the kelpies and that I hadn't committed a crime in the Inner Sea. No grounds for killing there unless Celest thinks its annexed the Inner Sea.
Unknown2006-09-28 23:41:46
QUOTE(Arix @ Sep 28 2006, 07:35 PM) 336564
Celest basically told me to get out, and then enemied me. I could pay the ridiculous amount of gold they'd likely charge me, but I'd just get dragged along on another raid and enemied again.
of COURSE you were kicked out and enemied. You were spying! Any organization would do it. You could always get unenemied, go rogue-since you don't really have a strong reason to stay in Mag anyway-you could sell your liquor to everyone that way, and you wouldn't have to worry about being forced into raids
QUOTE(Anarias @ Sep 28 2006, 07:36 PM) 336566
Enemy status tells you nothing about their crimes. There are lots of people enemied as a precaution for instance. In my case, you jumped me in the Inner Sea and I suspect the only reason you sent me a tell at all was because of Nico since you had been trying to find me for about ten or fifteen minutes previous.
The Inner Sea is easy. You could have tried summoning me without declaring. You'd have then known that I wasn't enemied to the kelpies and that I hadn't committed a crime in the Inner Sea. No grounds for killing there unless Celest thinks its annexed the Inner Sea.
Well, for one-Talkan DID ask why you were enemied. They said it was precautionary, the only reason I sent you a tell was for a reason i don't want to say because people like to take things from here and use them against people IC-so I'm looking out for your character here!. I kept coming after you because you told me you wouldn't leave
And you can summon without declaring-that wouldn't prove anything.
And yes, Celest has annexed the inner sea-always have. Just like Mag has the sea of despair.